Calculating Love[Kidou Yuuto...

By SnowflakesAsahina

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Lol I don't know how to friggin do this, anyways read this story if ya like. I'm just doing this for fun and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
"Fun Idea"
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 23

1.5K 41 35
By SnowflakesAsahina


Lmao I'm sorry if this story took long to update. Anyways, I forgot to describe the aunt and uncle.

Aunt's name is Hanabi Satui, blonde hair and bluish grey eyes.

Uncle's name is Yatsubu Satui, black hair with visible greyish white strands and blue eyes.

That's all, enjoy~


~*Normal PoV*~


"Gouenji-kun..!" You sighed in relief as you were lucky enough to land on one of your friend's backyard. You did admit that you were kinda nervous of which house you'll be trespassing on. The male wore a plain gray polo shirt that has a small logo of a soccer ball on the top left (this dork omfl--), some tawny brown cargo shorts and plain navy blue slippers.

"What happened to you? You're a mess." Gouenji bluntly stated as he helped you up, causing you to hiss in pain from the scratches on your knees. You regret using leggings that only reached your upper knees.

"Oh shit...that stings.." You cussed as you unintentionally leaned more to Gouenji for support. This resulted for the young man to slightly blush as he wasn't that used to having contact with girls and that you were the one leaning unto him.

"You scratched your knees...Did you trip or something?" The flame striker inquired before noticing the cat that was with you. The cat stared at him for a while before meowing at you, licking your cheek as a sign of concern. The male was slightly amused by this before looking back at you.

"It's fine...Just tripped over some rocks after ascending from hell... I-It's not a big deal." You joked, your breathing was still unsteady as you were still out of breath from running and doing some stunts earlier. "Do you have a first aid kit..?" You timidly asked with a tired smile.

"(L/n), are you sure you're okay?" Gouenji doubted your 'I'm okay' attitude as he supported your body properly, before he fully helped you inside, but as he held the doorknob, both of you heard a shout from the street near the house.

"(L/N)!! Where are you!?" Your aunt cried out pathetically. It was obvious from her voice that her cries were fake, as if she was worried about you.

"Someone's looking for you...Should I tell them you're here?" The male was obviously dense with observing the voice, he didn't even wonder why the sniffles were loud as fuck. He gave you a wondering gaze as he waited for your reply, to which he didn't expect was an exclamation.

"NO! ARE YOU CRAZY?! Don't let them find me!" You clenched your fists as you unexpectedly decided to pull away from Gouenji, the scratch wasn't that bad anyways. You bet that they heard your shout, making you look at him with anger as if blaming him for it, but then you slowly realized that he doesn't know anything. Thinking about it for a few seconds, you exhaled heavily before looking at the male once more, this time, calmly. "I'll explain later just hide me first. I bet she heard my shout earlier.." You gave him an apologetic smile, your eyes silently begging him to follow.

Gouenji looked at you skeptically but being a good friend he is and thanks to having some attraction towards you, it wasn't hard for him to comply to your request. "Alright, I'll explain to Inouka-san to make sure they don't come here." The male spoke as he opened the back door for you like a gentleman would do. "By the way, you can use the bathroom to cool yourself up. I'll let you borrow some towel and clothes." The striker was rather fast at making decisions as he didn't even mind asking you anything about it. To be honest, he wanted to impress you.

"Ah.. just letting me stay here for a while is fine.." You politely tried to reject his offer as he guided you inside. You felt like you were making him do too much. He was treating you as if you were royalty or something. That made you uncomfortable, but at the same time you deeply appreciated his efforts. As the two of you went inside, a voice called out to their brother.

"Nii-san!" Out of the blue, a cute young girl ran to your direction. Her brown hair was styled into twin-tails and were tied with a pink ribbon. Her outfit was a light pink short sleeved dress with the skirt pallets striped with white and pink, the clothing reached her knees. She wore white knee-length socks and pink closed flat shoes. She was adorable!

"Yuuka.." Gouenji smiled as he kneeled down to the height of his sister. The small child looked at you in confusion as you were a stranger to her and thought that you were some sort of intruder as you still looked like a mess (in your opinion). "You must be wondering who she is," The male stated, it wasn't a question as it was obvious. Yuuka nodded at his assumption. "Yuuka, this is (L/n)(F/n). A friend of mine from school." He calmly introduced you with a smile.

On cue, you sheepishly waved your hand to her. "Hello.." Was all you could think of.

Yuuka took a moment to remember her, the name sounded familiar to her, oh yeah! "Ah! She's nii-san's girlfriend!" The girl pointed towards you as if she knew what she was talking about.

"P-Pardon?" You were utterly confused by the brunette's conclusion. As there are a lot of things to question. One thing is why did she say you were Gouenji's girlfriend?

"Yeah! I heard nii-san calling your name at night!" Oh God. Did Gouenji...?

"Yuuka!" Gouenji exclaimed from embarrassment. His face was painted red from hearing Yuuka's explanation. He didn't know that his little sister heard him practicing his confession for you. Damn why must he be exposed like this? That's completely embarrassing because the first thing a person would think from a guy saying a person's name at night is not a bloody practice of confessing your feelings, but someone doing something indecent.

"Uhh...I'll just pretend I didn't hear that." You coughed in pity for Gouenji. "And uhmm..Yuuka-san, I'm sorry but I'm not your brother's girlfriend..." You honestly told the young girl as you didn't want to get her hopes up even further by going with the flow. Though, not only was the little girl hurt by this, Gouenji felt a pang in his heart as he knew why you weren't his girlfriend...

"Ehh...Really?" Yuuka paused for a bit while looking at you with innocent eyes. "Then! Does nii-san have a chance with you?" The girl questioned rather straightforwardly to you. Wow, seems like she won't be backing down easily. Your (e/c) eye widened from her inquiry. You didn't want to give hope nor did you want to hurt them, you tried to come up with something that might be okay?

"We'll see about that...If your brother makes a good move then maybe he might have a chance..." You answered without thinking that this actually got their hopes up by a huge mile, especially to Gouenji. After stating this, you took a glance to the flame-striker to see his expression.

The male looked at you in awe, as if you were giving him a chance---but really, that wasn't your intention. You only wanted to be "positive" or something like that. You still didn't intend to give him a chance. Period.

"Uwa-! Really?! Then! Nii-san, nii-san..!" The little girl was obviously delighted of your declaration, she wants her big brother to be happy after all. She grabbed Gouenji by the arm, tugging them to get his attention. "Did you hear that?! You may have a chance!" Yuuka cheerfully exclaimed, it kinda stung your heart with guilt that you were getting their hopes up, but nevertheless you remained quiet until a doorbell resounded from the living room.

"Shi---I mean fuc--..ugh..Watermelon! They're here. I have to hide. They'll probably look for me inside." You growled. Your cusses was cut off because there was a kid, specifically Yuuka, and you didn't want to taint her language so you decided to cover up.

"Alright. Yuuka, lead (L/n) to our bathroom," Gouenji stood up and immediately gave an instruction to his sister as he was kind of a fast thinker. "You will hide in the bathroom with Yuuka. If they do want to check there, Yuuka can cover for you. While that happens, you can also take a shower. Is that okay with you?" Gouenji inquired as he looked at you with concern.

"Uhh...that's fine by me, but I have no spare clothes." You added before another doorbell resounded. They were getting impatient...

"Yuuka, can you give her some of my clothes and a towel too." Gouenji looked at his sister with a small smile as he requested to her.

"Sure thing! But...what about her underwear?" Yuuka innocently questioned.

"Erk...Uhh, I suppose you guys have a dryer?" Your cheeks reddened at the topic of your undergarments, Gouenji on the other hand was given some indecent thoughts---he's a man after all.

"Y-Yeah, we do..." Gouenji stuttered as he diverted his eyes away from you. Curse his imaginations. "You two should get going before they break our doorbell..." Gouenji rushed off to head to the hallway where the main door was, there he saw his maid with a worrisome look on her face.

"Shuuya-sama, I already tried to tell them to go but they still want to go in..." Inouka sighed at the persistence of the two adults, not knowing anymore of what to do.

"I'll take it from here Inouka-san, thank you." Gouenji politely smiled at the elderly woman before turning the knob of the door with a blank look on his face. He immediately greeted the two adults with a raised brow. "Can I help you two with something?" He nonchalantly questioned, polite yet stern.

"Yes, I'm Yatsubu Sutui and this is my partner, Hanabi Sutui. We're from the police department and looking for a little girl. Have you seen any girl that may have passed by here?" The man, who had a bandage wrapped around his right hand, stated as he showed a police badge to the younger male. His wound or cut seemed fresh as the blood was still evident on the bandage. His tone steady yet faltering as his legs were quite shaky for some odd reason. The police badge seemed legit but Gouenji didn't buy it.

"No, I haven't seen any girl. Will that be all?" Gouenji's brows knitted together to somewhat show that he wasn't lying at all. "What did she look like anyway?" Gouenji added as he crossed his arms over his chest, shifting some of his weight to his left foot.

"She has (h/l) (h/c) hair. Wore some (f/c) shirt and black leggings that reached her knees and (f/c) shoes." The woman, Hanabi, described rather knowingly. "Her name is (L/n) (F/n). Does that ring a bell to you?" Hanabi added with a raised brow, a gut feeling told her that you were here, hiding. She was evidently irritated by the way her eyes twitched and dilated at the moment your name rolled off her tongue.

"No. She isn't familiar at all." Gouenji lied but it wasn't entirely obvious. Though he somewhat missed his action, he clenched his fist when your name was stated by the woman in front of him. This caught the woman's attention, but people might say maybe his hands were going numb and bored but this woman was somewhat sharp. Somewhat...

"Then maybe it's okay if we investigate inside then?" The man politely asked with a twitching smile. Yatsu was getting impatient and is already itching to strangle you from stabbing the back of his hand and for kicking him on the nuts.

Gouenji hesitated at first, he had high hopes that you and Yuuka are already hiding... "Sure. If you insist, Yatsubu-san." Gouenji opened the door wider to let the two adults in.

"Sorry for intruding..~" Hanabi cooed playfully as she left her heels by the doorstep, same goes for the male. The woman looked around, analyzing Gouenji's house little by little. Her eyes caught something interesting, a picture frame. The picture showed Gouenji Shuuya beside presumably his parents with a little girl, probably his little sister.

"Will you make it quick? We plan on going out today." The platinum blonde male requested as he closed the door with a shaky hand. He was somewhat scared of the ideas that were going through his mind, what would happen if they found you? What will they do to you? Why are they looking for you? What happened to the man's back hand? There were so many questions that needed to be answered by you, and that will be answered once they finally leave.

"Shuuya-sama, why are they here? Is everything alright?" The old woman quickly approached the younger male with concern. She was worried if they have done something wrong to make them investigate their house.

"Un...You don't have to worry, everything is fine. They're just looking at the place for a bit." Shuuya explained with his usual stoic expression, he wasn't going to make their maid worry of something odd.

"Sure sure, we'll be quick." The woman complied with a fake smile before turning her head to the direction that lead to the bathroom, following behind her was Gouenji with a blank look. "Ah, young boy, is someone using the bathroom?" She nodded her head towards the white wooden door that resounded running water, probably a faucet or a shower.

"Yes. My little sister is using the bathroom." Gouenji answered sternly his hands behind his back, slightly anxious.

"Hmm~ Then you don't mind me entering as we both have the same gender?" The adult had a somewhat smug grin formed on her lips, thinking that just because she's an adult and a woman, can mean that she can enter with a "polite" permission.

Shuuya's eyes dilated in disgust and slight humiliation from the woman's permission. Did she really think that she could get away with it? Not only is she rudely intruding the house, she was technically asking to barge in you and his sister's privacy. He replied with a stiff, "Excuse me?".

"I'm kindly asking to enter the bathroom." The female repeated, her lips formed into a thin line from slight impatience and annoyance. "There's no problem with that, am I right? I'm just an investigator trying to do my thing. I have to inspect every room in search for little (F/n)." Hanabi added.

'This woman is annoying...' Shuuya thought at the back of his head but he definitely wouldn't let that woman enter, she was going too far in his opinion. "I'm sorry but I'll have to say no to you, Hanabi-san. Not only are you investigating my house with no evidence of whatsoever, you are also planning to barge in my sister's privacy." Gouenji's eyes looked at her coldly. No way is he going to back down on this. Hopefully, the other adult is already done "investigating".

"Hmm..." The woman's icy greyish blue eyes glared at the striker with thoughts of how to kill the boy in front of her, but maybe, just maybe the young male is telling the truth. God, why must getting cash be this difficult? Especially that you are the one holding the bills, if only you were nice enough to let them have the cash with no difficulties of whatsoever. But no, you are not kind enough to do so, that irritated the female so much. With every bit of composure left in her, she managed to reply calmly. "Okay, I understand, young boy. Shuuya-kun, am I correct? I won't pursue on going in anymore. Thank you for your cooperation." Hanabi bowed lightly before she looked for her husband. "Honey, are you done?!" The woman exclaimed as she started to walk away from the room, but without missing a small glance towards the white door before she strode back to the entrance.

Shuuya only gave a stern nod as he follwed the adult from behind. A minute later, Hanabi's husband finally appeared from the living room with a tired look. Wow, maybe holding in his inner pain that came from his crotch must be really exhausting. The man replied with a lazy,

"Yeah, I'm finished. All clean...The girl isn't here..." The man said as he raised both his hands up with open palms, showing that he got no sight of a single trace of you, not even your cat.

"I see.." Was only the woman's reply before bending down to wear her heels properly. 'Damn, I swore that I heard her shout here...' Hanabi thought, her eyes twitching in annoyance before standing straight once more. She waited for her husband to put his shoes on as well. As she did so, she turned her head to look at Gouenji with a forced smile. "Well, we're off now. Thank you for letting us look around your house, Shuuya-kun." The woman greeted as her right hand clenched her left wrist due to the fact that their appearance in the household was for nothing and they got no clue of where you are right now.

'You only looked at a bathroom door, you lazyass.' Gouenji thought bitterly as he gave another stern nod to the adult, remaining silent.

"Goodbye, Shuuya-kun. Have a nice day." The woman gritted her teeth, the obvious sarcasm lacing her voice as she and her husband left the house. Once Gouenji made sure that the two adults were nowhere near his home, he finally let out a heavy sigh as a sign of relief. His shoulders were tensed since the time he talked with the intruders.

"They finally left.." The platinum blonde male stated as a bead of cold sweat dripped from his temple. 'What have you gotten yourself into, (L/n)?'

In Your Position...

"Uwa~ You have pretty eyes, (F/n)-neesan!" The little girl complimented as you actually showed her your other eye. You were slowly getting confident of your own appearance, which was a good thing. Yuuka cupped your smooth cheek as she continued to gaze at your beautiful hetero-chromatic eyes. Both of you were in the bathtub, taking a pleasing bubble bath. You almost forgot about the adults that happened to be close in finding you in the bathroom with Yuuka. Your clothes were in the washing machine while your undergarments were in the dryer. Inouka-san was the one who placed your clothes in the machine and was quick enough to give you a spare towel and clothes (Shuuya's clothes to be specific).

"Thanks, Yuuka-san...Not many people appreciate my eyes because they think that I'm cursed for it...Some even think I'm a monster.." You appreciated the girl's compliment as you began to open up to her a little bit of your past. You looked at the innocent girl with a sincere gaze as she softly backed her hand away from your cheek, putting her hand back to the soapy water.

"Eh? That's so mean! I bet they're just jealous of how pretty you are!" Yuuka retorted with a frustrated pout, you couldn't help but laugh a little at her reaction. You've got to admit, the girl's comments are flattering.

"Pfft..Maybe? Who could resist this beauty?" You joked as you pointed to yourself with a smug grin.

Yuuka giggled, "No one! Not even Nii-san can resist you!" She beamed as she played with the bubbles, holding the foam with both of her little hands. You felt a little guilty for making her think that her brother would have a chance with you. You were very loyal to Kidou that you wouldn't even dare to think of breaking up with him. Kidou changed you a lot, in a good way, he made you gain a little more confidence in yourself and he even made you take a little faith to some people even if it was a scary thing to do so.

You shook your head and went back to reality, you looked at Yuuka with a small smile. "Yuuka-san, do you want me to wash your hair?" You decided to change the subject as you looked for a shampoo, to which Yuuka pointed to a small shelf that held different face, hair and body products. You stood up from the tub and carefully got out, cautiously making sure you won't slip. You grabbed the pretty pink shampoo as you grabbed the small chair for you to sit on.

Yuuka decided to move to the side of the bathtub and rested her nape on the edge, slightly uncomfortable but manageable. Her brown hair was loose yet slightly tangled due to the water on it. She hummed a little as she closed her eyes, so that no liquid can go to her eyes.

You sat on the small chair and poured the right amount of shampoo on your left palm, the green apple scent wafting your nose in a pleasant manner. You clasped your hands together, sharing some of the content to your other palm, before you began to gently massage Yuuka's hair, the foamy bubbles slowly forming. It was now quiet in the bathroom, the only sound you may hear is your steady breathing and Yuuka's soft humming of a random song.

"Ne, (F/n)-neesan." Yuuka abruptly stopped humming, starting another conversation with you.

"Hnn, what is it?" You answered as you worked your way to the ends of Yuuka's hair, careful not to tug it too hard.

"Why can't you be with nii-san? He's a really great guy! He's smart, nice, funny and very gentle!" The little gal quickly reasoned with a cheery voice, obviously proud of her brother. "You see, nii-san can get very lonely at times...You see, sometimes I hear otoo-san arguing with nii-san, it makes me very sad." She was quite redundant with using 'You see', but you paid no mind to this. You noticed Yuuka's mood completely changed as you two continued the conversation. She opened her eyes as she raised a handful of bubble foam just to look at it, before putting her hand back down, creating a slight splash. She lets out a somewhat tired sigh.

"I see.." Was the first sentence you said, carefully thinking of what to say to the gal. "I'll be honest with you Yuuka-san," You started as both your index and middle finger gently massaged her temples. "Ermm..I am aware that Gouenji-kun is nice and genuine. He has this strong will that can attract any gal, his very charm is his cool personality. I can somehow understand why you're persistent on getting me and your brother to be together, but Yuuka-san I already have a boyfriend." You managed to say sternly as you felt your heart ache with guilt. You knew that Yuuka would immediately feel bad once she hears your reason, but you didn't want to give her any more false hope. Hopefully this doesn't entirely affect your newfound friendship.

"A boyfriend?! You already have a boyfriend?!" Yuuka exclaimed as she straightened herself up, quickly whipping her head to face you (her hair whipped your cheek too, making you let out a soft 'Oof!'). Her brown eyes shined with pure interests as she looked at you, and this startled you. You thought that she'll be more depressed after she hears your answer towards her reasoning, but you thought wrong.

"U-Uhh...Yes, I do have one." You slowly answered, slightly hesitant. She was quite straightforward in your opinion.

"Oohh! Then what is his name? How does he treat you? I swear if he hurts you, I'll crush him!" Yuuka rambled as she formed both her tiny hands into a fist.

You tried to process her attitude and what she had said. So is she like... supporting your relationship? Probably. Is she like going to actually defend you when Kidou hurts you? Most likely, her expression is serious enough to say so. Getting to register all this, you break into laughter, delighted and happy of her way of thinking. You concluded that Yuuka supports whatever decision you make, but you knew she still wants you to side with Gouenji.

"Hnn..Do you know Kidou Yuuto? He's one of your brother's close friends." You asked to see if she recognizes the name of your boyfriend. I mean, since she is close with her brother, it's more likely she is at least introduced to his friends.

"Hnn...Is he the one with errr...the goggles??" She was unsure, but she was familiar with the name. As you two chatted, Yuuka playfully played with the bubbles, blowing the bubbles in random directions, only for them to slowly dissolve once touching the floor tiles.

"Yep! That's him!" You chirped as you poured the right amount of shampoo unto your palm before clasping your hands together and carefully placing them to your head, gently scrubbing your scalp with your finger tips. You closed your eyes as you began to wash your (h/c) hair.

"Okay then! Then how does he treat you? Isn't he boring?? I mean, he looks like he's too serious with everything..." The gal pouted as she just watched you wash your hair, resting her arms on the edge of the tub before placing her right cheek on her arm.

"Pfft...You clearly don't know him entirely..He's really sweet and fun to be with." You cooed as you began to make your way to the ends of your hair, making sure that the contents of the shampoo are somewhat evenly washing your hair. You felt this nostalgic feel when you talked about Kidou to Yuuka, but you also feel know that feel when you're talking about your crush? Yeah, that kind of expression. You feel your cheeks heat up, probably because of the hot and cold water? And your head feels lightheaded, probably again because you've finally freshened yourself up.

"Ehh...Is that so? I guess I was assuming things...I'm sorry, (F/n)-neesan..." Yuuka apologized with a small pout. Oh my God, she's so cute!

"It's fine~ Most people assume the same thing about Yuuto anyways~" You laughed as you gestured Yuuka to hand you the shower head. You felt the rush of water come out through the small holes, the cold water wetting your legs. You then positioned the shower head over your head with your left hand, while your right hand began thoroughly rinsing the shampoo off your (h/c) hair, you also decided to wash the rest of your body as well. You let out a sigh of relief as you feel your spirit going up from the cool water. After a minute or so, you opened your eyes so you can rinse Yuuka's hair.

"You know, (F/n)-neesan...You have such gentle hands...It calms me down.." Yuuka remarked with a small smile as she let you rinse her brown hair. You've got to admit you like how soft and thick her hair is, no wonder they seem plump when you saw her braided hair.

"Really?...I never knew..." You smiled, feeling calm and relaxed. You somewhat liked treating Yuuka as if she was your own younger sister, and this girl talk? It was relieving as you never opened up to a kid, most kids who see or witness you having hetero-chromatic eyes, they've become weirded out or terrified. Reason? Probably because having dual color eyes is a really rare thing and you admit, it is somewhat creepy? I mean, the genes are and how you obtained the two colors, that's creepy.

After a minute have passed, a knock resounded throughout the bathroom. You immediately asked, "Who is it?"

A stern voice replied,


You knew who it was, but being a smartass you are, you decided to play with him. "Gouenji who? Yuuka-san is also a Gouenji, is this Yuuka-san's father?" You grinned from ear-to-ear as you asked that. Yuuka even covered her mouth as she giggled from your playfulness.

"(L/n) you know who this is. If I was father, I would have immediately asked who you are. You know you're new here." Gouenji replied back with a hint of boredom. You even felt like he rolled his eyes when he said that.

"Pbbft...Sure you would..I mean, they would question who owns this magnificent voice~" You sassed, joking your narcissistic behavior.

"Real funny, (L/n). Are you two finished taking a bath already?" The male inquired, brushing off your jokes.

"Yeah we are~ Just gonna dry ourselves now~" You decided to tell him the truth, slightly wondering why he seemed to be in a hurry.

"Good, because I got your..." He paused for a bit, trying to think what term he could use to refer to your underwear.

"My what now?" You questioned raising a brow as you stood up from the small chair, careful not to slip. You walked your way near the door to hear what the lad had to say clearer.

"Erm...Your undergarments." Gouenji coughed in embarrassment. Outside of the bathroom, the flame striker's face was painted beet red as he looked down to your folded white undergarments on his hands. He questioned to himself is why is he the one holding out your underwear? Couldn't Inouka-san hand it over to you instead so it would be less embarrassing? But nope, the maid told him that she still has to iron clothes so she asked Gouenji to hand it to you instead, although he somewhat got the intention of his maid like wow.

"Oh.." You hastily grabbed the cloud blue towel that laid on top of the bathroom counter. You wrapped the towel around your upper torso, the towel was long enough to cover your area which was a good thing. You glanced back to Yuuka and saw her silently watching you back, you shook your head with a smile before slowly opening the door, you bent sideways behind the door, peeking your head out only to see Gouenji with a flushed face. You understood why though. "Th-Thanks, Gouenji-kun..." You greeted as you held your free hand out of the door.

"Yeah..." Was Gouenji's soft reply before handing you over your clothing. He gave a stern nod before walking away immediately as soon as he gave you your undergarments, guess who's not sleeping tonight.

You chuckled at Gouenji's face before closing the door again as you walked towards the mirror that only reflected your upper body. You then looked back at Yuuka. "Yuuka-san, you should get out of the tub now, you might catch a cold from staying there for too long. Make sure you rinse yourself first before drying.." You instructed as you bent over, draping the towel over your hair, before twisting the towel and bam, twisty towel. You then wore your panties, balancing yourself as you do so, followed by your bra, black joggers and orange sweater. The borrowed clothing was a bit baggy as it was too large for your physical figure, you admit that Gouenji's body structure is firm and tall for you.

"You look sorta cute in nii-san's clothes!" Yuuka complimented as she was already rinsing herself thoroughly. She placed the shower head unto its original place, letting the water flow to her.

"Eh..yeah, I guess so..." You were unsure if you should take that as a compliment or not, because in your own thoughts you think that this scenario looked like that you slept with Gouenji.

"(F/n)-neesan, can you help me out of this tub?" The little girl requested as she already pulled out the drainer, the water that filled the tub slowly going down the drain. She also took the shower head to rinse off the remaining bubbles that remained on the tub, before turning off the shower and returned it to its original place.

"Oh sure..." You rolled up your sleeves and joggers, that way it won't get soaked by the puddle of water that surrounded the tub. You knew how uncomfortable it was whenever your clothes got wet. Yuuka already got her arms open, so it''s easier for you to carry her. You placed each of your hands on each side of her underarm, and carefully lifted her up and slowly placed her down unto the tiled floor, making sure she gets her balance right so she wouldn't slip.

"Thanks (F/n)-neesan!" She chirped before grabbing her taffy pink towel and began drying herself. As she did this, you looked for her clothing only for you to wonder as you did not see her clothes for her to wear.

"Yuuka-san, where's your change of clothes? I don't see them on the counter.." You sounded out as you finally removed your towel from your hair, satisfied that your hair isn't dripping wet like earlier. bent yourself sideways so you could ruffle your hair a bit with the towel, to be sure that it's drier. You preferred your hair to be dry instead of wet because you think that tying your hair is better than letting it down.

"Oh, I change in my room instead of wearing my clothes in here. I mean, I don't want to get my clothes accidentally wet." Yuuka explained as she wrapped the towel around her upper torso, the towel reached her knees.

"I see, then I guess we're finished here?" You smiled at the little girl as you placed the towel on your arm, thinking that you could dry it outside, you remembered seeing a stand where they dry their clothes.

"Yup! So if you need me, I'll be in my room~" The brown haired girl informed to you as she opened the door, going out of the bathroom with you.

"Hnn..." You hummed as you switched off the lights before you got out of the bathroom. You immediately went to the backyard, you left the cat there to hide in the bushes. "Yuki, they're gone!" You called out as you lightly clapped your hands. After a few seconds, you heard the bush near you shuffle and there, your cat's head peeked out. Yuki's head turning from side-to-side in look out before turning its head to your direction and walked towards you. She leaped unto your arms, snuggling.

"Pfft..Hey Yuki..." You held her with one arm as you walked your way to the stand where they dry their clothes. You carefully hooked it unto the string, it was kinda windy too. You realized that it was already around noon, lunch time... And you haven't returned home yet, they must be worried about you already. "We should go now, Yuuto and Otonashi-san might be wrecking the place in worry..." You joked to your white cat as you pet it by its head. "And you must be hungry too..." You stated with a hint of concern towards your cat. Her last meal was before the two of you left the house, technically breakfast as you say.

"(F/n)-sama, Shuuya-sama is inviting you for lunch.." Their maid called out to you. She stood by the door frame that led to their hallway.

"Oh...Uhmm.." You replied nothing and just nodded meekly. You followed the old woman inside with Yuki on your arm. You thought of telling Gouenji that you'll turn down his offer for lunch, despite the fact that you are quite hungry after all, your stamina ran down from using your adrenaline from running away from the two criminals. It was tiring af. After walking inside, you saw the two siblings already eating. They ate a nicely done curry and you admit it looked appetizing.

"Ah, (L/n)..Come sit with us, Inouka-san made some delicious curry for us." Gouenji smiled at you as he pointed the free seat beside Yuuka. Yuuka was in the middle while Gouenji was by her left side, while they plannef on you occupying the right side.

"Yeah, (F/n)-neesan! It's really good!" The newly bathed girl exclaimed in glee as she continued to eat her meal.

"Oh..but you didn't have to..I mean, Yuuto might be worried sick already..I mean I left a note that I'll be back by lunch.." You explained to Gouenji with a flushed face as you basically showed that you and Kidou were already doing the first-name basis, and that made Gouenji jealous..

"Is that so? Well that's too bad...Surely you can just tell them that you'll just have lunch with us and then you can return home.." Gouenji insisted as he returned your cellphone that was from your leggings' pocket. It was given to him by Inouka before she placed your clothes inside the washing machine.

You kindly got your phone from the flame striker, placing your hand on your chest in relief, before adding another question. "What about Yuki? I think she isn't allowed in eating curry." You stated as you don't really know if your cat is okay with eating such meal, you only give her either cat food or fresh meat.

"Actually, cats like curry and there are some benefits that they can get from eating curry. So it's okay for Yuki to eat." Gouenji answered honestly as he did some little bit of research just in case, he wanted to impress you lol.

"Ah..r-really? I guess you looked into some useful info...I appreciate it." You smiled at the male as you opened your phone, the screen displaying a picture of you, Kidou and Haruna smiling, it was also 13:09 (1:09 pm). You turned off airplane mode and unexpectedly your phone was flooded with messages and plenty of missed calls from both the play maker and his sister. 46 messages and 17 missed calls in total. Wow they might have panicked..What was more surprising was that Fudou also called you and messaged you. You opened his profile and one of his messages was;

'(L/n)! Where the fuck are you?! Kidou had been spamming me messages for the past two hours!'

You stifled a laugh, this was actually amusing. You can't believe that even Fudou messaged you. You think that they're overexaggerating as you were only gone for about 5 hours, you left the building around 8 am, lunch mostly held at 12 pm, so technically about 1 hour that you were officially gone and haven't returned yet.

"Is something funny?" The stoic lad questioned as he noticed your facial feature, you were still trying to hold in your laugh.

"Pfft..Ermm, nothing...Just Yuuto and Fudou spammed me with some exaggerating messages, I was only gone for about an hour..." You explained as your eyes didn't leave the screen, you replied to the trio that you were safe and sound, and that you were hanging around with Gouenji. Unbeknownst to you, that unsettled the duo, specifically Fudou and Kidou as you only replied that you are hanging around with Gouenji. "Alright, I already told them that I'm hanging out with you for a bit before I'll go home." You smiled at the flame striker before humbly walking your way to your respected seat beside Yuuka.

. . .

"Man that was delicious, Inouka-san! Thank you for the meal!" You grinned as you wore your shoes by the doorway. Your clothes will be returned on Monday, after school as Inouka said that your clothes haven't been dried out from the sun. Inouka planned it, she didn't place your clothes in the dryer so you and Gouenji could bond and for the young lad to be able to do something for you like returning your clothes lol.

"Thank you, (F/n)-sama. It was a pleasure for me to cook for you as well." The old lady smiled kindly as she bowed lightly to you. She then excused herself so she could wash the dishes.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your meal...It makes me really happy to see you smile." Gouenji complimented as he rubbed the back of his neck, a tint of blush dusting his cheeks.

"Oh well, thanks for letting me and Yuki eat here, and...for hiding me and letting me borrow your clothes too.." You sheepishly greeted as you clenched unto your(his) orange sweater. You actually like the smell of his clothing, God was this so wrong for you.

"It was no problem..." Gouenji took in the sight, it was a rare event for him to have you in his clothing and in his home. What even touched him the most was your bonding with his beloved sister, he loved the way his sibling smiled and enjoyed your presence.

"I can't thank you enough! I owe you a lot!" You cupped his hands with yours, the long sleeves were in the way to making Gouenji feel the warmth of your soft hands. "But, before I go, you mustn't speak of what happened to me today especially that I was chased by my murderous aunt and uncle..." You looked at him dead in the eyes as you didn't want the platinum blonde male to tell what happened to you, you prefer explaining it yourself when the right time comes.

The flame striker's brown eyes softened when he got your intention, he knew that you didn't want any of your friends to worry, thinking that you might cause them trouble. "I won't. I promise.." As if something took over his body, he removed his hands from yours and placed them by your arms, holding you in place.


Out of to both of your surprise, you felt his lips pressed against yours...




lol I'm sorry if I took so long but hey it took me a while to finish this long chapter as I promised you guys. Welp sorry if this doesn't entirely meet your expectations welp at least I updated.

I love you all and stay happy, my broskis!

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