Blazing Crystal

By FaithHarris8

361K 9.3K 5.6K

(Revised Version in separate story. Check my profile under my other works to find it) "Me, you idiot! I love... More

Frozen in Ice
Meeting Fire
Stubborn Water
Boiling Tea
Heated Battle
Moonlight Song
Fire Lily
Cooling The Flame
Hot Springs
Streaming Heart
Flowing Friendship
Raging Storm
Budding Passion
Two Worlds Apart
Heal Me
Dark Water
No Turning Back
A New Journey
Flowing River
Fighting the Current
The Wilderness
Song of the South
Forbidden Romance
Barren Wasteland
Fates Harsh Truth
Hard Topics
The Gang
The Southern Water Tribe Warriors
An Endless Journey
A Hopeful Journey
Taking Down the Beast
The Search
The Right Path
Tides of Change
The Rescue
A Taste of Victory
Family Conflictions
Bad Luck Charm
The Leopard-Seals Prey
Water and Fire
Her Prince Charming Part 1
Her Prince Charming Part 2
Not His Father
Team Avatar
My Reflection
Rotten Fruit
Burning Flame
Sea Ravens Part 1
Sea Ravens Part 2
Blood Moon
Dark Craters Part 1
Dark Craters: Part 2
Into the Pit
Endless Night Part 1
Endless Night: Part 2
A New Day
The Mend
Scars Run Deep
Courage or insanity
Flight or Fight
The Sage
Merciless Melon
The Reunion
Fire Lord Zuko
Fire Lady Crystal
Epilogue: Happily Ever After
A/N: Thank you! And New ATLA Story

Black Flakes

4.6K 148 24
By FaithHarris8

Sitting by the fire, I looked at the dancing flames gripping my wooden cup tight in my hands. Where the cup came from, I decided better than to ask Zuko or Iroh. The day had passed by with us journeying more through the Earth Kingdom. I wasn't exactly sure what our destination was, but since I had nowhere else to go I decided to blindly follow. We journeyed for about eight hours, and then decided to make camp again. I'd promised Zuko I'd tell him everything after dinner. He was impatient to know my story, but I asked him to wait a little bit longer.

Since I had promised Zuko I'd tell him about my scars, I'd been pretty absentminded through the course of the day. After Zuko and I had gotten some sleep the night before, he asked me that next morning if I was going to share my story. That was when I told him he'd know everything after dinner. I didn't want to tell my story and then be forced to dwell over everything as we walked through the Earth Kingdom. I preferred to tell my story at night, so when I was done I could go to sleep and sink away from my pain and sorrow.

Iroh wasn't at all oblivious to my silent mood during our journey. He questioned me on my absentmindedness, and I simply told him the truth. When he said he too desired to know the story behind my scar, I felt ready to tell him too. I don't know why, but I felt at ease with the thought that Iroh would know the horrors of my past as well.

Of course, I also felt guilty. Would telling Zuko and Iroh before my family be betrayal?

When we did finally make camp for the night, Zuko mentioned something about going to get food and disappeared for an hour. When he returned, he came back with a bag full of random goodies. I knew he stole them, but I decided I didn't feel like having the same conversation I had with him the night before. The Ostrich-horse that slept behind me was still stolen property I tried not to mention.

Speaking of the ostrich-horse, I'd decided to at least name the creature, and so I called him Zan. Iroh loved the name, and Zuko didn't comment.

Zan took a liking to me almost instantly, and I think it was because in the morning I snuck him some moonpeach from the pile I had gathered before Zuko and Iroh awoke. Ever since then Zan followed me around, nuzzled me with his beak, and sat beside me whenever we needed to rest. Zuko noticed and asked if I was an animal whisperer. I joked that he was just jealous I had a new boyfriend. Iroh laughed at my comment. Zuko rolled his eyes and told me he wasn't willing to share.

However, the mood was no longer light-hearted after dinner. Zan curled around me as he slept, and I enjoyed the warmth as his feathers brushed against me. Zuko and Iroh sat across the fire, both of them holding their own cups of tea in their hands. We were drinking Chamomile Tea, which was made in a pot that Zuko had brought us. I once again didn't comment on the stolen goods.

As the fire continued to rage before my eyes, I glanced over at Zuko and Iroh who were waiting for me to speak. They were silent, knowing I would begin when I was ready. With a deep breath, I looked back at the fire as the memories seeped back in.

"Before I begin, you two should know that I've never told this story to anyone... I always thought about telling my family the events that occurred, but I didn't want to afflict them with such horrors. The pain and despair I experienced was something I always felt I needed to bear alone." I shut my eyes hard as tears threatened to fall. "The thought of my family hearing about the things I went through made me uneasy. My dad was already hurting enough... The last thing I needed was him suffering more..."

I looked back at my two companions who waited patiently for me to begin. Zuko gripped his cup tight as he was eager to hear my scars origins. Placing my cup down, I pulled my knees to my chest for comfort as I prepared to let it all out. My skin tingled where the scar painted my skin as I recounted everything that occurred leading up to my permanent mark.

"My story begins on a cold spring day... My brother and I were nine and my sister was eight. We were too young to know the horrors of war, but we heard stories from the elders of our tribe. The last time the Fire Nation came to our tribe was twenty years before we were born. They would usually come to imprison waterbenders, but overtime they took every waterbender we had and so the raids stopped. We were left alone for twenty years, allowed to live in peace and forget the bloodshed around us. However, that changed when word spread around about my sister...

"We all are pretty sure we know the man who told the Fire Nation about Katara... His name was Kota, and he had tried to get a group of followers to promote him as chief. He didn't like my father's methods in keeping our warriors centered at home. He wanted to be out destroying the enemy, and he felt the South Pole were cowards for not setting out to fight Fire Nation fleets. However, his three followers were no match for my father's supporters, and so Kota bitterly left the South Pole to go fight the Fire Nation on his own. He's the only man who left the South Pole in the time my sister discovered her abilities, so we're all pretty certain he told the Fire Nation about her out of spite."

Taking in a deep breath, I looked away from the fire and down at the dirt in deep thought.

"When the Fire Nation arrived on our shores six years ago, none of us were prepared for the violence that would occur. From the battle, we would lose ten of our strongest warriors... We would also lose my mom..."

The only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the fire. Shutting my eyes again, I told Zuko and Iroh the very thing I hadn't told another soul.

"Katara, Sokka, and I had been playing in the snow when the black flakes began to fall... I remember it as if it were yesterday..."

Sitting up in the snow, I pouted at my laughing brother. "Sokka!"

He giggled and held his hand out to me. Katara decided to join my side and picked up snow to pelt it at Sokka. She was shorter than Sokka and I, but stronger because of her waterbending. She was ready to toss snow at our brother who continued to giggle. She exclaimed, "I'm gonna get you, Sokka!"

Previously my brother had been chasing me through the snow, and he managed to catch up to me and shove me down. As he did so, my little sister Katara helped me out of cold mush, only for me to fall back in it. Sokka couldn't help but burst out into laughter, which was why I shouted at him.

"You two will never get me!" Sokka said, but still offered his hand to me. I took it and he helped me out of the snow. "You know I'm invincible!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right, Sokka." I bent down quickly and grabbed some snow tossing it at him. He covered his face with his hands, and snow decorated his gloves. In the process, Katara took her advantage and threw snow at the side of his head. He didn't have time to block that one. I beamed and exclaimed, "You're an easy target."

Katara giggled, and Sokka lowered his hands with his own pout. "Only when you two gang up on me!"

Just as Sokka was about to pick up more snow to fling at us, we stopped as black flakes drifted past our line of sight. Looking up at the sky, we were horrified to see dark clouds had begun to drift over us. We weren't sure what the black flakes meant, but when we heard the screams from the rest of the villagers we knew it couldn't be good. Men began to run past us, each one brandishing spears and other forms of weaponry. As they raced towards the ocean outside the tribe, the three of us looked at one another with horror.

"I'm going to join the fight," Sokka bravely said, racing away from us.

Katara looked terrified, knowing danger was headed our way. "I'm going to find Gran Gran... You go make sure mom's okay." She turned and raced off towards where the elders had been gathered earlier in the day. As she went her way, I ran towards our hut to go make sure mom was okay.

My heart pounded in my chest as I heard the shouts grow louder. My speed accelerated as I began to fear the worst would happen to all of us. When I got to the hut, I wasn't surprised to find my mother standing at the doorway with horror. She was a woman of beauty, with wavy dark brown hair that was tied back. She wore her warm blue coat, which her mother had made for her a few months before. Her blue eyes followed my movements with concern.

"Crystal! Where are your brother and sister?"

I raced over to my mom, and stopped in front of her trying to catch my breath. When I could finally speak, I answered, "Katara went to find grandma, and Sokka ran off to fight with the warriors."

My mother was horrified when she heard that my brother was going into battle. She however grabbed my arm and pulled me quickly into the hut. Pulling me to the other side of our small dome home, she told me to sit and stay silent. My body shook in fear as I imagined what could be occurring back at the other end of the village.

"Is it the Fire Nation, mommy?"

My mother knelt in front of me with a small nod, her eyes concerned and fearful herself. She tried to stay strong for me. "I won't let them hurt you, sweetie... I promise."

"Mommy... I'm scared... What if they hurt daddy and the other warriors?"

Her blue eyes turned misty as tears began to form, but she tried not to shed them. Instead, she sat beside me and pulled me into her warm maternal hold. "He'll be fine... Your father and the other warriors are strong... I pray one of the elders has stopped your brother by now. Sokka's too young to fight." She shut her eyes and pressed her face into my hair trying to ease her worries. "I'm sure Sokka and Katara are both fine..."

The shouts and screams seemed to go on forever. I wasn't sure how long I sat in my mother's arms, but I felt comfort knowing I wasn't alone as the war raged on outside our hut. Tears were falling down my cheeks, and my mother continued to try and reassure me that all would be alright.

Just as we thought maybe the shouts would end, the sound of armor clinking and shouts were heard approaching our home. My mother gasped and stood quickly, stepping in front of me as three men in red and black armor entered our home. Two of the men stayed by the door to block the entrance, while their leader stepped towards us with bloodthirst in his ember eyes. He sneered at my mother, his fists tightening as he attempted to appear intimidating and superior.

"Are you Chief Hakoda's wife?"

My body shook at the cold voice that echoed through our large igloo home. My mom tried to stay strong, but I could hear the fear in her voice when she spoke. "I am. What do you want?!"

He smirked, and I whimpered when he stepped forward breaking some distance between us. "I heard from some reliable sources that there's a waterbender among you all. When I questioned this said source, he told me the waterbender was among the family of the Southern Water Tribe Chief Hakoda."

My eyes widened in horror. Katara... He was talking about Katara...

"My source also informed me the waterbender was a female." He stepped closer, and my mother backed up not wanting him to have the chance to harm me.

"I don't know where your getting this information, but it isn't true. There are no waterbenders in this village."

He growled. "Don't play with me woman!" He reached forward and grabbed my mother by the hair. She gasped in pain, but tried to stay strong. As this happened, I stood with horror. "I have no time for lies! Where is the waterbender?!" His shout caused spit to fly at my mom, and she cringed in disgust.

"Mommy!" I broke out into cries. "Stop!"

The man noticed me for the first time, and his eyes stared into my soul. He grinned as a devious plan came to his mind. Jerking my mom to the side, he released her hair causing her to fall to her knees. She cried out from the impact. As this occurred the tyrant lunged toward me and grabbed my coat sleeve jerking me to him. I shrieked in fear, and quickly tried to jerk from his hand. He held strong, and I quickly came up with a plan. As he held my coat sleeve, I quickly slid out from under it and freed myself leaving my warm cover behind. As the man held onto my empty coat, I stumbled away from him with horror. My foot stumbled over a fur pelt, and I dropped to the floor of our home with wide eyes.

"Crystal! Run!"

I was frozen in fear. I didn't want to leave my mom.

He was furious at my escape from him, and I watched with horror as my coat caught fire in his hand. "You damn brat! I'll kill you!"

He stepped forward, dropping my burning coat to the floor. I quickly scrambled to find my feet, but I didn't have to dodge him. My mother was in front of me again, and she looked outraged. She extended her arms to create a barrier between me and the man. "Don't touch my daughter!"

He growled and snapped, "Tell me what I want to know, and she won't be harmed! Tell me! Who is it? Who's the waterbender?"

My mother defended my sister from the cruel man. "There are no waterbenders here. The Fire Nation took them all away a long time ago!"

The man growled. "You will tell me!"

"There's nothing to tell!"

"You're lying. My source says there's one waterbender left in The Southern Water Tribe." He grabbed my mother's coat collar and spat at her, "We're not leaving until we find the waterbender."

My mother stood with indignation, her hands tight in fists. He took my mother's defiance with impatience, and suddenly his hand jerked her to the side again, only this time she was restrained by one of the other two soldiers. As she gasped and struggled in the man's hold, the leader grabbed me again. This time he had his hand around my waist and lifted me from the floor as if I were a sack carried at his side. I struggled and shrieked trying to force him to release me.

"Let her go!" My mother struggled harder in her captor's hold. "Please! She's just a child!"

"Tell me who the waterbender is!" He lifted me further from the ground and I felt sick. "Or else your daughter will pay for your insolence."

My mother cried, "I already told you! Please let her go!"

He growled. "Wrong answer!"

The next thing I knew, the worst searing pain imaginable was burning into my skin right on my abdomen. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as my body burst into agonizing pain. A blood curdling scream escaped me as the man burned through my shirt into my skin with his fire. I screamed and thrashed wildly to escape the smoldering that was tearing through my flesh.


The man dropped me suddenly to the ground, and I sobbed as I rolled on my side and felt my abdomen pulse in pain. The handprint burn felt as if fire were still dancing on my body. The man jerked me back up from the ground, and I stumbled blinded by the pain. My nine-year-old body was growing faint from the trauma inflicted on it, but I tried to stay alert.

"I'm listening," he said with impatience. My eyes looked over at my mom with terror, afraid for my sister's life.

My mom hung her head, saying softly, "If I tell you, do you promise to leave the rest of the village alone?"

The man seemed to think over it for a moment, and then he made a noise in agreement.

My mom looked over at my pain filled eyes with tears. She then looked back at the monster with defeat. "It's me... Take me as your prisoner."

My eyes widened in horror. What was mom doing? Why was she lying?

Of course I quickly knew why: Katara... She was protecting Katara...

My body was released and I fell weakly to the ground. He stepped over me and approached my mother. "I'm afraid I'm not taking prisoners today."

As his words sunk into my ears, and when his comrade forced my mother down on her knees realization hit me. I'd always heard about murder, and I knew about death. However, the thought of this man killing my mom made a new surge of determination fill inside me. With what strength I could find, I stood and rushed between the monster and my mom.

He scowled at my intrusion on his attempt to take my mother's life. "Step aside girl!"

My mother's weak and terrified voice said from behind me, "Crystal... Do as he says."

Ignoring the pain on my abdomen, I stood in defiance and shouted, "No!"

He growled. "Then suffer!"He lit a flame in his hand ready to attack me, but my mother stood quickly and pulled me back.

"Stop!" My mother held me close to her, and she forced me to press my face into her coat. "You can kill me... Just spare my daughter... I beg of you..."

I gasped. Hot tears clouded my vision. "Mommy! No! Mommy!"

She kissed me on the forehead suddenly, saying softly, "I love you, Crystal... Please stay strong for me..."

The same guard who had once restrained my mom, stepped forward and grabbed me into a firm restraining hold. I cried out as I was jerked away from my mother. She let out a sob as she fell to her knees in front of her executioner.

The killer stepped forward with nothing but malice in his expression. "The last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe... So pathetic." He lunged his boot forward and it slammed into my mother's face knocking her back.

"Mom!" I struggled in the man's hold wanting to help my mother. She lied on her back, and I saw blood trickle from her lip. She weakly sat up, her hand pressing to the place that bled. "No! Mommy!"

Her eyes looked over at my restrainer, and she said softly, "Please don't let her see this... I don't want her to watch..."

As if the man had some pity, he forced me to turn so my face was pressed against his armor. As he held me firm to his rigid body, I heard another smack and a cry from my mother. "Mommy!" I shut my eyes tight as her screams pierced through my ears. Heat was felt behind me, followed by another scream from my mother. The man had shot fire at her and burned her. She breathed heavily, and I struggled more to try and go to her aid. The soldier holding me made sure I couldn't move. His breathing had stopped as he witnessed whatever was occurring.

"I hate to end this so soon, but we're due back to the Fire Nation tomorrow and can't be delayed." The sound of a knife being pulled out of a sheath was heard, and I gasped knowing what was about to happen.

My mom struggled to speak. "Please... don't... do... this..."

He chuckled. "It's already done."

A cry of pain rang through our igloo home, and then dead silence followed. My eyes widened as I heard the sound of a body drop to the floor. My breathing stopped as I heard the man sheath his knife back.

"Pathetic... I at least expected the last waterbender to fight back." The killer sighed. "Ah well... Our mission is complete. Grab the body. We'll take it as proof."

My restrainer finally released me, and I gasped when I turned and saw my lifeless mother on the floor. Her hair was sprawled around her, her eyes closed, her mouth dropped open, and her coat was drenched in blood. The same guard who had restrained me went to grab her body, but I quickly stepped in his path.

"Step aside," the killer ordered. He hadn't moved from his spot.

Shaking my head, I turned and dropped on my knees grasping to my mother's body for dear life. "No!"

He growled. "Then I'll kill you girl!"

Shaking my head, I pressed my face into my mother's coat and my tears mixed with her blood. She was as frozen as ice. Her heart made no sound as it was still in her chest. Her spirit had departed from her. She was gone...

A hand grabbed me and jerked me away from my mother. The killer dragged me away from her body and shoved me onto the floor. I turned to look up at him with tear stained cheeks. "You killed her! You killed her!"

He curled his lip and tightened his fists. "I did. Waterbenders are pathetic. They deserve nothing more than death."

I stood then, my body pulsing with fury. "You killed her!"

He stared into my eyes in shock, surprised by my sudden fury. Then he scowled and looked at his comrade who stood behind me. "I just realized... If that wench was a waterbender, this runt is probably one as well." He suddenly held a flame in his hand. "It's better to take care of this matter now. I'd rather not come back here again." He looked back down at me with the most heartless eyes I'd ever seen. "You want mommy... I'll send you right behind her!"

All I remember after that is a bright red light flashing in my vision. Then pain. Finally, nothing...

"When I came to, all I remember is pain... The man burned me in the face, and I fell unconscious on my mother's body. My father found me, and when he realized I was alive he picked me up and carried me to some friends. They told me I was in and out for the course of three weeks. They only managed to keep me conscious long enough to keep me from starving. When I finally was fully alert again, I found the village was in ruins and my mother was gone forever..."

My voice trailed off at the end of my tale, and I heard silence hang in the air. Iroh had his eyes shut as he visualized the horror I had gone through. Zuko stared at me, his eyes wide with terror. Looking down, I wiped my eyes which had tears pouring out of them. That moment felt like a thousand chains were lifted from me though. I'd finally told someone about that day. I never imagined the two people I told would be firebenders.

"Now you know..." The campsite fell into a heavy silence. My body shook as scenes replayed in my head over and over again. My chest tightened as I struggled to breathe. "I... I'm going to go get more firewood," I said softly. Standing, I turned from the two speechless companions. My whole frame shook as I headed off into the forest. As I broke through the trees, a sob escaped me as I remembered my mother's screams.

I'd done it though... I'd told that horrible day to someone at last...

Zuko POV

My eyes watched the flames dance before me, my body too stunned to move after Crystal as she headed off into the forest. My chest was tight as I recalled the story she had just told to Iroh and myself. Guilt churned inside me as I regretted asking her to tell me about her scar. The whole time she told her story, I could see the pain as she relived each moment she spoke.

Finally, I found the words to speak. "I... I thought the waterbenders were all captured? Why would that monster kill-" My voice caught in my throat. Shutting my eyes, I pictured a younger Crystal lying on her dead mother. Were the Fire Nation soldiers truly that heartless? I'd always heard about raids on the Southern Water Tribe, but I never imagined they could kill so brutally.

My uncle let out a heavy sigh beside me. "I was aware of the order made to go to the Southern Water Tribe and see to apprehending the rumored waterbender. However, I heard nothing about termination... If your father issued that order, he did it out of ears of the council. Whoever was assigned to that mission must've been given secret orders to eliminate the waterbender instead of capture her."

My stomach twisted at the thought of my father issuing such an evil order. "Her mother sacrificed herself..." My heart pounded sharply in my chest. "I can see where she gets her personality from..."

Uncle looked down at the ground in disturbance. "Such a weak tribe... I can't imagine attacking something so vulnerable." He ran a hand over his eyes to wipe the moisture. "I always wanted to believe the Fire Nation was doing the right thing. However, the more I learn and see about the damage our people have inflicted, the more I grow disgusted with my part in the war."

Grimacing, I stood and turned from Uncle with my fists tight to both sides. My father had ordered the Fire Nation to kill the waterbender? How many other people had he ordered to die in the past? How many people was he sentencing to death at present?

Something my mother spoke to me a long time ago returned to my mind:

"Remember son... All people, no matter what nation, are human's like the rest of us. We must strive in the future to help others and not destroy them. Your father believes the only way to control the world is to inflict fear. He believes killing his enemies is the only way to victory. I hope when you become Fire Lord in the future though, you will rule the world with compassion and mercy. Don't ever let your father change who you are Zuko... Keep that pure understanding heart, and you'll be a great ruler one day."

Running a hand through my messy hair, I shut my eyes wishing the story Crystal had told me wasn't true. However, the agony that washed over her as she relayed the day in full detail did away with all my doubts. My father was a brutal and merciless monster... He didn't care who died as long as he achieved world domination.

My voice came out shattered when I spoke again. "I can't believe this... I never imagined someone could be so cruel." An image of the killer Crystal had just mentioned came to my mind. "He killed a defenseless woman... And then he burned a helpless child. What has happened to our people?"

Iroh let out a deep breath. "War can corrupt the mind of even the most honorable man, Prince Zuko. After a while, orders become parts of daily life. Killing is no longer immoral but second nature. The soldiers under your father are taught to forget their sympathies towards those of other nations. If they show even the slightest remorse or hesitation, they are labeled as weak and dishonorable. Men kill because they are trained to."

I placed my hands over my face, my teeth grit as my heart ached. We stood in silence a bit longer as we were both lost in our own thoughts.

"He stabbed her with a knife... I'll never forget the sound of steel puncturing through flesh..."

Crystal saw her own mother die before her eyes. No wonder she didn't like telling others about her scars. I was so desperate to know the story, but as soon as Crystal had started I realized me pushing it out of her had been a mistake. I'd never seen her in so much torment, but as she relived the memory her suffering was hard to watch.

"I'm going to find her... Make sure she's okay," I said softly. "She's been gone for a while."

"Yes... Do that. It's best she doesn't wander off too far. I'm not familiar with these parts," Uncle said with a tint of worry in his tone. "I don't want her getting lost."

Leaving the campsite, I made my way into the forest towards the direction Crystal had gone. It was dark, but the light of the moon lit my path enough. I didn't have to walk far though. As I pushed through some brush, there she was. She was perched on a fallen log, both hands covering her face. Her shoulders shook as she cried over the memories shooting through her.

As she let her tears fall, I sat beside her without a word so she could continue to let out her pain. I remembered crying in a similar way when my mom disappeared. I had no clue if she was alive or dead. One night she was there, and the next morning she was gone forever. I suppose in a way it comforted me to not know what became of my mother. I could imagine she was free from my father's control, living away from the Fire Nation in a land where she could be happy.

Crystal couldn't do that though... Her mother was killed by the Fire Nation...

My people truly were savages.

"I'm sorry," I admitted after a few minutes of letting her cry. "I shouldn't have pushed you so hard to tell me about your scars... If I had known how horribl-"

"No..." She interrupted me. She had calmed and wiped her eyes. With a heavy sigh, she looked over and spoke with a soft tone. "You were right to want to know." She hung her head and her long brown hair fell over her. "I just don't understand why it's so easy to tell you and Iroh, when I've never had the strength to tell my family. If they found out I told you about that horrible day, they would be hurt..."

"Why haven't you told them?" I tried to understand. After meeting the two water tribe kids so many times, I was certain they would be understanding of her story. "They seem to care a lot about you."

She grimaced. "I guess I've always been concerned they'll blame me. I was there, and I should've done something to stop the monster... My father had always told me to protect my family, and I let everyone down."

I let out a heavy sigh. I hated hearing her blame herself over something she had no control towards. "You did what you could... You were just a kid..."

She suddenly turned in her seat and threw her arms around my upper waist. Her sudden frame against my body took me off guard, but her trembling figure eased my surprise. Knowing she needed the embrace, I placed an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into me. She hugged me tighter as if letting me go would make us both disappear. Taking my other hand, I finished the embrace by pulling her completely into my arms. She sunk into me, and I pressed my face into her hair. Her strands were soft against my skin.

"I think she would've liked you," she suddenly said softly against my chest. "You're not like the other Fire Nation guys out there. You have such a warm personality."

I let out a heavy breath. "Your brother and sister think differently... They think I'm a monster."

"That's because you haven't shown them the real you," she stated.

"I'm the Prince of the Fire Nation... Son to Fire Lord Ozai, and great-grandson to the man who started this war. That's all..."

She shook her head. "No... You're just Zuko... You're a young brave man with undying determination. That's why I love you..."

I was surprised by her words. Blood rushed to my face as I was flustered.

"I don't care if the rest of my family doesn't approve..." Her voice started to fade as exhaustion began to carry her away. "I feel like I can be myself when I'm with you."

A small smile came to me as I shut my eyes. Nodding against her, I agreed, "Me too."

A/N: Forgot to mention, I will be doing the episode Southern Raiders in the future. I'm just going to change Book 3 around a little bit when I get there. Hopefully in a good way though. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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