The Outcast

By woechesters

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How does one become on the top of Heaven's most wanted list? Well, first you really have to piss them off. It... More

Guardian Angel
Chapter 1-How to Become an Outcast
Chapter 2-I'm an Excellent Stalker
Chapter 3-Sorry, We Have a Problem.
Chapter 5-Cannibalism and Fake Ears
Chapter 6-Got Hand Sanitizer?
Chapter 7-96.7 Angel FM

Chapter 4-Let's Take a Little Trip

107 2 4
By woechesters

Ok guys, really sorry about the grammar and spelling and such but I will go over those later.

I have been spending more time around the Winchesters. Of course Sam still can't hear me, but I talk to Dean.
Sam is out, and Dean is talking to me. They don't have a case at the moment, except maybe research. I think Dean is starting to like my company more and more. He keeps sending Sam out for things, so he can talk to me without looking too crazy. I at the moment am eating Doritos and sitting on the table with my feet on one of the chairs.

"You still haven't told him that I've been creeping on you guys since you were like 5?" I ask. "Why?"
"Well, I told him there were angels, and we are kinda in the angel's most watched list." He replies.
"Yeah, well trust issues aren't a good thing. Ever." I say absently.
"Who said we have trust issues?" He asks indignantly.
"Oh I don't know, maybe, me, the person who's been watching every breath you take." I say, singing the last part.
"May I ask, the person who's been watching 'every breath I take', what is causing our 'trust issues'?" He asks mocking me.
"Dearest big brother Castiel has a little vacation planned for you. Maybe I'll tell you after you get back." I say casually.
"What the Hell could he have planned for me?" Deans asks.
"You'll see." I say grabbing a chip from the bag of Doritos between my legs. I examine it then eat it.
"Oh and where did you send Sammy this time?" I ask.
"To get groceries and some pie." Dean says smiling at the word pie. I laugh,
"I'm growing on you."I tease.
Dean frowns, "what makes you say that?" He asks.
"Oh just the fact you sent your brother out for groceries so you could talk to me without Sam." I say sarcastically. Dean laughs.
"Sam's gonna forget your pie. Past, he forgot your pie." I say after a few moments pause.
"How- oh, you know that still freaks me out." He says eyeing me.
"Really?" I try to telepathically send a message to him. "What about this?" I can tell it works because he spins around to look at me.
"Why are you in my head?" He asks mentally. "Wow! That works! Sweet!" He exclaims.
"It's one of my new powers." I say out loud.

*Update from Zipporiah herself* hello guys. So powers. Lately I've been able to do even more things such as shut people up(it's great as it sounds), move objects with my mind(only once in a while), and telepathically talk to someone. I've explained all these to Cas and Dean. Cas is gettingkinda worried, and I don't really know what they are from, so I try not to use them to much. Also angelic things are getting easier to do also. I still can only do half of them though.

"Nice." Dean replies.
"Hmm Sam should be back right" I say as the door handle turns. "I'll just watch your bromance bloom from this chair." I say. Dean nods.

"Did you get the pie?" Dean asks taking the bag of groceries from Sam.
"Oh sorry, must have forgotten." Sam says looking at Dean.
"Dude, Seriously? The pie?" Dean looks disgusted. I laugh. And Dean tries to ignore me.

~later that night~

I was staying at my apartment in New York when I got a call. From my dear brother Cas. On a cell phone. At 2:16 a.m. *little note. yeah I have a great apartment. It's got huge windows, great view, nice furniture. Because why on earth would I want to stay in a motel when I can buy an apartment. Don't ask where I got the money.*
"Zipporiah, it's time." I hear Cas say.
"Oh great. I'd better get something for this. You know I'm not a waking up person. Angel. Whatever!" I mumble into the phone. I whoosh off and appear by Cas. We are in the Winchester's motel room. My hair is sticking up in random directions and I'm wearing pajama pants and an old T-shirt. "Seriously? Now?" I mutter, more to myself than Cas. I go curl up in one of the chairs. I brought one of my blankets with me so I wrap it around me in a warm cocoon. Soon I feel myself drifting off, when I hear Cas' voice, then Dean's, "Getting your freak on by watching people sleep?"
"He thinks it's fascinating." I mumble into my blanket, pulling it down just enough so I can see what's going on. Dean looks at me. "What the- oh, hi Zip." I squint in response.
"So what are you doing here?" He asks.
"You have to stop it." Cas says.
"Stop what?" He asks. Then Cas puts two fingers to Dean's forehead and Dean disappears.
"Ugh." I mumble as I unravel myself from my blankets. I get up and sluggishly head over to Cas. "Well, bye. See ya in a few." Then I go back to 1973.

Dean was put on a bench, and I appear only a few feet away. "Mornings, huh?" I yawn stretching. Then I morph my clothes into a light coral tank top, and cut offs. I add a jean jacket and my necklace with angel wings on it. I don't know why I like it, I just found it one day and now I'm never without it. Then I twist my hair up into a very messy bun and look down at my feet. Oh great, I'm completely bare foot. Dean looks at me.
"Woah! How did you do that?" He asks a bit amazed. I stare at him.
"Dean? Do I look like I'm in the mood to be asked questions?" Dean looks at my face.
"No you look like someone just drug you out of bed and then murdered your cat." He replies.
I glare at him.
"Yeah, defiantly murdered your cat." He says.
I look back down at my feet. I think about what would go with my outfit. Oh, Just the thing! I look back at my feet and I'm wearing black vans. I pull sunglasses out of my pocket and check for my archangel's blade in an inside pocket. Exactly where it's supposed to be. Then I tuck my handgun into one of my other inside pockets.
Dean still looks like asking questions but I start walking toward a small diner across the street and he is forced to follow.

I let him hold the door and walk in. The people are all dressed in 70s clothes. Dean looks around before sitting by some guy at the bar. I sit next to him. Dean looks at me, "Where are we supposed to be?" He asks quietly. I sigh, then I gesture my head around.
"Ask someone." I say shortly.
He just glares at me, then he turns to the guy he's sitting next to.
"Hey, where the hell we?" He asks.
"Jay Bird's Diner." The guy replies.
"Yeah, thanks, I mean, and state."
The guy looks at him like he is wearing a pineapple hat.
"Lawrence, Kansas." He says finally.
Dean turns to me, "Lawrence." I nod sarcastically. (A/N don't ask me how someone nods sarcastically. Ok I don't know. Try nodding sarcastically.)
"Hey, you ok buddy?" The guy asks.
"Yeah, tough night." Dean replies.
The guy waves to the waiter.
"Hey uh, coffee over here Reg."
"Okay, coming right up." Reg replies.
After Dean understands what the date is and he has his coffee, I got a milkshake for myself, some guy walks in and greets the young guy at the counter and we soon discover that this is young John Winchester. We follow John, all the while Dean asking me questions. I'm a bit more awake now so I answer them with less of an "I will kill your children" look in my eyes. When we lose track of John I grab Dean's arm and teleport him to a car dealership where we can see John talking to the dealer.

Dean and I walk over to John, I nudge Dean when I see the Impala. He walks over to her and leans against the hood watching John. I walk over and sit next to him. John is looking at a beige VW hippie van. He begins to rub one of the headlights when Dean speaks up.
"That's not the one you want."
John frowns. "Are you following me?" He asks.
"No just passing through. Besides I never got to thank you for that cup of coffee. I was a little out of it." Dean says.
"More than a little." John says smiling.
"Let me replay the favor." He pats the hood of the Impala. He goes on to explain all about how John should get this car, blah blah something about carburetors.
Eventually they introduce themselves.
"John Winchester." John says extending his hand. Dean takes it.
"Dean Van Halen," he gestures to me, "This is my cousin, Zoe." I extend my hand.
"Nice to meet you." I smile. Dean questions John about cold spots and stuff before we leave. As we walk away I hiss, "Zoe? Hmm, I actually like that. Just make sure I stay your cousin."

We continue watching John. He goes and picks up, as we soon discover, Mary. They go out on a date, drinking milkshakes and such. Dean stares in the window. Then he whispers under his breath. "Sammy, Mom's a babe. I'm going to hell. Again." I switched my glance from my fingernails to Dean.
"I heard that you know." I say unimpressed. Dean looks at me innocently. He turns back to the window. Mary gets up and walks to the back door. Leading to the ally we happen to be sitting in. We watch as she comes out the door. Well, I'm not to sure Dean was watching. Anyway, she walks up behind Dean, and asks; "Why are you following us?" Dean turns around but she knees him in the gut. And throws him against a metal container, maybe a dumpster. She goes to punch him but I grab her arm and spin her so she's flat against the dumpster, me pinning both her arms up.
"Ok, take it easy woman." I say not letting her down. She glares at me.
"You've been trailing me since my house." She says looking at both of us.
"I don't-" Dean begins, but I cut him off.
"Yeah, ok, and nice bracelet by the way." I say casually directing Dean's attention to Mary's charm bracelet. One of the charms is an anti possession pentagram.
"Your a hunter?" He asks. Mary just looks at him. I let go off her arms, sure she won't attack. We sort out that we we hunters ourselves and and Mary goes back inside to finish her date.

We followed Mary to her house and wait for her to say good bye to John and go inside. After we are at her doorstep she invites us in. Her father, Samuel, gets us through initiation, and we sit down and have a nice heart to heart. We come to terms with each other. Dean and I leave after dinner.

The next morning we go to the Whitshire house to learn more about the death. Last night we learned about a possible case there. This guy was killed by a combine and all his crops were dead anyway. Dean posses as a father from the church and I pose as one of those people who bring you casseroles when someone you love dies. I even found a casserole and brought it. The wife claimed to not have felt any cold spots before he died. Although she did say she smelled sulphur.

Samuel and Mary Campbell show up after we are done questioning Beth, the wife. I go and talk to Charlie, the son, as Dean greets Samuel. Charlie turns out made a deal with a demon.

-later that night-

I swear, I'm going to kill someone if I have to keep doing this. I could kill Azazel and then we would all be able to go home. But no, it had to be a learning experience. Dean just watched his grandfather die, them he watched his dad die, and then he watched his mom make a deal with his life long enemy. He's pretty shaken up right now. I guess it's time to zap us forward in time again.
I turn to Dean. At the moment we are driving. I put two fingers on his forehead and think the hotel room we were in yesterday. We reappear.
"You probably want that explained." I say. Sitting on the bed. Dean frowns.
"Actually, you know what I think I got it. We can't change anything because that's our destiny. That's destiny. Got that. Just one question. Where were you?" I frown. I was banished away. There is a symbol you can paint in blood to get rid of angels. There was one in the hallway. I didn't see it until too late when Samuel's blood had already touched it."
We sit in silence for a second, then I say something I know won't make him feel any better.
"You know that thing I mentioned earlier, about trust issues? Well come with me." I think Dean is to upset to notice the barely slept in bed across from him.

When we get to 425 Waterman, I lead Dean toward the only source of light in the building. We see Sam and a chick with black hair, Ruby, talking to a guy who appears to be a demon, seeing he is a stuck in a devil's trap, and his eyes just flicked black. We watch them talk. I use a physic connection to send Dean everything I can hear is going on by tapping into my "Sam" link. We listen as the demon says; "Tell me about those months without your brother. About all the things you and this demon bitch do in the dark." Ruby looks over at Sam.
"Huh. Tell me hero." The demon demands. Sam looses control. He reaches out his arm as if he is going to grab something. Then it looks as if he is pulling the demon out with his mind. The black smoke burns through the floor once he pulls it out. We can see Sam taking deep breaths to calm himself, then he looks at Ruby. She smiles a bit and he smiles back. I glance a Dean. He looks appalled. "You have to stop it. Or the angels will, permanently, forever."

They help the guy who was possessed up and walk him toward the door. Dean opens it before they get there though. I follow him, staying just behind him. Dean looks really pissed. But I can't blame him.
"So.......anything you wanna tell me Sam?" He asks pointedly. Sam looks at him innocently, Ruby standing just behind him.
"Dean hold on okay?Just let me-"
"You gonna say 'let me explain?' You gonna explain this? How about this? Why don't you start off with who she is and what the hell she is doing here." Dean interrupts. Sam looks at Ruby. She looks calm, and smiles. I lean forward.
"Ruby." I whisper into his ear. He scowls, "Is that Ruby?" He asks Sam, Sam doesn't reply. Dean looks back at Ruby who's smile is fading. After a moment he lungs forward and shoves her against a wall, pulling out the demon knife he is about to strike when Sam grabs his hand, "Don't!" He exclaims. They struggle for the knife, Sam getting the knife from Dean, just as Dean slams Sam against the wall. Then Ruby jumps into the fray, pulling Dean off of Sam and slamming him against the, now highly used for slamming people against, wall. I lunge after her, pulling her off Dean. Neither of them had noticed me until now. Ruby looks a bit scared, seeing as I'm the second one who threw her against a wall in the last five minutes. Sam looks at Dean, "and who have you brought with you?" He asks. Dean shrugs, "Who ever she is, she's a lot better than the company your keeping these days. Really Sam? Ruby?" Sam looks at Dean, "Dean, I'm saving people, getting rid of demons." Dean interrupts him, "Use the knife."
"The knife kills the person to. I can send the demon back to hell and most of the time the people live."
"What else can you do?" Dean asks.
"Just exorcise demons. Only demons." Sam replies
"Well aren't demons the only exorcisable thing around?" I mutter under my breath. Ruby glares at me.
"Sam you don't know what the price is."
"Dean, I'm saving people, and that feels good. I've saved more people on five months than we've saved in a year."
"Yeah, if it's so good then why did an angel tell me to stop you?" Dean demands. Sam looks confused.
"What, who?"
"My friend, she's an angel. And according to her heaven wants you to stop, or they are going to stop you themselves." Dean exclaims. At the mention that an angel is pinning her against a wall Ruby the demon looks mildly concerned. I sigh, "If we had time for formalities, we would all introduce ourselves properly, but as you can see we are all a little hung at the moment. So after I get you two back to your hotel, get her as far away from us as possible, maybe put her in a devil's trap, heal this guy," I gesture to the no longer possessed guy on the ground. "Then maybe we can all be friends and learn all about each other." I knock Ruby out, then I kneel by the guy on the floor, heal him, erase his memory to before he was possessed and bring him back to his house. Then I put two fingers on both Sam and Dean's foreheads, sending them back to their hotel. Them I find a place as far from us, and civilization, in a desert, and make a concrete slab and draw a devil's trap on it. Kicking the demon into it, I wipe my hands together getting off all the imaginary dust. "Later bitch." I say, whooshing off to the Winchesters, I sit cross legged in an arm chair. They both look at me, Dean with mixed emotions, Sam with surprise and confusion.
"So has Dean told you all about my awesomeness yet?" I ask grabbing my Doritos from earlier. Dean groans, "No, we haven't had time, seeing as about three major problems have suddenly just appeared."
"Hey! I may be a bit annoying sometimes but I'm sure as hell not three problems." I say indignantly. Dean just sighs, clearly he is very done with everyone's shit. Ahh, well another long explanation ahead. Many long explanations.

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