Crossing Paths

By rosesareforever

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“There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.” Jade w... More

Chapter 1: The Enemy
Chapter 2: Animosity
Chapter 3: Wedding Bells
Chapter 4: Untamable Desire
Chapter 5: Resisting the Tension
Chapter 6: Stranded
Chapter 7: Lost in the Storm
Chapter 8: Guardian Angel
Chapter 9: Passionate Encounter
Chapter 10: Denial
Chapter 11: Separating Paths
Chapter 13: The Little Green Monster
Chapter 14: Keeping the Charade Alive
Chapter 15: Guard Dog
Chapter 16: No-Strings-Attached
Chapter 17: Baby Boom
Chapter 18: Turn of Events
Chapter 19: Daddy
Chapter 20: Secret Uncovered
Chapter 21: Little Bundle of Joy
Chapter 22: Final Destination

Chapter 12: Moving on

10K 457 54
By rosesareforever

Copyright 2014 © Rosesareforever

Crossing Paths

Chapter 12

'Moving on'

Exhausted after the long journey home, Jade pushed the key in the lock and opened the door to her single-bedroom apartment. It wasn’t much, but it was her home. Jade could’ve easily afforded a bigger place, but it would be a waste of money to rent a huge apartment when she was all on her own. Jade didn’t need much space or luxury. If she ever decided to settle down and get married, she’d just move to a larger apartment or maybe even look for a nice house outside the city.

To Jade’s surprise and utter horror, the door of her apartment was already ajar as she reached to put her key in the lock. Eyes wide, Jade tentatively pushed the door open wider and took a step inside. She was one-hundred percent sure she locked the door before she headed to the wedding. It didn’t look like someone tried to break inside either.

“Finally, there you are!” Alexis exclaimed as Jade stepped into the living room. Startled, Jade yelped and dropped her suitcase on the floor in the process.

“Holy crap! You scared the shit out of me!” Jade cried out, holding a hand above her rapidly beating heart as she tried to regain her composure. Damned Alexis. Why did she ever decide to give her sister a key to her apartment? “What the hell are you doing here?”

Jade hadn’t expected anyone to be waiting for her when she returned home. In fact, she’d been hoping she could run straight to her bathroom and take a relaxing bubble bath after the long, tiresome day she endured. No such luck.  

“I thought I’d surprise you and welcome you home. Marcus flew to Miami to meet up with one of the managers there, so I was home alone anyway,” Alexis explained as she sat down on the couch, making herself at home.

Jade rolled her eyes. It was typical of her sister to check up on her. Honestly, she should’ve seen this coming. “So, how was your trip?” Alexis asked, curiosity written all over her face as Jade took off her coat and shoes.

“It went well,” Jade replied shortly, not feeling like elaborating. Her sister didn’t need to know about her short affair with Sedric. It would only cause disappointment and, undoubtedly, a vicious fight. Alexis wouldn’t understand. It was hard enough for Jade to comprehend everything herself. She’d always been convinced that cheating meant the end of a relationship, but if that was true, how could she still sleep with Sedric afterward? It wasn’t just angry sex either, but actual lovemaking. Ugh. Things had gotten so extremely complicated.

“So that means Sedric and you are done for good?” Alexis questioned with a raised eyebrow. It was clear her sister had difficulty believing that.

“Sed is not one to go back on his promises, Lexi. If he said he’d leave me alone, he will,” Jade assured, letting herself fall backward on the couch with a loud thud. Ah, that felt nice.

“He wasn’t too harsh on you on the island, right? I was worried, certainly when we heard on the news about the storm. It’s a good thing you’re okay after that tornado. Things could’ve gone epically wrong if it had hit the island instead of bypassing it,” Alexis said, her brows drawn together in a worried frown.

“As you can see, I’m fine. The storm was bad, but as long as we stayed inside we were safe,” Jade explained, leaving out the part where she ran outside and got lost. “Sed is still Sed. We fought, we held a truce, we fought some more. I found out we’re both still as stubborn as ever.”

“I hope you didn’t rekindle too much,” Alexis stated, raising an eyebrow.

“You know as well as I do that’s never going to happen again. Sedric screwed up and he’s still paying the price for that. I can’t and I won’t forgive him for what he put me through,” Jade reassured her sister, feeling ashamed for lying without even blinking an eye. They might have gone separate ways, but something definitely happened on the island.

“I’m glad,” Alexis sighed in relief. “I was worried he might try to win you back. I don’t want to see you go through that pain again, sis. It was bad enough the first time.”

Jade nodded, trying to hold back the tears that welled up in her eyes. Sadness hovered over her like an angry black cloud. The pain she felt after losing Sedric for a second time might be different from the pain she felt after being humiliated and betrayed, but it hurt just as bad. Her heart was bleeding, bleeding for a man who didn’t deserve her love. It was pathetic, really.

“The case against the Henderson Empire Hotel Group was dropped, so I assume that Sedric will indeed keep his word. Our lawyers informed us we no longer have to fear going to court and that the press has been successfully bypassed. The danger has subdued,” Alexis explained, looking relieved. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this, Jade. It means a lot, to the company, and to me.”

“We both know Sedric never meant to harm the company, Lexie. This was his way to get me to succumb. He knew I’d never agree to his proposition without blackmail. I should be apologizing to you for putting the company in danger,” Jade protested. There was no reason to thank her. It was her fault in the first place.

“I don’t care why he filed that report, sis. What’s important is that you prevented the case from going to court. Without you, the company would be losing out on a ton of profits and we’d lose some of our most valuable guests,” Alexis disagreed, shaking her head.

“Still, I feel responsible. It’s partly my fault,” Jade argued.

“No, it’s not. Don’t take the blame for something that asshole did,” Alexis said through gritted teeth, looking angry. It wasn’t until that moment Jade was reminded by how big of a treat Sedric had made. He could’ve easily ruined their family company. It made it that much more difficult for her to accept her feelings for him.

“I’m going to head back home now. I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright,” Alexis stated as she got up from the couch and took her coat from the peg. “I’m glad you’re home in one piece, sis,” she added with a smile before opening the front door of Jade’s apartment.

Jade said a quick goodbye as she watched her sister go. She was glad she was home too. Maybe now, she could finally start moving forward with her life. After feeling like she was stuck for years, it felt good to be freed of the hatred and resentment she used to feel. The future seemed to look much brighter than before. If only she could forget about the man that stole her heart and never gave it back.


A long and hot bubble bath later, Jade was sitting in front of the TV under a polar fleece blanket with a bowl of popcorn in her lap. Her body might be extremely exhausted, but the wheels inside her head were still spinning at full speed, keeping her wide awake. She’d tried to relax while taking a bath to no avail. Images of Sedric kept resurfacing in the back of her mind like a movie on repeat.

A loud knock on the front door startled Jade. Frowning, she got up from underneath the blanket and headed to the hallway. It was past ten o’clock. Who on earth would visit her that late? Nerves swimming in her belly, Jade imagined Sedric standing on the other side of the door, wearing that confident smirk of his. She already missed him after being separated for less than 12 hours.

Disappointment filled the pit of her stomach when she took a quick peek through the peephole and realized it wasn’t Sedric who decided to visit her after all. Damn. She shouldn’t be feeling this way. They’d gone their separate ways in peace. It was best if things stayed that way. Sedric and she had no future whatsoever.

“Hi, Steph, what are you doing here this late?” Jade asked as she threw the door wide open and ushered her friend inside. Stephanie Hoffman was a raven haired cutie with dark brown eyes and the prettiest smile Jade had ever seen.

“I just couldn’t wait any longer. I need to know what happened on that island. So spill all your secrets, lady!” Steph ordered with a grin as she stepped inside the apartment and headed straight to the living room. “Oh, popcorn!” Jade heard her friend cry out while she closed the door and locked it.

By the time Jade arrived in the living room, Stephanie was already stuffing her mouth with popcorn. It was a wonder how the woman could stay that thin with the food she consumed on daily basis. “I see you’ve found the popcorn bowl,” Jade deadpanned, not looking happy in the least.

“Don’t pout. You can make a new bowl when this one is empty,” Stephanie retorted, happily chewing on another piece of popcorn. Jade rolled her eyes and sat down on the end of the couch next to her friend.

“You’re such a rude guest,” Jade remarked, noticing Stephanie had already sat down in her spot on the couch, the blanket covering her from chin to toe.

“You always tell me to make myself at home, that’s exactly what I’m doing,” Steph pointed out, grinning in victory. Retaining a sigh, Jade shut up and turned off the TV. Fortunately, she hadn’t been watching anything interesting.

“Now, don’t keep me waiting any longer. What happened after our last phone call? Anything juicy? Did you knee Sedric in the balls, scratch out his eyes or hit him straight in the face?” Stephanie asked, her eyes wide with excitement as she took another handful of popcorn out of the bowl.

“I’m not a sadist like you, Steph. I would never do any of those things,” Jade protested, shaking her head. Stephanie might look cute, she was anything but. If you were looking for a woman with quite a temper that could hit like a man, Stephanie was the person you were looking for.

“You’re right,” Stephanie admitted, looking slightly disappointed. “Did you at least slap him in the face?”

Her body shaking with laughter, Jade shook her head and elbowed Stephanie in the side. “You watch too many drama shows,” she told her friend, wiping away the tears that started to roll down her cheeks from laughing so hard.

“You disappoint me, JayJay. Here I was, hoping to gather juicy gossip,” Stephanie sighed dramatically. She should’ve become an actress instead of a dancer. The woman would’ve won a dozen Oscars.

“You’re unbelievable,” Jade smiled, shaking her head once again as she stared at her friend. She’d missed Stephanie. Going from seeing each other on daily basis to once or twice a month sucked ass. Stephanie always brightened Jade’s day with her joyfulness and smart-ass remarks. 

“Seriously, what happened during the final days on the island?  You look an awful lot like you’re keeping a secret from me,” Stephanie pointed out. Jade sighed. She could never hide anything from her friend. Stephanie always saw straight through her lies.

“I’d rather not talk about it,” she told best friend, biting her bottom lip softly. Talking about Sedric would bring out too many strong feelings, emotions Jade would rather keep at bay. It was too soon to go into detail about what happened on the island. Tears would undoubtedly break free and Jade was not ready for that kind of breakdown. It would end in a major headache, one that came close to the sickening feeling that arose when she was hung-over.   

“Oh-oh,” Stephanie mumbled, her eyes widening as she suddenly put the bowl down on the coffee table and took a closer look at her friend. “Please, don’t tell me it’s as bad as I’m thinking.”

“Worse,” Jade admitted, down casting her gaze. Stephanie would find out one way or another. It was best to tell her the truth before she found out on her own.

“No way,” Steph exclaimed, furiously starting to shake her head. “Tell me I heard wrong!”

“I slept with him, not once, not twice, but several times. In fact, we had a mutual agreement to sleep together until we both went home, some sort of short fling,” Jade confessed sheepishly. She could see the wheels turning in her friend’s mind by the way Stephanie’s eyes turned to saucers.

“That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard. How could you listen to your vâgina like that? Seriously, JayJay, what were you thinking?” Stephanie cried out, disbelief all over her face.

“Steph, I wasn’t listening to my inner goddess, but to my heart,” Jade argued. If she’d just been after sex, she could’ve chosen a more suitable partner than her ex-boyfriend. Her reaction to Sedric was about more than just mutual attraction. It ran far deeper.

“That’s even worse!” Stephanie screeched. “Honestly, you still love him after everything that he’s done? How can you? He’s a piece of shit, an arrogant, heartless bastard!”

Jade listened to her friend, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked down at the floor. No one would ever understand. How could they if even Jade didn’t understand herself? Sedric hurt her badly, yet she still loved him. They’d had some pretty good moments and being around him brought all those memories back to the surface.

“I don’t know why or how I can still love him. What’s important is that I do. My feelings for Sedric never lessened. They only intensified if possible. He’s not a bad man at heart, Steph, he just made some pretty stupid mistakes,” Jade defended.

“Stupid mistakes? That’s your way of excusing his behavior? He’s a heartless bastard, Jade. How can you even defend him after he ripped your heart out? He doesn’t deserve you,” Stephanie argued, her eyes turned to slits.

“We were still so young and immature. It’s no excuse for what he did, but it’s the truth. If we’d met now instead of all those years ago, things would probably have been different,” Jade stated.

“You think that, for all you know it would be even worse. Once a cheater, always a cheater. I don’t believe in forgiveness or second chances. You screw up, you’re out of my life,” Stephanie proclaimed.

“That’s harsh, Steph. What if I ever do something to piss you off? You’ll just throw me out of your life, too?” Jade retorted with a raised eyebrow.

“Screwing up contains more than just pissing me off, JayJay, and you know that. There are two kind of people I hate, hypocrites and liars. Talking behind my back or lying about something important, that would ruin our bond.”

“Sedric hurt me badly, but I can’t ignore the fact that I still have feelings for him. I would only be lying to myself if I denied it. That doesn’t mean I’m going to act on those feelings, however. Sedric and I decided to go our separate ways and I’m going to follow through with that,” Jade insisted.

“I sincerely hope you’ll stick to that plan, honey, because you’re going to get your heart broken a second time if you’re not careful. I don’t believe that men like Sedric change. I’ve met his kind,” Stephanie said, sounding remorseful.

Jade wanted to argue that Sedric couldn’t be categorized with any other type of men, but wisely decided to keep quiet.  It would only end in a fight between Stephanie and her, which was exactly what Jade wanted to avoid. They could go on and on about Sedric, but would eventually have to agree to disagree. It just wasn’t a topic they’d ever agree.


Staring mindlessly ahead of him, Sedric cursed loudly and threw the folder he was holding in his hands on top of the growing pile of work on his desk. Damn it. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t seem to focus today. His mind constantly wandered off to a certain blonde temptress. Images of Jade displayed naked on his bed, her hair tangled and her cheeks rosy after hours of ongoing sex, haunted Sedric day and night. There was a constant battle going on inside his head, preoccupying his mind and constantly keeping his dîck rock hard.

“You look like you could use a break, buddy,” David grinned as he walked into Sedric’s office, a confident smirk across his features.

Groaning, Sedric threw his head back against the chair and stared at the ceiling. David enjoyed tempting him too much. The guy had been constantly trying to tick him off all day. “Fuck you,” Sedric grunted, running his fingers through his dark locks as he stood up. Ten hours of sitting behind his desk and he hadn’t even gotten one case done. What a productive day, sarcasm intended.

“Shirley,” Sedric called out through the speaker on his desk, trying to contact his secretary.

“She left hours ago, you fool. You’ll have to run to the coffee machine yourself if you want an espresso,” David laughed, shaking his head as he sat down in front of Sedric’s desk.

Sedric gave his friend a warning look. He was not in the mood for David’s smart-ass remarks. Walking into the hallway, Sedric could hear his friend’s loud laughter. He rolled his eyes as he put a cup under the coffee machine and pressed the right button. Seconds later the aroma of freshly made coffee scented the air. Smiling contently, Sedric took hold of the cup and sipped the scorching hot liquid, almost burning off his tongue. Dammit!

“We should go out, tonight. Get your mind out of the gutter and blow off some steam,” David proposed with a wink as Sedric walked back into the office and closed the door behind him. David didn’t have to elaborate for Sedric to know exactly what the guy was talking about.

“I’m not in the mood to get drunk, Dave,” Sedric protested, retaining a sigh. He’d rather go home, take a long, cold shower and crawl underneath the sheets.

“Buddy, you need to get laid. Badly. Thinking about the bitch all day long is making you snippy,” David pointed out, not looking like he was going to back down easily.

“This has nothing to do with Jade,” Sedric argued, shaking his head.

David rolled his eyes, that annoying smirk still plastered across his face. “Like I’d believe that for even a second. I’m not blind, Sed. Everything is about her. You’ve been sulking all day.”

Sedric shook his head in denial. “I’m just tired after that hellish week on the island. A bunch of work has piled up.” That wasn’t a lie. Being away from the office for over a week made all the work pile up so high Sedric didn’t know where to start anymore. 

“That work isn’t going to get done if you keep brooding like a five year old, Sed. Forget about Jade, shag a nice piece of ass at the club and move on. You’re going to need your focus if you want to get these cases done,” David remarked, staring at the huge pile of untouched files on top of Sedric’s desk.

“You’re the worst friend in history,” Sedric grumbled, throwing away the empty cup of coffee and taking his coat from the peg on the wall. David might be annoying, but he was right. There was no way Sedric was getting any work done if he couldn’t concentrate.

“You mean I’m the best friend you could ever imagine. Don’t you dare forget who pulled you out of that black, bottomless hole after Jade fucked you over,” David retorted. Sedric sighed deeply and nodded. David was right. He would’ve never survived what Jade put him through if it wasn’t for Dave. He rescued Sedric when he needed help most.

Forty minutes later, they arrived at the hottest club of the moment in the city, loud music blaring through the room. Sedric sighed softly, still not in the mood to party. The last thing he wanted was to get drunk and have meaningless sex.

“You’re lucky I know the owner,” David smirked as they were brought to the VIP area by a pretty hostess. Any other day, Sedric would’ve probably paid more attention to the girl. She was just his type. A nice firm ass and voluptuous curves that showed through the thin fabric of her dress. Then why didn’t he feel the usual rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins at the sight of her or the excited stirring in his pants as his cock came to life?

“Enjoy your night, guys. If you need anything – anything at all – just ask for Brittney,” the girl winked at Sedric before disappearing into the crowd, clearly oblivious to the fact Sedric wasn’t allured in the least. His cock stayed limp as a noodle.

David whistled lowly beside him, a grin spreading across his face. “Damn, we’re in here for less than a minute and you’ve already scored,” he said proudly, patting Sedric on the back.

Sedric rolled his eyes and elbowed David in the side. He wasn’t in the club to score a bed partner for the night. He’d just drink a few glasses of whiskey, go home and get some rest. That was the plan.

“Don’t be a party-pooper, Sed. We both know what you need and that’s to take your mind off the bitch. The only way to do that is by sleeping with someone else,” David pointed out, alerting the waiter and ordering two glasses of Jack Daniels.

David might be right, but there was no way Sedric would be able to sleep with someone if his cock decided to stay soft. Somehow, only thoughts about a naked Jade spread across his desk, her legs wrapped around his hips as he thrust inside of her tight center, seemed to get him instantly turned on.

“I’m not in the mood to fuck, Dave,” Sedric protested as he took a large gulp of his glass of whiskey, letting the amber liquid slide down his throat effortlessly, leaving a heavenly burn in its wake.

“You’re not in the mood to fuck anyone but that bitch,” David retorted, shaking his head in disbelief as he took a sip from his drink.  

“Stop calling Jade a bitch,” Sedric groaned, growing annoyed with David’s constant comments about Jade. She was the last person Sedric wanted to think about, let alone talk about.

“I’m trying to be a good friend over here and get you back on the right track after you massively screwed up,” David proclaimed, his voice strained.

“You’re doing one hell of a job,” Sedric sarcastically grinned, applauding before turning around and heading straight to the restrooms. Sedric knew he was acting like a brat, but in that moment he didn’t give a flying fuck about his behavior. David had been tormenting him all day.

Cursing, Sedric let out a frustrated cry as he was held up by an endless line of waiting people that all wanted to go to the bathroom at the same time. Dammit. Couldn’t he even take a piss in peace? Deciding he’d wait at the bar instead of standing in a line, Sedric swiftly turned around, almost knocking down a small brunette in the process.

“Shit. I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized, still holding the brunette’s hips as he tried to stabilize her. The woman smiled shyly and pushed a loosened strand of hair back behind her ear.

“That’s okay,” she mumbled, her voice soft and breathless. For a moment, Sedric debated offering her a drink. The woman looked nothing at all like the usual type Sedric would go for, totally refreshing. Sadly, she just didn’t evoke any kind of feelings inside of him. Just like with the hostess, Sedric didn’t feel his blood rush in his veins, no stirring in his pants or need to stake his claim.

As the brunette pushed through the crowd and got away from him, Sedric cursed and closed his eyes. Damned Jade. He was never going to get her out of his head.


After the most boring day of work in history, Jade was in a foul mood as she pushed her cart through the grocery store. Throwing in a few frozen pizzas and other unhealthy stuff, Jade realized her eating habits might need some modification. It had been years since she cooked herself a homemade meal. It just wasn’t gratifying to cook for one person.

Lost in thought, Jade didn’t look where she was going and almost walked straight into another person. “Shit,” she shrieked, almost losing her balance as she took a step back and bumped against the cart. It seemed to be her lucky day. Could she embarrass herself any worse? Ugh!

The guy she almost knocked down in her hurry to get to the cash register, quickly reached out and took ahold of her arms. “Careful,” he warned, his hands still gripping her arms in a tight hold.

Looking up, a wide smile spread across Jade’s features as she recognized the tall man that saved her from even more humiliation. “Tyler? Is that really you?” she asked in astonishment, a surprised gasp leaving her parted lips.

The man’s brows lifted before recognition crossed his face. “Jade Johnson?” he smiled, shaking his head. “Damn, girl, you’ve changed a lot!” A soft blush covered Jade’s cheeks as Tyler looked her up and down in appreciation. She could feel her skin tingle.

Tyler Wellington used to go to the same college as Sedric and her. He’d always been a good-looking guy that had girls dropping at his feet, but he’d turned even more devilishly handsome, if that was even possible. His chest had definitely widened a few inches as his features turned more sharp and manly. Jade swallowed thickly as her eyes caught Tyler’s powerful stare. He was definitely in to her. The inclination in his grey orbs left no doubt.

“How have you been?” Jade asked with a smile, focusing on Tyler’s eyes. It was hard not to let her gaze wander, but she pushed her interest aside. The last thing she needed was another fling.

“Great, actually. I just got promoted to corporate operating officer at the firm I’m working at,” Tyler said proudly, showing his dimples as he grinned.

“Congratulations! That’s amazing,” Jade grinned, honestly happy for Tyler. Despite his looks and obvious charm, Tyler always had been a hard worker. Jade didn’t  doubt he deserved the promotion. Besides Sedric, she had never met a more ambitious person than Tyler.

“It really is,” Tyler nodded. “I never expected to get this kind of chance this soon in my career. I’m only twenty-nine.”

Jade smiled. “They must have a lot of confidence in you,” she guessed.

“Apparently,” Tyler grinned. “Enough about me, how are you doing?” he questioned, genuinely interested.

“I’m doing fine. I decided to start at our family firm after I graduated and am still working as the public relations manager,” Jade explained. It wasn’t like she had an impressive career, but she was proud of where she was in life and loved her job to bits. She had some off days like most people, but mostly enjoyed going to work.

“I read an article about the HEHG a few days ago. You’ve been booking a lot of profits the past year. Your sister is doing an excellent job as CEO,” Tyler admitted, sounding honorific.  “You must be proud to work at the company.”

“I definitely love my job. It’s nice working so closely together with your family members. Alexis and Marcus are doing a great job. I’m certain they’re going to broaden the empire and make it even more successful,” Jade proclaimed, not doubting her sister’s abilities for even a second.

“Are you still together with Sedric Miller, by the way? I haven’t seen him in years,” Tyler suddenly asked, looking a tad too curious. Jade immediately saw through his scheme and realized he was hinting for information about her dating life.

Feeling flattered, Jade smiled and shook her head. “No, we broke up over six years ago,” she admitted. “I’ve been too busy the past years to have a serious relationship.”

“I know the feeling well,” Tyler consented. “Besides a few flings, I haven’t really dated the past few years. I’m just so absorbed in work, I’d be a terrible boyfriend.” Pausing, Tyler smiled softly before proposing, “Maybe we should hang out sometime.”

Jade wasn’t dumb. She knew exactly what he was suggesting and was surprised she wasn’t immediately put off by the thought. Selfish as it was, Jade actually wanted to test if Tyler might be able to take her mind of Sedric. She was so sick and tired of constantly being haunted by a man she could never have. It wasn’t like Tyler wouldn’t get anything in return either.

“Maybe,” Jade agreed. “How about we meet for drinks? I need to test the waters before I take a dive,” she winked playfully. God, she was horrible at flirting.

Tyler laughed heartily and nodded. “That might actually be a good idea. We definitely should catch up,” Tyler happily consented, smirking as he let his eyes wander for a second time. Jade could practically feel his heavy stare. It was no surprise Jade felt her cheeks turn hot. She’d always liked men that were forthcoming and didn’t hide what they wanted. Sedric was the perfect example of that.

After they exchanged numbers, Jade headed to the cash register. Her heart might be screaming at her not to betray Sedric by sleeping with another man this soon after their short reunion, but her brain was one hundred percent on track with Jade’s plan to forget about Sedric altogether. She needed to stop wallowing in self-pity and move on. Sedric made his decision all those years ago, it was time Jade did the same.

Thank you for reading. I hope you like the direction I took with this story. Don't worry, Jade and Sedric will see each other back soon.

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