Blazing Crystal

By FaithHarris8

361K 9.3K 5.6K

(Revised Version in separate story. Check my profile under my other works to find it) "Me, you idiot! I love... More

Frozen in Ice
Meeting Fire
Stubborn Water
Boiling Tea
Heated Battle
Moonlight Song
Fire Lily
Hot Springs
Streaming Heart
Flowing Friendship
Raging Storm
Budding Passion
Two Worlds Apart
Heal Me
Dark Water
No Turning Back
A New Journey
Flowing River
Fighting the Current
The Wilderness
Black Flakes
Song of the South
Forbidden Romance
Barren Wasteland
Fates Harsh Truth
Hard Topics
The Gang
The Southern Water Tribe Warriors
An Endless Journey
A Hopeful Journey
Taking Down the Beast
The Search
The Right Path
Tides of Change
The Rescue
A Taste of Victory
Family Conflictions
Bad Luck Charm
The Leopard-Seals Prey
Water and Fire
Her Prince Charming Part 1
Her Prince Charming Part 2
Not His Father
Team Avatar
My Reflection
Rotten Fruit
Burning Flame
Sea Ravens Part 1
Sea Ravens Part 2
Blood Moon
Dark Craters Part 1
Dark Craters: Part 2
Into the Pit
Endless Night Part 1
Endless Night: Part 2
A New Day
The Mend
Scars Run Deep
Courage or insanity
Flight or Fight
The Sage
Merciless Melon
The Reunion
Fire Lord Zuko
Fire Lady Crystal
Epilogue: Happily Ever After
A/N: Thank you! And New ATLA Story

Cooling The Flame

7.3K 199 80
By FaithHarris8

Here's the next chapter! =)

The ship swayed as I tried to move my body against the wall to get comfortable. It had been twenty-four hours since I attacked Zuko, and so far I had been alone. I was dying of thirst, and my stomach was empty. My ankles and wrists were numb and caked in dry blood. My body ached, my head hurt, and my heart was in agony. The whole time I sat in my cell, in the dark, all I could think about was Aang and my family.

Aang... Katara... Sokka...

The ship had stopped only a few minutes ago. I knew this because when the ship stopped the halt sent me falling on my side. My arms were behind my back, so I hadn't been able to catch myself. Thankfully there was a moldy cot I managed to fall on. It was a struggle to sit back up though, but I managed.

Shutting my eyes, I tried to picture good thoughts. Zuko would lead his men through Kyoshi Island, but Aang and my family would easily escape him. I prayed that the empty cells around me would stay just the same: empty.

Eventually, after a long silence passed, there was a sudden quake in the boat that sent me falling again. I gasped as this time my body fell on the steel instead of the cot. Something must've hit the ship, and it was something from below. Pressing my ear to the steel, I heard the mutest noise. It was like a very dim growl, and it echoed through the floor. There was some type of creature in the water, and I knew it was probably big. I shut my eyes not wanting to die being eaten by whatever swam below the ship.

It seemed another thirty minutes passed. I hadn't moved from my spot, kind of enjoying to cold steel on my cheek. My arm was uncomfortable, but I was tired of moving when all I'd do was fall down.

The door to the cell hall opened suddenly, and heavy steps stomped in. I somehow maneuvered into a seating position again not wanting to look weak. Just as I sat up, Prince Zuko came into my vision. He held a torch which he placed on the wall. Originally, I'd been in the dark. This sudden light source made me cringe.

"I hope you're happy," he spoke, his voice strained as he tried not to yell. "The Avatar and his friends escaped me. That stupid boy's pet is too fast!"

My throat was hoarse, but I was able to speak. "Yeah... I am happy. I'm actually elated! If Aang's pet was here right now I'd give the big guy a kiss of gratitude."

He growled. He turned and walked over to my bars crossing his arms. "I can see you still need to learn your lesson." His eyes looked over my state, and then an idea struck him. He sneered. "How's about this... You tell me where the Avatar is headed, and I'll take off your restraints to make your stay in this cell more comfortable."

"I'm perfectly comfortable," I lied.

Zuko looked at my position with knowing. "I doubt that." He leaned forward. "Don't make things worse for yourself. If you behave, I'll think about letting you out in the next few hours. Where is the Avatar headed?"

I kept strong. "Definitely not toward you."

He gritted his teeth to keep from yelling at me. Quickly he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're only making this worse for yourself. Tell me what I want to know, and your punishment won't continue for much longer."

"You honestly think I'm going to give up the Avatar's destination for my comfort... You have a lot to learn about me."

"So you won't say anything?"

I smirked. "Do what you want to me. As far as I'm concerned, protecting Aang is more important than my own self."

Zuko grabbed the bars hard. "You will answer me! Where is he headed?!"

"Which way did he fly? Maybe that can give you an idea."

He gave up. "Fine! Keep quiet all you want! I was going to offer you some dinner tonight, but I think you lost that privilege! I'll be back in the morning. That should give you some time to make a wise decision."

He turned sharply on his heel. As he started to head toward the cell door, I shouted, "Yeah! That's a great idea! Leave me to starve! But the least you can do is give me something to drink! Even a caged animal deserves that much!"

Zuko faltered in his step.

"If you want me to die, then fine! If you don't, give me some damn water!" I was desperate. "I haven't had anything to drink for over twenty-four hours!"

It seemed that silence fell over the hall. The prince was either shocked by my swear or uncertain about my plea. Finally, he let out a heavy sigh, and his shoulders slumped. "Fine. I'll have someone bring you some water." He left me then, walking out of the room and shutting the door to the cells behind.

Zuko POV

Gripping at the rail of the ship, I stared at the horizon as we followed the Avatar's last direction. Uncle kept his distance from me, hoping maybe if I was alone to my thoughts I would cool down my head. So far I was. So far I felt nothing but regret.

When Crystal attacked me the other day, I was so infuriated because all I could think about was the Avatar. I let my anger and determination cloud my heart and judgment. My honor was more important than my friendship with Crystal, and I kept trying to tell myself that. However, there was still her voice shouting in my head.

"I was wrong! You're no different from your father! All you care about is your stupid honor!"

Shutting my eyes, I hung my head wishing her words weren't true. Why was I so troubled when it came to her? I grimaced and hung my head more wishing I knew what to do. I was pretty sure she hated my guts again after what I did and said to her. She'd already given me the silent treatment once, and I was pretty sure my loss of control only returned us to that stage.

We'd become friends, and I screwed it up just like I always do. I screwed up bad this time.

"Prince Zuko," my uncle suddenly said behind me. "The crew and I believe the girl's been down there long enough. If you leave her restrained like that any longer, you could seriously harm her spine. She needs movement and air. A nice meal would do her some good too."

I clenched the rail harder. "She'll be released as soon as she tells me what I want to know."

"That's foolish," Uncle tried to say without snapping at me. He took in a hard breath to calm his own frustration. "You know she won't give up her family and the Avatar to you. This isn't some weak and scared girl, Zuko. Crystal has a pure heart and strength I haven't seen in many years. She will protect the world's last hope until her dying breath."

Gritting my teeth, I shut my eyes tighter. "Leave me Uncle! I need to think!"

"She's catching a fever again... I hope you know what you're doing."

Uncle left me to my thoughts, and I placed my arms on the rail pressing my face into my hands. Why did I care? She's just a prisoner... She's just a prize...

No... She's just a girl... She's a girl who's been ripped from her family and is among a vessel full of nothing but her enemy. She's alone and scared. She's vulnerable and powerless.

Standing at the rail for a few more minutes, I had to hold myself there as my emotions tried to control me. Then when I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore, I turned sharply from the rail and headed down below deck. Going to my room, I went to grab the set of keys from my wooden chest. As I did, I saw a piece of paper balled up inside next to the box of ink I never used.

Taking out the piece of paper, I opened it up and tried to smooth it out. From the light of the fire, I was amazed to see she had drawn out with ink a sketch of me. It was a well-drawn portrait of my face and upper torso. She must've drawn it while I was meditating, because my eyes were closed and my face held deep concentration in the sketch. She'd done a small outline of my scar, but it wasn't predominating in the piece. Instead, she emphasized the shape of my face, the curve of my eyes and lips, and showed an image I never thought anyone would see me as.

She didn't see me for my scar. She didn't see a damaged prince. She just saw a teenage boy with burning confidence.

Not anymore... I'd ruined that...

Placing the paper on the table, I stood with the keys in my hand. I knew this time she wouldn't forgive me, and I wasn't expecting her to.

On my way down to the cells, I stopped by the kitchen and ordered the cook to prepare a meal. When he found out who it was for, he quickly jumped into action. I was surprised by his eagerness. She had definitely impacted many of the crew during her stay.

Eventually I reached the cells. Opening the door, I stepped through and found nothing but silence. Walking down the hall past the numerous empty cells, I stopped when I got to hers. When I saw her state, I cringed and felt my heart burn again with guilt and regret. Opening the cell door, I stepped inside over to where she lay uncomfortably on her stomach. She was on the cot with mildew, her hair tangled and covered in dirt. Her ankles and hands were bloody and raw from rubbing against the irons that still restrained her. The dress we'd just bought her a few weeks ago didn't even look the same color. Her breathing was heavy, and her face was clenched in pain.

Kneeling beside her, I first undid her wrists. As soon as I touched her wrist, I immediately felt the warm liquid of her blood soak into my own skin. When her hands were free, I saw them fall limply to her side. She didn't respond to my touch. I assumed she was out cold from exhaustion. Undoing her ankles as well, I grimaced at the damage done knowing it was my entire fault.

As gently as I could, I grabbed her shoulders to roll her over. As soon as I touched her, I cringed when I felt the bones of her shoulder beneath her skin.

Nice going you idiot! You probably starved her to death!

Rolling her onto her back, I looked at her dirt stained face with agony. She looked like she was in a lot of pain, even though she slept soundly. Scooping her up carefully, I managed to get to my feet. When I did I noticed she weighed much less than she had when I first brought her on the ship. She was probably twenty pounds lighter, which wasn't a good thing for a girl her size.

With not too much strain, I managed to carry her upstairs to take her back to our room. She didn't respond during any of it, and when I eventually got inside our room she still didn't respond. Placing her carefully on her cot, I quickly began to inspect her wrists and ankles. Her skin was rubbed raw, and there were fresh cuts on each. Heading over to my chest, I found the box of bandages I kept for precaution.

A knock on the door sounded as I grabbed a bowl of water and a rag too. I didn't say anything, focused more on making her as comfortable as I could. With the bowl and water I started to wipe the blood and dirt from her wrists. Her breath faltered, but her sleep continued. She was too exhausted to let the pain wake her.

"Prince Zuko?" My uncle's voice spoke up from behind. He'd opened the door and walked in. "A guard saw you carry her up here. What made you change your mind?"

I wiped at her other wrist as carefully as I could. When I hit a cut her breathing hitched again and I froze. When it returned to normal once more, I sighed with relief.

"I don't know," I honestly answered. "At first I was outraged and wanted to make her suffer. However, I couldn't do it. My chest hurt knowing she was suffering because of me."

Iroh seemed to take in what I said. "Hmm... Is that so..." He knelt beside me suddenly, and I watched him inspect her ankles as he continued speaking. "Well she definitely needs these wrapped up with gauze. She's going to be very sore when she wakes up."

"I'll have to wake her up. She needs to eat," I muttered.

"Ah! So you agree starving the girl wasn't the best idea," he said in a told-you-so tone.

I handed the bowl and washcloth over to Uncle. He took it and carefully started to wipe at her bloody ankles.

"I let my anger cloud my judgment. I know I went too far this time. She won't forgive me, and I'm aware I can never win her trust again..."

Uncle nodded. "You may be surprised... Crystal may not react the way you think she will."

"Any human would never forgive someone who hurt them like I did to her. I don't expect her to ever talk to me again."

I grabbed the gauze and took her hand again trying to wrap the bandage as best as I could. As the material pressed to her skin, her hand jerked from me and I stared at her in surprise. Piercing blue eyes met my own, and I could tell they weren't pleased. She quickly lunged her hand toward me to slap me, but I was faster. Grabbing below her wrist, I stopped her swing and she scowled with fury.

"Let me go!" She looked around the room and to my surprise was irritated. "I was doing perfectly fine in my cell! Why am I up here?!" She lunged at me again with her other hand. I caught that one as well. I held her arms firmly as she struggled from my hold. She was moving her body so much that her foot kicked the bowl in the room shooting water across the floor.

"Crystal! Fighting at the moment won't do your body any good! You need to be treated and given food!" Uncle had stood and stared down at the girl who was fighting as hard as she could. "You're punishment is over."

She only jerked against my hands harder. Her eyes glared daggers at me as she gritted her teeth from the pain shooting through her body.

Uncle tried again. "You're only making your pain worse. You need to calm down."

"Tell him to let me go then!" She tried to yank from me again. "I'll stop when he gets his hands off of me!"

The new fire in her eyes wasn't something I'd been expecting. It only made me tighten my hold more. "Why? So you can try and slap me again!"

She growled and thrashed her body to try and pull from me. As she did her arms slid in my grasp, and before I knew it my hand was wrapped around her injury. She cried out and stopped thrashing, her eyes shutting tightly as the sting must've shot through her nerves. Jerking my hands away from her, I watched as she turned on her side facing away from me. She curled up and pulled her hands close to her chest. Her body shook as her own movement sent more pain through her muscles.

"Stop being so stubborn!" I was desperate to make her let me help. "If you don't let us clean your wrists and ankles they'll get infected!"

She kept silent. Her eyes were still shut tight. Her teeth were grit as she tried to brush away the pain. A small tear escaped the corner of her eye and fell down the line of her nose.

A knock on the door sounded. Uncle went to answer it while I stared at the girl with loss. She didn't want me to touch her. I was expecting her to hate me, but this much hate right off the bat was throwing me off.

"Sir... I prepared the girl's food and brought the tea you requested," the cook said.

Tea? I didn't request tea...

"Thank you, Jiho." Oh. Uncle requested the tea. "Would you mind locating some fresh bandages for us? We'll need them to treat her wounds."

My knees were sore from the position I'd been in. Standing from my place, I looked over to see Uncle holding a tray of steamed fish with a cup of tea. As Uncle stepped over, he said softly to myself so she wouldn't hear, "I've had the cook place some herbs in her tea and food. After she eats they should knock her out for a few more hours. I'll retrieve you when she's asleep again so we can try to put the bandages on her."

I nodded. "I'm going to get some fresh air... Keep an eye on her."

Uncle knew what I meant. "She's in good hands."

Leaving the room, I shut the door behind and fell back against the frame with exhaustion. What had I honestly expected from this? I shouldn't have been such a fool. Her reaction when she woke up had startled me, but it was bound to happen. She wouldn't just lie still and cooperate after everything I did to her. She'd try to hurt me and even the score. She was too hurt and angry with me to see past everything I did to her.

She hated me.

An hour later, Uncle found me on deck where I paced heavily. When Uncle told me she had eaten and the herbs kicked in, I eagerly followed him back to the room. When I got there this time she was really out cold. Her breathing was even and her tearstained cheeks were flushed. We quickly placed some herbal cream over her wounds, and then wrapped up her injuries with gauze. When we were done, we both sighed glad she hadn't woken from her sleep.

"I suggest you sleep down the hall tonight, Prince Zuko. I'm certain you won't want to be choked in the morning if she wakes up before you."

Placing the satin blanket over her, I let my hand stop right over her collar bone where the scar was exposed. My eyes trailed the scar from the collar bone to her cheek bone. She was hurt by a firebender in the past. It seemed all firebenders ever did to her was hurt her. I wasn't any better than the man who burned her.

"I'm going to bed," I said softly. "I'll keep my distance for a few days. The last thing we need is her trying to sink the ship again."

Crystal POV

Another mark... sixty days... I'd been prisoner for sixty days.

Staring down at my hands, I saw the bandage that Zuko had placed on both my wrists. Iroh had been quick to tell me who my savior was, but it made no difference to me. I refused to thank Zuko, or even run into him for that matter. I was tired of fighting, and I was tired of crying. I preferred these days to be on my own. Iroh came in to try and give me company, but other than his chatter I kept to myself. He tried to invite me to music nights, but I declined his invitations. I walked on the deck after lunch to get some sunlight, but after a while I would return to my room where I remained until the next day.

As I sat in solitude, I felt more homesick than ever before. I worried for my family, and for Aang. I worried about the tribe, and my grandma. I feared father was in danger or worse. I was terrified of never seeing my loved ones again. I wondered if I would die, and never be able to say sorry to my sister for keeping my waterbending a secret.

I was terrified of being alone for the rest of my days.

A knock on the door sounded, but I kept silent. I knew whoever it was would just walk in anyway. When Iroh walked in a moment later, I kept my eyes on the paper that was full of black tallies. Rolling it back up, I winced when the movement from my hand caused my wrist to protest in pain.

"I wanted to keep you informed... I thought some happy news would cheer you up," Iroh began. He walked over to me and placed some tea beside me. "Yesterday we stopped at an earthbenders prison yard. Your family and the Avatar had been there from what sources tell us. They helped lead a prison riot that freed the earthbenders inside. We are on the Avatar's trail, but so far your friends have evaded us. You don't have to fear their capture quite yet."

I only nodded in response.

"Also, I wish you would come out of this room more. The crew misses your presence. I haven't had anyone to beat at Pai Sho lately."

I ignored his request.

"Crystal... I know you've been hurt, but you should be aware that Zuko regrets what he did to you. It's been eating him alive."

Shutting my eyes tight, I finally spoke. "If that's the case, he should be the one saying that." Taking the tea, I sipped it slowly trying not to burn my tongue. "It doesn't matter anyway... It's better we're not friends. We'd just keep running into this problem. We're enemies, and it should stay that way." My hands cupped my teacup and I stared down at the steaming liquid. "Zuko's going to be future Fire Lord like he wants, and all I'll ever be is his waterbending prisoner. We're just too different..."

"I see... Perhaps that all will change. And you may find you and Zuko aren't as different as you think."

"Don't hold your breath."

Iroh sighed heavily. "I want to tell you something, Crystal. I think its best you hear it from me." I turned my head and looked at the man with question. "You need to hear the story about why Zuko was banished. I don't expect it to change your mind about him, and I don't want it to make you feel like you have to be sympathetic toward him. However, I think if you hear it you may be able to understand him more."

Turning around, I sat cross legged cradling my aching hands in my lap. Iroh sat cross legged as well, his eyes watching me as if waiting for my permission to continue.

"I'll listen," I promised. "But it won't change anything. Zuko isn't my friend and will never be."

He smiled weakly. "Of course." Then he hung his head and frowned heavily at the story he was about to tell. "You should know that Zuko was once a kid just like you. He enjoyed many things. He loved feeding turtleducks, and picking on his little sister. He shared a very close bond to his mother. He was thrilled at the idea of becoming a firebending master in the future... Of course, all of this was before Fire Lord Ozai took the throne."

As Iroh spoke, I kept my eyes on my hands. However, I was attentive and soaking in the information.

"You see, originally by birthright I was to be the next Fire Lord once my father passed on, and then the throne would be passed to my son Lu Ten. However, my son died in battle and because I had no male heir to pass on the throne to, Ozai took it. Suddenly, pressure was placed on Zuko to learn all he needed to know about being a Fire Lord in the future. He was ripped away from his usual routine and forced to study with private tutors. His hopes and dreams of mastering firebending were put on hold as he was forced to study rigorously the laws and economic structure of our land. For Zuko, pressure had been shoved hard on him to become a perfect successor for the throne. At first my nephew didn't want such a responsibility, but overtime the idea of power started to get to his head. He soon became thrilled at the thought of taking the throne when he was older. He'd write me letters packed with plans about what he'd accomplish when he ruled the nation one day. I could see he was doing all he could to make his father proud."

Looking up at Iroh, I was surprised by what he told me. Zuko hadn't wanted to be Fire Lord originally?

"I'd been on my own little journey for a few years after my son's death. When I returned to the palace, I could see Zuko had changed immensely. After the loss of his mother, the playful and cheerful young boy I once knew was gone. In his place was a young man trying to make his father proud. The day Zuko lost it all was about three years ago. The young prince wanted to attend a war meeting that his father had called into place. The guards wouldn't let him in because he was just a mere child, and he begged me to let him come. I'd been against it to start, but his persistence won me over and I ordered the guards to let him pass."

Tears filled in the old man's eyes as he remembered that day clearly in his mind. My heart pounded in my ears as I waited to hear what happened.

"Zuko attended the meeting and the first part of it went well. I'd warned him not to make a sound when we stepped inside. The older general's get a little sensitive when it comes to war talk, so interruptions lead to punishment. As the meeting went on, and discussion got a little heated, something was said that greatly upset Zuko. One of the generals was planning a strike against an army of elite Earth Kingdom soldiers. The general stated that he would send in a group of rookie's at the front, and his more experienced fighters would come in at the rear. Zuko had read enough about battle strategy to know what this meant: the rookies would be a sacrifice."

I covered mouth in horror, and felt my body shake at his words.

"I should've known he would speak up, but I didn't catch him in time. He spoke out against the plan and his father was enraged. The Fire Lord wanted to teach Zuko respect, and therefore he challenged his son to an Agni Kai. At the time, Zuko was only thirteen and not as experienced as his elders. He thought he would be fighting the general he spoke out against, but it turned out his opponent was his own father."

My eyes burned with water as I pictured this all in my head.

"When Zuko saw who he would be fighting, he immediately refused. His father called him a coward and ordered him to fight. Zuko refused to attack his father, and the Fire Lord shot fire at his face to punish him. I will never forget that scream. I will never forget the smell of his flesh being burned. I will never forget the pain that struck through me as I stood helplessly in the crowd only wanting to run over and protect my nephew."

As Iroh continued to speak, I felt water run down my cheeks. My hand pressed at my cheekbone and trailed down to my collarbone. I knew what burning flesh smelled like. I could only guess Zuko's scream was as agonized as my own. Had he wished for death at that moment like I had? Had he been blinded by the pain and left on the ground to rot like me?

His own father... His own father burned him...

"After the duel, the Fire Lord said that by refusing to fight, Zuko had shown shameful weakness. As punishment he was banished and sent to capture the Avatar. Only then could he return with his honor. Zuko has spent almost three years fighting to reclaim his father's love. That's why when it comes to capturing the Avatar, my nephew gets hot-headed and blinded by determination. He refuses to let anyone get in his way, even if it means hurting them. All he wants is to be welcomed back home and reclaim his honor."

The room fell quiet then, and Iroh waited for my reaction as I retained all of this information. It all made sense to me... I wasn't sure how to feel... My heart ached for Zuko, which upset me greatly because I didn't want to feel sorry for him. However, I couldn't shake away my pity for the young man.

"I can't imagine... I can't imagine how I would feel if my father burned me..." My voice caught in my throat.

"The moment Ozai burned his son I could see that Zuko truly meant nothing to his father. After that day I couldn't abandon my nephew, no matter how much he fought and yelled at me to scare me away. I vowed the day we set off for Zuko's banishment, that I would never leave my nephews side. Over the years I'm proud of the decision I made that day. Zuko has truly become a son to me... he will never be able to replace Lu Ten, of course, but he does heal some of the loneliness I feel inside me."

He sighed heavily. "I suppose that makes me selfish in a way. I've filled the void but Prince Zuko is still alone."

"He's not alone," I finally spoke. My voice was strained from the pain inside me though. "He has you."

Iroh hung his head. "The thing is Crystal... I can't give Zuko the friendship he needs. You though... You can. Over the last two months you've been with us, I've seen a change in my nephew. Before this current fight, Zuko had a shine in his eyes I haven't seen since he was a young boy. You brought something to my nephew I didn't think he'd ever find: contentment. For the first time in years, Zuko actually smiled." He stopped and took in a deep breath. As his gold eyes met my own, I could see he was desperate. "I want to see him smile again. I want him to be happy, and to understand there is good in a world that may seem so dark to him. I don't ever expect you to forgive him, or to trust him for that matter... but I do ask you give him another chance. He's worried about you, and he is terribly sorry for what he did to you."

Iroh let the room fall in silence again. As silence fell over the room, I turned back to the table and pushed the papers I'd used for tally-marks aside. Staring at the paper underneath them all, I saw the drawing of Zuko I had created while he was distracted in meditation. The determination and confidence I sketched that day made sense to me. Zuko was alone and desired to go home. He desired to make his father proud and earn back a love that didn't even exist. Zuko was broken and angry. He was blinded by honor, and couldn't see past his yearning to earn back all he'd lost.

He knew only how to be a prince and nothing about being a young man.

Iroh stood to leave then, deciding to let me think in peace. As he headed to the door, I asked softly, "Did you mean that last part Iroh...?"

He turned toward me in question. However, the corner of his lips pulled up to reassure me. "His words... Not mine." He left me then, closing the door behind.

I stared down at the table in front of me when I was left alone. Shutting my eyes, I hung my head and let my long hair fall over my face. My bandaged hands rested on the table as I finally understood.

"The Fire Nation is full of nothing but heartless monsters," my brother snapped, kicking at a piece of ice and sending it sliding into the water. "One day, I hope those beasts get everything that comes to them."

"They can't all be evil... What about the women and children? I'm sure someone in the Fire Nation has a heart."

"How could you say that?" Sokka marched over to where I sat on a mound of snow. "After what those monsters did to your face and mom, how can you defend anyone from their kind?"

I twirled my hair trying not to look into my brother's furious gaze. "I- I don't know... I guess I just find it hard to believe that no one in the Fire Nation has a heart. Once long ago our people and the Fire Nation got along just fine. They're humans like the rest of us."

Sokka grabbed both of my shoulders and inched his face toward my own. "Crys... You listen very closely. I don't want to hear you ever say something like that again! The Fire Nation is full of nothing but heartless savages who won't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in their way! Dad may have gone to war, but his message was clear. No matter what, we never forget who the real enemy is! Never forget, Crystal!"

The real enemy...?

Rolling up my paper and putting away my ink, I stood and walked over to the wall by my cot. The picture of little Zuko and his mom still hung where I first saw it. My finger pressed to the drawing and I traced the line of Zuko's mouth: a smile. Only those with hearts smiled.

Not everyone in the Fire Nation happened to be a monster. Zuko wasn't a monster... even though he hurt me, I could sense from Iroh that Zuko was sincerely sorry. No monster would be sorry...

Smile... I wanted to see Zuko smile again...

I would show him the light.

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𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐚 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐜𝐞 | ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: ғɪʀᴇ ❝ I'm not that stupid girl you led on before. ❞ ✎ 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐢𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞...