Knocked Down

By HoneyBee___

75.6K 2.9K 858

Sequel to Knocked Up! Aubrey and the gang is back and everybody has a story to tell! More

From Bmore to the A
Hard knock life...
Oh yeah?
Ross Husband
You ARE the father!
Litty Again

From the A back to Bmore

6.5K 283 43
By HoneyBee___

You guyssss! Don't be upset with me 😩 I know it's been a min since my last update but I've been having writers block like a ma'f*****! ITS THE WORST! Hopefully y'all enjoy this chapter. I'll try to post two more to make up for it! Love y'all 😘

"So you were originally kidnapped from Baltimore?" The officer asked while he took down notes.

"Yes" Aubrey said with a head nod.

Her and the twins had been at the hospital for a little over three hours and all she wanted to do was close her eyes and rest.

Hearing light crying she looked over at Juelz Jr who had been fussy since they been there.

Getting up from the hospital bed she grabbed him from his lil cubical shit and rocked him slowly.

"It's okay baby, mommy got you" she cooed kissing his face.


She looked up at the officer who still stood by the foot of her bed.

"Can we please finish up later? I told you were you could find the psycho. That should be your main focus! Out looking for him before he finds me"

"I assure you were doing everything we can to locate him"

"You better hope you find him before I do" another voice cut in from the door.

Aubrey snapped her head in that direction and almost leaped into his arms.


Quickly putting Julez Jr who had fallen back to sleep into the cubical she took off running into Julez arms where she broke down crying.

"Shhh it's okay baby. I got you" he whispered wrapping his arms tightly around her while she soaked his shirt.

The officer cleared his throat "Um I'll give you some privacy" he told them before squeezing past Julez to get out the door.

"Don't let me go Ju. Please...don't ever let me go"

Looking around the hospital room Julez eyes landed on the twins and his eyes bucked.

"Twins?" He asked with a smile.

Aubrey pulled away from him with a smile of her own on her face.

"A boy and girl" she smiled.

"Fuck no! I have a daughter?" He asked walking over to where his baby girl lay sound asleep.

"And another son" Aubrey smirked.

Julez looked at her but she shrugged him off.

"Nah this my only boy" he said looking at the two in amazement.

"She looks just like you Ju. She's gonna have you wrapped around her finger" Aubrey laughed getting back in bed.

"I'm already around it" he smiled.

Aubrey smiled while she watched Julez place kisses on the twins faces.

"Why you ain't tell me twins ran in your family?" He asked while he carefully picked up a sleeping Bella.

"Julez leave her alone. She don't want your stink breath self all in her face"

"Shut up" he said while kissing her little fingers. "Damn I made some beautiful kids"

"No nigga WE made some beautiful kids"

Julez laughed laying Bella back down before going to Junior. He picked him up and smiled admiring his creation.

"Looking like ya daddy" he said before kissing his cheek.

"Now you know that's all me!" Aubrey laughed "he look like me. Bella look like you"

Laughing Julez nodded agreeing with her while he put the baby back down.

"That's my baby name?" He asked walking towards the hospital bed where he took a seat.

"That's apart of her middle name. Her full name is Aurora Kimbella Santana, and his is Julez LaRon Santana"

Julez smiled once again but it quickly vanished after he'd gotten a good look at her bruised face.

"He did this shit to you?" He asked lifting her chin up.

Aubrey nodded.

"I'm going kill that nigga!" He snapped angrily.

Thankfully the kids didn't wake up.

"Juju calm down please"

"Fuck that! Look at what the fuck he did to your face Kimbella! I should've blown that nigga head off the first time he put his hands on you!"

"Julez I'm fine. You're here and I'm safe now"

After a few mins Julez had finally calmed down. He had spoken with his Atlanta connect to put money on J.R. head which made him feel a little better.

"What time they releasing you?" Juelz asked while he laid beside Aubrey in the hospital bed.

"They're holding me here for a couple days just to make sure me and the kids are okay"

Before he could respond back someone had knocked on the door interrupting the conversation.

"Come in!"

"Hey how are you feeling baby?" Angela asked walking into the room but she stopped soon as she seen Julez.

"Ma? What you doing here?" He asked getting up to go hug his mother.

"Me? What are you doing here son?" She asked looking back and forth from him to the bed.

Then suddenly it hit her.

"Did you kidnap her and her babies?! I know you ain't put your damn hands on her boy!" She yelled while popping him upside his head.

"What? Nah ma that's my girl! Those are my kids"


"I mean no ma'am"

Angela eye'd her son carefully before a wide grin spread across her face.

"You finally gave me grandchildren! I mean one would've done but shit I ain't getting any younger" she smiled kissing her son after pulling him in a hug.

Julez chuckled "You do have other grandkids"

"Who aren't babies anymore" she said before turning to Aubrey who had got up to greet her.

"Hi! You didn't have to come visit me" she smiled.

"Nonsense. How are my grand babies?" She smiled racing over to see them "God knew exactly what he was doing...he makes no mistakes"


"I still can't believe you had twins bitch!" Yandy said while she held Bella.

Aubrey, the twins and Julez had been back in Baltimore for over two weeks now and she was still adjusting.

"I can't believe J.R. crazy ass kidnapped you!" Keondra spoke as she bounced Junior on her lap.

"I can't believe you bitches had a memorial for me and put my picture in them ghetto ass clouds"

"I'm sorry best! We thought you were dead girl" Keondra sighed sadly.

"Yeah, J and them ripped this city apart trying to find you. They even hit Philly, Newport and DC after learning J had people's there" Yandy said.

"I understand. Honestly I thought i would be dead. I bled so bad after having the twins and on top of that I never went to the hospital to get checked out properly. I just knew it was over for me" Aubrey sighed.

"Any news on JR and his mother?" Keondra asked while Aubrey shrugged.

"A couple days ago when I asked Julez about it he said it was handled and left it at that"

"What about the guy that took you from your brother place? Did you tell J about him? What was his name again?" Yandy asked.

"I told him, he said he would take care of it. His name is nightmare and now I see why. He terrifies the shit out of me! I've been jumping out of my sleep since I been back"

"Nightmare?" Keondra asked with wide eyes.

Aubrey nodded while Yandy spoke "Do you remember what he look like?"

"I'll never be able to forget it. His dark almond eyes still pierce my soul. It's crazy how JR abused and beat on me but whenever I close my eyes I see Nightmare staring at me" Aubrey said while fidgeting with her fingers.

Yandy shook her head feeling for her friend while Keondra swallowed the huge lump that had formed in her throat.

Her stomach had dropped into her ass and her heart had sunk after hearing that the man she love was the one who tormented her best friend.

Aubrey in MM

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