A Certain Magical Fate, Book...

By MisakaLovesYou

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Mikoto, Arturia, and Okita are going to New York.. why? After the death of Mikoto's parents, she inherited a... More

Prologue: Loss in the Springtime of Sakura Petals..
New York
The Mage Academy
Okita and Vader
The Lord of Villains and the King of Heroes.
A Thousand Cold Nights..
Maximum Effort. (Ha! This chapter quoted me..!)
An Archer.
The World That Didn't Belong
A Yesterday that Never Happened
Self Control
Date with an Immortal
Beast 0
Into The Misaka-verse
Grand Saber

Dark of the Force.

754 28 58
By MisakaLovesYou

For those of you who haven't seen this scene... it is by far the BEST in Star Wars history... 

"Mordred.. I have something to tell you!!" Mikoto said.

"Hah?" said Mordred, looking at Mikoto.

"The truth is..." Mikoto said, blushing cutely, in a way that Mordred had seen when she was embarrassed... oh how cute she was when she was embarrassed.

"What is it?" said Mordred.

"I love you Mordred.. I've always been too afraid to admit it.. but I love you so much.." said Mikoto. "I want you to make love to me.. But be gentle.."

Mordred's eyes exploded into hearts and drool slivered out of the corner of her mouth as she squealed with delight. "R.. REAAAALLY!!!?"

"YES!" said Mikoto. "Mordred.. Make love with me.. right here!"

"OKEYDOKEY!!!" Mordred yelled, taking Mikoto in her arms and kissing  her full in the mouth.. but then..

Mordred disconnected from Mikoto's mouth.. only to find it WASN'T Mikoto.. but a handsome blonde man from a certain anime Mordred knew about, cosplaying in Mikoto's clothes. 


"AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Mordred awoke, screaming at the top of her lungs. "BLEAAAGHHH!! MY MOUTH!! MUST CLEAN MY MOUTH!!!

"M.. Mordred?"

Mikoto was standing next to Mordred's seat in an empty classroom, fitting a few textbooks into her bag. 

"D.. Did I fall asleep?" said Mordred. 

"It was during the final class.. I'm proud of the fact you stayed awake for 3 of them.. even though I'm probably gonna have to let you use my notes later." said Mikoto. 

"Yeah, that would be nice.." Mordred muttered. 

"Oh by the way.." Mikoto said. "When you dreamed that I agreed to make love to you.. did the dream actually go that far?"

Mordred's jaw slowly dropped.

"You talk in your sleep." said Mikoto with a sigh.

"Oh..oh.... r... right.." Mordred stammered as her face went extremely red. "I'm.. going to hide and never come out now..

Mordred slowly slid under the table.

"It's okay.." Mikoto said, patting Mordred's head and rolling her eyes chuckling. "Just.. keep your dreams rated pg please.."

As Mordred and Mikoto left the classroom, Stacy emerged from the room's closet, smirking. "Ahhh... so Mordred dear is in love with Mikoto.. and she is her master.. what a very intriguing relationship.. well.. if you can't hit them directly.. Aim for those around them I suppose.."

Stacy picked up her cellphone and made a call. "Hey Avenger...  Is he on?"

On the other end..  General Grievous held a phone in his claws.. standing in the mostly empty meeting room now.. a meeting that had recently ended.

"Indeed.. he is." said Grievous with a chuckle. "*koff koff!!* He is ready to hear your deal.. do you have the information you need? *koff koff koff koff*"

"Put him on.." said Stacy.

Grievous handed the phone to Billy Vilch.. who was accompanied by Jason, standing silently next to him. 

"What's the deal girly? Ya know I'm taking an awful big risk.. disobeying Darth and yer Daddy.." said Billy. 

"I have a target for you.. and I'm willing to pay you top dollar.. and top victim.." said Stacy.

"Really now? " said Billy, rolling his eyes doubtfully. "Top Target..? I know you tend to provide me with top notch art material.. and I'd even consider you a good medium if it wasn't for that blonde mop you call hair..  but.. Top Target? As if you know what I'd consider Top Target... the mediums I search for are -"

"Mikoto Misaka." said Stacy.

Billy's eyes went wide. "You... you can't be serious.. but your Father.. and Vader.."

"Forget Vader... all I need to do is bat my eyes at Daddy and he'll do whatever I say... if I want him to lay off of you as you hunt her... he'll let me.. after all, they plan on killing her and the Academy City Faction anyways.. " said Stacy.  "I don't think it'll be that difficult to change strategy hmm? But.. you're not allowed to rape her.. or paint with her.. UNTIL I say so."

"WHAT!? You can't expect me to achieve such a beautiful specimen and just.. shelve it... !" stammered Billy. 

"You'll get to do it.. in time.. after I've finished." said Stacy. "Don't worry, it's a leverage plan see.. can't have us losing the leverage till after I've finished breaking a person.."

"Oh.. one of THOSE again!?" said Billy with a grin. "oh.. nice.. alright then.. consider it a done deal. Should I hunt her now?"

"Go right ahead.." said Stacy. "Bring Grievous along for help if you like.. "

"Oh no.... I have my partner.." said Billy with a grin at Jason.  "Jason deary.."

"Rrrrrrr..." Jason lumbered out of the room, drawing his machete... ready to hunt for another candidate for Billy's art.


"CLLLLSSSSZZZZHHH CLLISSSSSZZhhhhhh!!!!!" The sounds of a Photon Blade viciously colliding with a Noble Phantasm exploded through the dark empty halls... as Vader and Okita exchanged blows.

"HRRRRAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Okita turned into a flurried blur.. vanishing in and out of view around Vader, slashing to and fro..

But no matter how fast she went, Vader parried each and every strike in a burst of sparks.

"Your skills are most high indeed." said Vader. "Your physical power is also great for a Servant.. yes.. you are most proficient.. "

"Are you here to fight? Or Compliment me!?" Okita gasped as she leaped back once more..

"I am merely recognizing your potential.. " said Vader. 

"I don't have time for this.. I have to warn my friends!!" Okita roared, sheathing her sword and suddenly drawing out an old bamboo japanese captain's banner.  "FLAG OF SINCERITY!!!"

Immediately... Japanese Samurai appeared all around Okita, filling the hall.. various members from the Shinsengumi  that Okita once captained in life,  gathered, all of them drawing their blades...

"Intrigueing.." said Vader. 

"For the Captain!!" roared one of the squad leaders as he drew his blade. "We won't let him move an inch.. whatever he is!!"

"This Noble Phantasm allows me to summon those who were my subordinates as Independent Servants.. each with their own Noble Phantasms.. of course due to the lack of a Master, they cannot exist here for long.. but.. they are still loyal to me.."

"Impressive.. A true Anti Army Noble Phantasm.. most foes would fall before an army of Servants this numerous.." said Vader. "However, my duel is not with them... it is with you..."

"ATTACK!!" the hoards of samurai charged at Vader.. 

Vader lashed out a hand.. and immediately, all the shinsengumi's weapons flew out of their hands, and stuck into the ceiling by their blades. 

The Samurai and Okita all stared in shock for a second..

Vader lashed a hand to one side, and then to the other.. using the Force to slam one half of the army into the left wall of the wall with a powerful booming smash.. and then slam the other half into the right wall..  leaving a path clear to Okita.. 

Vader strode towards the stunned samurai girl.. purposely, his cape billowing behind him.. as he flicked his hand and the weapons all flew down from the ceiling, stabbing their owners and killing them instantly..

As the Servants shimmered and disappeared, Vader raised his lightsaber again. "No more interruptions.. do not depend on such tricks to fight me.. do not summon others to battle for you... Use your anger.. unleash your hatred.. only then will you possess the power necessary to defeat me... to defeat the man who killed the one you lost.."

Okita froze. "How.. do you know about that!?"

"Your Thoughts betray you." said Vader. "I see.. yes... your.. sister.. you come from another world, where your sister was... Misaka..."

Immediately, Okita tried to clear her head of all thoughts..  Vader was using the Force to read her mind..

But Vader continued to pick apart her mind like an open book. 

"Kibito the Butcher.. that is his name.. ahhh.. yes.. I thought he appeared familiar." said Vader. "I know of him.. I've met him.."

"LIAR!!!!" screamed Okita her eyes lighting up with immense fury.  "YOU.. YOU DARE MOCK ME!? YOU DARE MOCK HER DEATH AND PRETEND TO KNOW!!? I.. I WILL KILL YOU!!!!"

Okita lunged forward, screaming, slashing her sword at Vader furiously, determined to kill. This time, Vader did step back as he parried Okita's blows..  Okita's strength and speed increasing with each and every strike..

"It is all true.." said Vader as he continued to parry. "Kibito the Butcher, you could not find him after he killed your sister, no matter what you did.. but he is immortal.. he did not succumb to age.. you knew.. even after you were slain on that bloody field of grass... that he was still alive somewhere... yes.. he came to this world.. I have met him... I have seen his face even clearer than I have in your clouded mind.. I can help you kill him.. only with my help, can you hope to claim vengeance upon him."

"DO NOT DARE OFFER YOUR HELP!!" screamed Okita.

At the word "HELP!" A ginormous telekinetic force exploded from Okita,  like a shockwave, and Vader was thrown back, only just barely managing to counter with another shockwave from his own hand.

Okita froze, shock now evident on her face.. she stared at her shaking hand, still holding her blade. "Wh.. what.. was.. that?"

"Finally.. it is beginning to take effect.. My Noble Phantasm." said Vader. 

Okita stared at Vader. "What did you do to me?"

"You are aware of the Sith's lore?" said Vader. "There can only be Two Sith at a given time.. A Master... and an Apprentice... Dark Of the Force utilizes the lore of the Dark Side of the Force..  a powerful primordial field that holds the Universe together.. binding it.. flowing through it... because of this.. it's potential is near limitless as a Noble Phantasm..  and .. just as a Master Sith can teach his Apprentice it's ways... I, as long as no other Sith Type Servants exist... can pass down my Noble Phantasm to my own chosen Apprentice.."

"You.. passed your Noble Phantasm to me?" stammered Okita.

"There is a condition however, the Dark Of The Force can only be used by one who follows the true path of Darkness.. hatred, anger, fear.. agression..  And you must agree to work under me.. as my Apprentice.. only then.. will you unlock a Noble Phantasm with capabilities far beyond your deepest imaginings.."

Okita stared at her reflection in the marble floor... her clothes were turning darker.. and her right eye had turned yellow..as if she was slowly turning into her Alter form..

"No.." Okita whispered. 

"Do not fight it.. you have the potential to be more powerful than any Servant imaginable." said Vader. "Because of the injured and torn body I possess, I am unable to reach that same potential.. but you..  I knew from the moment I saw you that day in Camelot.. you have the rage and power necessary to become a true wielder of the Dark Side... "

Vader held out a hand. "Join me.. and together.. we can unlock your new power, and take vengeance on the one who killed your sister.. "

As Okita watched her reflection begin to turn darker and more corrupt.. her left eye now starting to turn yellow.. she felt temptation take hold..

This power.. it was only a fraction of it's true ability, she could tell... if she unlocked it's full power.. she could DESTROY Kibito.. have him at her knees...

Suddenly, though, as Okita was about to reach a hand out for Vader's own outstretched hand, a vision appeared in her mind...

Mikoto Misaka stood in a field filled with Sakura trees in full bloom.. flower petals fluttering around..  She was Okita's Mikoto.. she could tell.. she wore a pink  gi with bare shoulders and back.. and a black sakura flower symbol on the front under one of the folds.. the outfit Mikoto had always worn in combat..

On her exposed hips on the gi's pants, and her arms.. there were tattoos of Sakura flowers, that Okita had never seen before... and a strange black sword was sheathed at her hip..  the Juuchi Yosamu.. 

Mikoto turned to look directly at Okita, and spoke.. "Remember the Good.."

Okita burst back to reality, amazed. The day... it had been back when she had sent Mikoto on her first mission as a trainee of the shinsengumi, and Mikoto had come across a criminal who killed her fellow swordsman..

In a rage.. Mikoto had tried to kill the man instead of arrest him.. but Okita had stopped her.

"Hate is not the way of a swordsman.. nor is it your way.. you are kind and loving.." Okita had said. "Rather than dwell on your hate of the one who took his life, remember the good the one who died had in him.."

Okita stared at her hand.. which was only inches from Vader's...

Her yellow eyes returned to a pale silverish green.. and the dark around her vanished. And she felt shame..  How could she choose hatred? Her sister was a loving good person, whose kindness had touched everyone she met.. to choose hatred over remembering something so pure and good... was unforgivable. 

Okita pulled her hand away, and stood up. "I refuse... I won't join you. You chose poorly when looking for an Apprentice.. "

Vader stared at Okita for a minute, considering her. "If you will not turn... then you will meet your destiney!!"

Vader thrust out a hand, and Okita felt her ribs crack as she sent smashing through multiple stone walls.. exploding farther and farther until she was sent smashing.. into an unfinished construction area of the building.. filled with walls made of steel bars.. the skeleton of the building exposed..

Okita groaned.. picking herself off the ground..  "You say.. that you'll kill me.. but.. you could've killed me in an instant just now.. you still want me.. well.. forget it.."

Okita limped over to lean against an unfinished wall as she heard Vader's ominous breathing approach. 

Okita limped through the construction zone.. ducking through unfinished wiring that was being used for potential computers and smart board connections for new classrooms. 

Okita breathed inwards, utilizing all the Ninjutsu techniques she knew to calm her mind's activity, and become still in her presence..  she didn't know if it would work against Dark of the Force.. but.. she had to try...

Vader stepped in slowly, his Lightsaber humming ominously. 

"Join me... Okita Souji.." said Vader as he strode through the room, searching for his prey.  "It is the only way you can save your friends.."

Vader looked around slowly. "My allies will find them.. you know this.. and they will kill them.. Arturia, Mash, even Draco and Uiharu... join me.. and I can keep them safe.. "

"Don't try and fool me.. if I give in to the darkness... I won't even care for them anymore.." Okita growled.. letting her voice echo across the rooms so that Vader couldn't tell exactly where she was. "You stopped caring when you gave in to the darkness.."

"You need me Okita.." said Vader. "A Darkness is coming... something has awakened... can you feel it..?"

Okita closed her eyes as Vader spoke.. shivering.. 

"It is ancient.. it is pure fear... " said Vader. "it is darkness even greater than me.. greater than the power of the Force... if we are to survive it... we must stand together... Can you not feel it.. ? Growing stronger... feeding on humanity's evil? You've met him... you know of whom I speak.."

Okita shivered further..  as she remembered the demonic dragon spirit.. that had possessed a pile of corpses..

"He possesses a great grudge against Mikoto Misaka.. yes.. his anger, I can feel it from here.. he has held that grudge for thousands of years,  but... you and I can defeat him... together.. we can save her.."

Okita gritted her teeth and crawled into a vent... limping away as fast as she could..

"Do not think you can escape me... it is your destiny.." Vader's voice echoed behind her.. 

"Screw destiny..." Okita said. "I make my own path.."


Mikoto yawned as she washed her hands in the bathroom.  Most of the students had already left the school for the day...  and Mordred, at Mikoto's insistence, was waiting outside the school for her..

Mikoto sighed as she thought about Stacy..

She remembered when Stacy had been a happier child.. back when they were very little.. and she knew her Aunt had always been a kind woman.. what could have turned her into.. what she was now for lack of a better word?

Mikoto admitted there were times in which she felt anger towards Stacy. Anger and confusion over why Stacy let jealousy turn her into such a rotten person..

But Stacy was family, and in the end, Mikoto couldn't bring herself to hate her family. She knew that it wasn't what her mother or father would've wanted. And Saber had taught her how duty came before hatred.. it was the making of a great knight. 

Mikoto smiled to herself and sighed. "I guess I am a bit too nice aren't I..?"

Mikoto looked back up at the mirror.. and froze... reflected in the mirror behind her.. was a blood stained, red eyed.. hockey mask..

"RRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Jason charged Mikoto from behind.. 

"KAAAZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!" Mikoto exploded into her Saber form.. and lightning blasted from her body.. as Heaven Caliburn stabbed straight into Jason's chest.

"BOOOOM BOOOMMMMMMM!!!" Jason smashed straight through the walls of the bathroom and into the lobby, blood pouring from his chest.. electricity crackling around him... but..

Jason stood up... his wound closing up immediately.. the electricity barely even phasing him... growling furiously as the ground cracked with each and every step he took..

"Whoa.." Mikoto stammered. "That's.. uh.. some healing.."

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" Jason lunged forth at immense speed.. and drew out his giant machete, slamming it down at Mikoto, who blocked with Heaven Caliburn..

The ground around Mikoto's feet turned into a giant crater, and her knees buckled beneath the immense force.. 

Electricity exploded from Mikoto's blade.. shocking Jason as he smashed his blade downwards.. but he shook it off.. as if it were nothing.

Mikoto panted, sweating as Jason forced her sword down further and further.. just.. HOW strong was he!?

"ROOOOAAAARRRRR ROAR ROAR ROAR!!" With each and every furious roar, Jason repeatedly slammed his machete down on Mikoto's sword.. smashing her further and further into the crater as she barely held her blade up to block..

Finally a few blows later, Mikoto screamed as she felt her arms break.. and fell to the ground.. 

Mikoto panted hard.. Heaven Caliburn clattering down next to her.. 

She shut her eyes, bracing for the final blow.. but it didn't come.. instead.. Billy Vilch slipped into the crater, Jason standing silently by, watching. 

Billy smirked.. and held up a power negation collar in one hand. "Well met Mikoto Misaka.. or should I say.. my latest masterpiece?"


"What's taking her so long?" Mordred muttered, pacing back and forth in front of the dog house..  "Honestly, did she eat something rotten for lunch?  is that what happened?"

Mordred looked at the dog house. Fret the pug had disappeared.. obviously he had a life outside of work too... like maybe sniffing fire hydrants?

Mordred scratched her head and groaned. "What the hell.." 

"Oh.. waiting for Cousin Mikoto?"

Mordred froze and turned to see Stacy standing there, smiling. 

"You!!" Mordred spat. "What do you want? where's Robo-Cough-Cop?"

"Like I'd bring Grievous out with me in public! An alien cyborg out on the street.. seriously.." said Stacy. "You're as stupid as you are unfashionable.. though granted I do think you have a nice body.. hopefully my customers think so too.. you've got one tonight.. no contract needed, you'll be working for me probono.."

Mordred stared at Stacy. "Er.. you high on something?"

"Yes.. high on something called victory." Stacy said, taking out her phone and showing it to Mordred.

Mordred felt a horrible cold hand clutch at her heart..  There was a video of Mikoto.. dressed in a wedding gown tied to a chair.. her hands tied in such a way so that she was forced to hold a bouquet of flowers.. a ball gag was in her mouth.. 

"As you can see.." said Billy's voice from the video. "i'm sorta considering different piece concepts right now.. haven't tested her body yet.. so I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do... but.. if this concept pans out.. I'm thinking about using her blood to paint her body half red... show the aspects of life and death... interesting no? Can you say hello to the camera deary?"

A hand moved forward and pulled the gag out...

Mikoto spat at Billy. "Shut it.."

"Hahahaha! I love you.. so strong... the best part is when they break and start begging... ohhh.. I can't wait.."

The video ended.. as Mordred backed away.. clutching her chest.. 

"He's under my pay.. oh, and in case you don't know what he means by 'testing' the body, he means raping her.." said Stacy. 

Mordred lividly drew out her sword, her armor appearing. "where is she...?"

Stacy merely smiled.

"WHERE IS SHE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!?" Mordred screamed, grabbing Stacy by the collar of her shirt and pressing her blade against the girl's neck.

"If you kill me.. I told Billy to take that as an okay to start with the.. oh.. painting process." said Stacy.  "He has ways of finding out.. so you best keep your manners on you.."

Mordred froze, shivering.

"Yes.. and if you don't show me some manners real quick.. I can give the signal to him real quick.. and the art will commence." said Stacy, jabbing a thumb behind her to the hulking shadow of Jason on a nearby roof.  "His master's perfected the ability to see things through his servant's eyes.. shall we test that ability?"

Mordred, shaking with fear and anger, set Stacy down, and her armor disappeared.

"Now.. you work for me from now on.. give the men whatever they want, remember to be nice to them, give them a great big smile.. or perhaps look unhappy in a submissive way.. they like it when my girls beg for it.." said Stacy, handing Mordred an address booklet. "Here are all the customers for tonight, and where to meet.. be a good  escort now.. and.. uh.. dress in something a little sexier.. my employees need something a little better than your fashion disaster.."

"You're a monster.." Mordred whispered. 

"Oh no.. the monster's the guy holding your precious MikoMiko.. oh, don't wonder about how I found out about that nickname.. It's quite cute though.. Oh before I forget.. I have a friend who works in that dress store across the street.. she has something to make you look far more appealing.. and by the way.."

Stacy smirked wrathfully as she began walking down the street. "Tell any of your friends... even speak a word to Arturia.. and consider your lover a masterpiece..  bye... and don't forget.. we're watching.."

And so Mordred was left alone in the street as rain began to hammer down around her.. tears splashing down her face to join the rain drops...

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