The Real Her [HIATUS]

By KoolxKidd

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Sometimes it's best to leave things Alone. Sometimes it's better to not have Enemies. Sometimes you shouldn't... More

The Real Her
Getting a taste of Perfection.
Co-Workers and a Show

Life Reset Button

980 20 13
By KoolxKidd

I was indulged in his kisses. The feeling was extravagant. I felt great. My Body cried for his touch but it could not have what it wanted, sadly. Wherever his lips had landed it left a tingly feeling. All these emotions made me envious. I really wish I was Ashley. So I could feel his touch, his breath hit every aspect of my b-

I snap my eyes open and shoved against Craig. He made a sour face in response to my actions and I quickly yell, “What are you doing!?!” His sour expression turns into a smirk as he replies, “Giving you what you want.” He stated in a matter-of-factly tone, Like it was obvious. 

“I don’t want—this!” I said trying to address what just happened. “Well your moans told me otherwise.” His smirk gets bigger.  “ARGHH!” I yell desperately and so he doesn’t see the small smile playing on my lips. He chuckles. “It’s alright!” I flail my arms franticly. “It’s not alright! I- I could get in trouble for this!” I tell him. “Could?” His smirk turns upside down, and he spits out his words like venom. “You’re already in Trouble!” “What do you mean?” I ask in a somewhat whiny tone.  “You know what? I think it’s time for you to leave. Get your Shit.” He slams open the dryer and brush past me, giving me a nasty look in the process. “I’ll be in the car.”  I Cringed at his new behavior.

As soon as I heard the front door slam, I bend to get my jacket. Closing the dryer, I mumble to myself, “Since when did Craig become a Male Bitch?”

I walk out of the room, trying my best to remember which way I came. I can hear a horn honk and my guess is that must be Craig. Since when did he become so damn impatient too? Finally I find my way to the door and open it up. One look at me, Craig honks the horn for about 5 long seconds.  I rolled my eyes, walk over to the car, and get in. Before I could even shut the door, Craig takes off flying down the street.  I want to yell at him but I decided to hold it in.

After about a while it was just awkward for me. I kissed someone else’s boyfriend, and the boyfriend gets mad at me. To make matters worse, it’s Craig. Why me?

“Alitha.” Craig voice is hard, cold and dangerous. I’m a little hesitant to look at him but I do it anyway. I dare not to say a word though.

“Answer my Question.” He demands more than ask. “Since when did you give a fuck about what people thought about you?” Strangely enough, Kelly Clarkson’s voice is screaming out the words, “Since you’ve been gone…” Which makes this situation very awkward but hasn’t it been all this time? “I’ve always been like that. It’s not my fault you couldn’t see it, then.” I tell him. It came out with more confidence then I could actually bring up. “I didn’t see it then, and I can’t imagine it now. Stop bullshiting and be real. Or is that too hard for you? Are you afraid that being yourself will get you in Trouble?” He laughs, bitterly. “Like serious. What The Actual Fuck is wrong with y-“ “STOP THE CAR!” I yell. Craig slams on the brakes causing us both to jump forward. If it wasn’t for the seat belts, we’d be out the windshield.

“What Now?” Craig says with attitude. I turn towards the door and open it. “Where do you think you’re going?” He asks me. “If all you’re gunna do is yell at me, I can walk the rest of the way.” I tell him, stepping out of the car, but suddenly a hand is on my wrist and I turn to face Craig. “You. Aren’t. Going. Anywhere.” He says as he tugs me forward, to him. He pulled me so hard that my whole body came back in the car, and I shut the door. I look at him, eyes wide. I’m getting Scared.  He doesn’t pay me any mind because he’s too busy locking the doors. “Craig.” I ask, calmly. “What?” He spat. I want to yell, I want to Fuss, I want to fight. But No. Instead I remain calm. “Since when did you become a Bitch?” If time could stop, I promise time stopped at that exact moment.

“Excuse me?” His eye brow is cocked and I can pick up his dangerous vibe.

“You heard me.” I state bluntly. “Oh, Girl. Do you know what I can do to you right now? I can snap your fucking Neck and No one will know.” He growls. If you were in this situation, I bet you’d piss in your pants. That’s how scary this dude is. “Do it! Just Do it Craig!” I yelled. “Because If you’re the Craig that I know, You don’t have the balls.” “You don’t know me, Alitha. Things Change.” He tells me.  “Everyone knows about you, Craig. What could have possibly changed you that I don’t know?”

Over the long period of us talking, he had been driving and every time we hit bump in the road, I think Craig secretly wants me to fly out the window.

“Since you know me so well, what’s the Answer to our little problem Hmm? What’s the Missing Piece?”  He hums out. I furrow my eyebrows. “What the hell are you talking about?”  He sighs and stops the car. “Goodnight, Alitha. See you….Later.”  I sigh myself and get out the car. I watch as he speeds off with one question on my mind. “What?”


“Hey Mom.” I say to my mother as I walk in. “Oh, Look who decided to join us for Dinner. Right on time.” I can hear the sarcasm dripping from my mother’s tongue.  “I’m Sorry. I just had to take care of a few things, Mom.” She glares at me and goes into the Kitchen. “Come here, for a moment.” “What Mom?” I whine. “Don’t whine at me.” She snaps. I mentally roll my eyes. “I just want to get comfortable.”  “Mhmm.” She hums. “Alitha, where have you been?” “I told you, I had to take care of some things.” I say. “Like what?” She asked. “Just things, Ma.” “Come here.” I step towards her. She snatches me by the collar and pulls me closer to her. She takes a good sniff of me and asks, “Why do you smell like Cologne?”

 My face heats up and I automatically feel as if it’s 100 degrees in here. “I don’t know.” I lie. “I will beat the shit out of you if you lie one more time.” My mother threatens. I sigh. “Alright. I got a ride home from school by one of my Classmates, who happens to be a boy.” “You had sex with this guy?” She asked bluntly. I bolt away from her and blurt out loudly, “NO! HECK NO! MOM NO! I’M NOT THAT TYPE OF GIRL! WHAT? NO!” I was freaking out. “Calm yo’ tail down, I’m making sure.” I start to calm down.

“Now go and get situated before you’re father finds out you smelling like that.” She orders. I nod my head and walk upstairs. Once in my room, I take off my shoes and jump onto my Bed. I let out a long before rethink of every event that happened today. I thought of Craig. He was every event that happened to me. Speaking of Craig, What did he mean by that little Question?  ‘What’s the missing Piece?’ His brain must be missing if he thinks he was making sense.

I go over to my dresser and pull out some PJs. I then go into the bathroom to start my shower.

30 minutes later, I come downstairs for dinner.

“Hey Daddy.” I say and kiss my father on the cheek. “Hey Baby Girl. You smell Nice.” He tells me with a smile. “Thanks. Just took a shower.” I say after sitting down. “Now, you two hush up so we can say Grace.” My mother says after bringing my plate. She sits down and we connect hands and my mother asked my father to do the honors. He’s glad to. After he finishes he says, “Dig in.” and that’s exactly what I did.

“Oh My Gosh. That Macaroni and Cheese was like the best. I always enjoy you guys’ cooking.” I tell my parents. “You should be the one cooking for us.” She laughs so does my dad. “We’ll see what happens.” I tell her. “Now, Goodnight Mom and Dad.” “Night.” They Chorus.

I went upstairs and got into bed. I switched on the T.V. to see an episode of Adventure Time was on. I’m such a kid. I took interest and watched it. Before I knew it I feel asleep.

It was dark outside and I’m not sure where I was. I was cold and couldn’t see a thing. That’s when a noise started. More like moans. What the? I followed the noises and came in counter with something hard. “Dammit!” I screeched. Trying to get back onto my feet, I felt around and found a door, I opened it and it showed something I would not expect. It showed many of people like druggies. They lay piled on top of each other high or …. Doing something nasty. Yuck. The door behind me closed and a gust of wind started blowing. It carried me fast with it. Soon I was sitting in a chair. “Huh? What?” I gasped as I looked around. It was darkness once again. That’s when a lady in a chair with a Table and Crystal ball appear right in my face. I screamed and jumped back. She laughed. “Don’t be Scared I’m here to tell your Future.” I just stared. She then laughed. “Oh My Child. You are in serious Danger. Your Life is about to change.” Before I could ask what she means she disappeared and I stared to fall. I screamed until I landed in something. I looked down and saw, ROACHES? I screamed again and struggled to get out. The more I struggled the more I sunk deeper and deeper into the insects.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I shot up. It was dark. I touched my face to find it completely free of any insect. “It was just a dream.” I breathe out. “Not for long.” A voice said. I whipped my head around to a figure standing in the corner of my room. My eyes went big and I scream again. “Shut it You Freak.” I quiet down. The voice is oddly familiar but I can’t put my finger on it. “W-who are you?” I ask. “The missing Piece.” Soon the figure steps out and it’s Ashley. “What are you doing here?” I ask her standing up with courage.

“Oh Look the Freak is Brave.” She claps her hands. “I’m so proud.” I roll my eyes. “I asked you a Question.”  She rolls her eyes and tells me, “Well I told you, yesterday. You are gonna pay and you start today.” She smirks at me. “Get her.” Soon Two Girls are at my side, clamping on my arms. I try to fight them but they are strong as Steel. They drag me over in front of of Ashley and push me down ‘til I fall on my knees. “What the Hell, Ashley?”

She snickers at me. “Oh Alitha. Poor Alitha. I warned you once but no you just want to be a rebel. Craig is Mine! You crossed the line when you came in contact with Craig. Then you kiss him? Really? I swear to God you’re a Whore. Now I’m going to make you suffer. Say Goodbye to your Friends and Family because now they’re Mine.” She does an Evil Laugh which is Horrible, and her eyes start to turn Black. I look at her in Horror and she just laughs. “Goodbye Alitha. I will make sure to take real good care of your Family. They won’t even Miss you.” Then she zaps me with the Black Beams of Light coming from her eyes. I get really sleepy and pass out.

Who Knew I had a whole lot coming my way.


Sometime Later

I woke up expecting to be in my bed. I felt around but instead felt sand? What the? I sat up straight and looked around. Am I at a Beach? Because when I look around I see Water and sand but Then again I also see streets and small Buildings. Shaking my head, I stand up and brush myself off. Then I hear a sound like a herd of cows stomping my way. Then I hear it. “SHE’S AWAKEN!”

I turn around to see a crowd of people a few feet away. Once they are crowded around me everything is Silent. “You are Awake.” A guy says. He is tall yet Slim, He has Grey eyes, with tan skin. He also has Blond dreads that stop down his back. He’s face is cute and he has an Accent. I’m taking it he’s Jamaican but he had to be here so long because it’s fading. “Uh. Hi.” I say nervously. I have no Idea who these people are.  The guy laughs. “Don’t be afraid. These are my people.” He out stretches his arms. “Well where am I?” I ask him. “You’re on Death Row. Thanks to Ashley. She Shot ya’ with ha’ Laser beam eyes. Now you’re stuck with the rest of us.”

“Stuck? No I can’t be. My Parents are probably worried Si—“ “Hold on Sweetheart. No one even knows you’re here. So no one’s worried.” He tells me. “Huh?” I ask confused.  “Ashley. She has a Clone of you. Of all of us. So no one’s worried.” He says. “That little B—“ “Calm down. It’ll be okay. You’ll be safe here.”

I take in a long breath. “Well, Hi. I’m Alitha.” I finally introduce myself, holding out my hand for him to shake. He smiles and his smile is warm and friendly. It’s pretty.  He takes my hand and kisses it gently. “Welcome Alitha. Here they call me Jam Rock.” ( Hehe.) I blush at his action and say, “Thanks.”

Jam Rock turns around to face ‘his people’ “I want you guys to Welcome Alitha.” Then a million voices chorus together and say “Welcome!” I grin and wave at them all. “I think I should show you around.” Jam rock offers. “I think I would like that.” I smile. “Alright we can start out with the basics.” He grabs my hand and drags me off.


Woah. Jam Rock has showed me all around the island, or so I think. “Hey Jam Rock, What about over there.” I point to the other side of the road. It looks dingy and worn out. “Oh no, Sweetheart. We don’t go ova there.” He tells me. “Hey, I already told you, my Name’s Alitha you can stop calling me that.” I smile. “I think Sweetheart is cute on ya. Cute name for a cute girl.” He smiles. I blush and it becomes silent again. “Why?” I ask, looking up. “Why, What?” He asks with his eyebrows knitted together. “Why don’t you go over there?” I ask, pointing once again. “We don’t own that side of tha Street.” I nod my head in understandment except I don’t understand at all. But since I don’t want to bother him with my questions, I decide to leave it alone. “Hey Jam rock?” “Hm?” “Where exactly do I live now?” I ask, awkwardly. “Great question, why don’t we find out?” He replies before dragging me into a nearby building. It’s some sort of headquarters. We walk up to a lady at the front desk and Jam Rock goes, “Good evening, Miss Brown.” She smiles at him. “Good evening Jam Rock.” She says in a snotty voice. Ew.

“So, Do you have a file for my Friend here, Alitha?” He asks politely. “Last Name?” They both look at me. “Knight.” I say. “Alright..” The lady says, typing away at her Computer. “Ahh, here it is. Alitha Knight. Room 3B in Unit 143.” Miss Brown says bluntly. “Uh, Thanks.” I say. She gives me a pass and me and Jam Rock head out.

“Well it’s getting Dark. You should head home.” You’re not gunna walk me? “Okay. See you.” I say. “Oh and Alitha, be careful.” I nod my head and walk in the opposite direction.  Be careful? I have no choice now, Do I?


After a long walk I find Unit 143 and use my pass to enter. Then there is only a somewhat futuristic elevator. I step in it and notice the buttons, Numbers on one side, Letters on the other. I press the button 3 and the door closes. I jump. I turn back to the letters and press B. The Elevator shoots upwards and I have to hold on. In about 7 seconds the elevator stops and opens up. All I see is a single door so this must be my stop. I get off and the elevator shoots back down.

I step in front of the door and pull out my pass expecting to slide it through something. “Huh?” All I see is a black pad. “Scan Palm Here.” It reads. “Ohhhh.” I place my hand on the scanner and it the door clicks open. I walk in and my eyes widen. “Wow.” The room is quite big.

Everything in the rooms are White, even the walls. In the Living Room there is Two Sofas, A three seater and also a Love seat. The coffee table is a rectangle shape, and spotless.  All of the rooms have either a Small T.V. or a Big one but they are all Plasmas which is Awesome.

I look at the time. 7:00p.m. I guess I might as well go to sleep.  I walk into my room and get under the covers. I am engulfed in fluffy sheets. The bed has to at least be a Queen.  I close my eyes expecting Dreams but I don’t receive them. Instead I hear a Hard Banging On my door. Several Times.

I get up and open up my door expecting the police or something but no I get a letter, it’s sitting right on the floor in front of my face. I grab it and close the door. Why am I getting a letter? I open it up and read it:

Party at Warehouse 4. Check Your Closet.


Him? Who is Him? Check my Closet? I looked around one last time, just to be safe. I closed my door, locked it and everything. I walked swiftly to my room and took notice of the big closet doors. It could be nothing in here. I rolled my eyes and opened the doors. My eyes widen.  It was actually something in the Closet. Several, things really.

I thought about it. Should I actually go? It’s almost 8p.m. and I’m not even sleepy. Maybe I should since I have nothing better to do. I nod my head. Yes, I’ll go. I might as well have a great time here in this strange place. I take out the outfit in Closet and set it on the bed and head towards the shower. I grab a towel and a washing cloth and get ready to take my shower.

After getting out the shower, I changed into the outfit on my bed. Luckily my hair was straighten from the night before, when I straighten it for bed. ( outfit on side )

I grabbed the small letter before stepping outside of my home. I catch the elevator down and before stepping outside I stop and think to myself. Where is Warehouse 4? I look around to see if anyone was here but no one is. Then I think back to what Jam Rock said, “We don’t own that side of the street.” Maybe I can find warehouse 4 over there. I walk out of my building, looking both ways before crossing the street, when I reach the other side a strange breezy starts blowing. Funny, it may be chilly but there was no breeze until now.

Either way, I walk in the direction of the wind which is north. The road is dark if you don’t count the street lights. I keep walking down the path which reminds me of an alley, and Noises start to sound. Like Cats fighting and dogs barking, hissing, and other creepy noises. By  the time I reach the end of the alley, I have to make a choice, either left or right both paths seem the same. I was going to take a left but I stopped. I heard a faint sound coming from in front of me. It’s a wooden Gate in front of me but  small hole in the center like a door knob could fit there or better yet a hand.

I look through the hole and sure enough I can see something in the far distance. Only one thought comes to mind, Warehouse 4. I stick my hand through and feel around. I can feel a lock and I unhook it with my fingers. I take my hand out and push on the hard, cold wood. It opens . I go inside and close the door, making sure to lock it back and proceed to walk down.

Each step I take I get more excited but then I have another feeling, like I should be afraid. Yes, the environment is quite creepy-ish and Dangerous but it’s all about the Adventure right?

That’s when I see it. It can’t be, I’ve been walking for like a minute! I look back and don’t even see the wooden gate anymore. Damn. Now I start jogging up to the building. There may be about 3 people outside of the Creepy looking building. I need to know if I’m in the right place. “Excuse me!” I say to no one really. The Three people turn around and look at me like I’m invading their space. “Is this warehouse 4?” I asked. The lady comes up to me first and says “Maybe it is. Maybe it’s not.”  I roll my eyes at her response. One of the boys looks at me like I’m a piece of food, and he’s hungry. “What’s a girl like you doing looking for Warehouse four, Hmm?”  I look at him, disgusted. “I was invited.” I spat. His friend snorts, “Really, by Who?” “Someone called ‘Him’.” I tell him. His eyes go wide along with the others. “Don’t lie, little girl.” “What I got to lie for?” I glare at him. He rolls his eyes and points at the building. “Yeah, That’s warehouse 4.” I smirk. “Thanks.” And proceed inside of the building.

After walking down the long path I reach an elevator this time, it’s a Freight Elevator with a gate as a door. I roll my eyes at how practical this place is. I lift up the gate and get in. I press the highest number’s button and the device moves but stops on the second floor soon after. 4 pretty girls get on the contraption.  The prettiest one looks me up and down and licks her lips. My eyes widen and she turns back around with a smirk.


By the time we reach the top floor, they get off first. I linger for a minute because I seriously don’t want to walk with them, Where ever they are walking to.

I get off and start walking in the strange place. It’s a straight shot down but there are a few doors on each side but I think I want to go down.  When I reach down there, it’s a big black buff guy is standing in front of a door. Behind the door I can hear music playing. I must be in the right place. “Invitation.” I twist my head towards the man and it takes a minute to register his words. I pull out my invitation, I guess one could call it that, and hand it to the man.

He studies me for a while and looks back at the paper. “Alright, go on in. Special Guest.” He moves aside to let me through.  I walk through and instantly meet tons of bodies. People are both grinding and dancing on another, getting shots, and or doing other things that I don’t really want to say. I immediately head to the bar or what looks like one.

I take a seat and wait for the bartender. “What can I get you?” He says,  I look up from my pocket; I was putting the paper in, and see a familiar face. “Rayon?!” He studies me, to remember who I am. “Aren’t you that girl, eh, Alitha?” I nod. “The last time I saw you was when we were at Basketball practice, yesterday or the day before.” I tell him.  He shakes his head. “No, what you saw was my Clone. I’ve been here since, last week.” “Really?” I asked eyes wide. “Really.” He nods.

“I see Ashley got you too.”  He says after a while. I nod. “Yeah. What you do to get down here?” I ask him. “I called her a Bossy Bitch, when I was telling Craig How crazy she is.” He says nonchalant.  I giggle. “You’re so rude.” “Well what about you? It’s quite a surprise that you’re here.”  He says while severing another costumer. I sigh. “I, uh, I guess you can say I was messing around with her man?” I ask more than state. “Whatchu, mean? Like Messing ‘Round, Messing ‘Round or Just Messing around?”  I sigh again and tell him, “At first it was just a friendly convo at Basketball practice. I guess you might have said I flirted only because he did it first, and then Earlier We kissed.” I say a little embarrassed. Ashley was right, I am a Hoe.

“Woah. Stop the presses. Alitha, The girl who has great grades, and doesn’t fuck with nobody, Alitha?” He asked with a surprised tone. I nod my head. “Who knew you were such a bad girl! Go ‘head Now.” He winks. I blush and look down.  He passes me a glass of something. “For your accomplishment, that’s on the house.” He smiles. I smile back and thank him. “No problem, but listen I have to get back to work. I’ll talk with you later.” He tells me. I nod. “Alright.” I turn around.

I take a sip of my drink and it tastes sweet. My taste bud are rejoicing. I down some more of it and I feel satisfied.  I scan the masses of bodies dancing so close to each other until I find that girl from the elevator looking at me from across the room. I look away and try to find something else to look at. After a moment I turn around to find she is still staring at me.  She says something to her friends and they all glance at me, then she gets up and walks my way. Shit.

I down the last of my drink and speed walk to the crowds of people dancing. There is no possible way she could find me in this mess. I scan around just to be sure.

“Let me Talk to you for a Moment.” A voice whispers in my ear. I jump backwards but before my feet could even touch the ground she pulls me forward, towards her. She grabs my hand and leads me out of the crowd. Now I’m scared. What does she want to talk about, We don’t even know each other.  Finally after she finds a less noisy ,and sweaty, place. She stops and I do too.

She gives me a once over before saying, “What’s a pretty girl like you, doing in a place like this?” She says lifting my chin. Oh God, she’s hitting on me.  I start rambling.

“I, Erh, sorry I don’t like girls. I mean, you’re probably nice and all but I like guys. I mean unless you are a guy then I still wouldn’t like Y—“ She puts her finger over my mouth and lets out a laugh.

“I’m 100% Female and I’m not hitting on you, So calm Your Shit.” She chuckles again. “I just want to know why you’re here, Angel.” She explains. “I got invited.” I tell her. “By who?” “Someone named him.” I give her my Invite. She smirks. “Oh. So you’re the Special Guest.” I look at her. “Come on,” She grabs my hand. “I’ll take you to him.” She leads me down a hall, I didn’t know was there.

As we walk down the hallway, I see people staring and glaring at me. Then I notice the banging, pounding, screams, moans, and groans in the background. “Don’t worry about them, they’re just Druggies.” She tells me. I nod as if she can see me. “And as for The Rooms, Don’t go in there alone, or with someone you don’t know or trust. That’s all I’m saying.” “Don’t worry, I won’t.” I say shaking my head.

We walked a little further before we reached a dead end. “Uhm, This is a Dead End.” I state the obvious. She giggles. “Stop being so Cute, Angel. Of Course it’s a Dead end.”  “Wait?” “Yes?” “Why do you call me Angel?” I asked. “Because unlike the rest of us, You’re a Saint.” She tells me. “I’m not understanding.” I say confused. All she does is giggle.

She takes her hands out and feel on the wall. She’s Feeling. She’s Feeling. She’s still Feeling. A few seconds she stops and Pushes her hardest against the wall and it opens up. “After you.” She says, politely. I smile a bit and walk in. I look around and See A sofa on the side. A Desk with a Chair, papers are stacked nicely on the Desk, I see a small glass table in front of the Sofa and Last I see a Big spinning Chair faced forward towards many mini screens and other components.

“Wh-“ “Sh!” She hushes me, then points to the sofa. I go and sit down and she walks towards the chair. “I have your Special guest.” She tells the chair or so I think. “Good. You may be dismissed.” She courtesies and walks towards the exit. “Good Luck, Angel.” She winks at me and I blush at her small gesture. Good Luck for what?  Then I look forward at the chair. That’s He or Him or Whatever.

“Come here.” He says, gesturing with his finger as well. I get up and obey him. I’m not sure why but I do anyway. I stop right behind his Chair. He turns around in the chair and I gasp. He gets up, swiftly and places his lips on mine and we share a long slow kiss. He releases me and the first word that comes out of my mouth is, “Craig.” I breathe again. “You’re him?” I say, showing him the card.

He smirks. “In the Flesh, baby girl.”

Then in a flash all my memories of school and home hits me. It’s so much pressure on my mind that my legs give out and I groan in pain. “Alith—“

“Why Didn’t You Tell ME? Why Didn’t You tell me all of this would Happen to me!”  I scream. “I did tell you.” He says in a calm voice. “No You—“ “I may not have been Direct! But I gave you Clues. I asked you what was the Missing Piece and it’s not My Fault you’re too stupid enough to have figured it out!”

“ERGH! What the Fu—“ Craig cuts me off with a Kiss and I can’t help but to melt in his strong arms. “Ali, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, That I got you in this mess. If I didn’t kiss you, Then you wouldn’t be here, I’m sorry.” His voice is soft and gentle and I can’t help but to feel guilty.

“No. I’m sorry Craig. If I never planned to bump into you, We wouldn’t be here.” I tell him, not thinking of what I was saying. “Wait? You planned to bump into me?” He asked, cocking his brow. I blush and look down. “I, uh, Er.” “Aw, you wanted me to notice you!” He gushes. “Well it worked!” I say crossing my arms, turning my back towards him. He puts his head between the crook of my neck and grips my hips rocking me side to side. “Indeed it did.” He purrs in my ear. A shiver runs down my spine and I get Goosebumps. “Aw, Did I make you…Shiver.” He rolled the word off his tongue.

I exhale and stifle out a “Mhm.”He starts leaving small little kisses and love bites around my neck. Then He drags his hand up my arm and turns my head to face him. “Do I make you shake?” Then I take notice of my body shaking violently in response to his touch. “Damn. Craig, Yes.”  He laughs in my ear. He laugh is such a Turn on. “We should leave this room before something we both can’t stop goes down.” He tells me.

He rises up off of me and escorts me out of the room. I almost forgot where we were. As We walk down the hallway, The girls that saw me earlier looked at me shocked. Their jaws were dropped and everything. I smirk and finger wave at them. “I didn’t know you were cool with the druggies.” You can practically hear the smirk in his voice. “I don’t roll like that.” I state simply. He chuckles a little. Soon we are back were everyone was. The dancing bodies, the bar, the sweat and heat. Everything. Wait? “Craig, Come with me.” I say pulling him with me to the bar.

“How can I he— Craig and his Lady Friend.” Ray winks. Craig puts his hands in his pants pockets and smiled. “Ray.” I waved at Rayon. “Hey.” “So what can I do for you two?” Ray leans on the counter towards us. “I just want to know what that drink you gave me was called.” I tell him. “Oh. Now that drink is called The Sweet Dreamer.” He informs me. “The Sweet Dreamer?” I asked. “Yes. It’s famous for its Sweet taste, Duh.” I laugh. “Ha.Ha. Craig can you get me one of those?” I turn to him.

“I’m not sure…” He trails off. “Please Craig?” I beg. He smirks. “What do I get in Return?” “You get whatever you want.” I smirk back at him. “Alright, Ray one Sweet Dreamer for Ali and a Black Vice for me.” Craig tells Ray. Ray solutes him and start making the drinks. I smile like a dork at Craig. “What?” He grins. “Thanks.” I tell him and peck his cheek.

“Alright, Here, Sweet Dreamer and Black Vice. Craig that’ll be 20.” Ray says holding out his hand. Craig takes out a 20 and hands it over. “Happy now?” “Very.” Ray nods.

“Come on.” Craig leads me over to a table and we both take a seat. “So.” I start, taking a sip. “So, how do you like it here?” He asked. I ponder on the question. “Well it’s nice. Different but Nice.” I tell him. He nods in understandment. “Hey, what does that taste like?” I asked him, eying his drink. “Something strong.” He says simply. “I wanna taste it.” “No.” “Let me Taste it, Craig. I’ll let you taste mine.” I try to persuade. “If I didn’t know better, I would think you were being dirty.” He smirks.

I scoffs. “Whatever Craig.” I roll my eyes. I sip some more of my drink. “Here.” I look up to see Craig passing over his glass. I glanced at him before bringing the cup up to my lips. I take a small sip before  I almost choke. “Fuck. My Throat!” I say, taking breathes and rubbing my throat. The Drink burned down my throat and made me burp.

“I told you.” I glare at Craig. “You said no such thing.” “Shut up and dance with me.” He said getting up and extending his hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me to my feet, I almost fly out of the seat. After dragging me to the center of the floor an Usher song blares through the room. Lil’ Freak to be exacted.

“Everyone is watching, So I’ma need you to Show out. If you can handle it.” Craig whispers into my ear. I face him and tell him, “Whatever you want.” I know it may seem as if I have all the confidence in the world but in all actuality I’m terrified. I never been to a Club before or Danced like I was in one. As if Craig can read my mind he tells me, “Just go with the Flow.”

At first all I do is Rock to the beat with Craig. Something starts inside of me, and I guess I found my inner Freak. I turn around and face Craig, he raises a brow. I ignore it and circle him. I bump his hips and he smirks. By now the crowd surrounding is seriously wondering what I’mma do next. Since I’m in front of him, I swing my hair, drop down go between his legs and pop back up on the other side of him, all in one swift motion. I can see smirks on people faces and I smirk along with them. Craig now is faced my way and grabs my hands and spins me around. He then grinds on me Frontwards. Now With my back facing him, he lifts my hands up and I rock my little hips down against him, coming back up I can feel his hands grip my sides and my body follows his body and both of our bodies sync together as one. Now I watch as he does the wave with his arms and I giggle. He does the matrix and I wasn’t really paying attention so He caught me off guard when I felt his lips touch exposed skin under my shirt. After grinding on me backwards this time, he motions me behind him and takes my hands and makes me touch on his chest. I hear some people whistle at the action. Then I feel my hands getting lower, and lower and lower. I pull away and tell him that was real cocky. All he does is smile and we go back to the hip movement. I take this as an opportunity to really show out. This goes against all my nature but I twerked straight on him and I swear I heard the crowd gasp. He yanks the back of my shirt and I stand straight up and hit his chest hard. “I think we’ve had enough teasing for one night.”

I look around and saw everyone smirking at me. Then I feel Craig grab my hand and lead me towards the bar. I see that girl again and she smirks at me. “Nice dancing, Angel.”  I blush. “I have two words for you… Dirty. Dancing.” I smile at their words and hide my face in Craig’s chest. “It wasn’t that bad, Ray.” I heard him say. “Sex! That was Sex! Surely not dancing.”

“Just give me a Sweet Dreamer and Black Vice.”

“C’mon Ray, You cannot judge them!” The girl said. “Oh yes I can!” He yelled across his shoulder. “No because we were practically doing the same last week.” I ease out of Craig's Chest. “What?” “That’s different and you know it, Tee!”

“Your name is Tee?” I asked. She looks over at me and smiles warmly. “My nickname, Angel.”  I nod my head. She turns back to Ray, “Hurry up so they can leave.” I turn to face Craig, “We’re leaving?” I asked. He nods. “It’s getting Late.”

“Here. Next time I don’t wanna see NO dancing on each other like sluts unless there is a Ring, Craig.” Ray looks over at him. “Shut up, Man.” Craig looks at me. “Get your Drink, Ali.” I grab my drink and take a sip. “See you guys tomorrow.” He tells Ray and Tee. “Bring Angel!” Tee says. I smile. “Yeah, Bring Me.” “We'll see what happens.”

After getting into a Black Range Rover and Strapping up I look towards Craig. I think I had enough to drink. “Hey, I’m getting Sleepy.” I tell him. “I know you are.” he glanced at me. "Where are we going?" "Home." “So you are gonna take me Home?” I asked with a yarn. “Yes, I am Taking You Home.” Was the last thing he told me.“Good.” I say and close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.


A/N: It was weird for me to write the dancing part. Sorry if it's too long.(The Chapter)  Yes I did get the idea from the song at the last minute.( Yaaay Usher )  Feedback Anyone?

Oh Yeah Important Question: Since everyone is thinking That Prod is like a Vampire or Mythical Creature, Should I actually make him one? I'm getting serious Monster Vibes, I don't know 'bout yall?

Comment. Vote. Like. Read. FEEDBACK. :)

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