Coffee Notes

By teegeeny

284 20 18

Tatiana Heart is the girl that sings on the streets to survive. Maxton Kent is the boy who is a ‘popular’ stu... More

Coffee Notes
1- Nightingale
3- Safe

2- 'Van'

62 6 8
By teegeeny

Chapter 2-  ‘Van’


 Maxton Kent  


I could hear the audience cheering for me in the background. The constant bellowing of ‘Van! Van! Van!’ Paying no heed, I concentrated on the person in front of me.

He sneered. “Too chicken to punch, pretty boy?”

I hate this; when opponents think they can actually bait me into acting hastily just because of some lousy words they say.

Giving him no satisfaction by responding to his words, I zeroed on his fist that was heading towards my face. Putting my arm in front of my face to protect it, I threw a quick punch to his ribs which were unprotected. Dodging another punch by a hair’s breath, I twisted his arm behind his back and gave him a knockout blow to his head and chest.

Wheezing, he bent over and I took my opportunity to deliver a hard kick to his groin.

In that moment, I knew he was a goner. I smirked.

I laid some final blows to his face and torso, when he stumbled.

And landed on the mat.

He was about to get up again when I pinned him down with my knee and bashed my elbow to his face. I think that blow to the nose was what bought him down. Ah, well.

The referee shouted out. “1!  2! And...3! He’s out!”

I smirked yet again.

“Kent is today’s winner! Give it up for Van Kent!”

Satisfied, I turned to my fallen competitor. “Frankly, I think you are the guy who’s too chicken to throw a punch. And even you do throw one; it’s a damn pussy punch. But, I can’t give you the pleasure of calling you ‘pretty’. Your momma told me not to lie,” I said winking and walking out of the fighting area.

I saw his weak attempt to lift himself up and bad-mouth me. Keywords being: weak and attempt.

Collecting my couple of hundred bucks from winning, I nodded at some other contestants and walked out of the stadium – if you could even call it a stadium. It was more like an underground area with mats here and there and a bunch of small bleachers.

“Nice work there, Van,” said another guy as I walked out.

I inwardly flinched at the name – I hated it. It wasn’t my name. My name was Maxton, but my middle name was Vance. I couldn’t have any cops tracking my ass so I had this shortened form of my middle name as my fighter name.

Another nod to him, and I was out.


As I walked back to my house, I thought about my life. Yeah, that’s what I do after every match – wonder about my life, musing whether this – this fighting was really worth it or not. Whether bashing up guys, was really worth it. Whether the thought of being in constant danger from the cops and the rivals was worth it.

I would have my doubts.

But whenever I thought about that angelic face – those adorable dimples and those eyes, I knew I would.

I would risk my everything for her.

For her.




Hey there! So...ladies and gentlemen, presenting you Maxton 'Van' Kent. Like it? Hope you do. 

On the side-----> Maxton as the one and only...Alex Pettyfer! 

So, as said before...this is the beginning. Now, we get ready for some Tia/Max action. I'm totally exicted and I hope you are too!

I'm not gonna make this any longer, so bye!

Crossing my fingers to see you next time! :)

Love and COFFEE (I'm random today),



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