Just Another Teen Mom

Galing kay OnceAPrincess22

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Anastasia has never been a rule breaker, she never joins in on the popular trends; or with the popular kids... Higit pa

Just Another Teen Mom
Character Profile - Anastasia Westbrooke (teenager)
Character Profile - James Westbrooke
Character Profile - Margret Westbrooke
Character Profile - Isabelle Boyle
Character Profile - Cassidy Edwards-Westbrooke
Character Profile - Henry Westbrooke (baby)
Character Profile - Britney Paisley
Character Profile - Avery Paisley-Jones
Character Profile - Carder Jones
Character Profile - Skyler Austan
Character Profile - Emmett Porter (teenager)
Character Profile - Anastasia Westbrooke-Porter (adult)
Character Profile - Emmett Porter (adult)
Character Profile - Henry Westbrooke (teenager)
Character Profile - Brockton Westbrooke-Porter
Character Profile - Evelynn Westbrooke-Porter
Character Profile - Tessa Westbrooke-Porter
Character Profile - Gracelyn Clarke
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 30

1K 22 0
Galing kay OnceAPrincess22

September 5/2018

Making sure the diaper bags was refilled I went over and picked Henry up out of his crib where I had laid him down. Sitting down in the rocking chair that was in the corner of the room I lifted up my shirt and got everything adjusted so I could feel Henry. He was getting his lunch just a little earlier than he normally would since we were headed to Avery's half-birthday Party.

    While Henry ate his lunch I randomly scrolled through the hundreds and hundreds of pictures on my phone. I probably should get them on my computer so I could free up some space on my phone, but then again I have a two hundred and fifty-six-gigabyte phone so I'm likely never going to be able to fill it. Opening up my album full of pictures of Henry I smiled as I random scrolled through the pictures and clicked on one every now and then. At the beginning of the album was the pictures from the day he was born. Oh my goodness, that literally feels like it was forever ago I can't believe how long it really has been.

Emmett: Hey

Ana: Hey you

Emmett: What are you up too?

Ana: sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery feeding Henry. You?

Emmett: Fun, I'm on my break and bored out of my mind the store is so slow today I might just die of boredom.

Ana: I'm not sure that's physically possible

Emmett: I think is it.

Ana: I wish I could come cheer you up, but I have a party to go to today

Emmett: Yes I remember, have fun. What exactly do you do at a half-birthday?

Ana: Celebrate making it six months, I don't know, I just know that I'm having one for Henry to next month.

Emmett: Guess I'll have to get him a present then

Ana: No you don't need to get him a present

Emmett: Mmm okay... whatever you say. Well I gotta go my break is over and I get to go out there and sort more nails

Ana: Have fun!

Emmett: Oh joy!

    I smiled and locked my phone setting it down on a little night and that is next to the rocking chair. Henry had unlatched himself which he only ever does when he's full so I liked him up so I could get a burp out of him. After that, I stood up and rested Henry on my hip, picked up the diaper bag and head out of the nursery and across the hall to my bedroom.

    Both of us were already dressed and ready for the events of today. I just had to grab my wallet off my desk and throw it into the diaper bag as well before shutting the lights off in my bedroom and heading downstairs. I grabbed put Henry into his car seat, put the diaper bag on my back and grabbed the gift bag off the floor. Grabbing Henry's car seat I head out the front door locking it behind me before walking around the front of the house to where my car was parked in the driveway. Getting Henry clicked into place I closed his door and send up the front passenger door putting Avery's present down on the passenger seat and the diaper bag on the floor.

    Driving down the street I had some random radio station turned on and was really enjoying whatever song it was they were playing. I had programmed Britney's dress into the GPS in my car since I didn't exactly know how to get there on account of never having been there before. Arriving at the house I recognized Britney and Carder's car in the driveway and pulled my car in directly behind it. Grabbing everything out of the car I head up to knock on the front door.

"Ana and Henry!"


"Come on in Brit is just getting Avery ready they should be down in a few, You can put Henry's seat next to Avery's"


"Then the living room is just down this hall and your first right when you are ready"

"Noted I'll be there in a few"

"No rush"

    I smiled a Carder as he headed off down the hall in the direction he had just pointed out to me. Setting Henry's car seat on the floor I set Avery's gift, and the diaper bag beside it for the moment and squatted down to get Henry out. Resting Henry on my hip I put the diaper bag into his car seat and picked up Avery's life and headed in the direction Carder had told me to go.

    Smiling I set my gift down where a few other were sitting and then went over to sit on the open chair in the room. Carder quickly introduced me to his parents, his sister Alicia, Britney's parents, and Britney's sister Catrina. I smiled at all of them. Both of their families seemed really nice and welcoming. I guess since they didn't originally go to school here I was the only friend coming to his thing which made me feel super weird, but also really happy.

    The fun little celebration we were having started as soon as Britney and Avery came downstairs. I almost instantly switched kids with Britney since I hadn't seen her in a while and Avery just looked absolutely adorable in her special half-birthday outfit. She was wearing a plain white onesie that had 'half' on the front in gold sparkles letters, a matching gold bow, and gold shoes, to top it all off she had on an adorable little pink, blue, and purple tutu.

    Sitting around hanging out with Britney and Carder's families was really nice, both f their sister was so sweet and had a ton of fun playing with Henry. If I can remember correctly I believe Carder's sister Alicia is starting the ninth grade at our school, and Britney's sister Catrina is going into her the eighth grade. But hey if they want to take my baby and play with him making him smile and laugh, giving me a little break I'm all for it. While the sisters entertained the babies we had some time to just hang out and talk about stuff.

"So when are you moving out Brit?"

"Oh actually change of plans, we are going to stay here for the senior year and then we can save even more money so we can get a better apartment next year when Carder goes to school wherever that might be"

"Aren't you going to school?"

"Yeah I think I'm going to go to teacher's college, I want to be like a kindergarten or maybe a grade one teacher"

"Oh that sounds super fun"

"I thought so, what about you?"

"I'm not sure that I'm going to go to school just yet, but I might, I think I'm going to do something like a daycare or my own home daycare"

"Ohhh that would be super fun, I better keep your number so you can take care of my future children"

"There are more children coming?"

"Eventually, I mean after we're married and done schooling"

"Yeah so when's that happening?"

"The wedding?"

"Yeah like did you set a date yet come on give me the details"

"Yeah we are thinking about maybe this summer after graduation and prom"

"Ohh that will be super fun"

"For sure, but really we aren't totally sure yet, but be on the lookout for an invitation"

"I will be"

    Britney's Mom had made some little sandwiches for lunch along with a pasta salad. Sitting mourned eating out lunch we all talked in one big conversation. Henry and Avert were on the floor playing with some of Avery's toys. When we finished lunch Britney grabbed Avery and we all sat around and watched as they opened the few little presents that everyone got. Britney smiled at me as soon as she took the tissue paper out of my bag. She pulled out the floral pinky blanket and Avery instantly grabbed ahold of it.

"I knew you didn't lie when I told you not to get her one of these"

"Oh come on she loves Henry's, I figured she needs one of her own that was super girly and fun"

"Thank-you Henry, Avery will cuddle this blanket just like she does your at school"

    Everyone laughed as Britney unpackages the other few things that I and gotten for Avery. Just some tethers and a stuffed penguin. After the gifts and been opened we all just ended up hanging out and talking more. Henry started to get rather fussy on the floor so I ended up picking him up and cuddling with him in the chair I had been sitting in for a majority of the afternoon.

    Before it was time to leave Britney insisted on doing a quick little photo shoot with Henry and Avery so we sat them down next to each other and both got our phones out taking a bunch of pictures at different angles allowing the two babies to do whatever it is they wanted to do in the pictures.

    When it was finally time to leave I got Henry loaded back into his car seat and gave Britney and Carder each a hug thanking me for the invitation. Clicking Henry's car seat into place in the car I headed around to the driver seat. Backing out of the driveway I headed home but decided to make a quick detour before actually going home. Stopping at The Redbird Cafe I grabbed Henry's car seat and quickly ran into the Cafe and got an iced tea for myself and a black coffee for Emmett, also two chocolate chip cookies.

    Pulling into the hardware store parking lot I shut off the car grabbed Emmett's coffee out of the one cup holder. Putting Henry on my hip I closed the car door locking the car before tucking my keys into the pocket of my jeans and grabbing the coffee off the roof of the car. Walking into the store I smiled at the older lady behind the till I don't come here very often but it's a small family run store and from what I know they are a very friendly and kind family. Looking around the store I was startled by an older man coming up next to me and suddenly talking.

"Can I help you, Miss?"

"Oh, Hi, sorry, uhm yeah, I'm looking for Emmett"

"Ahh, he is in aisle five"


    I gave the nice man a smile and headed over to aisle five. Sure enough halfway down the aisle Emmett was standing next to some rope with his back to Henry and I. Slowing my waking I tried to keep quiet so maybe he wouldn't hear us coming, but of course, Henry foiled that plan. We were maybe three feet away from Emmett when Henry decided now was a great time to start making motorboat noises with his mouth. I just smiled and shook my head as Emmett turned to see us approaching him.

"Hey you"

"Hey you two"

"Henry thought we could stop by for a second to drop off a little pick me up, save you from all the boredom"

"Well that was very kind of Henry"

"I thought so"

    Emmett and I smiled at each other and he gave me a quick hug before taking the coffee from me. He poked Henry's nose which had kind of become their little thing, and Henry absolutely loves it. So, of course, it made him giggle his adorable little baby giggle, which in turn just makes me smile like an idiot. Emmett also cracked a pretty awesome smile pocking Henry once more while I adjusted him over to my other hip.

"So how was the party?"

"It was nice, I got to meet both of their families, and just hang out with real humans and not just this baby"

"Well that sounds funs for you, I can't wait to meet these people, and the other adorable baby in your life"

"Oh my look at these pictures of Henry and Avery"

    I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and handed it to Emmett with the pictures open. He looked through a couple and handed my phone back to me, I locked it and tucked it into my back pocket again.

"Henry's got himself a girlfriend and he's not even half a year old"

"An older girlfriend"

"Even better"

"You're so weird"

"Yet here you are bringing me a coffee"


"Well thank-you for the coffee Ana, but I should probably get back to all this taxing work I'm doing"

"What exactly is all this taxing work?"

"Re-rolling the rope, like I said earlier super slow day"

"You got a job Babe, and you're making money"

"True enough. Thanks for stopping by"

"You know I couldn't leave you here to die of boredom"

"I'll text you later then"

"I'll be waiting for the text"

"Maybe you should be playing with your baby"

"I can do both"

    Laughing I quickly gave Emmett another hug before smiling and walking off down the aisle, leaving him to continue with re-rolling all of the rope. Smiling at the lady behind the counter again on the way out I headed back over to my car and got Henry load into his car seat again. Now it was time to head home.

    Back home I decided that for a change we would go upstairs and play on the floor in the nursery. His little toy basket was already up there anyway. Laying Henry down on the chain pad first we did a quick change of a very stinky diaper. Then were laid out the elephant blanket and threw his toys out on the blanket randomly. Setting the nursing pillow down I put Henry in the middle of it so that he could be supported while we sat and spent some time playing with toys until it was time for dinner.

    After Dinner with Dad, he was heading out to got see a movie with Cassidy or something like that. I decided to head upstairs and have a bath with, with Henry since he was setting a tad on the cranky and fussy side. Starting the water I found the baby bot bath bomb that I had bought the other day since I wanted to try it and see if it actually helped calm Henry down when he was fussy and cranky.

Laying Henry down in the middle of my bed I quickly stripped down and put the robe I had bought for labour with Henry on. The robe was a little big now but hey it covers all my parts so it still worked for me, plus I paid good money for it I'm going to use it whenever I want to. Then I got Henry stripped down to just his diaper.

Shrugging off my robe I took Henry's diaper off and throwing it out before climbing into the warm tub full of water. Dropping the bath bomb in I adjusted my hold on Henry and let the warm weather sooth my muscles and hopefully the water and the bath bomb calmed Henry down.

    Draining the tub I had managed to dry my body off enough and I put my robe back on. Henry was wrapped up in his snuggly towel on the floor between my legs. Picking Henry up I headed across the hall into the nursery to get him in a fresh clean diaper and his sleep sac that would hopefully help keep him calm and asleep tonight.

So far I think the bath bomb truly had helped. Back in my bedroom I shut off the big lights and turned on just my bedside table lamp. Laying Henry down in his bassinet I hoped he would fall asleep easily while I quickly got myself into some pyjamas and grabbed my computer off my desk before pulling back the sheets on my bed and climbing in.

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