Chapter 28

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"Thanks for letting me stay for a bit, Fudou-kun," You politely greeted as it was finally time for you to safely go back home. "And thanks for the meal too, it was delicious." You meekly added with a timid smile as you avert your eyes and lightly scratched the side of your cheek.

"Let me walk you home, (L/n)." Fudou quickly interjected as he dried his hands with a hand towel, just finished on washing the used dishes from lunch. "Who knows if one of your crazy relatives will be back to get you." He reasoned as he bent down to wear his shoes. "Did ya forget anything?" The brunette looked over to his bed and the counter where you have been lounging in for a bit.

"Nope, I got my phone and wallet here which is a relief..." You showed both mentioned items before placing them back in your little shoulder bag. The two of you walked out of Fudou's home, the male swiftly locking the door and placing the key inside his pocket. The sun was still up but it was a bit cloudy which is also good, you didn't like how it's bright and all.

"Oh yeah, what did Kidou say about your text?" Fudou curiously brought up as he remembered that you texted Kidou probably about your situation earlier or just informing him that you're gonna stay over his house in a bit.

You slightly tensed up at Fudou's question but decided to answer shortly, "Uh..he just said okay...He's probably still mad about yesterday." You honestly replied as the both of you started walking, heading back to Kidou's house.

Fudou's lips formed into a thin line, quickly thinking of a topic, "Oh yeah, I also heard from Kidou you were playing with Endou and Kazemaru, right?"

"Oh! It was loads of fun! I hadn't played in a while and it made me ecstatic..!" Your small frown from earlier turned to a bright smile in an instant at the subject of you getting to play soccer. "I actually wanted to play with you and Kidou first...I wanted to kick your ass again." You snickered as you lightly punched the soccer player by his shoulder.

"Excuse me?! That was just one time! You only got to beat me because I was already tired from our practice before you came in..!" Fudou poorly reasoned as he decided to lightly pinch your cheeks, though he was definitely embarrassed by it, he couldn't help but still feel his heart swell when he saw your cheeky smile. The joy it brings to him and many others to see the bright smile on your face, if only did things were better and not so complicated then maybe all of you could be playing in the field near the riverbank by now.

It took a couple of minutes before the both of you reached the front of Kidou's home. It was as if the joyous mood from earlier dispersed, you weren't feeling so happy considering the slightly complicated status you and Kidou were in, not to mention, Gouenji still hasn't personally approached either of you, most likely not yet ready to confront you both.

Fudou saw the shift of your face, brows slightly furrowing from worry, he cleared his throat, "'ll be fine, though you might get some scolding for sure but as long as you're honest with Kidou, you're good to go.." The brunette tried to reassure you, hesitantly placing his hands on your trembling shoulders.

"What if he begins to dislike me, Fudou-kun..? I keep causing him trouble and it's not right of me to keep relying on him..." You pessimistically voiced out, your eyes looking down to your shoes to avoid meeting the concerned gaze Fudou gave you. "I hate all I've done was give problems to all of you..." You added as you feel your thorat go dry and your eyes turn glassy, tears threatening to fall.

"(L/n)..." Fudou then decided to pull you to a firm embrace, the best he could do as he weren't so good with words and likely to express through his actions instead. He placed his chin by your shoulder, his right hand by the back of your head while his other hand around your lower back. "You were never a bother...and trust me, Kidou could never hate you. If he ever did, then it would be the end of the world. I know him well enough to firmly say that, (L/n), so trust me, aight?" As Fudou said those words, he could feel his own hear clench with jealousy and bittersweetness. The bittersweet feeling of having you in his embrace but because it was to reassure you that his best friend could ever loathe you and reaffirming that you weren't a burden to them.

At this point, you broke down. Hearing those stern yet genuine words made the tears you were trying to hold back, made them run down your cheeks, the tight embrace didn't help either, absolutely vulnerable from the warm hug. You wrapped your arms around Fudou's waist, returning his hold on you. There you cried silently on his shoulder but the lad didn't mind, he was more than relieved to hear you let out your cries. You stood there for a good five minutes, Fudou's hold on you never wavered nor  did he say anything as you cried, just a small cracked smile on his lips. It squeezed his heart unpleasantly, hearing you cry like this from the emotional and mental pain that you've tucked away, he didn't like it one bit. He only wanted you to be happy, the brightness in your eyes to show and shine upon them.

Sniffling, you slowly calmed down, your hold on the back of Fudou's shirt steadily loosening. "I-I'm sorry...I really.."

"..Stop apologizing, (L/n)..." Fudou calmly stated as he pulled back so he can get to see your flushed face thanks to crying. His gaze was soft and a small smile was plastered on his lips, it was a rather serene sight as those lips were usually adorned with a playful smirk or grin. "You don't have much to apologize to me...I'm more than willing to help ya throughout whatever you're facing...You can rely on me more, got that?" God, he's weak, but who could blame him? The girl he loves so much is confronting with so many shit, the least he can do is offer a hand.


"Call me Akio..." Fudou couldn't help but tell you that, wanting to get closer to you. "You can call me by my first name...I'd be happy if you do.." He added as he brought his right hand up and swiped the remaining tears with his thumb, slightly brushing away the bangs so he could get a glimpse of your other eye, . "Remember my condition from earlier, (L/n)...If you do break up with him or if you ever gave me a chance, I'd gladly take the chance." The soccer player reminded with a gentle voice.

You didn't know what to say, you were honestly at awe with how calm and rather mature Fudou was in front of you. His gentle gestures towards you definitely made your heart skip a beat and you were more than grateful with how caring he was. You nodded, taking his confession to heart, "Thank you, Akio-kun...I appreciate everything you've done for me..." You thanked with a small smile as you looked up to him.

"There's that smile, lil' jewel." Fudou grinned before parting from you fully and playfully ruffled your hair, earning a lighthearted giggle from you, his smile widening at this. "Anyways, ya better head inside, Kidou might be waiting for you already." He prompted as he tilted his head to the direction of your shared home with Kidou.

Though you still feel uneasy about confronting with your lover, but thanks to Fudou's comfort and reassurance, it helped you feel lighter. "Thank you again, Akio-kun...I feel better now..." You thanked once more before slowly walking to the front gate of your shared home, your hand by the handle of the gate. Before opening it, you looked back to Fudou's standing figure, watching you enter your home, "Take care on your way back, Akio-kun..."

"I will, lil' jewel. Y'know my number so if ya need me, just call." Fudou waved to you before he started walking away, the smile still on his lips as he couldn't get over the fact that you were now calling him by his first name and that he just hugged you earlier. The little things that gets him.

After Fudou left you, you finally entered the house, closing the gate behind you. Now that you were feeling better, you feel like you could properly face Kidou once again,

Unaware he had been watching you and Fudou by the window for most of the time...


(A/n): update after a year? Just squeezed this in in between my busy schedule so I apologize if it's short.

Have a nice day, take care and stay safe, y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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