The Many Talents of Luffy

By izzywolf22

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We know that the captain of the Mugiwara no Ichimi holds secrets, but what if he accidentally/purposely/or th... More

Chapter 1 - Monkey D. Luffy the King of Cuts
Chapter 2- Monkey D. Luffy the Secret Mathematician
Chapter 3 - Monkey D. Luffy the Magnificent Pianist
Monkey D. Luffy the Master Thief
Monkey D Luffy the Pro Gambler
Monkey D. Luffy the Funny Ventriloquist
Monkey D. Luffy the Amazing Tailor
Monkey D. Luffy the Talented Singer
Monkey D. Luffy the Substitute Doctor
Monkey D. Luffy the Pirate Ninja King
Monkey D. Luffy a.k.a. Portmonlook the Author
Monkey D. Luffy the Language Wizard
Chapter 13 - Monkey D. Luffy the Hunting Pro
Chapter 14 - Monkey D. Luffy the Awesome Bartender
Chapter 15 -Monkey D. Luffy the Substitute Navigator
Chapter 16- Monkey D. Luffy the Baking Pro? LUFFY VS. SANJI
Chapter 17 - Monkey D. Luffy the Secret Detective
Chapter 18 - Monkey D. Luffy the Reluctant Mannered man
Chapter 19 - Monkey D. Luffy the Great Magician
Monkey D. Luffy the Medium
Chapter 21 - Monkey D. Luffy the next Picasso
Monkey D Luffy, the Secret Hypnotist
Chapter 23 - Monkey D Luffy, the Surprisingly Good Actor
Chapter 24 - Monkey D Luffy, the Emotion reader
Monkey D Luffy....the Swordsman?!?!
Monkey D. Luffy the Professional Dancer
Monkey D. Luffy the Child Whisperer
Monkey D. Luffy the Chess Pro
Chapter 29: Monkey D. Luffy the Astronomer
Chapter 30 - Monkey D. Luffy the Great Debater
Monkey D. Luffy the Fashionista
Chapter 32 - Monkey D. Luffy the Charmer
Chapter 33 - Monkey D. Luffy the Florist
Monkey D. Luffy the Lie Detector
Money D. Luffy the Tutor
Chapter 37- The Exorcist of Monkey D. Luffy
Chapter 38 - Monkey D. Luffy the Circus Performer
Chapter 39 - Monkey D. Luffy the Cellist

Chapter 34 - Monkey D. Luffy the Connoisseur

3.3K 66 6
By izzywolf22

 Sorry, I'm late with this, but work has been killing me and it was hard to write this one, to be honest.

Well enough with my excuses let's go over some reviews!

00-SilentObserver-13 - This one is a cute story. Thanks for the update and all the effort you put into it. Til next chapter.

Thank you for the kind words UwU

Hi - Fantastically awesome stories. It's got a bit of everything. A good advice giver Luffy

I try my best and no problem you are on the list

phonenix - You are just so cute :3 Also, I really like the modern AU's you put in here.

OMG YOU ARE TOO NICE, and thanks I like a little change UwU


I am currently imagining luffy in a bonquet of flowers

Yes I AM alive, I have been for a couples months now UwU and aww that's a nice thought


This chapter is for Blue Ocean

This is going to be another Modern World AU, maybe before Luffy meets Sanji and the story will take place from there

"So Luffy, what brings you to the Sambas region?" Luffy's friend Zoro asked the young man as they were walking down the street.

"Same as you Zoro, you are trying to find the best alcohol in this town while I'm trying to find the best in town, we are connoisseurs after all."

Zoro looked at Luffy and laughed at what he said, from the time that Luffy and he knew each other, Zoro knows that he isn't a serious man.

"Well since we are here on the same business we should check into a hotel, you remember Nami right, the witch?" Zoro said as he fixed his tux as and grabbed his flask.

Luffy thought for a second and then, "Oh, the one that gave me her tangerines."Zoro shook his head while wearing a smile.

"You didn't get one you took them from here, and she proceeded to kick your ass, anyway her friend owns a hotel that we can stay in until we are done with reviewing this town." Luffy clapped.

"Sounds good", Zoro and Luffy continued on their way, they finally reached the Sunny Hotel.

Zoro and Luffy walked into the Sunny hotel to be greeted by a familiar face.

"Zoro and Luffy right?" Robin the desk assistant who is a friend of Nami's asked the two.

Luffy nodded. Zoro then pulled out his wallet with his printed reservation.

"I didn't expect to be here, but he is my reservation, you can lower the price for our friend," Zoro asked the raven head.

"I can just give you a room with two beds for the same price so you don't have to worry Zoro-san, here is your room key and have a nice stay as well," Robin told the two.

Zoro and Luffy went to their rooms and stayed there the whole night to prepare their visit to Grand Line Town's best, the Baratie.

It was 6 a.m. the next day, and the employees of the Baratie were currently prepping the food for today's customers, it was a calm morning until one of the newer busboys burst into the kitchen.

"Chef Zeff, the notorious connoisseurs Monkey D. Luffy, and Roronoa Zoro have booked reservations for today!" the busboy exclaimed.

Chef Zeff, Carne, Patty, and Sanji looked at their busboy in a non-caring manner. "Fruta it doesn't matter who they are as long as they don't disrespect the customers or my restaurant it'll be fine you brat."

Fruta nodded at the chefs "Sorry I just thought you would like to know, I'll be prepping the dining area now."Fruta bowed and he left.

The chefs were doing their normal routine, after all, it was just a normal day.

Luffy and Zoro walked into the restaurant, the hostess who was known as Chiffon came up to the two young men.

"Hello and welcome to the Baratie, I am Chiffon, how may I serve you today?" Luffy smiled at the hostess.

"We have a reservation for Roronoa and Monkey," Zoro told the hostess as she nodded and showed them to their table.

After the two sat down, Chiffon gave the two menus, "Would there be anything you would like to drink today?"Luffy nodded and asked for a Sangria (non-alcoholic) while Zoro plainly asked the house's finest liquor.

After ordering their beverages, one of the chefs came out and went to take the orders of the connoisseurs personally.

"Hello, I am Sanji Vinsmoke the sous chef of the Baratie, what would you like to dine on today?" Sanji said in his nicest voice, while the Baratie didn't care for famous critics and such, Zeff wanted Sanji to be more polite to the male guest.

Luffy closed his menu and handed it to Sanji, "I hear you guys have the best Beef bourguignon, I would like to have that please."

Zoro then closed his menu and ordered the famed Coq au vin that the restaurant served.

Sanji took their orders and instantly began working, his pride as a chef was on the line for this, while it is true that Zeff may not care about what those connoisseurs think, he does... well maybe only the shorter one, the one with green hair looked annoying to him.

Sanji wanted to please everyone he has met with his food, and he does not plan to fail now.

After the meals had been served, Sanji went outside for his smoke break. He was actually out there quite a while as he saw the two connoisseurs thank their hostess Chiffon and leave.

When he came back, the busboy Fruta came and brought in their plates, which left Sanji with a satisfying smile.

It was the next day. The chefs decided to read the newspaper to see what the connoisseurs had to say about them.

"Hey, Chef have you found the article yet?" Patty asked the head chef as he searched through the newspaper.

"Hold on Patty let me look," Zeff told the man.

"Here it is," Sanji pointed out the article as the employees went to look.

The article headline was, "The taste so extravagant, you will feel like you are dining in the North Blue." and the writers were Monkey D. Luffy and Roronoa Zoro.

For Luffy's part of the article said.

"SAMBAS REGION, East Blue, Grand Line - Truly one of the best I have ever visited in my Baratie owned by Red Leg Zeff is an amazing restaurant with the best of French cuisine. It is no wonder why this is what makes the Sambas Region famous in the East Blue. I believe that the Baratie will pave a way for French cuisine for the better.

They were really hospitable and everyone there loved the atmosphere. I truly felt that I was back in the North Blue through the amazing choice of spices and seasoning I was in love. If you are a traveler passing through the Sambas region I do recommend with my heart that you try this amazing cuisine. I would like to thank the sous chef, Sanji Vinsmoke for truly making my memorable.

-Monkey D. Luffy

While the rest of the employees read Zoro's review, Sanji was content with Luffy's.

And that how the world knew that Monkey D. Luffy was a great connoisseur.

Heyyyyy I hoped you liked the story Y'all. Please leave reviews I love reading your comments.

Up Next: Luffy the Lie-detector  

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