anonymous || pjm

By stale-bread-stick

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[Highschool!au] Despite the majority of the bad boy stories showcasing a fearless protagonist with a nonsensi... More

(Prologue): Unsolicited Embarrassment


237 11 5
By stale-bread-stick

"Alright bitches, it's time to lose weight." Well, at least that's what you said three minutes ago. Time has passed. Things have changed.

"I can't tell whether these are sweat or tears."

"It's been three goddamn minutes!" Your friend sighs exasperatedly, complaining even though she was already laying on the floor like a future corpse. You huff, the beads of sweat dripping down your face making your hair stick uncomfortably to your skin, the sleeves that were stupidly designed on your gym uniform not helping with your situation.

You step off the running track, Yuna lazily standing up and following you, the other students quick to pass you both as they continue jogging around the circle, as they should. Damn them, though.

You plop on a nearby bench with a huff, Yuna towering over you as she clasped her hands together, "Look at the bright side!" She started, patting your shoulder encouragingly before squishing your cheeks, turning your head to keep your attention elsewhere, it being the rather large football field, "We get to see the hotties playing, isn't that cool?!"

You pout, slapping her hands away, "No, Yoongi only plays basketball, there's no one else to admire."

She scoffs, placing her hands on her hips as if she were ready to lecture you, "You see, my uncultured swine of a best friend, I know you're loyal to him and all, but there are- what- other dudes that are potentially waiting for your attention?" She pauses to flail her hands around wildly, you watching from afar with narrowed eyes and a cocked brow, "And what the frick was with you and Jimin! Jimin and Yoongi! And I thought I shipped Yoonmin, but no, oh no-"

"Um, no, stop right there."

She clicks her tongue in disapproval, "Look, let's test my theory." She pulls you to your feet as you whine, the female ignoring it as she pressed onward determinedly, still holding onto your wrist as she approached the field composed of dozens of males doing God knows what, "Lock on target." Her tongue sticks out in concentration as you only then realize her intentions- "Park Jimin! Yo, Park! J-I-M-I-N!"

The said male's head lifts almost immediately, your eyes briefly taking notice of his friends pushing him forward almost encouragingly, his hand worrying the hem of his shirt as he lifted his other with a shy wave. Yuna squeals, "Look at him! A small squish of a boy, really." She clutches her chest where her heart is located dramatically as you simply rolled your eyes with a smile.

"I.. guess." You're unintentionally smiling as you turn around, tugging your friend as a gesture for her to follow as she stays glued to her spot, hands gripping the gates as she whines. You just barely miss Jimin's goofy lopsided grin as he continues furiously waving in your direction before turning around, his forehead almost immediately coming into contact with the wall.


Jimin might not be the tallest of the bunch, but damn, was he one mountain of a boy.

You'd noticed that even before you met him, even before he became a second-year, even before he could properly enter the classroom. You noticed it especially when his shoulders struggled to pass the door frame, thickly corded muscle hidden beneath the considerably laughable coverage of a white t-shirt and faded ripped jeans, and for a second you remembered how time had stood still when he'd paused at the bottom of the stairs, surveying the classroom for a seat.

You also noticed how he had the tendency to hide behind whatever book he was reading, eyes skimming the board as he took notes diligently, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He occasionally scrunched his nose before pushing his glasses higher to prevent them from slipping down further, and at the time, you couldn't help but think of how adorable the action could be. You were pretty damn close to falling off your seat when he suddenly started wearing dark colors and skipping classes.

Though of course, when could you have the time to think of the cute nerd of your class when you only focused more on the cute, pouty lips of Yoongi, how lazy the male can sometimes be, his distressed expression when he gets caught sleeping in the back row even though he was sure no one would notice if he puts a book over his head, how laid back yet hardworking he can be, and just how cute he is in general.

Yeah, there was no way.

So what were you to do when you thought you were so, so close to getting near him, when you had actually thought that you had a chance when he approached you yesterday, only to have your hopes dwindled as he suddenly left? What were you to do but sit and hold onto the hope that maybe, just maybe, he'd come back? You could do nothing, nothing but stare at his retreating back as his form gradually got further and further away, your shoulder sagging at the realization that the entire event was probably a prank or something of the sort.

You're suddenly knocked out of your thoughts, jumping in your seat as you hear the sound of books being dropped on the table beside yours, turning your head towards it only to find the man you had previously been thinking about. Jimin at least had the decency to flash you a sheepish grin before lowering his gaze, silently taking his seat beside you.

He clears his throat, refusing to look in your direction, "Sorry." He starts, gingerly organizing his books, "It was.. heavier than I thought." You only nod, mildly surprised that he attended class, much less even spoke to you again, turning towards the front of the class once the teacher arrived. Jimin watches you from between the cracks of his fingers before snapping back into reality, the sound of a harsh slap coming into contact with both his cheeks echoing throughout the nearly silent classroom as he flushed in embarrassment, only having intended to wake himself up.

You snicker silently to yourself. Even while supposedly being a 'bad boy', you'd be damned if Jimin wasn't still cute as all hell.


"Hyung, I still don't get it." Taehyung huffed, repeatedly tapping his pen on the book impatiently as he gradually began to lose all hope on understanding the given material. The two older males shared eye contact before sighing in unison, shaking their heads to themselves.

"Tae, it's pretty simple if you had the patience to understand." Namjoon stated, pointing at the words on the book that, to Taehyung, had long since become nothing but gibberish, the words becoming blurry as he struggled to put them together to form a coherent sentence. The voices surrounding him became nothing but white noise as his mind became blank, blinking into consciousness only when Jimin snapped his fingers in front of his face.

"Wait! I got it!" The youngest of the three grinned as the other two sighed in relief, watching him scribble the correct answer on the textbook before leaning back onto their chairs, Jimin running a hand through his unkempt hair that was sure to make his fans lose their minds, but luckily there would be no potential onlookers from their position behind the school.

"Wow, I love character development." He stated simply, earning a snort from Namjoon and a pout from Taehyung.

The ringing of the bell alerted the males of the time, the three hurriedly packing their respective belongings before bidding farewell, walking towards their own separate classrooms. Jimin walked into his just before the teacher did, sending the older a respective bow before shuffling towards his seat, only then remembering his position and taking long strides towards it with his lips curving up just enough for others to notice.

He sits beside you as he always does, glancing at you from the corner of his eye before directing his gaze towards his pen, mindlessly opening and closing its lid.

"Go on, make a.. joke or something! Be spontaneous! Girls like that, right..?"

He gulped, wondering if he should take his friend's halfhearted advice into consideration. He bit his lip and swallowed hard, placing his hand on his knee nervously, "Hey-" Just as he turned towards you abruptly, the male was shocked to see you mere inches away from him, your form struggling to pick up the pencil you dropped as you bent over in his direction.

You stumbled upwards, managing to have picked your pencil up on the way, releasing a breath you didn't even know you were holding. Jimin sweat nervously, deciding to take a different approach to this unexpected, yet.. oddly cliche predicament. "Uh- S-sorry."

You shake your head furiously, "No, it's fine, it wasn't your fault."

He nodded, playing with his fingers beneath his desk, taking occasional glances at you before thinking Screw it, if anything happens I'm blaming Taehyung. "Hey, do you- did you- can I-" He clears his throat, exhaling deeply, "Can I borrow a.. pen?"

You blink, having sworn that you caught him messing with one just a mere few minutes ago, but you cave in anyway, "Well, sure." You internally say goodbye to yet another pen that will probably never be returned.

He purposely brushed your fingers against his as he took the pen from you, having an internal battle inside his conscious as he debated on what to do next, huffing out a sigh of irritation when his oldest hyung suddenly popped into his memory.

"Oh, and another thing."

You blink, "Yes?"

He turned towards you fully, waving his hands around as he started with nothing but seriousness in his voice, "How do fish get high?" He continued before you even had the chance to process his words, he, himself, struggling to contain his giggles at the ridiculousness of his next words or his current situation, "Seaweed."

You try to keep a deadpanned expression but ultimately fail, pressing your palm against your mouth to stifle your giggles as Jimin does the same, struggling significantly more than you are.

Maybe Jimin is the same underneath those smirks and thick layers of leather, after all.

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