Sad Egobang One-shots [Discon...

By Daniel_Avidaniel

7.5K 95 100

The title says it all. You can make requests for angsty stuff! Hope you enjoy the sad and short stories! :')... More

I'd Give My Life For You
It's Alright, Big Cat
A Reason To Go On
Please Don't Leave Me...
I Love You, But You Didn't Understand How Much
Fuck You, Arin
Important! Please Read!

'I'm Scared As Hell, Cause I Can't Get You On The Tellephone'

1.6K 17 28
By Daniel_Avidaniel

[[A/N: I was listening to 'Lullaby' by Nickelback while writing this, so-]]
TW: Self-Harm, Suicide, Hinted Eating Disorder

Dan's P.O.V

This week -no scratch that- this whole fucking year had been stressful. And it was starting to kick me in the ass...

Things had started out well, working on Grumps and even a relationship with Arin, working on songs for NSP with Brian; So I don't know why everything went down hill so fast.

What did I do wrong?

Why did any of this have to happen...?

I had noticed how my emotions had been out of control, I would get explosively angry, then crazy sad, then energetic and happy! I don't know why I was having such weird mood swings. Was it because of that girl I dated? Why would a break up that happened over two years ago effect me? I have Arin, now!

I just wanted an explanation, Dammit! Why can't someone just tell me what's wrong with me?!


Arin's P.O.V

Dan has been acting... strange lately. He hasn't even been showing up for up for recordings anymore. I'm getting worried about him... really worried. He doesn't usually act like this.

I considered texting him... but I wanted to ask him in person.

Today was one of the rare days that Dan came to the Grump Space. I decided I should ask him what was wrong.

"Hey, Danny?" I began, tapping his shoulder. Dan turned to look at me. He looked awful...
He had dark bags under his eyes and he was much skinner than usual...

"Oh my god, Dude... have you been taking care of yourself?" I ask him, my brows furrowing from worry.
"Huh? Oh... yeah. Just haven't been able to sleep well lately..." Dan rubbed the back of his neck.

"What is it, Big Cat?"
"Please don't lie to me..."

I noticed Dan flinch when I spoke. I began to get nervous.
"I'm not fucking lying!" Dan snapped. "I'm not lying! I wouldn't fucking lie about this! Jesus Christ!"

I jumped when Dan snapped, not having expected him to break like that...
"D-Dan... I'm... I'm sorry..." I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I lowered my head.
'Pull yourself together, Arin! Don't cry over this!' I mentally scolded myself.

"Whatever... I'm going home..." Dan stormed out of the Grump Space, slamming the door behind him.

I just stood there, my whole body trembling. Before I knew it, I was a sobbing mess on the floor...

Dan's P.O.V

Why did I snap at him...?
Fuck... there you go again, Daniel. Fucking things up...

I gripped the steering wheel of my car, trying to keep myself from crying.

I soon reached my place and quickly entered. I slammed the door and rushed into the bathroom.
I opened the medicine cabinet, searching for something...

I eventually find that something, A razor blade.
I hold it in my shaking hands.
I shrug my jacket off, the piece of leather clothing falling to the ground with a gentle sound.

I look at my wrists, which were littered with cuts, old and new. I got a sick feeling of pride when I saw them... I hated the feeling, but... I was fucking addicted. I couldn't stop... I needed to cut. It helped to release all this stress...

I press the cold metal to my right wrist, digging it into the flesh there. I swipe it across, little beads of red beginning to blossom from the fresh cut.
I let out a shaky sigh of relief when I cut the skin.

I continued this procedure until both of my arms were a blood mess. It felt good... it made me feel... safe.

A thought then struck me...

What if I just... cut right... there...

I place the blade over the vein on my wrist.

I'd bleed out...

I'd leave this fucking place behind...

It sounded so...


Arin's P.O.V

Dan hadn't answered any of my texts... I was scared. Really fucking scared.

My foot tapped against the ground in a rapid manner, my hands clasped together and placed over my mouth.

That's when I heard my phone go off. I quickly picked it up.

"Dan!" I exclaim. It was a text from him! God, was I relieved!
Well... that is... until I read what the message said...

I'm so sorry about what I'm about to do...
I just can't fucking do this anymore.
I'm tired.
I love you so very much, never forget that and just know that this is not your fault.
I'm sorry.
Please tell everyone else that I'm sorry to them, too...
I guess this is goodbye.'

I read the message multiple times before I quickly call Dan.

He didn't pick up.
I began to panic. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as my heart beat increased in speed.

He could be dead... He could be fucking dead...

I continued to try and call Danny.

He can't die.

Not now...

Not yet...

Dan's P.O.V

I hadn't cut yet. It was as if I was scared...
Do it.
Just fucking do it.
The voice in my head hissed.

My phone kept ringing. It was probably Arin.
Don't answer it...

So I didn't.
Just let it ring. Cut. Do it. Cut.

It was now or never. I closed my eyes, digging the blade into my arm, and swiping...

I could feel blood travle down my arm, warm and sticky. I let out a shaky breath as the crimson liquid made its way to my finger tips.
It dripped to the floor, staining the tiles red.

I coul feel myself begin to black out. I collasped to the ground.
It'll all be over soon...
Just close your eyes, Daniel.

I did as told.

I closed my eyes and felt as my life slipped away...

No One's P.O.V

The police had arrived at Dan's place to find him dead, lying on the floor of his bathroom.

They told Arin the news.

Arin's heart would never recover...

[[A/N: Welp! Hope you guys enjoyed the angst! There will be more in the future!]]

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