Twilight Zone

By chione-chama

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[Harada Sanosuke x Reader] For better or for worse you were entangled together in a ''more than friends less... More



431 25 20
By chione-chama

''Let me get this straight,'' you said, running your hand through your hair.

Three heads nodded. You clapped your hands gathering the attention.

''You're sending Chizuru as a spy to Shimabara and you need kimono for her."

''Basically, yes," Harada said.

You sent him a glare. It was, without any doubt, a ridiculous idea, and you were keen on letting him know that. You looked over at Chizuru who stood with Harada and one other man, which you had been just introduced to. Inoue was his name.

''Out of all places, you're sending her to Shimabara?" you asked, stepping closer to Harada. ''Has Shinsengumi went mad?"

You were seriously fuming and just by a chance you saw Chizuru and the other man flinching. You didn't consider yourself scary, but perhaps nobody really shouted at Harada. It wasn't in all honesty directed at him, personally. And you didn't like to shout at all.

''I'm not too keen on that either, but it's the only way," Harada replied, raising his arms in surrender. ''Besides, she won't get there without backup, Heisuke's going too."

You narrowed your eyes further.

''She's sixteen,'' you seethed. ''Shimabara is hardly place for a such girl! Dress Heisuke up if that's all that matters!"

Harada sent you a dejected sigh, his hand scratched through his auburn hair.

''M-Miss, if I may,'' a man turned to you. He was a man of great posture, standing tall over you and Chizuru both. He looked considerably older too, but maybe not your grandfather's age. His hair was tied into topknot, two swords by his side. He spoke further, ''We're aware of all of this, but circumstances are really dire. Also Yukimura agreed to assist in this mission and by all means, we won't let her get hurt. Please rest assured."

You couldn't snap at this man as you did at Harada. His age and unfamiliarity stopped you from doing so and you focused on the girl. She was scrawny looking kid, would look cute in female clothing and certainly with dose of make-up, she'd look like a courtesan. Still, she was young and didn't fit in there. You've met few of courtesans as you fetched kimono's for Hana - it was not a place for innocent kids.

''Can't you ask any of the courtesans?" you questioned instead. ''I'm sure they'd agree."

Sure was a bit of a stretch, but still.

''They are already agreeing for us to bring in weapons,'' Harada piped in. ''And some know that the men that have requested a banquet are investigated by us."

Your pouted your lips.

''I'll be fine,'' Chizuru spoke up.

''Well,'' Inoue spoke up. ''if you're still unwelcome of the idea, then Shinsengumi will make an official request and purchase the kimono."

You sighed and looked over at Harada. He looked a bit apogeletic, but in the end you knew he'd be on board with the idea. He wouldn't come to you if he had objections in Shinsengumi's decisions. Chizuru, even if of a shy posture, seemed to be determined. In the end you nodded to them and went to the back.

You picked up a fitting kimono. It was pink, in color of sakura flowers, with same motif appearing along the sleeves and to the back. It was kimono to be sold, so there were no immediate clients waiting for it. You also took all the garments that she's need along with green obi.

You went back into the front of the shop where your guests waited.

''Alright, so this is first undergarment, you should tie it with this stash. Later you put on this one and this one. In the end obi should go with that kind of knot...'' you stopped looking at their faces. Harada was smiling, but with a bit of stretch. Inoue looked confused. The girl looked lost as she tried to remember how it all fitted together. You sent them pointed look and asked, ''you have no idea how to actually dress her up."

''it's a lot to remember,'' Harada said. ''I bet it's easier to take off."

You rolled your eyes, ''will any of the courtesans show you? Or it was not a part of the deal?"

''They just rent us a place..." Inoue said. ''Besides, there are certain circumstances in Yukimura's contidion..."

''I could ask Hana-chan to help, but it's too late to sent a letter."

''Hana-chan?" Harada asked. ''The Hana of Shimabara?"

You blinked at him, ''why yes, I made a few kimonos for her already."

His face lit in recognition. You mentioned her to Harada a few times but nothing too exclusive. Besides he was a person who would come to Shimabara once in a while, so things could turn awkward really fast.

''Well, if I ask her I'm sure she and the other girls would help, or I could dress you up myself'' you said turning to Chizuru. ''But I'd have to go with you."

''Out of question,'' Harada interjected. You frowned at him. You had all reasons to go and even if probably spy work was not a job you were suited for, you'd be of a help to Chizuru. Mainly – dress her up and later watch over her. Your trust in men was pretty restricted to a few.

''I've been there a few times already,'' you pointed out. ''And I know the Madam and Hana-chan.''

Harada towered over you with a frown matching your own. His arms crossed over his chest but you weren't going to give it.

''I can dress up as a apprentice or just a servant girl."

Chizuru was looking between two of you, uncertain what to make of that kind of fight. You were engaged now in a silent battle of stares from which neither would back down.

Inoue coughed.

''Well, the miss is making sense,'' he spoke. ''If we can get that kind of help and also some more intel from madam, we could make it into ours strengths. What do you think Harada-kun?"

Harada did not think it was fine, you could see. You stepped closer to him and grinned, ''I'll cause no troubles I promise!"

''It's not about if you're going to get into trouble,'' he shook his head, you pleaded him with your eyes.  In the end he gave in. ''Alright."

You clapped your hands.

Harada came by nightfall next day. You prepared two sets of kimonos. First was for Chizuru, the pink one. You chose much simpler kimono, for a role of a servant girl. A simple garment, decorated by falling clone leaves, creating composition on the sleeves. Harada carried both sets in his hands and led you to the compound. You all agreed that you'll meet by the gates, since it would be the easiest to regroup and go from there. You were also dressed up in hakama today, since entering Shimabara at night in woman's kimono would be impossible.

''Thank you for letting me go,'' you said.

''I don't think I had a choice,'' Harada chuckled.

''What do you mean?" you questioned. ''You were pretty adamant on making me stay."

He looked over at your face. His was lit by moonlight and stars, making his golden eyes gleam in the darkness.

''If you ask the right way, _____,'' he said in low murmur. ''I think you'd be able to win everything.''

You blinked as the small rush of heat went up to your neck.

''Don't be silly!'' you laughed it off. Harada had his way with the words, didn't he? You smiled over him, feeling fuzzy feeling inside.

''Oh, I'm completely honest."

At that you arrived at the Shinsengumi compound. You looked over at the gates, which you could only see sometimes when passing. Still in joking manner Harada made a gesture and took you into the courtyard, where Chizuru, Heisuke and Inoue waited. There was also another two people, which only one you recognized. Kondou Isami, you've met when they arrived to Kyoto and made a request for haori. You didn't expect him to remember you, mainly because back then you were more of an passing presence by your grandfathers side. You greeted him with bow of your head. The second man seemed to be young, but serious in posture and expression. He didn't wear usual kimono or hakama, but instead black outfit. He wasn't introduced to you.

''Miss ______,'' Kondou greeted you. ''Thank you for your cooperation."

''No problem at all,'' you answered. Cooperation that was fought over but you supposed that it was not worth mentioning.

Kondou then turned to Chizuru and with his big palm on her shoulder he wished her good luck. Except for Inoue and mysterious figure who disappeared once you didn't pay attention, you were all to go straight to Shimabara. Heisuke went ahead of you to make some preparation beforehand. Some members of 10th division appeared in sight as you left the compound – they were there to stay as a back-up. They were dressed in off-duty clothing, looking as casual citizens. Apparently Heisuke was to be Chizuru's bodyguard. Well, it worked quite alright. It was interesting, because they told the soldiers that Chizuru would be just acting as a spy, crossdressing for a woman. Since he's young. It gave away the fact that not many knew about her situation.

''Miss, it's been so long!" one of Harada's man spoke to you. You waved at him and greeted with a smile, still walking towards the red light district. Since almost all of 10th division just casually would greet you on the streets, you knew this man.

''Has your cold subsided?"

''Why yes! I feel strong as a horse now,'' he laughed.

You smiled back at him.

''Miss seems to be pretty excited for today,'' another one piped in. You hummed and tapped your cheek.

''Do I?"

''I see spring in your steps!"

You laughed at that. You weren't that excited. Sure, you wanted to see Hana-chan, because you missed her a lot. But maybe your mood was so up over the cloud just because you could spent some time with Harada and all these merry people. Of course, there was some danger creeping in the back of your head, and you very well knew that it was not just a funny trip. But... you were there to help Chizuru. Shinsengumi's intel work was not your part of the deal. And as you said, you will not get in trouble. So a bit of excitement was allowed, wasn't it?

''______-san,'' Chizuru who walked alongside turned to you. ''You seem to know everyone well."

''Why yes," one of the two answered instead. ''Our dressmaker miss is the most precious to captain, so we were told to always keep her safe!"

Chizuru made shocked face, completely not expecting such an answer. You stared at him with a surprise.

''Hey, you two," Harada spoke up, appearing beside the two soldiers. His arms slid around their shoulders, ''You run your mouth too much."

You started to giggle, the banter making you feel giddy. You didn't notice Chizuru's dejected face as you skipped to walk beside them.

''Is that right?" you joined them. You felt silly asking Harada this, but the jolly atmosphere was keeping your courage up.

He caught your gaze and winked, ''Sure thing, I told you that you're my favorite person in all Kyoto."

You blushed but still continued to laugh, alongside of them all. Within short time you arrived at gates to Shimabara. You passed by the deep red gate into a world of pleasure quarter, within the red and gold lights and flowery smell. The spring also arrived into the red light district.

The familiar route which you only could go on by day, now was submerged with men, filling every corner of the place.

''Red light district by night is so much more impressive,'' you said, looking around.

''The fun hasn't yet started," Harada spoke up, with a small cunning smile upon his lips.

The fun was yet about to start.

You arrived to the brothel by back doors, greeted by one of the male employees. He took you inside, leaving man of 10th division behind. Your nose was met with familiar, but much stronger than usual smell of incense. You walked up stairs and through quite quiet corridor. You were led into a small room, where Madam was awaiting with two other woman and slightly nervous Heisuke.

She greeted you with a curt nod, her narrow lips slightly risen in her usual grin.

''Madam'' you spoke up, walking up forward. Her eyes lit up with recognition, as she was always one who would greet you when you came by.

''I haven't expected you here,'' she said. Her voice sounded like crow's cackle after years of shouting and incense smelling.

You chuckled, ''yeah, I never expected to be here by night either. Is Hana-chan around?"

Madam scratched her chin, ''she's getting ready for the night. Are you the one who's gonna be dressed up?" she asked seizing you up and down.

''No, Madam,'' you and Harada spoke at the same time. Harade pointed at Chizuru, who stood at the back with Heisuke. Madam looked over at Chizuru with the same scrutinizing gaze as she did with you. She nodded.

''I'm here as a backup," you said.

''No time to waste then, Yuu, get them to the dressing room."

You and Chizuru were ushered to other room, far back into hallway. After making few turns you arrived at one the bigger rooms, now filled with few courtesans, getting ready for the night. Most of them had their hair and make up done, some were halfway through. Laughter like one of a nightingale resounded through the room, along with rustle of kimonos and jingle of hair ornaments.

While courtesans seemed to be in jovial mood, apprentices were running around in a rush, as to make everything perfect for the night. They didn't even spare you a single glance.

''______-chan?!" voice of your dear friend resounded through the room.

You waved to Hana, and with Chizuru by your side you made your way towards glamorously dressed woman. She gave you a quick hug and sqeezed your hands. Her bright eyes shone with some sorts of excitement.

''Are you here for the...?"

"No, this one is," you said, introducing her to Chizuru. ''I'm here to help Chizuru get dressed."

''Oh, that's good, because in all honesty we're short staffed," she spoke and rolled her eyes. ''But, hair and make-up first!"

Chizuru was taken to a vacant place by the mirror and one of ladies started to apply powder to her face. You took your time and sat down by Hana, since you didn't know much about make-up.

''I didn't expect you to show up here," Hana said.

''I heard that from Madam too,'' you chuckled. You admired her beauty, her gentle eyes that made many man swoon. She had a charm in her smile, which no one would be able to resist. You weren't surprised she was regarded as one of the most beautiful and you were sure – a bit, and she'd be highest ranking courtesan in Shimabara. You turned to her and said, ''I'm here to look over this kid.''

''A guardian?" her velvety voice cut though. You both looked over at Chizuru who was being taken care of by two older woman. They chatted along with her.

''Of sorts, yes,'' you said. ''You know, there will be a lot men here, and this one is just sixteen."

''I understand,'' she nodded in agreement. Her face lit up suddenly and she turned to you, ''We should get you dressed up too!"

You started to wave your hands in the air, ''Ah, no! I'm here as just some servant girl!"

Hana's perfect brows curled into a frown as she caught your hands in hers. She moved closer, with mischevious gleam dancing in her eyes, ''Nonsense! You're getting dressed up pretty!"

''Hana-chan...'' you whined.

And with this you were left with no room left to discuss, since Hana brought hairdresser and make up artist to get you a new look. She smiled at you spoke sweetly, ''Just for one night you can dress up, be jovial and be swept into my world, how about that?"

''I guess."

While women were yanking your hair in all directions to make it presentable, the Madam walked into the room. She looked over you and excited Hana and clicked her tongue.

''Your whims are going to cost us money,'' she said, plopping down by your small group. Two other courtesans sat down as well, watching as you and Chizuru were made into courtesans.

''Nonsense!" Hana interjected. ''Just put it onto Shinsengumi check, Madam!"

You laughed a bit. You wondered how much it costed Shinsengumi to make such an operation.

''I heard two of your shops were closed down recently,'' Madam commented, as she looked at her fingernails.

''Yes,'' you admitted with a soft sigh. You turned your eye to her, as you were currently kept by a chin by a make-up artist. ''We just put one bigger in better location."

You were a bit worried yourself with such situation in all honestly. It wasn't because shops were badly located or anything, in fact complete opposite. Location was great, but they simply didn't make as much money to make them manageable. It seemed people were more keen on purchasing the material themselves and then make kimonos themselves. Kimono's from your family shop were high quality, but also costly. 

Unstable political situation also made unstable business and all you hoped for was for the days to turn better. You had more worries on your shoulder to carry still; your grandfather wasn't getting any younger, in fact his health was diminishing. You had no idea what would happen if he died and that scared you. You hardly could say you had anything to be considered dowry, except from some shares from your grandfather shop, that actually went down on you since your parents died. It wasn't much, but you clutched to this and tried to protect it. You didn't want to give it back to your grandfather; he'd give it to his oldest son, who went to Edo. Son who didn't want to have anything to do with the shops.

Also, you didn't want to get married to somebody random because your small rights would get into their hands. Having your own small shop was your dream and you were about to protect it.

In your silent musing you didn't notice as time passed and you and were ready to get dressed. You looked over into the mirror and noticed how exclusive your hair looked. Two flowers adorned your head along with small red comb. The amazing amount of hair pins were stuck all round your face, shining with every movement. You heard soft jiggling from pins that were added in the back, which you couldn't see without help of another mirror. Your now red tainted lips turned into 'o' shape as you watched yourself in wonder. You looked like an courtesan indeed.

You turned to Hana, but she disappeared a while ago, speaking about some kimono – you didn't really catch up what she said in continuous noise in the room.

You took out the pink kimono you prepared and went with Chizuru to some vacant place where you'd be able to help her dress up. As Yuu appeared by your side, she actually showed you to entirely empty room. It was convenient, you guessed.

You looked down at the girl and smiled at her.

''You look really pretty Chizuru,'' you complimented her as you slowly were putting on her all the layers. She looked really nice in the soft make-up and hairdo.

''Thank you..."

When she turned around you clapped your hands. You really chose nice kimono, that fitted not only her posture but also whole aura of slight innocence surrounding her. Soft pink hues also complimented her eyes, making her look soft and lady-like.

You dressed yourself in the kimono you prepared for yourself and both of you went back to the room.

''One of the man outside asked for Chizuru to come out whenever she's ready," Yuu announced as you appeared. You encouraged the girl with a nod and watched as she disappeared behind the doors.

''Take that abomination off," Hana said, just as she appeared inside again. You looked down at your simple kimono, that wasn't different from any what the apprentices around wore.

''Excuse me, I made it myself," you snapped back.

She waved her hand and approached you, one of her apprentices trailing close behind clutching some other kimono in her hands. Hana took it out of her hand hands and showed you with a grin.

You looked at her in astonishment.


''Yes!'' She said, ''You worked hard on this one, it would be a great shame if once you have a chance, you didn't wear it even once."

''But this one was made specifically for you, Hana-chan..."

''Yes, but by your design,'' she pointed out.

You touched the jet black kimono, your proudest creation and biggest accomplishment. You traced your fingers through familiar design of crimson camellia flowers. Between them unfolded fans were scattered around along with a red string. Balls of a childhood games pampered whole design while soft panels of fish scales brought you to memories of golden fish in your aquarium.

''I don't think I should,'' you said.

''I'm saying you should,'' Hana said and patted your shoulder.

In the end you gave in and wore the kimono. The gold obi stash with a single crane in the very front between garden of spider lilies was added. You looked into the mirror and a for a moment you felt as if you fitted into the room of beautifully dresses woman.

Three woman, including Chizuru walked back to the room. You could only guess that Chizuru was given some other instructions. Two other woman came in giggling to themselves.

''Ah, I didn't know Harada-san would be coming today."

''Me neither! I want to serve him!"

You smiled a bit as you were adjusting to the additional weight of many kimono layers and heavy obi. Harada was sure popular here as well, wasn't he?

''Do you think I can woo him?" the women continued.

''No way,'' the other laughed. ''He's a goner already!"

Your ears perked up.

''For who?"

"For the woman of  an bright eyes and sweetest smile," the woman sighed. ''I heard him saying that once!"

You couldn't hear the rest of the conversation as both courtesans went further into the room. You were now curious. Did they mean anyone in particular or just fleeting description of dream woman? But how do you find woman in such type? Any woman could have bright eyes and sweet smile. Why were you even thinking about it? Right, you were curious.

''Time's up, ladies,'' Madam's croaky voice resounded through the air. You were put as a last one in the line, before you stood Chizuru.

You looked over her and said to her in hushed manner, as you saw her looking a tad bit nervous, ''you'll be alright."

''Are you not nervous?" she asked.

''Well, I'm nervous a bit, of course,'' you replied with a hum. ''But since we're here there's no coming back from the decisions that were made, right?"

She nodded he head. Her expression cleared a bit.

''You're right. Let's work hard!"


The night of many wonders and horrors was about to begin. 


Enjoy. Two chapter mini arc just begun. I mean, yeah. Also shotout to my friend @FioreSakura for being my personal info provider and biggest idea planter :D

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