Guardians: Away Mission Book...

By AuthorJMColes

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#1 paranormal fantasy #1dragonlove #55 paranormal romance Alex and the dragon brothers Gabe, Cale, and Rile... More

Copyright notice/ Cover credit
Arrival Part 1.1
Getting to Know You Chapter 1.2
Party time! 1.3
Getting To Know You...Too Much 2.1
The Roman Circus 2.2
This Heart Ain't Built for Two...Ch. 2.3
Make A Change. 3.1
Release Me Ch. 3.2
Did he or Didn't He? Ch. 3.3
Clutch Rights Ch. 4.1
Never Argue with Bathing, Resting, and Partying Ch. 4.2
Ick! Perverts! Ch. 4.3
Rescuing Razz 5.1
Tell Them What?! Ch. 5.2
Rescuing Gabe? Ch. 5.3
Sleeping Next To, Not With, Redone Ch. 6.1
Sacrifice to Political Expediency Ch. 6.2
Retrieving Alex Ch. 6.3
Of Palaces and Eggs Ch. 7.1
Fighting for the Boys Ch. 7.2
Building A Harem? Ch. 8.1
Rescuing Razz....Again Ch. 8.2
Revolutionary Anolis Females...Still Evil...Ch. 8.3
Urgent Ch. 9.1
Before Battle Ch. 9.2
The Battle Begins Ch. 9.3
Post Battle Joy Ch. 10.1
Just When You Think The Battle's Over... Ch. 10.2
Back To Earth Ch. 10.3
The Beginning of the End? Ch. 11.1
Heads Will Roll... Ch. 11.2
Ch. 11. 3 The End
Betrayal - Book 3 of the Guardians Saga
Betrayal Ch. 1.1
Betrayal Ch. 1.2
Betrayal Ch. 1.3 Jabs Back and Forth
Cover Credit
Bonus Chapter: Sunning With Chameleons

Saving Rile Ch. 7.3

398 58 419
By AuthorJMColes

Once they were out of the amphitheatre, Alex led Rile into the nearest bushes. She shot out in a speed burst with him, becoming invisible. She battered herself with as many speed bursts as she could stand.

She reverted to regular flying to recover and saved a last speed burst to the decorative greenery near the InterSpecies consulate where Zilik had procured new rooms for her.

Rile's arm over her shoulders, Alex staggered under his weight to the ornately carved nine foot wooden front doors.

"I knew you would win." Zilik greeted her with a warm smile while opening the doors.

He looped Rile's other arm over his shoulders and helped take him through the lobby to their suite, to the bedroom, and guided them over to the bed. Together he and Alex lowered Rile to the bed.

"Razz was supposed to come with the first aide supplies," Zilik said. "He should have been back by now. I'll track him down and help him in case some clerk is giving him a bad time."

Once he left, Alex turned her attention to the form lying on the bed. "Rile," Alex said gently.

When he didn't respond, she placed a glowing hand on his chest. She traced each knife wound there, then traced the bloody collar with vicious prongs digging into his hide. Then she traced up his jaw to his swollen eye.

"I'm too beat up to act on how great that feels." His eyes were still closed. "Me and my big mouth." He sighed when she stopped.

"Haven't you had enough of that sort of fun by now?" she asked in a tone mixed with both anger and humiliation.

He opened his eyes. "Do I look like I've been having fun?"

Alex bent her head at the correction and said meekly, "I'm sorry. No, you don't. But wasn't the sex worth playing along with them?"

"No sex." Rile said. "They couldn't force me like they do the Anolis males. Not that they didn't try."

Alex dropped the bandages. She turned his face toward her and touched her forehead to his.

Rile felt a stab of pain, but it was overwhelmed by a wash of love and concern. Startled, he looked at her hands, warmly glowing.

He wondered if she knew that she was transmitting her feelings. He put a hand on her face.

"Maybe we understand each other better now," Rile whispered. He felt another stab of pain, this one overlaid with regret.

"I wouldn't wish that on you, Rile, or anyone. Not for any reason."

"I know." He tried to send his own reassurance back to her.

She broke away, looking startled and confused, and now he was certain that she hadn't known about the shared emotions.

"Don't pull away." Rile's voice was soft, as close to an entreaty as it ever came.

The door was flung open with a perfunctory knock. . Dr. Glick strode in, followed by Master Healer Guni and Razz, whose arms were full with bandages and a large bag.

Rile could have strangled them.

"News of your remarkable combat and escape . . . well . . . energetic exit . . . is spreading like wildfire. Come, let's examine your injuries." Dr. Glick said, digging in the overflowing pockets of his brown lab coat.

Rile stared down at the tiny Gecko and asked, "Who's the little guy?"

Master Healer Guni laced his fingers together and sighed. Alex bent to whisper in his tympanum and he smiled.

"Judge me by my size, do you?" Guni asked with a smile and Rile roared with laughter.

"Only you, Alex, would teach Star Wars quotes to an alien doctor."

She shrugged and grinned, then sobered and said, "Master Healer, this is a more vicious form of Razz's collar."

Guni hopped onto the bed and bent to Rile's neck without any warning, his muzzle nearly touching the spiked collar.

After an initial startle, Rile accepted the exam with stoicism. Guni held out his hand and said, "Razz, would you please hand me the cream in the blue crystal jar in my bag?"

Razz efficiently produced the jar and handed it over.

"Would you please numb this wound?" Guni asked Alex politely.

"Already done," she said. "But it seems more urgent to cut this collar off. Did anyone call a metal worker?"

"Ah, but I am better prepared this time." Guni set down the jar and held out a small hand to Razz, who after only a few seconds of searching, placed metal shears in them.

"Master Metal Worker Crota is a bit difficult to work with, so I will spare us his presence, at least for now. Do you need a moment to prepare yourself?" he asked Rile with true concern.

"Nah, I'm a 'do it and get it over with' kind of guy," Rile said.        

The Master Healer's hands were a blur as he cut the collar in multiple places all around Rile's neck. Then he expertly plucked each piece of collar, spike attached, out of Rile's neck. Rile, like Razz, didn't even flinch.

Guni was quick to slather cream over his neck and knife wounds. Then his nimble fingers flew over Rile's arm, belly, and legs.

"I do not feel any other wounds," he said. "Are there numbed ones I should know about?"

Rile shook his head. "That's it. Thanks, Master Healer."

In the meantime, Dr. Glick had taken the opportunity to poke and prod Alex for injuries. At the end, Dr. Glick said, "Good, no broken bones, and no internal hemorrhaging."

The Master Healer joined Dr. Glick at Alex's side. "Do you want me to send for Master Metal Worker Crota?" The Gecko's black eyes shone with amusement and his smile was kind. At Alex's uncertain look, he said, "Perhaps in the morning."

Razz touched the doctor's arm in an inquiring way.

"Yes, yes, they are cleared for the traditional bath." Dr. Glick answered and turned to leave.

"Excellent idea." Master Healer Guni packed his things in his bag.

"Bath?" Alex squeaked.

"Absolutely. Antiseptic for the wounds and medicinal for the contusions. Excellent remedy. Enjoy."

"Let us visit an excellent tavern that serves an excellent ale and meat pie," Guni said to Glick. "I would love to compare notes."

The two walked out together. Razz disappeared briefly and then reappeared, holding two robes. Alex and Rile took them, both a bit perplexed.

"Put them on," Razz said gently. When they shrugged on the robes, Razz, distressed, wrung his hands. "No, no, you must remove your clothing first, Mistress."

"I'm not comfortable with that." Alex clenched the robe closed tighter.

"Mistress?" Rile raised an eye-ridge at Alex.

"I tried to make him stop, but he insists on it," Alex said and clutched the robe tighter.

"Please, it is traditional for the warrior and the mate she has won to enjoy the ceremonial bath," Razz said.

"Okay, I'm done." Alex took off the robe while Rile grinned.

"Please, it is also for your health. You heard Dr. Glick. You should take the bath." Razz said, wringing his hands in agitation. "Perhaps you would prefer the modesty bath. You do wear some clothing."

"Doctor's orders," Rile said cheerfully. "Lead on."

Razz handed them a set of small garments like bathing suits and showed them a set of doors. He gently pushed Rile through one and Alex through another.

"Please, when you have changed, exit the other door to the bathing chamber. Do you require any assistance?"

"No!" was the joint reply.


Rile and Alex exited into a large, warm cavern like room with a steaming pool in the middle.

Razz was pouring and stirring something in the water. It smelled herbal and slightly antiseptic, but also clean and soothing.

"Rile, you first. I'll go in when you're done." Alex held her robe closed with tight finger.

"No, no, you must enter together," Razz fussed.

Rile chucked off his robe and slipped into the pool. "It's fabulous, Alex, come in."

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Please, you must." There was no fussiness in Razz's voice now. "This solidifies your claim on your new mate. You would not want that claim nullified by the Kuni, would you?"

Alex stepped in, arms over her chest since there was no top for her 'modesty suit'. She sank to shoulder level and couldn't suppress a sigh of comfort.

"AAAaaa!" She jumped straight up at the touch on her shoulder and Razz cringed.

"I am sorry. I only meant to clean your wounds."

Razz looked so miserable that Alex said, "That's okay."

"Maybe I should do it." Rile was still grinning, obviously enjoying himself.

"Of course, now that you have entered the bath, you may be left alone to tend each other." Razz apparently caught Rile's enthusiasm.

"No! No . . . I mean . . . you do it. You're more experienced." Alex slid further under the water.


The combination of fatigue, a warm bath, and skillful massaging by Razz overcame Alex's apprehension and she relaxed. "I'm never coming out," she declared.

"Yes, some wish to consummate the tie with a new mate in the bath," Razz stated.

"I'm out!" Alex jumped out of the pool and dashed for the door of the changingroom, again covering her chest with her arms.

Rile and Razz stared after her.

"She is unlike any warrior I have ever known," Razz said.

She's unique," Rile agreed.

"She is most kind," Razz sighed, earning an evaluating look from Rile. "Come. Let me show you the sleep chamber." Razz handed Rile a towel.

The chamber was cave-like because the high end rooms were fashioned after nature. A small waterfall trickled into a pond at one end and there was a rock fireplace at the other. A large, round bed dominated the room.

"The victor will join you when she is ready," Razz said.

"I'm not ready," Alex's voice sounded from the changing room.

"Remember what I said about your claim being nullified?" Razz called back.

Rile grinned at him. The door opened and Alex entered, looking a trifle sullen.

"What reputation does this male have that gives a warrior such as yourself pause?" Razz asked, his head tilted in that adorable way.

Is Razz teasing or genuinely curious? Probably both.

Alex gave him a mock glare. "That's it. Out. Out." Alex swept Razz out of the room. She turned back to find Rile lying on the bed, smiling.

"Come and take me, oh victorious one." Rile waggled his eye-ridges in a suggestive way.

"Oh, stop it," she scolded. "Did you ask Razz to say that?"

"Nope." Rile sat up, took her hand, and pulled her down to the bed. "Don't you want to, even a little?" There was no smile, no teasing, as he searched her face.

"What I want is irrelevant," Alex said.

"Not to me," Rile answered.

"It's irrelevant because I don't act on what I want," Alex said.

Not anymore. Nothing but a world of hurt by following my heart.

"You should."

Alex hesitated. "Rile, if I'm going to do this, I'll do it right."


"I meant that if this is what I decide, I'll tell Gabe face to face," Alex said. "Break it off formally. Cleanly. Officially. No cheating behind his back."

"Fine, fine. But act now and talk later," Rile pleaded. "He's away. He's busy."

Alex snorted in exasperation. "Are you listening to what I'm saying?"

"Yes. You said yes." He took her face in his hands and kissed her.

She melted into it for several long minutes. She discovered that despite the different shapes of their mouths, his lips were warm and soft and conformed to hers with gentle pressure. She flashed back to Morgan, his wet blubbery lips plastered on her mouth, his slobber smeared over her chin. She blinked back tears and pushed away, heart pounding and lips tingling.

"My first Agama kiss," she said. "So much better than a human's."

Rile smiled down at her and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I can't tell you what that means to me."

Alex blushed up to the roots of her hair. "Sorry, that can't have been nice for you. I'll make it to you later, after all this."

Gabe was smart to never kiss me. Guess that's why he's the clan and team leader.

Rile's smile creased into a frown. "Why do you say that?"

"Simple logic. Agama kisses are spectacular. Human kisses are disgusting. I know the difference. But it doesn't matter. I can't do anything with you. Not now," Alex said, full of regret.

I've made my deal with Gabe and the devil of pragmatism. Time to pay in pain.

"Mistress, please."

Startled, they both looked over to see Razz had entered, twisting his hands, shifting foot to foot.

"Mistress, why are you stopping?" Razz looked more distressed than ever, his black eyes full of misery.

"Yeah, why?" Rile echoed.

Alex shot him a glare. "Because . . . because I am . . . pledged . . . to Gabe."

"So?" Razz clasped his hands together, expression blended between confusion and misery.

Rile wisely did not echo that 'so?'

"My species takes only one . . . mate." Alex said the hated 'm' word.

"Because of Gabe you deny yourself this one? And me?" Razz asked.

"Yes, now you know. Case closed." Alex turned her back on Rile.

"Then is not this Gabe supposed to deny himself as well?" Razz said.

"Yes," said Rile quickly.

"I don't want to hear this," Alex warned.

"But you are free, mistress. He and Cla—" Razz approached them.

"Stop." Alex covered her face with her hands.

Rile put an arm around her, the comforting arm of a friend.

"Please, mistress." Razz knelt and clung to her leg. "I did not mean to hurt you. I only want you to be happy. This one loves you and I think that you love him. A warrior's life is uncertain. Tomorrow may hold only death for you. Do not wait for one who has abandoned you for another."

"Are you thinking of something that will get me killed tomorrow? While I don't mind the sound of it, it might upset Rile," Alex said, stroking Razz's back. She knew that he wouldn't turn loose of her until he was reassured. "There are more important things lining up to kill me, like the revolution."

"I would not do that." Razz's small body shook with his emphatic denial. "But your enemies are many, and some are very skilled."

"So skilled I'm unable to defeat them."

Rile sighed that Alex's mood had soured at even an oblique mention of Cla.

"Yes, mistress, I hope you never have to face that one again."

"Razz, please let go of my leg. You're making me feel—"

"Awkward? Embarrassed? Really tall?" Rile teased.

"Silly. I feel silly." Alex helped Razz to a sitting position next to her. "We're a sorry looking trio. All beat up and no place to go. Let's lie down and put this bed to good use."

"Finally." Rile fell backward and bounced on the mattress.

"To sleep. To sleep," Alex growled.

"Killjoy," Rile said.

"I can stay?" Razz was full of wonder.

"I did mention we were sleeping," Alex said grumpily. "Rile's species has the same group bed concept as yours, Razz." She lay down on the ample mattress.

"Where do you want me?" Razz asked in all eagerness.

"I call shotgun." Rile pulled Alex to his chest, spooning with her side by side.

Alex made a protesting sound, but Razz snuggled against her chest, sandwiching her against Rile.

"Sleep," she grumbled, hating herself for replaying her first and only Agama kiss in her mind, and for longing for another one.


Hours later, Razz raised his head. Alex's breathing was slow and regular, obviously asleep. He felt warm. It was a happy warmth that he hadn't felt since childhood. He looked back at Alex and his eyes widened when he saw she was glowing. Only long years of practicing stealth kept him from jumping up. He saw Rile watching him.

"Don't wake her up," Rile warned in a low voice.

"What is it?"

Rile shrugged and the movement made Alex stir. They both went still until she settled back down.

"I don't know exactly," Rile whispered. "But you can never mention it to her."

"Why not? Does it hurt her? Drain her?"

Rile said quickly, "Not at all. It, uh, only embarrasses her. You know how self conscious she is. She'll never let you sleep here again if she knew that you knew."

Razz nodded. "I am no fool. There has been precious little happiness in my life and I can keep a secret. If you swear it does not hurt or drain Alex."

"I swear."

Once the glow faded, Razz slid out of bed. "I will be back before the third night watch. It is not safe after that. I wish you luck."

"She's too tired," Rile looked down at Alex. "I wouldn't wake her up."

"Still, remember, the third night watch."


Razz scrambled down the hallway, trying to return to the bedchamber before the guards of the third watch caught him. He opened the bedchamber door and slid into bed. Rile had awakened with the opening of the door and was ready, dagger in hand. Alex didn't awaken until Razz jostled her, and then she was groggy.

The grogginess vanished and her own dagger was in her hand when one of the guards, a Draconinae, flung open the door.

"What's going on?" Alex demanded and sat up, looking around wildly.

"We're following an intruder. I thought he came in here," the Draconinae said.

Alex hurled her dagger and it embedded in the doorjamb by the guard's head.

"What does a female have to do for privacy to enjoy her new mates?" she roared.

The guard apologized and excused himself quickly.

Having a planet full of domineering females can be handy sometimes.

Alex waited until the guard's footsteps were long gone. "What's going on, Razz?" she whispered.

"I was trying to help," Razz said.

"Help who?"

Razz considered a minute, before telling a partial truth. "Rile. I wanted to give him time alone with you."

Alex growled in frustration.

"You're not helping my cause now." Rile's dry tone was full of suspicion.

"Sleeping. We are supposed to sleep. We were sleeping. We are going back to sleep. Nothing else. Do I make myself clear?" Alex fell back and covered her head with a pillow.

Maybe I can smother myself, or at least the dreams of spectacular kisses.



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