Idolize Me

By PaperMars

243K 15.6K 3.6K

Rabid is what they are. The Scott family are as powerful as they are rich. They have more money than most cou... More

Idolize Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Fifteen

6.1K 438 117
By PaperMars

Chapter Fifteen

It was strange to wake up and realize I have nobody. That Vanessa was what I had thought to be my best friend yesterday, only to walk the halls of Trinity and not even get a hello from her today.  

I stood at my locker and took my books out. I had cried for so long last night that today I felt empty, all my emotions felt like they had been sucked out of me. Maybe that was a good thing.

I slammed my locker door shut so loud a few students walking by jumped. I didn't care. They all thought I was crazy. That crazy girl who is here because of charity. That crazy girl who slapped Ezra Scott and got away with it. That crazy girl who kissed Ezra at the biggest party of the year. That crazy girl who Ezra fell in love with.

That crazy girl who doesn't love Ezra back.

I walked into the classroom and sat at my desk. Seeing as there was still a bit of time before it started, I pulled out my phone and sighed. My father had texted me a total of nine times yesterday, and I haven't bothered to read one.

I opened the first message and forced myself to read it.

"Hey kiddo. I know you're busy with school, but when you get the chance, I need you to call me. It's important."

"Your mother has been asking about you, by the way. She misses you (I miss you more, though)."

"Sweetheart, I called you, but you didn't pick up. Your schedule says you should be out of class by now, is your phone broken?"

"Is everything okay? Olivia?"

"Your mother told me to just tell you the news. I had wanted to wait and tell you on the phone, but I guess there's no point. I lost my jobs today, yes, that's right, jobs, plural, with an 's'. I didn't want to tell you because I know you need to focus on your schoolwork. It's still important that you know, we're family after all, right? Work hard, don't party, and stop kissing rich men at parties! That's right, I saw the photo! You made headlines, it was bittersweet to see you in my newsfeed. When you get these messages, I want you to call me, okay?"

"Hey sweetheart, it's dad again, just wanted to tell you your mother lost her job this morning. Something isn't right here, but I don't want you worrying about it. We might have to move in with your grandparents for a little while. I bet you're happy to have your own dorm! Call me!"

"I love you, Olivia. Hope you're having fun at Trinity!"

"p.s. you aren't kissing anymore Scotts, right?"

"p.p.s. your mother said she loves you, (but I still love you more)."

I had thought every ounce of tears within me had left last night. I was wrong. Reading these texts, I was sobbing at my desk. I could feel the eyes of the students around me, but it didn't matter. My parents were suffering, and it was all my fault. All his fault.

I looked up and saw Ezra walking through the door. The room became red at the sight of him. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to hurt him like he had hurt me and my family. I stood, tears still streaming down my face as I caught his gaze.

"How dare you." I shouted for the entire room to hear. Let them hear.

His eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't say anything as I neared him. "How dare you bring my family into this." I put both my hands on his chest and shoved him, which wasn't much since he was a lot taller than me. He barely even moved and inch. "You don't do that. You don't make them suffer for the things I've done. You just don't."

He stared at me, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

I shook my head in disbelief, "Don't act like you don't know!" I tried to shove him again, but this time he stopped me by grabbing both of my wrists, "Both my parents lost their jobs in less than three days. That's no coincidence you asshole!" God, I must look like a mess right now. "You paid Vanessa to avoid me, you cost my parents their jobs, you make this whole college experience hell!" I tried to pull my hands free of his hold, but he was a lot stronger than I had thought. "I hate you so much Ezra Scott. I hate you and your money, I hate your stupid family. I hate that you have so much power over everyone, I hate that nobody tries to discipline you. I hate you."

The entire room fell silent, more so than it already was. I turned to all the students who were staring at me like I was a freakshow. "I hate all of you too. I hate your ignorant gossip. I hate that you only see money. I hate that you worship him just because he's rich.  I hate you." I turned back to Ezra, "I hate you!" The more I said it, the louder I got, "Now let me go!" I tried to twist out of his grasp, but he held my wrists even tighter that I thought they were going to bruise.

The worst part about all of this, was that he didn't even seem fazed. There was a look in his eye that I could only describe as enlightenment. Like he was thrilled that I hated him.

That only made me hate him more.

I finally gave in, stopped struggling as I knew it was doing me no good. I stood there, in his hold, and started to sob. He waited a long moment, before speaking. "Are you finished?"

"Go to hell."

He rolled his eyes and before I could protest, he pulled me out of the room, and into an empty one. Walking into empty classrooms alone with Ezra seemed like a natural occurrence at this point.

He finally let go of me and sat on the professor's desk. He stared at me for a long, uncomfortable minute before he spoke up. "As entertaining as all that was, you're wrong."

I wiped away a lone tear that had escaped down my cheek, "What?"

"I had nothing to do with your parents or the loss of their shitty minimum wage jobs."

That was the last thing I had expected him to say, "Don't lie to me, it's no coincidence-"

"You're right, it isn't a coincidence." He cut me off, his tone sounding more and more annoyed, "From what it seems, it sounds like the handiwork of my parents. They must have seen the viral video of you slapping me in class and formed a grudge." He emphasized the word 'viral' as if I was supposed to feel bad. It didn't.

Still, after everything I had said, I did somehow believe him. Something as big as having both my parents lose their jobs was something Ezra would definitely own up to and take the credit for if it was his doing.

I bit my lip, "And Vanessa?"

"Oh yes, well, that was me, I thought it would be fun to exclude her out of your life. She just got in my way." There was a glint in his eye that made me want to punch him into a coma.


"I'm a brilliant asshole, and I'd do it again." I didn't doubt that. He stood, "When you're done putting on a pathetic show, you may return to class as you do." He started to leave, which was something I couldn't let him do.


He turned to me, "What?"

"You have to tell you parents to give my parents their jobs back."

He stared at me as if I had grown a second head. "And why the fuck would I do that?"

I didn't have a valid reason for Ezra Scott to care about the suffering of my parents. Still, I had to try. "Because they aren't involved with this. Me hitting you wasn't their fault."

His eyes narrowed, "I don't care."

"Ezra, please."

He waved me away, "Enough, I'm done with you." He again, turned to leave. I, at this moment, not caring who he was, ran up to him, and gripped his arm, pulling him back into the room with me. I slammed the door shut and blocked it with my body, so he couldn't get out unless he physically forced me to move.

"I am begging you." I said in an almost whisper, "Please."

I could practically feel the irritation vibrating off him. I knew I was treading on some thin ice. "I said no, now move."

Desperate, I racked my brain for anything to persuade him. The only options I came up with were ones I would rather cut my hand off than do.

But my family means more to me than my pride.

"I-I'll." I swallowed the lump in my throat. God should just kill me now. "I'll date you, okay? I'll do it."

He stared at me blankly for the longest moment, that I had to look away from him just to keep myself from hiding away. He truly does have the angriest stare I've ever seen on anyone. Finally, he took a deep breath, like it was such a bother, and said, "No, I don't want to date you anymore."

He moved to push me away, and I gawked at him, "No no no, there-there has to be something you want!" I refused to budge from my position blocking the door, "Please." If you could personify desperation, I'd be it.

He stood there, and pretended to contemplate, something told me he didn't need to. He knew what he wanted. "Fine. I'll help you."

"For?" Surely it couldn't be worse than dating him, right?

"A kiss. Every single day, no matter the circumstances." He held up a finger, "Just one."

It was worse. "That's insane." I breathed, "Of course it's insane. You're insane."

He shrugged, "Well, then. Good luck on your family's descent into poverty." He shoved me rather roughly away from the door and walked out. I stood there for a couple seconds. I knew I was acting on impulse, as I thought back to my father's texts. How he still said he loved me and wanted me to succeed despite how depressed he and my mother must be.

I kicked the wall as hard as I could, releasing the anger inside me, and ran out into the hall, trailing Ezra.

"Wait!" I called to him. I prayed I wasn't make a deal with the devil. "I'll do it."

He spun around, a triumphant glint in his eyes like he had been expecting and waiting for me to agree the entire time. "Good, you can't start by kissing me now." 

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