Baby Avery|| A Jack Avery boo...

By avocadorings

102K 1.6K 505

"She's you're baby" "Our baby" "No that can't be it's not possible" "Jack look at her tell me she doesn't loo... More



7.5K 129 150
By avocadorings

1 week later

So we already moved in and I've had help from my brother Ryan and Austin help me since my sister can't do any heavy duty but she's helped me pick out stuff for Lilly's room here is what we have.

The house has 8 bedrooms witch means two of them are taken up by me and Lilly and here is her room
(Ignore the EL in the bathroom)

And my bedroom
(Dope I guess)

(Btw my brother choose the bedroom and closet that's why I said dope I guess and he won't let me change it because he said he reads my books witch I don't like but yeah if you are reading this little boy i don't like you)

The other rooms are almost done but for now I need to go bye groceries because we've been eating junk food and I'm sick of it but yeah it is currently 3:48


At the grocery store

"Vente mi amorcito ya llegamos"

(Translation: come my sweetie we're here)
(Yes I am Mexican so boom😂😂Im also weirdo)

I said waking her up and taking her out of her car seat and onto the shopping cart 🛒 seat I put the little seat belt on and handed her a little Micky stuffed toy i grabbed my little black backpack and keys than closed the door and locked the car and walked to the sliding doors.

5 minutes later

I have been looking for what we need and lily has been grabbing things that we don't need and crying and I'm getting frustrated so yeah that's my child for yuh.

"Ok mija Im gonna let you get two things from the candy isle no running away ok?"

I said putting her down she nodded and the first thing she does is Tun oh great.

I got the cart and went after her Im pretty sure she went to the candy great.

I walked over their and seen her reaching for a box of minion gummy's I face palm myself and walk to her and hand her the candy than she looked around and dropped the box than went somewhere else great.

Jack's P.O.V. (Woo their hey)

"I want candy"

"Zach stop we are hear to get healthy food no more junk food"Jonah

"Ugh Fine"~zach

"Can you guys just shut up"~Jack

"Guys look I found Dora plates"~Corbyn

"Oh god"~Daniel says face palming himself we have been here for and hour now and no one is acting their age I can't with them.

"Mama mama"

We heard a little voice I turned around to see a little girl Zach's face went from confused to aww he walked to her and bent down.

"Omg guys I have babe fever if no one comes to claim her can we keep her pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssse I'll take care of her"~zach

"Yeah please can we keep her"~Corbyn

"Guys stop she's not a dog you find in the streets"~Jonah

"Lilliana Paris Avery"

I heard a very familiar voice say wait is that the little girls mom I picked her up and tried to find the voice but failed great I walked back to the boys and they looked at me with their jaws literally dropped to the floor.

"What" I asked confused

"Is it just me or does she look a lot like you"~Daniel

"That's what I was thinking"~Jonah

"Same" Corbyn & Zach

"What no she doesn't"

I did looking at the little girl in my arms

"Yes she does look at her lips and her eyes (she has brown eyes) she looks like she could be your daughter"~Corbyn

"No that's not possible the last girl I had you know with a girl was a year ago with.."

"Chantel yeah we know"

"Lilliana mamas where are you"

Their goes that voice again so familiar but from where did I hear it at.

Out of no where I feel the little girl get snatched out of my arms making me snap out of my trance of thoughts.

"Oh my god mi amor don't ever do that again you scared me"

I heard than looked down no way it can't be her what? How? When?

"C-Chantel" i stuttered

She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes that I missed so much.


She said standing up with the little girl in her arms

"Is that y-your kid"

She looked at her and a smile appeared on her face than she looked at me and it disappeared.

"Yeah she is"

She said coldly

And blankly

"O-oh" Why do i keep stuttering

"Where is her dad"~zach

"Oh umm he's umm you see I have to go bye strangers"

She said than walked away I wanted to stop her and ask her if that was my child but it couldn't be right"

Gosh but now that I think of it she does look a lot like me I have to go after her.

"I'm gonna go find something be right back guys"

I said they all looked at each other confused and nodded I left and went looking for her.

Where is she at I need to f...never mind found her

"Chantel" I tapped her shoulder she was about to pay

"What do you want jack"

"To talk"

"Their is nothing to talk about I have to go"

She said walking away I followed her out trying to get her to stop

"Jack stop what is so important"

"I want to know if she is my daughter"

She stoped walking and looked at me with tears in her eyes. One slipped but she cleaned it fast than opened her car and put everything away.

"Answer me is she my child"

"Yes jack she is you're daughter their is that what you wanted to hear"

"I have a daughter wow"

I said picking up my daughter

"What's her name"

"Lilliana Paris A-Avery"

She said contemplating at the end

"You gave her my last name why"

"I wanted her to have at least a little part of her father with her"

She said looking at her...our daughter I was staring at her she looked up and we locked eyes.


She asked I looked at her confused.


Ha ok here you go bye I'm so weird but hope you like it he's finally in it

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