5SOS One-Shots - BoyxBoy

By writingonfleek

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5SOS One-Shots - BoyxBoy
Notice Me? - Cake
Can we fix this? - Malum
No Chance with the guy of my dream - Lashton
Detention isn't so bad- Mashton
If You Don't Know - Cake
End Up Here - Cashton
Everything I Didn't Say - Lashton
Tease - Mashton
Bad Days- Muke
Temporary Bliss - Malum
Sick Days - Cake
How Could You? - Cake {Part 1}
How Could You? - Cake {Part 2}
Office |Cake/Mashton|
Hidden Feelings - Lashton
Sick, Drunk Cuddles- Malum
Long Way Home - Mashton
Band Messages - Muke/Cashton
Band Message 2 - Cashton/Muke
Heartache in the Director's Chair - Cake
Caraphernelia - Cashton
Close As Strangers - Cashton
First Time Meeting - Malum

You Make Me Feel - Cake/5SOS

8.1K 178 138
By writingonfleek


Calum's P.O.V.

"Cal" a voice said, waking me from my dream about dancing hotdogs and nutella covered puppies.

"Calum, come on we have to get ready for school" I recognized the voice as Michael's. If your wondering what he's doing here in the morning, well its because he practically lives here half the time, he even has his own room.

"five more minutes" I mumbled.

" Remember what happened the last time you asked for 5 minutes" I shuddered at the memory. Michael thought it was funny to put ice cubes down my boxer to wake me up, only to have my mom walk in on us. My mom being the crazy women she is thought Michael was giving me a handjob, which led to us being late to school because she wanted to give us the "talk" and tell us the proper ways to have sex, give blow jobs, etc. Let's just say we couldn't look each in the eyes for two months.

"yea, yea I'm up" I got out of bed and head to the shower. After my shower I headed to my closet, where I picked out black skinny jeans and a SWS shirt.

Once I was finished getting ready I went downstairs to the kitchen to see Michael stuffing his face with pancakes and my mom drinking her cup of coffee.

"if you don't slow down you might choke, and we don't want that happening again" I said grabbing a plate of pancakes.

"haha very funny" sarcasm evident in his voice.

" boys, please can we not talk about your sex life at the table and Calum don't tease Michael about his gag reflex, its not his fault, it's okay Michael don't let it bother you honey" my mom stated calmly sipping her coffee making Mikey actually choke on his pancakes. Did I mention my mom thinks we're in a relationship.

"that's it, Calum grab your shit we're leaving now" Michael said grabbing his bag to leave.

"but I didn't eat-" I was cut off with a death glare from Michael, "ok, bye mom"

"bye sweetie , bye Michael, when I get home we'll have a talk about your little "problem", making Michael grab my hand and drag me out of the house.

Finally, we reached the school, that was the longest walk of my life, well maybe it was because Mikey kept complaining about how we needed to check my mom into a mental hospital cause she was crazy.

"I say we do it soon" Mikey said as we headed to our lockers.

"Dude, I'm not checkimg my mom into a mental hospital and that's finally. Plus, if she's there who's gonna make you food when you come over"

"I guess you're right" Mikey sighed, opening his locker.

I open my locker to take out my Geometry textbook and closed it. The worst subject of the day but it was also the first one which was good.

"Come on, let's go the bell's about to ring" Mikey said closing his locker.

We arrived at Geometry as the bell rang. We headed to our seats in the back. Mr. Larson started talking about something but I wasn't listening because I was busy staring at the goergous Luke Hemmings across the room. He was talking to friend Ashton Irwin, he was cute too but not Luke Hemmings cute, plus Mikey would kill me if I thought he was hot considering the huge crush he had on him.

I was still staring when I felt a jab to my side.


"Mr. Hood, can you explain to me the root of a triangle (A/N: I know nothing about geometry)"

"Um uh...3.14?" I guessed.

"wrong, now pay attention" he said turning towards the board.

"seriously , 3.14, even I could've guessed a better answer" Michael snickered.

"shut up"

"But I guess it's because something or should I say someone had your attention, *cough* Luke *cough*" he stated ignoring the looks he was getting.

"fuck of-" I got cut off by the bell. I gathered my stuff and walked out the class with Michael behind me.

"You know, I wouldn't bother if you, if you didn't stare at him every chance you got"

It's not my fault he was good looking. I'm just appreciating how good looking he is.

"like you're any better, don't think I don't see the way you stare at Ashton in the locker room when he has no shirt on, I think I may have seen some drool a couple of times" I teased him

He started blushing "dick" he mumbled.

"You love me, remember sweetykins were in a relationship" I say laughing

"Nope no, were are not doing this here" he said trying not to laugh.

"But I lovveee you, give me a kiss" I grabbed his face pulling him close and place a big wet kiss on his cheek, which recieved some laughter from people walking by. They were used to us acting like this, plus they didn't care if we were gay, 50% of the school was either gay, lesbian , or bi.

"ugh Cal, that's disgusting" he pulled away wiping off his cheek as we entered our next class.


A/N: HOLAS you guys probably thought this was a update but its not you probably would have ignored if I put not an update....so SUPRISE. this is part. of the first chapter ,That's all for now but if you liked the preview and want to continue reading go to page or search the name You Make Me Feel - Cake/5SOS!! I hope you guys like it because it was fun to write.


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Adios Bitchatoes✌


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