Stranger to the Outside

By Haikyuis4U

31.7K 833 407

A story. There's a girl. A boy. Wow. Magic. Dragons. Soul mates. More magic. Countries. Problems. And hey the... More

Breaking Bonds
Annual Ball
I Don't Wear Dresses
Information Gathering

Amazon Lily

7.1K 152 97
By Haikyuis4U

A/N this has been a thought of mine for quite some time. Themed after the Fairytale AU in the second season.
Izuku POV

The sunshine illuminated the room and woke me from my endless slumber.

I let out a yawn and stretched out like a cat.

Just five more minutes.

"Princess please, the queen is holding an assembly."

"Yes ma'am! Be there in a minute."

I sluggishly got up from my paradise.

I made my way over to my one and only looking glass.

Hair a mess?


Freckles still as painfully obvious?


Soul mate mark?

I don't really know.

In the world, at least to my knowledge, 70%of the population has a soul mate.

Of those 70% about 30% percent have a soul mate mark.

The thing with Amazon Lily is the majority of all the female warriors don't have a soul mate/soul mate mark.

If they do/did it's because they either rejected their soul mate which has a 10% chance or their soul mate died. Another is they never cared to find them, the chances of actually meeting them is slim.

No one knows.

Except me, my best friend, and the head of the warriors.

I don't know anything when it comes to soul mates, we were never taught.

On my back is my soul mate mark.

A small dragon the color of ruby red.




I always had to hid it when I went out especially when I was bathing.

Everything in my life has been perfect.

Perfect social status.

Perfect mother.

Perfect sword skill.

I sighed and put on my warrior get up.

Brown combat boots, black leathered shirt, brown weapon belt, and ripped tights.

I was a bit clumsy with all my weapons.

Spear in hand.

Bow and quiver on my back.

Two daggers on my belt.

And a short sword at my side.

A little excess?


Since it was an assembly I would have to be by the head.

The head was Inko who was my caretaker.

But we all know she was more of a figure than a warrior.

A peacemaker.

She wasn't known as the head but rather the queen.

I the princess.

"My queen why have you assembled us here?"
- Head advisor also known as Mount Lady

"I heard the Dragon Prince—."


"The Dragon King has made another conquest. If this continues he inches closer to Amazon Lily."



"A true beast."

I had always heard the rumors of him but never seen him, or any other man for that matter.

Our kingdom was near the Yuuei who established peaceful terms with us.

The Yuuei was the strongest kingdom but also had a great King by the name of All Might.

"Enough! Anyways I've collected you here today to address the issue of The League of Villains."

"The terrorist group?"

I had heard of the League, apparently it only formed more recently and a lot of mystery surrounds it.

Their an extremist/terrorist group that has members scattered throughout multiple countries.

Their goal is to usurp the local regiments and country government for their own greedy desires.

"We believe there are spies here from the League."

I thought of one particular person.


Freaky and sketchy, she gives off a bad vibe.

The meeting dragged on and I slipped out to my favorite hideaway.

A cliff above the roaring sea below.

What was beyond?

In this world there is magic.

Of the population about 40% have magic but the numbers continue to grow.

Each person has a specific magic that they excel in.

It's not to say they can't perform other forms of magic they'll just be significantly weaker.

Even though Amazon Lily mainly utilizes hand held weapons that doesn't mean a good majority of us don't have magic.

It's almost rare to not have magic here the whole island thrives on it after all.

Except for me apparently.

I let out a sad sigh.

I want to explore what's beyond.

Day turned to night and the stars were out.

I counted them until I dozed off.


Lots and lots of smoke.

The forest, the island was burning!

The full- moon provided my only light.

I was running until I saw big shadows race by.

I looked up to see the beautiful torturous beasts.


I ran faster.

It was burning, everything.

Children ran and hid.

The warriors fought viciously against the beasts.

Nets were launched and screams filled the air.

Blood but I had yet to see any dead bodies.

Just what were they after?

The dragons flew away with the nets leaving the village.

I chased after them willing my feet to move faster.

Willing myself to go after them.

I dropped the extra weapons leaving myself with a dagger so I could run faster.

I ran to the edge of the cliff forest burning ever closer.

I was trapped.

"Dang it!"

Before my eyes a person with a cloak and necklace approached with a devilish grin.

Was this a woman of the island?

Her breasts were small but not extremely so.

I had never seen her.

The person had ash blond short spiky hair.



"Who are you and why have you come to this island?"

"Me? Hah! You can call me King of the Dragons."

"So this is what a man looks like... how strange."

"Hah? Did you just insult me?!"

Sparks ignited at his hands.

I won't lie I had heard all about the notorious king of dragons.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Either or men do not belong on this island especially tyrants like you."

"Are you just gonna blabber or can you actually fight?"

"Men use words to provoke others I see. I shall expel you from this island and not so kindly retrieve the women you captured. I care not who you are but I care you have harmed my homeland."

I made the first move.

He blocked my punch then another.

It became a heated battle, literally since the forest continued to burn.

I smirked

"This has been fun but don't you think it's time to end it? You're not half-bad I thought you'd be worse."

"You haven't seen nothing yet."

True he had yet to use his Magic.



What kind of spell was that, certainly not any I'd heard.

But explosions came at me left and right.

My clothes had been singed.

It was really a hassle.

I took off my shirt that prevented me from moving as freely as I had wanted, throwing it into the flames.

I had wrapped white bandages around my chest so I could move quickly.

I had failed to notice in that moment that my soul mate mark was visible.

His face got red for some reason that is beyond me.

"Put on some clothes!"

"Why? They'll get in the way of this battle."


He had me pinned.

Damn him!

He laughed in victory.

"Looks like I won this one sweetheart."


A sweet you eat, like a pastry?

And a heart?

Why would you ever put those two things together?

"What's this...?!"

He sounded so shocked.

He traced my back.

Wait my back?!

That's my soul mate mark.

"I'm not done yet!"

I twisted and pulled my dagger out.

I aimed to kill like I was taught many times before.

He narrowly dodged and a small cut appeared on his cheek.

I continued using the dagger swiftly and quickly.

His explosions mixed in as well.

The heat of the forest had finally cornered us for real.

Every movement caused rocks to fall down to the sea below into the jagged rocks that poked out of the sea.

One false move would end up with death.

I was panting and he looked out of breath as well.

"Well well dragon king or so you're called. This is the end."

We clashed several more times.

Until one large explosion caused me to be in free- fall.

I looked at the roaring sea below.

I shut my eyes tight.

This is it.

But that was fun.

I saw a man for the first time.

A very dangerous one at that.

All I can do is pray to Kami~sama that everyone somehow makes it out alright.

I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable death.

I heard a whistle and shout.


The king of dragons really is odd isn't he?

This is a pretty dang long fall.

I opened my eyes to check if I was dead yet or close.


I was in the claws of a regal gorgeous red dragon.


I saw the dragon king hop on the beast and command the dragon.

"Oi we found her we can go."

Found her?

Someone from the village.

A roar was all he got in response.

"Let the others go we don't need them. Oh and before I forget, get the water dragons on the forest that's damn dangerous!"


I finally got out of my shock and got the dagger I still had managed to clutch onto to.

"Let me go!"

I swiped at the dragon's claws and for a mere second he (I assume is a he dragon) let me go.

I was falling again.

Am I dead yet?

On second thought maybe I should have Waited to make my great escape.

I peeks through my hands.


The break of dawn was peeking out over the waves.

"Tch you're pretty problematic ya know!?"

"Gaaah! What I'm not dead?"

"Duh I saved you."


" 'Cause I can."

"Are all men like this?"

The dragon let out a sort of cackle/roar.

"Oh shut it you rock head."

I struggled against his hold since he had me in front of him.

"Let me down! Take me back!"

"I'm not sure you want to be let down right now."

"Oh.... well still! Take me back!"

"And who are you to command me, the king of dragons to do so?"

"Well so called 'king of dragons' I happen to be a warrior princess!"

"Is that right?"

"Ugh men are so aggravating!"

"Just relax and enjoy the view."

"Enjoy the view? ENJOY THE VIEW?! We're so high up! I could die from here!"


"WAIT I COULD DIE FROM HERE! Oh my gosh I hate heights! I hate them!"

I hadn't realized I clutched onto this strange man's chest.

"OH MY GOSH I JUST BROKE ALL THE LAWS OF AMAZON LILY. I can't. Please kill me now I can't face this dishonor."

"If you keep shouting and hyperventilating like that you'll pass out."

"I CANT STOP THOUGH. IS MY FAMILY OKAY? WAIT I'M ON A DRAGON! A DRAGON! Wait I'm on a dragon! Wait does it eat people?! Oh it's going to kill me. I'm so dead."

Just like he had warned darkness started to prickle my vision.

"Tch what did I tell you?"


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