
By unknownentity_

166 16 5

Sam is your typical 17-year-old high school bully. He has a group of friends who bullies for a living and is... More

zero: phantasm
one: the beginning
two: whispers
three: images
four: signs
five: payment
six: Shantelle Johnson
seven: Rafael Sanchez
eight: Javaad Malik
ten: Antonio Gonzalez
eleven: the truth

nine: Savante Boso

3 1 0
By unknownentity_

It's really humid and the scent was putrid. This atmosphere was a lot worse than in Brazil. It's scorching hot in here. And just like in Brazil, my back is aching and my stomach is aching again. I haven't eaten in days, or hours. I don't know. I have lost track of time that I might as well die of starvation.

Okay, I was overreacting.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was like in Brazil. Corrugated roofs and crumbling pieces of plywood put together. When I sat up, there were a lot of black people around me, going on about their daily lives. I was sleeping on the second floor of a residential building. Some are carrying water—dirty water, some are carrying dead animals that would be their meal and then, there are some who had just arrived wearing protective suits all around their bodies. Where is this place? Why are they wearing protective suits and the others don't?

Sam, this is Allian again.

Yay! Professional advice!

Hey, I could still hear your thoughts, Sam! –Phineas

Whatever, Phineas. Remember what we were looking for in the last situation? The nu—

Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I saved it into your phone. She's so—

Okay, Phineas that's enough. We might get caught again by Peter. That traitor. Anyway, Sam, you're in Sierra Lone in Africa. Yes, in the place where there was a massive Ebola outbreak. If you try to look down, you're a woman again and since there's a lack of mirrors in the place, I shall describe to you her facial features. She has features of a typical African, a little short nose, wide eyes and very, very dark skin and her name is Savante Boso.

I guess African names are truly weird. Savante Boso? Her name sounds like she's a descendant from a tribe or a member of one. And her name sounds like it can be a guy's name Savante.

Well, Sam, she's not. She grew up in that house, where you just woke up and she's all alone in that house since most of her family members died because of Ebola.

Ebola? I thought they said that it was already under control.

Yes, it is under control but she was not there when the outbreak happened because she was stopped by her employer to prevent her from getting infected. But it's still prevalent there in that time.

What? Well, I think her employer has a point. If she did go home, she wouldn't be alive today and right now. What year is it here? What does she do for a living anyway?

It's currently 2015 there. She just got home from South Africa as a tour guide, which was the usual job of most Africans that couldn't really get into desk jobs. She has a family of her own, which his husband almost died but survived the outbreak. Their son is at the hospital right now for quarantine.

That's really, really heart breaking to hear. So, are these guys from UN or something?

Yes, they're from the WHO or World Health Organization and they're monitoring the status of Ebola there.

Okay, that's good to hear.

I got out of the bed and I saw that I was literally half naked. It would be fine if I was a guy but my boobs (here we go again) are sticking out like it was normal to sleep half-naked without any blankets or something to cover it. Where is her husband even?

Well, he always goes out early in the morning to do volunteer work for the Ebola victims.

Oh no, no, no. That virus had almost killed him and now he's helping them that will increase the chance of probably being infected again? Did she even try to stop him?

Yeah but he said the money that she got from her employer wouldn't be enough to meet the payments for their child at the hospital. They have to work extra hard in order for their son to be healed.

Here we go again, fighting for lives. Why does it always involve risking lives?

I actually don't know, to be honest. It would be hard for me to accomplish those even with Phineas' and mine's wits combined.

I'll just get on with it, then. Here's to another parental figure.

It's a good thing that she's living near the center of the country because there are a lot of motorcycles and old cars running on the roads, which were only 2 lanes, left and right, north and south. There's also a lot of livelihood stalls going on underneath this room. Fruit stalls, food carts, and anything you could be looking for is here, except for good health care and a good economy maybe. And another thing, she wasn't involved in any tribes that would do weird stuff like Female Genitalia Mutilations or FGM even though it's very rampant and maybe like a requirement here in Sierra Leone since it has a very high rate here.

(I do not recommend you to search for that if you have a weak heart because it's a very painful process. It's basically the women's version of circumcision.)

Why did I bring that up? I don't know. I just randomly thought of that.

I went to the closet and grabbed a random shirt. I looked for a bra but there was nothing. Most of them were just random, oversized shirts. Does she even wear a bra?

I don't know.

I dug into the closet even deeper and I thought I felt something. I grabbed it and it was a couple of bottles of sleeping pills and tranquilizers. I read the bottle and it says:

(Temazepam) Sleeping Pills

Manufactured and Distributed by Oliver Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

6066 Sunrise Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America

They are indeed the biggest supplier of psychiatric drugs. I've seen most of them in every situation. Most of these people, even Shantelle and Rafael, used their products. Most of them are using sleeping pills and anti-depressants just, maybe, to calm themselves. Shantelle was the only one, so far, who had proper medical attention. The others, even Javaad who could afford it, was either too scared or too poor to go to a certified psychiatrist or psychologist to have a check-up regarding their mental stability.

"Savante?" a male voice said from the other side of the door.

"Yes?" I said as I quickly found a bra, wore it and slipped into the random shirt.

"Thank goodness you're awake now, Savante! Jamal and I found the perfect job for you. Since you finished a Biology degree in South Africa, we thought that we might enlist you as Assistant Scientist in the WHO's Ebola Eradication Program or EEP," a woman's high pitched voice said.


"Really?" I said as I opened the door. It revealed two Africans, the woman evidently shorter than me and she was a little chubby and the man has the average male stature. Not too beefy and not too skinny.

"Yes! And as we speak, they're currently searching for applicants. We enlisted you already because your first hand encounter might help them unravel the ways to detect Ebola before it exhibits symptoms," the woman said.

Allian, what's the woman's name?


"Lupita, this is such a big opportunity. But I think I got a little rusty already. It's been years," I replied to her.

"That's why we brought you these books!" she said as she gave me a bag full of books. I took a peek and there were at least 3-5 hardbound and very thick books inside the bag. "We got them from the local bookstore. I know these editions are out dated but they might be helpful."

They're Biology and Medical books. You gotta be kidding me. I mean, yeah, I got an A-in Biology but I don't really think I'm fit enough to be a biologist or a medical doctor. First, it was a lawyer, now a biologist? Aaron had to be kidding.

"Thank you so much. How will I know if I—"

"We'll drop by tomorrow or in a week to tell you the news," Jamal said. "And they pay a lot for this job. In US dollars, Savante. You know one dollar costs a complete meal here, right? It'll be a big help for Nelson," Lupita whispered to me.

Nelson's your son, named after Nelson Mandela. She was the kind of person who really wants to know what's happening around her.

I nodded as she withdrew from my ear and bid goodbye to them as they went down the stairs. "I have faith in you, Savante!"

"Thank you very much!" I replied before I closed the door of the room.

Why didn't you tell me she was a Biology graduate? I could've prepared myself then! I, myself, am a little rusty. And I can't read these books all day and do nothing. I should at least visit Nelson to check on him.

Sam, he's on quarantine. You're not allowed since you have been exposed outside from your way going there. And we didn't think this information would come in handy. She's a Magna Cum Laude graduate at the University of South Africa and since her there are no more scholarships and her family couldn't barely support her anymore to get a Medical Board exam, she went on and to find a job that would give her a good income that would be enough to support both of her families.

So, what to do now?

I advise you to take on that job. It's a big opportunity, really.

I'll take your advice. Am I supposed to accomplish this task today or wait for the results to come out?

Actually, it depends. Just read your time away if you want to.

Alright. I'll read.

I grabbed the first book and opened it. I have to take the facts myself because neither Allian nor Phineas could help me. Neither of them could risk of being caught again. I really feel lazy and I want to take a rest. My own mind needs some rest. It had been like this for hours or days. It's just takes a big toll mentally and physically.

Allian, I'm going to sleep.

Yeah, sure. It's not like you're in hurry or something.

I closed the book, placed the bag full of books on top of the book and sat on the bed, sighing. He's right. I don't feel hungry anymore. I just feel exhausted. So exhausted.

I lay down and propped myself into a comfortable position before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in the same forest again, dressed up in the same robe I have borrowed from Pin. It was night, assuming from the dark surroundings and the moonlight shining brightly above the trees. The sound of crickets was all I can hear as I scanned the surroundings. Why am I here again? Ali and Pin had already surrendered me to Lord Erup. I thought that was the last time I'm going to be in this place.

I looked at my hands, they were full of scars and they're black, like Savante's skin. My back hurts like it had been lying down on concrete for hours. My throat is so dry that when I swallow my own saliva, I could barely feel it. I wanted to collapse to the ground because of fatigue; the cause of it was unknown to me. But something about this forest makes me stand up and be alert. What's happening?

Then, without any clear reason, my legs started to move on its own, running straight to nowhere. Occasionally looking back, anticipating someone following me but there wasn't. I kept running even if I knew there was nothing behind me. I can't stop my legs at will that they began to have the mind of their own. I can't avoid turning my head around, checking for something that might be following me. Even if I collided with several trees and twigs, I never stopped running. It was as if I myself couldn't stop my own body from running. It feels so real again. The feeling of my feet brushing the ground with friction was real, the wind hitting my face, the shortness of breath. Everything feels like I'm actually running.

That's where it hit me.

This is another episode of that dream before I came into Aaron's lab. No, this is not part of Aaron's scheme. It couldn't be. I haven't been taking any drugs that he manufactured, let alone checking with a psychiatrist lately. This is another delusion that was different with Aaron. They're so different that they feel connected.

I don't even know how to explain it myself.

That got me thinking. Why would the MDI affect me even though I did not visit any psychiatrist before or took any of their medicines recently? Why is this happening? Why is this mental illness stuff happening to me even though the only significant trauma I've experienced was the 'death' of my parents? Well, I didn't visit any psychiatrist or psychologist before for as long as I could remember.

For as long as I could remember.

What if something happened to my memories? What if I really used to take their medicines when I was so young that it affected me in such a twisted way? What if my parents both have mental illnesses? That's genetically possible right?

I just have so many questions that need to be answered.

After all of that thinking, I was still running, not feeling tired or breathless. I was just... running. I don't even know what I'm running from. I don't even know why I'm back in this situation again. I don't even understand what's happening to me or my mind. Whenever I try to rest, something else happens, something mentally tolling again. I just don't get this.

Nothing makes sense to me now. Not this dream, this episode and not even the MDI. I don't even know if all of this is real. I have no idea about what's going to happen next or anything.

Suddenly, my legs stopped on its own. And my breath was trying to catch up, my feet were getting number the longer I stand and my eyes are drooping slowly. And as slow as it can be, I finally collapsed to the ground and landed with a thud.

There were muffled voices and bright lights. Everything was cloudy, my vision, my hearing, all of my senses and even my mind. Everything is incomprehensible. Everything is here and also nowhere.

I gasped for breath as I woke up in Savante's room. It's already night time here and the only source of light was the incandescent lights from the streetlights. There are still buzzing of cars and motorcycles on the road. The streets underneath are still bustling with life, people advertising their goods by calling it out, the smoke from the street food cart is still visible. Was that even called a dream? It's like I dreamed in a dream. I'm basically dreaming in a dream-like state. Ah! This is getting more confusing!

There was a knock on the door. I got out of bed and opened it.

"Good evening. You're Savante Boso, right?" an African man asked me, dressed in white long sleeves and black slacks.

"Yeah? What can I help you with?" I inquired. Someone dressed like this visiting me in this time of day is suspicious. If this is a scam, I'll just make up another excuse. But how come he knew my name.

"WHO sent me to inform you that you had been qualified for the EEP program," he spoke with fake enthusiasm. Yes, I could sense if it was fake or not.

"Oh, really? Show me your ID," I checked. He immediately fished out his ID from his small satchel. He showed it to me and indeed, it was from the WHO. However, something about his presence and his timing of informing me is what's making me feel on edge.

"If you're from WHO, how come you don't wear any protective suits or something that might protect you from the Ebola exposed environment within the lab and the hospitals?" I interrogated him, driving him to a corner until he exposes himself.

"There's no need for that, Maam," he said, followed by a strong punch.

Again, I collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

The chatter and the bustling environment woke me up. I saw the cloudy blue sky above me and some seagulls flying on it. The strong scent of the ocean mixed with toxic materials caught my attention. When I sat up, I heard chains moving in sync with me. I looked down and I saw that my legs and arms are chained and my clothes are close to falling apart. When I looked around, there were a lot of other people with chains and uncertain faces. They all came from different age groups, teenagers, middle aged and even some elders. We are all on a big wooden ship, just like in the old times, bounded hopelessly.

What is happening? This just seemed like a scene from a movie.

Don't tell me... Savante became a...

"I don't want to hear a damn word from any of you, alright? Answer when you're being asked and don't talk when you're not asked, understand? You won't understand their language anyway so don't even try to communicate with them. Is that clear?" a white man said on top of the ship as everyone listened attentively to him.

Nobody responded or even nodded their head.

"Respond or I'm going to shoot all of you, slaves!" he threatened as he unlocked the safe mode of his assault rifle.

Some mumbled a 'yes' loud enough for him to hear and some just nodded.

"Let's get going, boys!" he commanded as he lit the cigarette in his mouth.

The ship sailed and sleeping in that room was the last time Savante's body will sleep peacefully, without worrying if she's going to be waking up or not.

I never even got the chance to see her husband or even just Nelson.

Why did I even answer that door? I need to find a way out of this mess.

I waited patiently for the ship to arrive at our destination. I witnessed the skies turn light gray from the tropical climate of Africa in the early morning to a light blue with fluffy white clouds and until it turned to an orange-pinkish shade as the sun sunk under the horizon of the ocean. I couldn't close my eyes because I'm somehow hoping that we would land somewhere where someone could help us from this hopeless situation.

Whilst sitting down on the boat, staring at the white spotted black sky, I started coughing obnoxiously. The cough was uncontrollable that I thought I was going to lose my breath. A fellow slave patted my back as I crouched to cover my mouth, preventing the disease to spread.

"Shut that loud cough! Someone's trying to sleep here!" the guy from earlier shouted and I'm trying my hardest to keep it down but it was still too loud for him.

He sat up from his rugged hammock which was near the top deck and stomped going down the stairs. He tiptoed his way towards me, which includes kicking some people in the faces and cursing at them for being in the way.

"Move it!" he shouted at the woman who was patting my back and she kept her head down as she moved instantly.

"Shut that!" he sat, leveling himself within my line of sight. Still, the coughing persisted and this time, there was blood on my hands.

"I said, shut that loud cough!" he demanded as he slapped me on the face every time I cough.

"Do you want me to throw you out of this boat? One more coughing fit and I will not hesitate," he warned me as he firmly pointed his index finger to me paired with glaring eyes.

With my hand still covering my mouth, I tried to stifle a cough with all my remaining energy and it worked. I closed my eyes and held my breath.

"Good. Now, shut up and sleep. You have a lot to do in the next few days," he said and tiptoed his way back to his hammock.

As soon as he reached the stairs, I breathed in as much air as I can. I felt light-headed from the lack of oxygen and I started panting. I think I'm going to have a fever.

And I was right. After a few more hours still in the same position, I started shivering and cold sweat was forming on my forehead. My whole body was aching like it had been battered numerous times. The surroundings feel distant again with my sight blurring and the sounds muffled. What's with this feeling? It pops up unexpectedly, catching me off guard. I don't even know how to get rid of this sensation. I don't even have food or water with me, let alone anti-depressants and tranquilizers with me.

I covered my mouth once again as I was wheezing uncontrollably. The people beside me are getting uncomfortable with my sudden movements. The woman who previously patted my back tried to calm me down again but I don't even know how I can calm myself down.

Allian? Phineas? Help me!

Hello? Sam?

Who's this? Where's Allian or Phineas? I really need them right now.

This is Jason. Allian went out for a smoke and Phineas took a piss.

Can you help me a little bit, Jason?

Uhhh... Sam, as much as I wanted to help you, I can't because I can't touch anything here. I'm not allowed and I don't know the controls work.

What are the symptoms for Ebola again?

I don't know, actually, Sam. I'm sorry

Now, I feel like vomiting. I clutched my face tighter as I could feel the bile rising to my throat. I don't remember being seasick or not feeling well when I boarded the boat.

"What's wrong?" the woman finally asked me.

"I don't know," I replied before standing up and letting out the vomit onto the ocean. I vomited endlessly, my throat was burning afterwards. Afterwards, I lost consciousness.

Sam? Sam? I'm sorry we left you alone. Sam, wake up.

Allian's voice woke me up from my sleep and the brightness from outside almost blinded me when I fluttered my eyes open. I saw the same blue sky from a few hours ago and when I looked down, I'm still Savante and still bound. The shackles was forgotten when I saw the grainy light brown sand underneath me. I frantically looked around for any sign of the boat or civilization but there was none.

I was all alone in a deserted island.

We feel bad for being the bearer of bad news, Sam.

It was Phineas' voice this time.

Savante is positive for Ebola.

Huh? What do you mean?

We think his husband infected her accidentally since he's always in contact with the patients. He's also positive with Ebola but he doesn't tell Savante about it.

How long does she still have?

Barely a day. 12 hours more or less. You have to find a civilization or the best option in order to prevent an outbreak is to... uhm...

To sacrifice Savante's body. I know.

I couldn't blame you for not denying that guy that knocked on your doorstep because his disguise was so believable. We verified his ID and he indeed worked for WHO but he was fired just a few weeks ago because of accidentally contaminating the whole laboratory. And now he's known as a notorious slave dealer. He was doing that even before he got fired.

I almost stumbled when I stood up and clasped my stomach; the pain is becoming more unbearable the more I move. I feel like vomiting again. My head feels like it is being pounded repeatedly by heavy objects. I limped towards the forest, away from the coastline and the scorching heat of the sun.

This is how Ebola feels like. It feels so horrible that your whole body just wants to give up, you know?

I continued to limp away from the beach, stopping occasionally to catch my breath and hold on to the tree trunks for support. I don't know why Savante has to go through with this. She didn't even do anything wrong to anyone or to herself. Why her?

She's known to be a fighter, for Nelson and for her husband. She's also known to have a good heart and being kind to others. She's just a pure person because of her personality and kindness and her undying and unconditional love.

Is this why Aaron was showing me all these? Is he showing me that people will do anything for their loved ones even if it costs other lives and even their own? Is he showing me that there's still good in everyone's hearts?

He doesn't need to go through these lengths to show me. I could see them every day and I just... I just feel so guilty for doing those things to people who did nothing to me, who are clearly innocent. Even before, I feel like I was a monster but I thought it would be the best so that no one will see right through me. Turns out, I was just fooling myself.

But why is he showing me these? We have never met before.

I don't know, Sam. He himself knows the exact reason why.

I sat down on a rock and coughed again, this time, the blood was gushing out from my mouth. I'm sorry, Savante. I couldn't find a better place for you to be buried. I'm sorry if I brought you to this foreign land without your consent. I'm sorry you had to die without anyone knowing and without anyone finding your corpse.

I collapsed to the ground, my eyelids are drooping as the pain in my stomach numbs and the heat of the sun begins to feel like a cool summer breeze. My breath can't catch up anymore. And for the last time in Savante's life, I shed a tear for her because of sorrow and admiration.

Goodbye, Savante.


I gasped as I came back to the real world. I could hear somebody sniffing and I saw that Phineas had puffy eyes and wiping his tears, the same goes to Jason. They both untied my restraints and made me sit up. Jason hugged me tightly as I could feel hot tears on my shoulder.

"Savante didn't deserve that and I'm also proud of you, Sam, for realizing all of those things. It was something you can't do before but now you can," Jason sobbed.

All of a sudden, the laboratory's doors burst open, revealing a confused but ecstatic Katie. She didn't even stop to greet the other people in the room. She just rushed towards me and gave me the tightest hugs ever.

"Thank you, Sam. Thank you very much," she also said.

"For what?" I asked her.

"For finally admitting to yourself the things you have done," she replied as she lets go our hug.

"Aww, that's sweet," I replied as I pulled her in for another hug.

We kept hugging each other until all of us are basically in the hug. After the accidental opening up, they placed me back on the platform.

"Last one, Sam," Phineas said.

"Last one," I replied.

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