Elena's Fantasy Diaries

By mandzipop

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Elena's fantasy diaries are mostly regarding her illicit dreams about Damon throughout the show, & appear in... More

Friday Night Insights
One Good Man
Miss Mystic Feels
Hot Blooded Brother
The Monster Returns
Bad Man Rising
Bed of Roses
The Seduction
Damon Issues
As I Lay Dreaming
The Big Day
The Kindling
Smells Like Teen Seduction
Smells Like Vampire Seduction
An Ordinary Couple
I'm Coming
Our Time
All My Insecurities
In The Heat of Darkness
Knowing Pains
The Memory
The Stripper
The Two
We All Fall Madly In Love Sometimes
My ex Lover's Brother
Ravish Me
I Remember That One Night
Passion and Adventure Without the Danger
Hello Lover

The Last Dalliance

4.8K 42 5
By mandzipop

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Warning for smut and bad language.

Dear Diary

Aargh, it's happened again!

And why does this have to happen when I'm angry with Damon,scrap that I'm livid with Damon. He didn't believe Elijah's elixir would work so he fed me his blood. How dare he take my choices away!I'm angry with him but I doubt the dreams will stop, unless I become a vampire. Do vampire's even dream? I've never asked Stefan, Damon or Caroline. Oh well, looks like I'm about to find out, thanks to Damon.:(

I know I'll forgive him, sooner than I'd forgive anyone else for doing something bad. Is it because my expectations of him are so low? Or is it because I understand why, and part of me might have done the same thing if I were going to lose someone I loved. Would I have done the same to Jeremy if I'd have been in Damon's shoes? Would I have risked a five hundred year old elixir or fed him my blood? I guess until I know what it's like to be a vampire I'll can't say. I guess I'm more angry Damon took the decision out of my hands. Of all people he should know. Stefan turned him because he couldn't be without his brother against his wishes. But unlike Damon, I suspect it won't take me a hundred and forty five years to forgive him for turning me.

Oh well, what's done is done. Klaus will perform the ritual and I'll come back as a vampire. I'll forgive Damon and if vampires dream, then the dreams will continue until I work out what they mean.

Who am I kidding, I know what they mean. No matter what he does, I can't help it, I'm drawn to him in ways I can't explain. I don't understand what this all means. I'm seventeen years old. I have a sweet, loving kind boyfriend, who I should be happy with, want to be with forever, because for us, forever is now possible. But I never wanted to be a vampire, I didn't want forever with Stefan. The things I wanted from the love of my life were things Stefan could never give me. Caroline was right, we wouldn't have worked. I never saw my future with Stefan and I never planned my life or future around him.He helped me with my grief, and I love him for that, but is that enough for eternity together?

I don't think it is, because if it was, I wouldn't be dreaming about Damon. I am repeatedly dreaming about cheating on my boyfriend with his brother. If my heart was entirely with Stefan, I wouldn't behaving these dreams and I know that for a fact. Maybe that's one of the reasons I'm scared to become a vampire, I suspect my feelings for Stefan might change, and right now I need stability.

So what are these erotic dreams about Damon really about?

I tried getting away from Damon and going to the Lake House with Stefan, but it only made me miss Damon more. Stefan and I had sex, and I thought maybe that would help get rid of the dreams, but once I was there I began to miss Damon, so I knew they'd carry on. At least I've eliminated sexual frustration.

Is it purely physical attraction? Damon is hot, there is no two ways about it. When it comes down to physical appearance, Damon is the hotter of the two Salvatore brothers. He's dangerous and sexy,but finding someone physically attractive shouldn't affect me like this.

Could it be an emotional attraction? I don't think I love him.I care about him, sure, but I care about Bonnie, Caroline and Matt.Are my feelings for Damon different? I don't know. What I do know is we have a connection. We understand each other in ways nobody else does. He knows how I'll feel, react, think. Almost as if he's me.Maybe as a human he was more like me and that is where the understanding comes from. Who am I kidding, Damon and I are the complete opposite.

Anyway, onto the dream. Before Damon fed me his blood, and before I woke Elijah, we had the decade dance. This time it was the sixties. We knew Klaus would turn up at some point. I went with Stefan, Damon was a chaperone. We didn't know it, Klaus was in Ric's body, but I digress. Stefan and I were dancing when Caroline turned up with Matt. Caroline didn't know Klaus was there, so Stefan handed me over to dance with Damon, and he said something about having moves I've never seen. Later after I thought Bonnie was dead I hit him, but it turned out he was in league with Bonnie to stop Klaus from killing her. After that I went to his room and apologized. He told me he'd always choose me over Bonnie, which wasn't a surprise.But the way he said it, made me feel like he was telling me he loved me. Is Damon really capable of loving someone so soon after Katherine? I know Bonnie predicted this, but so soon after Katherine?


The previous night's dream...

Elena walked up to Damon's bedroom, she needed to talk to him. Not only did she want to thank him for his role in saving Bonnie's life,but she also needed to apologize to him. He'd saved her best friend and her way of rewarding him was slapping him in the face. He'd even let her because he understood how devastated she was. Damon deserved better than the way she'd treat him. That being said, he needed to know where she stood regarding Bonnie sacrificing herself for Elena,it was not an option and Damon needed to know that she was unwilling to risk her best friend's life for her own. There had to be another way which didn't involve Bonnie dying. These were the reasons what had led her to be leaning against the door frame of Damon's bedroom,stood outside waiting for the last couple of minutes, while he finished getting showered and changed from the dance.

Confident Damon's sense of hearing would alert him to her presence, Elena was fairly certain he would be fully clothed after his shower. Although she didn't think he'd embarrass her by ever knowingly stand in front of her naked, unless the nature of their relationship changed (which once upon a time, according to Bonnie, it would). However, right now she wasn't sure how she'd deal with a stark naked reminder of what her current self was missing in relation to her future self.

Stefan had told Elena Damon was in the shower when she'd asked him where the elder Salvatore was before her boyfriend had gone out hunting. Although Stefan was drinking human blood, he wasn't drinking enough to completely sustain him. He was taking in enough to keep him stronger living from just than animal blood alone could. The results being that Stefan was now stronger and able to heal quicker from injuries. It also made him faster and his vision and hearing were clearer and more sensitive than before. However, he still didn't trust himself to survive solely on blood-bags as he thought he would want to drink from the vein. He didn't feel his tolerance was yet high enough to make the full transition from animal blood to blood bags, meaning hunting the local wildlife was still a requirement to supplement his dietary needs. Stefan's hunting trips usually lasted two to three hours, which would give Damon and Elena plenty of time to clear the air.

Damon walked out of his bathroom, freshly showered wearing a brown t-shirt and black jeans. His raven hair was it's usual messy self,but she could tell it was still slightly damp from the shower. He was carrying a glass of whiskey in one hand and what looked like the black leather pants he'd worn earlier at the dance in the other. The overall look was plain and relaxed, yet for some reason, Damon had this uncanny knack of making even the most simplistic image look sexy. Elena tried to push those thoughts to the back of her mind.She'd already spent too much of the evening being turned on by Damon when they danced together earlier that night. His strong arms around her, with her hands almost touching his naked chest had affected her,and to make matters worse, she suspected Damon may have realized the effect he was having on her. She hadn't exactly been able to hide her wildly beating heart, which she was sure he must have felt while he had his hands wrapped around her wrists. Nor could he have possibly missed the way she had been staring at him, as if he was her hero when he had done was make her laugh. But most of all, he must have been aware of how she'd been unable to drag her eyes away from his mouth, desperately wanting to kiss him and taste him, just to see if his lips were as delicious as she thought they would be.

When Damon emerged he turned his head as if he had only just noticed she were there, although Elena was sure he must have been aware of her presence for at least the last two minutes. "Ugh.Look. Klaus had to think she was dead." he sighed as he strolled over to his his bed and threw the leather pants down on top of the comforter. "Your reaction had to be real." he told her.

"I understand why you did what you did." Elena admitted as Damon narrowed his eyes at her, seemingly perplexed by her statement. "Klaus was fooled, and Bonnie's alive."

Damon gave a small smile as he held up his glass of whiskey as if toasting to their success before taking a drink. "Here's to duplicity." he said.

"But let's get one thing straight, Damon." Elena told Damon as she walked over to stand opposite him at the foot of the bed. "Bonnie will not die for me, I will not let that happen."she insisted.

"We need to kill Klaus, Elena. Real Klaus." Damon told her. "Who will probably be coming to pay you a visit soon now that he knows that Bonnie is dead." he added. "She's the only one who can do it." he insisted, his voice almost pleading with her to understand.

"We'll find another way." Elena shook her head, disagreeing with Damon's assessment of the situation.

"I hope so" Damon replied softly.

A moment passed, Elena looked down and took a deep breath, leaning against the bedpost for support, building up the courage to admit to his she was wrong. "Look, I shouldn't have hit you." she apologized, peeking up at him through her eyelashes.

"Apology accepted." Damon smiled. Elena turned slightly,ready to leave, but Damon hadn't finished what he was saying, his expression turning serious. "Let me be clear about something. If it comes down to you and the witch again." he told her. "I will always. Choose. You."

"I know." Elena whispered, she'd expected this from him."But let me make myself clear too Damon." Elena insisted."I will not let anyone die for me. Not Bonnie, not you..."she started as Damon frowned in surprise at her comment, throwing Elena off track. "Yes Damon, that includes you." she told him, surprised he hadn't expected her to think he was important enough to her, when in reality it was the opposite matter.

"First of all, am I the only one who has complete faith in Bonnie's abilities to kill Klaus without dying?" Damon asked."Secondly, how did I make it on to your ' important enough to keep you alive' list after what I did? I thought I'd lost you forever as a friend." he said as he finished his whiskey and walked over and placed the empty glass on the nightstand, before returning to the foot of the bed and standing opposite her once more.

"Lets just say I find it difficult to stay mad at you."Elena admitted with a nervous laugh. "I'd have thought it was obvious I'd forgiven you." she told him in a small voice,casting her eyes down, hoping Damon wouldn't ask why.

Unfortunately Damon was not going to let her off the hook that easily. "Not really." he replied, shaking his head as Elena looked back up at him. "The last few times we've been alone together you've either tried to hit me, have actually hit me or slapped me." he raised one eyebrow, looking up to the ceiling,as if trying to remember each individual event. "So unless this is some new strange method of forgiveness that is sweeping America right now and I don't know about it, excuse me for being clueless."he added with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Sorry." Elena said quietly, lowering her eyes to avoid his. "It just sometimes feels easier to fight you." she admitted, wishing Damon would drop the subject, but she'd already said too much. He was astute enough to pick up on her meaning soone rrather than later. Maybe this was a good time to admit her feelings,nobody else was around and Stefan wouldn't hear what she had to say.

"Why?" Damon asked, his voice sounding confused by her statement.

"Because I'm scared of what will happen if I don't."Elena said nervously, still not able to look him in the eye.

"Why, what would happen?" Damon asked once more.

"I don't know." Elena whispered. "Because right now, even fighting with you is not enough anymore." she admitted, finally raising her her eyes to look at him.

"I'm afraid you're going have to spit out whatever it is you're trying to say Elena, because I'm really confused." Damon blinked hard at her in the way he often did when he was being deadly serious or confused.

Elena nodded as she closed the gap to Damon, deciding now was the right time to tell him how she felt. She could smell he wasn't wearing the cologne he usually wore, which was probably custom made and cost thousands of dollars. His smell was always wonderful,enticing and expensive. Yet the cologne free freshly showered Damon was new to her, and he smelled even better. It was a clean odor with a spicy undertone, which was extremely sensual, sending heat pooling straight to her stomach.

Tentatively, Elena placed her hand on his cheek before standing on her tiptoes and kissing him chastely on the lips, leaving Damon looking surprised and confused, clearly not knowing what to make of her actions. "That's the innocent version." Elena whispered nervously, pulling away before staring down at her feet, blushing at her actions. She wasn't sure she could handle whatever Damon's initial reaction was likely to be. Would it be rejection, acceptance or would he want more? Elena hoped it would be the latter of the three.

"Oh." was all he said at first, before asking the obvious question. "You mean there's another version?" Damon raised one eyebrow.

"Yes." Elena admitted in a small voice, peeking up at him through her eyelashes once more, her cheeks flaming up more than she'd ever experienced in her life.

"Do I get to find out what that one is like?" Damon asked, a small suggestive smile appearing on his face.

"Only if you show me the moves I've never before, like you told me about on the dance-floor." Elena replied, growing bolder as she realized he wanted the same as she did, they both wanted,more.

"Well I wasn't exactly talking about dancing." Damon smirked.

"I knew that." Elena smiled. "I still want to know." she whispered.

"And where does that leave us?" Damon narrowed his eyes.

"It leaves us still having to deal with Klaus, but once we have, we'll have to make some difficult decisions." Elena admitted as a flicker of disappointment momentarily flashed across Damon's face before disappearing. "My feelings for you are getting stronger every day. I've tried fighting you and staying away from you, but it's not working." she told him. "My feelings for you shouldn't be this strong if I loved Stefan as much as I thought I did." she sighed. "I'm sick of fighting it. It's exhausting."

"What exactly are you fighting?" Damon wanted to know.

"That's a very good question." Elena replied. "My feelings for you are very different from what I feel for Stefan. I feel like..."

"What are your feelings Elena?" Damon demanded, cocking his head to one side, his lips pursed tightly together.

Elena unintentionally looked at Damon's bed thoughtfully before turning her attention back to Damon himself to the answer his question."I don't know." Elena admitted, realizing what staring at his bed and then at Damon could be mistaken for, and yet she didn't mind. She wondered if this was what she subconsciously wanted to share with Damon. The moment her mind thought about those type of needs, her body reacted, fully approving of her thoughts, as heat immediately began to pool in the pit of her stomach. Elena swallowed hard, trying to regain her composure and ignore the fact she was getting turned on by his sheer presence alone. "As I said, what I feel for you is different to how I feel for Stefan, I can't explain it." she frowned. "What I know love is meant to feel like, it's how I feel for Stefan. The pull I feel with you is entirely different, I can't control it. It's scares me."

"You feel drawn to me?" Damon asked, creasing his brow.

Elena nodded. "I need to be near you." she said, the moment the truth of her words flew out of her mouth, the physical need for him somehow became stronger. Although yet again she tried to ignore it. "I feel empty when you're not around If anything happened to you, a part of me would die. I can't let that happen."she told him defiantly, as tears began to well up in her eyes. Her emotions were everywhere, she couldn't explain her feelings for this man in front of her, whatever they were, they were intense, on top of that her physical desire for him was stronger than anything she'd ever felt in her life.

"Hey hey, shhh." Damon said softly, taking Elena's hand and rubbing circles on the back of it. "Nothing is going to happen to me." he assured her, yet equally looking slightly uncomfortable at the possibility of Elena crying.

Elena looked down at her hand which was being held by Damon's, his soothing touch sending volts of electricity running through her body."I can't risk it." Elena gulped. "I can't lose you."she said, reaching up and stroking Damon's cheek with one hand, while her tears stopped never fell, her eyes only glistened.

"I can't lose you either." Damon whispered, as he leaned into her touch and covered Elena's hand with his, weaving his fingers through hers.

Elena stared deeply into Damon's icy blue eyes, which looked unusually soft in the dim lighting of his bedroom. "I need you."she pleaded, closing the gap between them and wrapping her other hand around the back of Damon's neck.

"I'm not going anywhere." he promised her, smiling,cupping Elena's face with both hands.

Happy that she felt she and Damon were on the same page, she decided to go for the plunge. "I want to show you the less innocent version." Elena told him shyly, her heart racing.

"What about Stefan?" Damon asked.

"He's out hunting." Elena told him. "He'll be gone at least a couple of hours."

"You say the less innocent version." Damon narrowed his eyes. "How less innocent do you mean." he asked.

"The version where you are going to have to show me moves I could never have imagined before." she said nervously.

"You do know what this means?" Damon lowered his forehead towards hers. She knew he was giving her the opportunity to back out and they'd pretend this conversation never existed.

"I know." Elena whispered. "I'm all in." she smiled.

"No turning back." Damon warned her.

Elena smiled. "No turning back." she agreed. "I want you!" she said.

Elena lifted her head and pulled Damon's face towards her. Damon put up no resistance as their lips brushed together before finally meeting. Elena opened her mouth, deepening their kiss, an invitation for Damon's tongue to explore as she tentatively began to discover his. Damon wrapped one arm around Elena's waist and pulled her closer to him, their bodies pressed up against one another, while Damon began to run his free hand through Elena's hair. Elena pushed her hips up against Damon's, feeling him harden beneath his jeans, sending heat pooling in her stomach. She ran her fingers through his hair, which was still slightly damp in parts from the shower,prompting Elena to wish she'd gone to see him a few minutes earlier so she could have joined him.

The kiss became more heated as their tongues investigated each others mouths, swiping dancing and getting to know one another on a level they'd never previously dared allow themselves to. Damon tasted clean and minty, with a hint if bourbon, and another flavor she couldn't identify, but she instinctively knew it was Damon himself as it resembled the amazing smell she'd encountered when they'd gotten up close to each other. The combination was extravagant, enticing,delicious, however there was a strange sense of safety and comfort.As if she'd known the warmth of his arms, and his passionate yet tender kisses her entire life, a feeling she could only describe as home. The sensation of safety and security was a new feeling and entirely unexpected, she'd not experienced anything like this since her parents died. In a different way, it was as intense as the protection she felt her parents had provided as a child. However,there was one major difference, Damon wasn't just making Elena feel safer and more protected, he was making her feel sexy, for the first time in her life, she felt like a woman and not a teenage girl.

Damon's hand slid underneath Elena's top and up her back while their tongues continued to dance together in perfect unison,exploratory, yet passionate. New, but confident and fiery, filled with an abundance of desire. In her whole life, nobody had ever kissed Elena like Damon was kissing her, not Matt, nor surprisingly Stefan. Stefan's lips were soft and gentle, and whilst there were passion in his kisses, they were tender and he made her feel fragile and delicate, like she were made of glass. With Damon, he made he rfeel strong and invincible, and although he'd never outright told Elena he loved her, his kisses were making his feelings very clear.

Elena had to temporarily pull away slightly to breathe, tugging on Damon's bottom lip with her teeth as she did, causing him to moan with pleasure, a sound that heated her body straight to her core. The knowledge of being able to elicit such beautiful sounds from the lip sof someone as dangerous as Damon, made her feel powerful and confident, as if she could conquer the world through his lips alone. Alas, the world would have to wait as her desire for Damon grew stronger by the second. His wandering hand was setting her skin on her back alight, simply by touch alone. And although they were pressed up against one another, the material separating them, made Elena feel they were miles apart. She wanted to touch him, feel his naked flesh against hers, a desire to be joined together as one entity. She'd never experienced such deep and desperate sexual desires combined with a profound need to be connected with another person in her whole life.

Lowering her hands, Elena grabbed hold of the hem of Damon's t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head, him lifting his arms in the air to help guide her. Glancing at his face while in the process of undressing him, Elena noticed the pupils of his eyes were dilated,dark with desire for her, a look which sent a heat flooding straight to her core, causing her panties begin to dampen. Under any other circumstances she would have blushed at her bodily reaction to him, but right now she didn't care. If anything, it was confirmation from her body telling her what they were doing was right and necessary for the both of them.

Once Damon's t-shirt had made it's way to the brown leather chair at the other side of the room, he ran his hands up the sides of Elena's body and removed her own top, which joined his across the room. Elena's chest half only clad in her satin purple bra, while her newly washed hair was now a static unruly mess, partially covering her face due to the contact with her top. Damon tucked her hair behind her ears as they began to kiss once more, however this time their hands began to simultaneously began to explore each others naked flesh. Damon's fingers brushed over the satin covering her nipples, causing them to pebble under his touch. Elena mimicked his movements, discovering the little tufts of hair in contrast to the smoothness of his skin as she went along. Her hands made their way down to Damon's slender hips, before tracing line of dark hair of his treasure trail.

Damon wrapped his arm around Elena's waist and began his oral exploration of her body, as Elena stroked her fingernails up and down the ridges of his spine, causing him to quietly moan with pleasure.His lips and tongue made their way down her neck, stopping momentarily as Damon gently sucked on her jugular, scraping his blunt teeth against what she suspected was the spot he'd usually choose to bite his victims. Ironically the thought of how deadly and dangerous this man really was, who's only intention was to love her in every way possible and give her pleasure, sent heat straight to her core before he continued his journey down Elena's body. Damon sat on the bed with his legs apart and turned Elena around to face him, pulling her in close to stand between his legs. His hand reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, sliding it off her shoulders. He palmed her breasts gently before attaching his mouth to one of them, his tongue, teeth and lips teasing the nipple and surrounding areola,while his free hand massaged the other breast, pinching her nipple with enough force to cause Elena to moan. Any harder and it would have been close to being painful, but Damon knew the exact amount of pressure to apply to make it deliciously pleasurable.

Elena gasped and threw her head back as she wrapped one arm around Damon's broad shoulders, the other holding onto the nape of his neck.Allowing her to run her fingers through Damon's soft raven hair,gently scratching his scalp with her fingernails, eliciting a sigh of contentment from Damon's mouth, which sent a tingling sensation throughout her body.

Damon switched breasts, ensuring both were treat thoroughly and equally the same before ghosting his hands down the sides Elena's body, with enough pressure to not tickle her as his lips made their way down her abdomen. His fingers traced the outline of the waistband of her black pants, before unbuttoning them and pushing them down her legs. Elena stepped out of them as Damon also made quick work of her socks and shoes before throwing them over to the brown chair. He reached to the side of him and the leather pants he'd placed down on the bed, which were now lying beside him, they were also dispatched across the room, joining the mounting pile of clothes. He sat down on the bed and gently placed his hands on her hips before stroking and cupping the cheeks of her behind.

Damon looked up at her with an unfamiliar uncertainty in his eyes, something which Elena had never seen before. "You sure about this?" he asked, almost shyly.

"Yes." Elena replied, her mind searching to understand why Damon seemed on edge. He was known for his prolific bedroom skills, and thus far had not only lived up to, but he'd surpassed her expectations. The look in Damon's eyes revealed the truth of his nervousness, he wasn't shy or uncertain of his capabilities, it was simply because he loved her. Elena suspected for him this was a new experience, making him a little more apprehensive than he would normally be. Elena smiled at the thought, he was trying to prove to her how much he loved her in the most primitive human fashion. Her smile and her answer appeared to have gone some way to reassure him as he smiled back at her. The shy, almost innocent look, had disappeared, as his usual confident sexually assured self returned once more.

Damon looked up at her adoringly."God Elena you're beautiful." he said as he began kissing the satin waistband of her panties. He pulled the crotch to one side and gently caressed her folds with his fingers, causing Elena to gasp with pleasure at his touch. "And wet with it." he growled, the gutteral sound turning her on even more.

Suddenly Damon lay back on the bed, gently pulling Elena on top of him, as their mouths met once more. This time a sense of urgency took over their kisses. Their limbs tangled and their hips began to grind up against one another, trying to find friction and provide relief for each other, and judging from the bulge in Damon's jeans, Elena knew his needs were as great as hers.

Elena tried to reach down to unbutton Damon's jeans, but he pulled away so that they were just out of reach. "You're overdressed."she managed to complain between kisses.

Damon rolled them over so Elena was flat on her back while he hovered above her. His eyes lasciviously sweeping up and down Elena's body, drinking her in. "So are you." he grinned, causing Elena to suddenly feel self conscious.

Elena's cheeks flushed pink. "Damon!" she cried, covering her face with her hands.

"Hey...shhh." Damon assured her as she peeled her hands away from her face. "You should never hide." he told her."Especially not from me. You're the most beautiful woman in the world." he whispered as he lowered himself down and kissed her chastely on the lips.

"I still think you at least need to take your jeans off."Elena insisted after Damon pulled away. "They're looking kinda tight on you." she smirked.

"You noticed." Damon said, nodding with a grin.

"It's hard to miss." Elena said innocently as she reached down and stroked his length through the denim. "Definitely hard." she winked.

"And what do I get in return?" Damon asked innocently.

Elena frowned. "Freedom?" she suggested.

"To do what?" Damon smiled seductively.

"To do whatever you want." Elena whispered back. Damon's face turned serious as he sat back on his haunches and began to unbutton his jeans. Elena sat up and grabbed hold of his wrists to stop him. "Let me." she said, looking up at him.

Damon stood up as Elena got to her knees and scuttled down the bed and began to undo his zipper. Slowly, Elena pulled his jeans down his hips, revealing his very tented black cotton boxer briefs. Damon stepped out of the jeans which were pooling around his bare feet and kicked them across the room out of the way. Meanwhile Elena hooked her fingers in the elastic waistband of Damon's boxer briefs and also pulled them down, revealing his large, erect member, which was unsurprisingly, just as beautiful as the rest of him.

Instinct and desire took over Elena's brain as she reached down to touch him. Noticing the pre-cum seeping through the tip, Elena gently took hold of his length in her fingers. She looked up at him as she swirled her tongue around the swollen head, tasting him, causing Damon's eyes to roll into the back of his head and moan with pleasure, as he stroked her hair, before trying to regain his composure and return her gaze. His moans of pleasure gave Elena a small sense of satisfaction in the knowledge she could have this much power over him. However, that feeling of power didn't last for long as Damon gently stopped her and pulled her up so she was on her knees on the bed facing him, while he was still stood. Elena gave a moan of annoyance.

"Keep doing that and I'll never last." he warned her with a chuckle, although Elena realized he was deadly serious. "Do you trust me?" Damon asked.

"With what?" Elena frowned.

"To make you scream with pleasure?" Damon smirked.

"Oh I think you are more than capable." Elena laughed.

"So if I ask you to do something and promise you it isn't too kinky, but you'll love it, will you do it?" Damon asked.

"I guess." Elena frowned, as Damon grinned and walked over to his closet. "As long as it doesn't involve sex toys."she called out as he returned, hiding something behind his back."What's that?" she asked, but Damon initially ignored her question.

"On your hands and knees, and face the headboard." Damon instructed as Elena obeyed him.

"What are you planning to do?" Elena asked once more, a trace of fear in her voice.

"I'm going to heighten your senses." Damon explained."Just like a vampire's." However, her fear must have been more noticeable than she thought as Damon stood in front of her with a black piece of material in his hand. "It's just a tie."he smiled.

Elena narrowed her eyes. "And what are you going to do with it?" she asked.

"I'm just going to blindfold you for a little bit."Damon told her. "You won't need your sight to feel pleasure, so if I take your vision away from you completely, you'll be able to focus on the rest of your senses." he explained. "You said you trusted me."

"I guess." Elena bit on her lip nervously.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice full of concern. "You scared?"

"I'm not so sure." Elena frowned. "It's just that I've never done anything like this before." she said, lowering her eyes.

Damon tilted her face towards his. "Relax." he said. "I promise you, you'll love it." he assured her, kissing her so tenderly, she couldn't help but believe him.

"Okay, I'm in." she smiled as Damon wrapped the silk tie around her head, covering her eyes, tying it to one side, only tight enough to remove her sight.

"Is that comfortable?" he asked softly.

"Yes." Elena replied quietly.

"Just say the words and I'll take it off." Damon told her.

"Okay." Elena said, still not sure what Damon was going to do.

"Now I want you to solely focus on my touch." Damon explained as if he could read her mind.

"I will." Elena whispered, curiosity beginning to takeover.

Elena felt Damon's chest against her back as he tucked her hair to one side and kissed her shoulder. He gently stroked his fingers down her spine followed by his lips and tongue, forcing Elena to relax.She began to understand what Damon had meant by blindfolding her and heightening her senses. Every time he touched her, her body was flooded with sensations, reaching right down to her very core.

Once he reached the bottom of her spine, Damon nudged Elena's legs slightly apart, stroking the inside of her thigh as he did so until he reached her core. He slid her panties to one side and gently ran his fingers down her slit before circling her entrance with the tip of his finger. Elena thought she was going to explode at the sensation, however it turned out to just be the start. Damon stroked her folds once more before parting them with his fingers and blowing into her entrance, his tongue followed the line of her slit starting from her nub and circling it before returning to her core.

Elena cried out as Damon pressed his tongue inside Elena's entrance, practically taking her breath away, while at the same time massaging her nub with his thumb. Heat began pooling in the pit of Elena's stomach as the repeated probing action of his tongue increased the throbbing in her core, building her up to such an exploding point, she thought she was going to come. However Damon had other ideas and changed what he was doing. Instead he began to suck on her nub as he inserted two fingers inside her and gently began pump gently whilst his mouth paid close attention to her clit.

Elena began to moan loudly, the sensations running through her body were too much. Damon was right about being blindfolded, her focus was almost entirely on his touch, leaving her no room to think,all she knew was that she about to fall over the edge. The intense heat building up inside of her, along with her throbbing core signaled she was on the verge of an extremely powerful orgasm. Damon must have recognized the signs as he inserted a third finger and increased the pace. Finally white hot spasms exploded throughout her core, the sensations sending Elena spiraling into an abyss of never ending pleasure. The orgasm which was ripping through her body was unlike any other she'd experienced before. Instead of being confined to her core, it was wreaking havoc throughout her entire body.

"Oh fuck...Damon...Aargh!" Elena cried out as she arched her back losing the ability to think or speak along the way. Her body went rigid as wave after wave of orgasm hit her.

Just as Elena began to come down from her high, from behind she felt Damon run his shaft up and down her slit, coating himself in her juices before gently pushing his length inside her. Holding her hips,he inserted himself a little at a time, allowing Elena to stretch and accommodate his girth, until he was fully buried inside her, uniting them as one. "You ready?" he asked as Elena nodded breathlessly in response. "Fuck...you're tight Elena."Damon moaned as he kissed her back.

Damon set a slow pace, allowing Elena to become accustomed to him reaching parts of her body which had never been touched before.However once Elena was acclimatized to the deep penetration, his tempo increased and Elena began to appreciate how good this position was for her. She began to move her hips in unison with his, to ensure his thrusts were pushing his shaft as deep inside her as possible.

Still blindfolded, Elena felt Damon massage one of her breasts with one hand, gently pinching her nipple, causing it to pebble,while simultaneously circling her swollen nub with his other hand.The action of Damon's fingers, combing with the deep penetration and heightened senses caused the heat that had been gradually building up in the pit of her stomach to turn to boiling point, the throbbing between her legs was now practically numb, waiting for the inevitable.

"Come for me Elena." Damon commanded seductively, even though she'd barely recovered from her previous orgasm. However her body responded to his velvety tones as the the full force of her second orgasm hit her.

"Oh yes...oh yes...oh my god...Damon...Damon...aargh"she cried as the white hot spasms ripped throughout her core once more while electric pulses rocked throughout the rest of her body.Elena arched her back, pressing her hips back towards Damon as hec ontinued to slowly thrust in and out as her core began to contract around his member. He managed to pull out to stop him from reaching his own climax. He hadn't finished yet.

Damon took her weight with his arm and pulled her up to his chest where she rested her head against the crook of his neck. "Lay down and let me do all of the work." Damon told her, to which all Elena could do was nod in response. She hadn't fully recovered from her previous orgasm and she wasn't sure she was capable of a vocal response.

As Damon helped her lay down on the her back, she felt him climb on top of her before she felt the wonderful sensation of him filling her once more. The bed dipped beside her head as she felt Damon's hand untie her blindfold. He pulled it away as Elena blinked, her eyes readjusting to the dim light of Damon's bedroom. The first sight to welcome her was Damon's beautiful blue eyes, looking down on her as if she were the most precious jewel in the world. Elena wrapped one arm around Damon's neck and pulled him towards her, their lips meeting once more.

This time, Damon began to gently thrust as they kissed hungrily.Their mouths and tongues seemingly unhappy about the lengthy separation. Elena wrapped her legs around Damon's waist, as a new found energy allowed her to match his thrusts with her hips. Damon stroked one hand down Elena's body and cupped her behind, giving her additional support, while Elena ran her fingernails down Damon's back, urging him on.

The only noise to be heard in the room was sound of their panting and moans of pleasure. The smell of sex circulated the room, this mixed in with Damon's scent turned her on more than she thought possible. Elena wanted the moment to last forever, however she knew it was not to be. Elena wasn't sure how much more stamina she had left. She could feel the build up of a third orgasm inside her, but she wanted Damon to come with her.

"I'm not going to last much longer." Damon moaned.

"Then let go." she panted as Damon moved the hand which was cupping her behind and began to massage her nub.

"I will if you will." he grinned, applying a little more pressure to her swollen nub. "Come for me Elena." he asked for one last time as her body complied.

"Yes...yes...yes..." she cried as the white hot spasms of her orgasm caused her throbbing core to pulsate around Damon's shaft. She arched her back, pressing her breasts into Damon's chest before her body went rigid as wave upon wave of her orgasm rocked throughout her body, her mouth forming a silent 'O' as once again she lost the ability to speak. Elena looked up at Damon as she wanted to see him brought to his knees with pleasure. She didn't have to wait long as her own climax triggered his.

"Fuck...Elena...aargh." Damon cried out as he scrunched his face up while he pressed his hips tightly into her. Elena felt his warm seed spill inside her, providing her what felt like the most satisfying moment of her life. Right at that moment, Damon looked even more stunning than usual, his expression a mixture of pleasure,agony and a vulnerability she suspected only she would ever get to see. At this point in time she was his, while he was completely hers as their bodies continued to be merged together, clinging to one another for dear life.

As their panting subsided, Damon pulled out of her and rolled onto his back. Wordlessly Elena curled up into him and rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes to listen to his faint vampire heartbeat.However, when she did, his heart was no longer beating in her ear.His scent had also disappeared. Elena opened her eyes and realized she was in the dungeon in the Salvatore boarding house and she was waiting for Elijah to wake up.

"Fuck!" she swore quietly to herself as she looked down to see a still dead Elijah as she realized she'd fallen asleep and it was just another one of her erotic dreams about Damon.

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