Just Another Teen Mom

By OnceAPrincess22

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Anastasia has never been a rule breaker, she never joins in on the popular trends; or with the popular kids... More

Just Another Teen Mom
Character Profile - Anastasia Westbrooke (teenager)
Character Profile - James Westbrooke
Character Profile - Margret Westbrooke
Character Profile - Isabelle Boyle
Character Profile - Cassidy Edwards-Westbrooke
Character Profile - Henry Westbrooke (baby)
Character Profile - Britney Paisley
Character Profile - Avery Paisley-Jones
Character Profile - Carder Jones
Character Profile - Skyler Austan
Character Profile - Emmett Porter (teenager)
Character Profile - Anastasia Westbrooke-Porter (adult)
Character Profile - Emmett Porter (adult)
Character Profile - Henry Westbrooke (teenager)
Character Profile - Brockton Westbrooke-Porter
Character Profile - Evelynn Westbrooke-Porter
Character Profile - Tessa Westbrooke-Porter
Character Profile - Gracelyn Clarke
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 29

1.1K 22 2
By OnceAPrincess22

August 30/2018

Belle: What time are you picking me up again?

Ana: 12:30, I'll leave the house as soon as Henry's done his lunch that way he'll hopefully nap for most of the trip... maybe...

Belle: Okay that's fine, I just didn't know if I had time to eat before you picked me up

Ana: I can come later if you need me too.

Belle: No that time is perfect. See you soon

Ana: Yup

    Throwing my phone down on my bed I picked Henry up out of his bassinet and walked over to his Nursery. I had laid out his little outfit already so all I needed to do was get him change out of his pyjamas and into his day clothes. Getting rid of his very full and smelly diaper I cover his butt with diaper cream and got a nice clean diaper on him. With Henry dressed and ready for the day I headed back over to my bedroom to get myself dressed for the day. I put Henry in the middle of my bed with pillows all around him so he wouldn't be able to roll anywhere.

    Walking into my closet I found a white and grey-blue stripped button-down shirt. It was a little longer of a shirt so I grabbed some plain black leggings to wear as well. The shirt was an off the shoulder tank-top style. Once I was dressed I grabbed Henry off my bed and put him in the middle of my bedroom floor on his tummy and then I grabbed my makeup bag off my dresser and sat down in front of my full-length mirror. I put on barely any make-up because lately my skin had been really nice and I don't want to mess that up by covering it in makeup. So really I only put on some nude/natural looking eyeshadow, mascara, and some nude lipstick. I haven't really had nice skin since getting pregnant all the extra hormones and crap just made my face a mess, and somehow I've managed to get it looking nice again so I don't want to mess with that too much.

    Once I was completely ready for the day, I lastly grabbed my Tiffany's necklace from Dad, and my 'H' bracelet from Belle and put them on. Grabbing my purse and sunglasses I slipped my sandals on and headed back into Henry's nursery putting him down in his crib so I could get his diaper bag packed and ready for the afternoon of shopping. I had ordered a bunch of new clothes online so I didn't really need much for myself but I knew I was still going to buy a bunch. I did need to get some toys and stuff for Henry though because all he had right now is a ball and he needs some other things. But I'm not going to get him too much since we are going to be having a small party for his half birthday just because. Downstairs I had Henry on my hip as I walked around the house doing a few random things. Now that his neck is getting stronger and all that fun stuff I can actually carry him upright in my hips and he's been loving it.

    Dad was at work today since it was a Thursday so I had kind of left a mess down here after I finished my breakfast. So now I was clawing that up quickly before I had to leave to go and pick Belle up. The very familiar sound of Emmett's ring tone chimed on my phone and I pulled it out of the waistband of my pants where I had tucked it with my free hand.

Emmett: Morning Babe

Ana: Hi

    Sitting down on the couch I opened up a couple of the buttons my shirt and got everything adjusted so Henry could start eating his lunch. I had pre-made myself a salad before going up to get dressed so I had brought that over to the couch with me so I could eat it while Henry ate.

Emmett: You're going shopping with Belle today right?

Ana: Yes, did you need me to get you something?

Emmett: No I don't need you to get me anything. Can I come over to hang out for a bit tonight?

Ana: Yeah sure, I hoping to be home in time for dinner so you can come over whenever you want after your shift

Emmett: See you then

Ana: I'll be here

Emmett: Belle still doesn't know about me?

Ana: Nope, I'm telling you the first day of school will be very entertaining when she gets to meet you and find out about you all at the same time

Emmett: You're weird

Ana: You knew that before you asked me out

Emmett: Yeah I guess I did...

Ana: Oh I need to go Henry need to switch Boobs. Byeee

Emmett: See you later Babe

    Emmett and I have been dating now for almost two weeks. It's been super awesome, we just hang out either at his house or mine most nights, unless he's not working then we will go for a walk or something. I still haven't told Belle about him mainly because it's very entertaining watching her try to figure out who I've been constant texting and going out with.

Of course, she'll never guess since he's the new kid. I'm very excited to see her reaction on the first day of school. Finished up my salad I set the bowl down on the coffee table and started randomly scrolling through my Instagram feed while Henry finished up his lunch.

    Triple checking that Henry's car seat was buckled up and tightened correctly I made sure it was also properly clicked into its base. Closing Henry's door I opened the trunk quickly and threw the diaper bag in beside the stroller then closed the trunk and went around to climb into the driver's seat. Buckling myself in I started up the car and pulled out of the driveway.

Following a car that was driving crazy slow I was patient and thankfully they weren't turning when I was turning onto Belle's street. Pulling into Belle's driveway I put the car in park and honked the horn and waited for her to come out of the house. Belle started telling me some story about what she and Skyler had done the other night when they had got out on their date while I drove towards the mall.

"You know if you just told me who you were dating already we could go on a double date before the summer's over"

"I still don't get why you think I'm dating someone"

"Because you are and I know it, Ana, I know you, I'm not dumb. There is a guy, and you are dating him, and I'm going to figure out who it is"

"Okay Belle whatever you think"

"Tell Me!"

"There's nothing to tell, I've told you that"

"Uhm you're so difficult. Just give me the first letter of his name"

"Henry's the only guy in my life Belle"


"Okay whatever you say"

"Can I see your phone?"

"You can't see my phone"

"Oh cause you send him sexy pictures"

"Yes in my sweats and nursing bras that's what I do sure"

"Hey some dudes are into that Ana"

"You are one weird person Belle"

"I know, but you're stuck with me. So how about you just let me see your phone and this can all be over"



"You love me"

"I know I do. Butthead"


    Belle and I were laughing uncontrollably and probably looked totally insane when I pulled into the mall parking lot. Spotting and free 'Mom and Tot' spot I pulled the car into it easily. Climbing out of the Car I went around to the trunk to get out Henry's stroller and tuck the diaper bag in the compartment. Belle had gotten Henry's corset out of the car for me and got it clicked into the stroller while I closed up the back and locked the car. Pushing Henry's stroller I walked next to Belle and we headed into the mall. I had gone through all my clothes yesterday and made piles of stuff I wanted to donate and stuff I knew was never going to fit me again or something I likely won't ever want to wear now that I'm a Mom. I had made a list in my phone of the things I absolutely needed to get for myself today, and I had also made a list of things that Henry needed.

    Our first stop was Forever 21 since it was right by the door we came in. This was fn of Belle's favourite stores so I knew we were likely going to be in here for a while. This was a larger store then some so I lost Belle almost instantly, but I knew I would find her again so I just took my tie going mourned looking at things here and there. The good thing was that all of this stores were having pretty decent sales for back to school.

    Although I don't have a job of my own I do have a credit card, linked to my Dad's account which is pretty awesome. But he only puts so much money a month on my card so I do have to be careful and budget myself still. I've thought about getting a job in the past but since it's just Dad and I he's never had a problem giving me his credit card so I can buy whatever I want, within reason of course. Now that I have Henry I would just have to pay for childcare if I got a job and that kind of defeats the purpose in the end. So to be in the situation that I'm in I'd say I've been very lucky to have all the luxuries I have. Looking around the store I actually found a few things that I liked and I grabbed them setting them on top of the stroller canopy so I could try them on.

    Back at the dressing rooms, I was able to fit Henry's stroller into the room with me which was nice. Locking the door I started to unbutton my shirt so I could try on the shirts that I had grabbed. I used to know my sizes at all of the stores off by heart and never really needed to try anything on, but now my body is different so I need to try things on again to see if my sizes have changed or not.

Happy with how all the things I had found fit me I put my original shirt back on and I took a second to take the diaper bag out of the bottom compartment and hang it off the handle of the stroller so that I could fit my shopping bags into the compartment instead.

    Belle was in the line for the fitting rooms when I came out of mine so I told her I would go look around a little more then we could meet at the till. Looking around I found myself in the shoe and accessory section. I ended up grabbing some random white socks because I can never have too many plain white socks. I tried on a couple pairs of shoes but didn't really like any of them. Finally, Belle came out of the dressing rooms and we headed towards the till.

    Hollister, American Eagle, H&M, Dynamite, so many stores so many clothes, I had bought maybe between two and six things at each store. I bought a little more at H&M then the other places just because I really liked a ton of stuff, and their baby and kid clothes are an adorable plus. The next store we were hading too was Free People, it's slightly more boho-chic but both Belle and I have been super into their clothes lately and we just had to see what they had for back to school or just clothes in general. Walking into the store I was instantly in love with some many things, this was going to be dangerous.

    Leaving Free People I had added three bags of clothes to my pile of shopping bags. Yeah, I knew we shouldn't have gone in but honestly I don't care I got so many amazing things and I had such a huge pile of clothes to donate in my room right now that I knew it was all going to balance out in the end.

"Okay so you just maxed your credit card Ana"

"Nope actually almost everything I just bought was on sale, it wasn't nearly as much as I had been expecting it to be"

"That's good to know. God, I love shopping and the rush it gives me. I mean my bank account probably hates me, but you know I don't care"

"I agree, so I need a new backpack"

"Ohh Yes let's go get backpacks"

    Belle and I headed off on a mission to find the perfect backpacks for out senior year. It took us a while but eventually, we had out backpack picked out. I ended up with a blue and white striped canvas style bag that had tan leather for the trim, it was simple and perfect. Paying for our backpacks Belle and I headed out of the store and wen tin search of the next store we wanted to visit.

"Oh Victoria Secret"

"Sure I could use some stuff"

"Wait no you still need nursing Bras..."

"Obviously... but I no longer need old granny underwear and my butt had grown thanks to Henry so let's go"

    Belle and I headed into Victoria Secret and wen tin different directions. She went looking for some bras and I headed to the tables of underwear They were having a five for twenty-eight dollar sale which meant I was going to buy way too much underwear. By the time I had circled the underwear tabled for the third time, I had four piles of five, which was likely enough. I decided to go and look at their fancy lingerie, sleep, and loungewear. I didn't get anything from the lingerie really but I did find some sleep and loungewear that I really liked and added to the pile I had. Lastly, I went through the small sports section they had. I found a couple pair of leggings and a couple sports bras that I liked. Then I decided I needed to stop myself and I headed towards the till.

    After I pay for my stuff I did my best to put the bag in the bottom compartment of the stroller. Henry had woken up and was getting a little fussy likely meaning he was in need of a change and some food. I found Belle with a very larger pile of things in her hand.

"I'm going to go feed Henry in the nursing room"

"The one we passed before coming here?"


"Okay I'll be like ten minutes and I'll see you there"

"That's fine, he'll probably be fifteen or twenty minutes so take your time, you don't need to come right there"


    Heading out of the store I walked back toward the bathroom that we had passed earlier that had a nursing room in it. Thankfully there was a free chair in the corner of the room. I like being able to sit in a corner it was more relaxing for me for some reason. Getting the nursing cover out of the diaper bag I there it over my shoulder then quickly got Henry out of his car seat. Sitting down in the chair I got the nursing cover on and then undid the buttons of my shirt. Once everything was adjusted and situated right Henry latched on easily and started eating. I pulled out my phone and randomly schooler though Instagram. Opening up my Snapchat I took a quick selfie and set it to a bunch of people the that snapped me in the past hour or so.

Ana: What snacks do you want tonight for movie night?

Emmett: I'll bring some snack, you get to pick the movie

Ana: That's a bold choice

Emmett: As long as you're there I don't care what we watch

Ana: Cute.

Emmett: I gotta go my break is almost over, I'll see you later

Ana: Okay see you

    Tucking my phone back into the cup holder of the stroller I check on Henry who was still feeding nicely, but as per usual I decided to annoy him and make him switch to the other boob. I really want to avoid having lopsided boobs so I try to be as even as I can be when feeding him. There was only one other Mom in here right now so I decided to kick off my sandals and put my feet up on the stroller in the little gap between the stroller seat and car seat.

    Just as I was burping Henry, Belle came into the room. We decided that we could go get some food ourselves before we did any more shopping. First things first though we took all the shopping we had already done out to my car and loaded it all, I put my stuff in the trunk and Belle put all of her stuff on the back seat so we wouldn't get out bags mixed up later. Henry wasn't having his car seat so I deiced to carry him for a bit and Belle offered to push the stroller for me. Going to the food court the many smells just attacked my nose and I didn't know what to do or where to go. Eventually, I decided to get a vegetarian poutine from New York Fries. It was a lightish snack I guess.

    We did just a tiny bit more shopping for ourselves after our snack break. Most importantly we went to Lush, Bath and Body Works, and Sephora. Once I was stocked up on all the beauty supplies I could ever need finally we were done and we headed towards the Babies 'R' Us.

"What all do you need to get him, Ana?"

"Well he needs some toys, and I'll probably get him some clothes too I don't know, just you know whatever we see"

"Okay so toys are the main goal"

"Yeah but not too many because his half birthday is coming"


"We are celebrating his half birthday and he's getting presents"

"Hey I'm there, presents and all"

    I was still caring Henry on my hip and Belle was happily pushing the stroller. Heading towards the baby toy aisle I found another funky colourful ball, some bright coloured toy keys, and a fun looking rattle and threw them all into the empty car seat. I had been distracted by little seats that help babies sit up and decided that I needed to get one for Henry because, in the long run, I think it would be really helpful. Belle came over with two stuffed animals in her hands, a fox and an elephant.

"Oh my goodness those are cute Belle"

"Good because I'm buying the fox"


"Wait you aren't going to fight me?"

"There's no point because you'll just buy it anyway"

"True. True"

    Putting the little baby seat thing I picked into the crest as well I had also found a little blue cameo blanket that was super fuzzy and cute. Deciding that was probably enough on top of the like six different outfits I had found, I headed towards the till to pay for everything. That was officially the last stop of the day and the three of us headed back out to my car. I grabbed the car seat off the stroller and went around and opened up the back passenger door to click it into the base while Bell folded up the stroller for me. Once the car seat was in the car I put Henry into the car seat and got him all strapped in and ready to head home.

    Dropping Bell off at home I backed out of her driver and headed home. Dad had texted me already that he had a long of work to do tonight so he had just stopped to pick up chines on his way home, and that was fine with me. At home, I took Henry into the house first and left him in the car seat by the front door since he had fallen asleep. Back out not my car I grabbed all the shopping bags I could for one trip and headed into the house and up to my room. I decided to just drop all the shopping back into my closet for now since I didn't feel like dealing with them tonight. Once al my stuff was inside I took Henry out of his car seat now that he had woken up and we went searching for Grandpa. We found him sitting out on the back patio eating his dinner and working with a mountain of paperwork.

"Hey Dad"

"Hi you two how was your day of shopping"

"Expensive, I think I went a little over my budget a bit..."

"I expected that so I put extra on the card this time around, after all, back to school has always been expensive, I didn't expect any less"

"But you saw my donate pile in the nursery right?"

"Yes, Ana I saw the pile, are there some of Henry's clothes in there too?"

"There will be, I'm going to look through his stuff tomorrow or something like that, I just wanted the pile out of my room so I could bring in the new stuff"

"That fine Sweetie, so your dinner's in the oven staying warm"

"Thanks, Dad. It's okay if Emmett comes over again tonight?"

"As long as you two are quite that's fine I have this pile and another one up on the desk in my room to get through"

"Promise, thanks Dad"

"So you and Emmett is this a serious thing?"

"I don't know, I mean I hope it is, but it's still all so new"

"Don't worry Ana, I just curious, I approve of him completely, I mean he treats you so nicely and clearly he loves Henry"

"How can you not love Henry Dad?"

"True. Okay get out of here I have a crapton of work to do"

"Love you"

"Love you too Ana"

    Emmett came over around eight thirty. We decided to sit in the living room to watch the movies tonight since my Dad had gone upstairs to work now that it was getting dark outside. Cuddling up under a random blanket we had in the living room I stared the horror movie Hush, one I haven't seen yet. Emmett had put his one arm around my shoulder and the popcorn bowl balanced between our two laps ontop of the blanket. Henry was asleep in his swing. Today was a super fun day with Belle and now it's ended with the perfect night hanging out with Emmett.

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