Peace Doesn't Exist

By XYZangel26

3.4K 111 65

The Shinobi World is no more. Extinguished by an unseen apocalypse. Three young travelers explore the epicent... More

Moving On
Devil's Ravine
The Hybrid
New Home
Opposites pt.1
Opposites pt.2
Beating up orphans
All Aboard!
My Greatest Creation!
Origins Pt.1
Origins Pt.2
The Board
Future Plans

Back to work

163 8 0
By XYZangel26

The Stranger entered a large room filled with clothing. He was amazed at the large variety of styles and colors. A young female was watching the Stranger explore the store. She thought the man was quite handsome even with the metal hands and glowing eyes. The Stranger spotted the worker and headed her way, she quickly composed herself.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?"

"Hello, I want to change my look. As you can tell I need to update."

"No problem, we have pretty of options for you." She went over to nearby clothing rack and picked a couple uniforms in her hands. "We have designed all over the Shinobi Countries. From Konoha to Kumo, and of course here on Iwa. What are you looking for exactly?"

"Huh, haven't put much thought into it. You know what, surprise me." She blushed and smiled dashingly though the store grabbing pieces of clothing. She folded them up and handed them to the Stranger. "Give it a try."

The Stranger entered the fitting room. As soon the Worker sat down the Stranger came out wearing his new clothes. He was wearing a dark purple shirt, a black undershirt, and black pants with Shinobi sandals.

"T- That was fast!"

"So how do I look?" She blushed unable to say words. An elderly figure came from behind the young worker and pulled on her ear.

"Stop dwelling over men you slacker. Get back to the counter." she let go and the young female clutched her ear.

"Yes, Grandmother." The worker left, leaving the stranger with elderly women.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"No, No, just the stupid child and her horrible taste in fashion. Here, let me get you some real clothes."

"But I actually like these." The Elder sighed.

"Damn youth, they know nothing these days. If that's all head to the front desk." The Stranger went back to the fitting room, then just quickly came out and went to the front desk. The female worker was there still clutching her ear.

"I'll take these please."

"Sure" the worker grabbed the clothes and started scanning them. The Stranger notices a gray coat behind her and took a liking.

"Hey, what about that?" He pointed at the coat.

"This? It's just something I'm working on. You actually like it?"

"Yeah! Do you mind if trying it?"

"Go ahead" the Stranger grabbed the coat and the clothing, then disappeared in a flash. He came quickly came wearing everything, Gray Coat and all. The worker had tears in her eyes seeing someone enjoying her work. The Elder wasn't impressed.

"I'll take it!" The Worker's face lit up with excitement while the Elder scoffed. The Stranger's eyes glowed brighter emitting Chakra through his body. Chakra consumed the edges of the Coat's Hem leaving it in ruins and burned. Strange symbols appeared on the Coat then vanished, so did the Chakra.

"W- What was that!?" the Elder muttered taking steps back.

"Applying Fuinjutsu on my clothing. Kind of ruined it now, apologies."

"It's okay, I think it looks better."

"Looks better!? You haven't paid for it yet! And now you make a mess in my store!" the Elder was livid pushing aside the Worker.

"Paid? You mean currency? Um... let's see... I think I have something for you." the Stranger reached into his new Coat and pulled out a yellow stone. The Elder's eyes widen, becoming flabbergasted.

"Gold!? Actual Gold!" the Elder yanked away the Gold went towards the backroom pushing her granddaughter aside. The Worker saddened seeing someone else profit from her work. The Stranger budged her shoulder.

"Hey, keep this between us, okay?" He handed her another piece of Gold which was bigger than the one the Elder took.

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be off to meet with a former student of mine. It's been a while since we spoke." The Stranger bowed then left heading towards the exit.

"Wait! C-Can you tell me your name? J-Just in case if we bump into each other." The Stranger turned and faces the Worker.

"Uchū. Name's Uchū." He winked at the Worker making her face turn red. He then left through the exit disappearing in the village streets.


Sarada found herself in the middle of a forest. The forest was both dead and alive, twilight illuminating across the trees. She stood up and was horrified when she realized what she was standing on. A large pool of blood. She heard footsteps behind her, hesitating she turned around. She was face to face with herself. This copy was like her, just like before but smaller. She was made of black fire, her face was twisted and demonic illuminating soft red through the eyes and mouth. Both stared at each other, not moving a muscle. The copy laughed at her.

"It's like looking in a mirror, correct?"

"W- Who are you?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Obvious!? What kind of Jutsu is this!? What are you doing to me!?"

"This is no Jutsu. It's all you, all in you're head."

"Liar! This feels too real."

"The inner mind can be just as powerful as the outside world." Sarada grips her head trying to make sense of this.

"What's happening? Am I going insane!?" Sarada had tears in her eyes. The Copy laughed.

"Insane? No. You're lost, lost between dream and reality."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you to open your eyes."

"My eyes?"

"View the world as it is. Cruel, Cold, Painful."

"... It's not..." the Copy's crooked smile disappeared confused at Sarada's response. "I refuse to see it that way. I still... believe." the Copy laughed at her.

"In what!? That so-called Hero claimed there was peace, yet look what happened. It fell apart, you were beaten down, Boruto was killed and now people fighting each other trying to do the right thing. The World hits you and couldn't fight back, because you're weak."

"I'm not weak." there was anger in her voice bringing satisfaction to the Dark Copy.

"You are, and now this world will keep hurting you unless you fight back." Angered, Sarada punched the Dark Copy, but it was ineffective. She simply laughed at her. "Weak, very weak."

The Copy performed a hand seal causing Sarada to drop into the pool of blood. She tried to swim up but couldn't break the surface. She could only watch the Dark Copy laughing at her. She lost her breath and started to drown in the blood. She screamed for help but no one came. She lost consciousness, then everything went black. Before she died, she heard the Copy speak one last time.

"The dawn will not come to those who are born in the dark. Dance in the Dark. Die in the Dark."

Sarada woke from her sleep. The light of the Sunrise illuminated her room. These nightmares were becoming too much. She was even afraid of going asleep again. Reaching for her glasses she stumbled into the water balloon Naruto gave her. It was still in good condition, surprising Sarada. She decided to give it another try, to help her ease her mind. Focusing her Chakra it slightly moves the balloon just like before. She remembered the Copy's words and how she called her weak.

"I'm not weak. I'm not weak. I'm not weak." she repeatedly said to herself determined to prove herself.


It was early in the morning, Naruto was watching Himawari practicing the Gentle Fist. Hinata was there, correcting Himawari's form. Both heard someone land on the roof, they looked up and were stunned. It was Sumire. She was wearing regular clothing and had a very shy look on her face.

"I-Is Naruto-sama here? I have important information for him." Hinata didn't know how to react. Last night she displayed a different personality, now she was here like her usual shy self. Naruto went over to get a better view now facing her.

"Sumire?! What is it?"

"I-I know what the Academy is after."

"R-Really?! What is it?"

"Thereafter someone called The Hybrid. Everyone's after her even the Vigilantes."

"How do you know all this?"

"I... had a run in with the vigilantes." Naruto was surprised. "They tried to hurt me, but I was able to get away."

On the outside, Hinata was showing concern for Sumire, but on the inside, she was agitated. Sumeri was lying right in front of her and now just made things more difficult. She's planning something. Hinata needs to discover what that is.


"Another thing I meant to tell you. The Vigilante that was in Iwa is nowhere in the village."

"The Ronin..." Naruto lowered himself to Himawari "Himawari, I know I promised you-"

"It's okay Papa. I understand." Himawari smiled at Naruto giving him confidence.

"I'll come as soon as I can. Sumire you're coming with me." Sumire nodded and move with Naruto heading towards the Hokage's office.

After a while, they reached the office. When they entered they were met with mountains of paperwork. Both Tsunade and Kakashi were there working on them. Kakashi was pleased to see Naruto but Tsunade was irritated.

"I hate this job. Always have, always will."

"Come on Grandma Tsunade it's not that bad." Tsunade was irked.

"So what brings you two here?"

"We finally have information on The Academy, thanks to Sumire." Sumire blushed hearings the Hokage's gratitude. Both former Hogake's let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally, we have something!" Kakashi said.

"Seems too good to be true." Tsunade jumped in.

"Either way it's something. We're not letting this opportunity get away." Seeing his determined attitude the others couldn't help but have hope.


Kurotsuchi and a male assistant were walking across the City. Most of the buildings were built inside the Mountains. They entered a large Building on the side of a mountain. A female came up to them with a clipboard in hand.


"Kenkyū, any news about last night?"

"Yes, we have someone who claims to be on the site when the anomaly happened."

"Is that so? Bring me to him."

"Yes, Tsuchikage." Kenkyū headed towards the interrogation room and the Tsuchikage and the assistant follow behind her.

"Do you really think this guy has something? What if this is a big trick by the Academy?"

"Easy Chūdoku, I doubt they can do something of this scale."

"I don't know. We don't know what they're capable of." Kurotsuchi chuckled and wrapped her arms around him.

"You're just mad that this whole ordeal canceled our date."

"Hey, not in public." They entered the interrogation room, on the other side of the room was a young male. He had short black hair, had a bandanna on his head, and was wearing the Iwa uniform.

"Here he is."

"That's him? Doesn't seem to look much. Do you believe he's with the Academy?" Chūdoku asked Kenkyū.

"We don't know."

"I say we send him to the torture division just to make sure."

"There's no need. I'll talk to him." Kurotsuchi entered the room where the young man was, shocking him.

"T- Tsuchikage?!"

"What's your name?"

"Kachi Konkurīto"

"Of the Konkurīto Clan?"


"I've been told you witness the anomaly that occurred outside the village."

"I was. A Man fell from the sky and now he's here on the Village. You gotta believe me!"

"Calm down." The Young Man did as told. "Why were you outside the Village?" Kachi didn't want to answer but it was the Tsuchikage. He was conflicted about what to do. Kurotsuchi realized he wasn't going to answer and decided to ask another question.

"Did you make contact this being?"

"Yes. He apologized to me for making a mess, then he transformed, becoming younger close to my age and headed towards the Village."

"He's here in the Village!?"

"I'm sorry Tsuchikage. I failed the Village, I did nothing. I'm worthless."

"Enough! I will not allow an Iwa Shinobi to be called worthless, not even from themselves. You do not hold the blame for what happened." Kachi felt apprehensive about responding. There was a knock on the door. Kurotsuchi exited the room and was confronted by Chūdoku.

"We had a talk while you were there. We believe that you shouldn't be trusting this guy. This could be a giant ploy by the Academy."

"I don't think so. He seems... innocent. Let him go."

"What? Tsuchikage, I won't risk our Village to suffer the same fate as Konoha."

"I understand your concerns but I won't condemn someone just because of a hunch. I need proof." Chūdoku sighed, she was right. He was letting his fears get to him.

"Very well." Kurotsuchi got close so he can hear her. Chūdoku pouted in response.

"Come on, don't be like that. You know I can't resist that face of yours."

"Whatever" Chūdoku left the room leaving Kurotsuchi confused.

"Jeez, and I thought I was bad with men," Kenkyū whispered. Kurotsuchi eyed Kenkyū, frightened she grabbed her clipboard and quickly left the room.


Watching Sarada's determination was fascinating to Sakura. She's been practicing the Rasengan all day.

"Sarada why don't you take a break, you've been at it all day."

"I can't... I need to." Sakura grabs the balloon and hugs her. Feeling her mother's embrace all of Sarada's worries faded away. Sasuke entered the room wearing his gear.

"Let's go Sarada."

"Where are you two going?" Sakura questioned.

"Haven't you heard? Large portions of Shinobi are to report at the Information Center. Both of us are to meet with the Hokage in person."

"Give me some time to prepare." Sarada went to her room.

"Sasuke, what's happening?"

"Don't know." Sarada came out surprising her parents.

"That was quick," Sakura said.

"I don't want to be late."

"Let's go." Both left their home running towards the Information Center. They quickly reached the Center. It was full of Shinobi interacting with each other. Sarada spotted Mitsuki in the crowd, all alone. She went to his side with Sasuke behind her.


"Hello Sarada, Hello Sasuke-sama."

"Do you know what's happening?"

"Their sending teams all over the Country in search of someone. We have to wait for Konohamaru-sensei to arrive so that we can receive our mission."

"He's already been cleared for field work?" Sasuke interjected.

"Guess so."

"Do you think he's doing alright?"

"I say I'm doing alright." Both looked over and saw Konohamaru standing in front of them. Sarada ran over and hugged him. Mitsuki stood beside him and started tugging his arm. "Easy you two."

"I've missed you! How's your leg?"

"Good as new! Your mother really is a miracle worker. How about you?"

"I'm fine, so is Mitsuki." Sarada lets go and Mitsuki stops tugging.

"You three need to go receive your mission, can't keep them waiting," Sasuke said to them.

"He's right. We'll chat during the mission." The Group went up to the Mission Assignment Desk. There was plenty of Shinobi waiting. A staff member pointed them to the Office. Sasuke stayed behind while the others entered the room. In the said room was the Seventh Hokage and Sixth Hogake but was the most surprising to Sarada was that Sumire was standing next to the current Hogake. Sumire smirked seeing Sarada reaction. Mitsuki bumped her shoulder, making Sarada compose herself.

"Welcome Team 3, it's good to see you're all doing alright. You must be wondering what's happening." Kakashi said to the team.

"Just a tidbit," Konohamaru commented.

"We received information on a girl that people are dubbing The Hybrid. The Academy has an interest in the girl, and we intend to find her before they do."

"We're sending teams at multiple locations, some outside the Country. You're will be paired up with Team 10 and head to Hoshigakure in the Land of Bears. You'll investigate the whereabouts of The Hybrid since were allies there will be no conflict." Naruto explained to them in a serious tone.

"Due to time constraints, you'll receive the details when you're about to depart. That is all." The Team nodded and left the room. Sasuke saw them exit the room and held the door for them, once they were out he entered the room. Both Hokage greeted him and turned to the staff members in the room.

"I'm sorry everybody, but this is a private matter." The Staff nodded and left the room. Sumire did the same, leaving Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi the room all to themselves.

"What's the situation?"

"I spoke with Toneri."

"The Ōtsutsuki on the moon?"

"Yes, he warned me of someone that arrived here on Earth."

"Another Ōtsutsuki?"


"We need you to investigate this figure. Just like last time." Sasuke was unexpressive. Kakashi took notice.

"Something wrong?" Kakashi asked him.

"No, nothing wrong. I'll get to it right away."

Sasuke looked outside and located a bird. Using his Rinnegan he switched places with the bird teleporting outside. The Bird has flown around the room causing a mess. Naruto opened a window and the bird was able to escape. A spider in the corner of the room took notice of the mission, with the information it had it went out the window letting the wind to take it away.

"Couldn't he just leave through the door!" Naruto yelled.

"Seems like Sasuke isn't too thrilled about the news."

"Yeah, I noticed. Do you have an idea why?"

"Don't know, that man is still a mystery to me."

"Hope its nothing, don't want more problems on our desk."

"Your desk, I still retired." Naruto frowned at Kakashi but he simply shrugged it off.


Sarada had her backpack on, ready to go her mission. Sakura was giving Sarada items for her mission and explaining carefully want they do. Sarada was a little annoyed at this. Picking up on this Sasuke grabs Sakura by her shirt and puts her aside.

"Hey!" Sasuke simply ignored her, making her irritated.

"Are you sure you're ready for a mission?" Sasuke asked Sarada.

"I am!" Sasuke chuckled hearing his daughter's enthusiasm.

"Good, now while you're out there, remember your training. You have limits, so don't punish yourself because of it. I'll be going on my own mission and may still be on it when you come back."

"It's fine Papa. Just don't stay out too long like last time." Sarada gave him a hug, comforting him. Sarada lets go and went out after waving goodbye. Sakura focused on Sasuke, noticed that his smile had disappeared.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong." Sakura pouted and poked him trying to get an answer. "Please stop."

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." She continued poking him getting on his nerves. Eventually, he broke.

"I don't want to go. Happy?" Sakura was surprised that her tactic worked.

"What do you mean you don't want to go? I thought you'll gladly take any mission giving to you regardless of the risk."

"I'm not afraid of the mission, I..." Sasuke stumbled over his words. "I don't want to leave Sarada. Again." Sakura knew the mission. She remembered how long he was gone during the other one.

"She'll..." Sakura didn't know what to say.

"After the Ōtsutsuki attack I was finally able to be with her, but we struggled to... connect. Then the Ambushed happened, the grief we suffer because of that day connected us." Sasuke chuckled. "Do you know she's a huge fan of the Tenshi No Senkai series. She has the first chapters of the first book memorized, word per word."

"Well, if you want, you can visit us from time to time. If you have some help."


"You don't have to do this alone. Maybe your friends from outside can lend you a hand and make things easier."

"Karin, Jugo and Suigetsu. They can help." Sakura smiles at him. Last time he did the mission alone, but this time he'll have a team by his side.


Sarada reached the Entrance Gate, where she met with Mitsuki who was already there, sitting on a nearby bench.

"Looks like we arrived early." She took a seat next to him.

"Or they're late."

"Do you also feel anxious?" Mitsuki took a glance at Sarada. He didn't have it in him to lie to her.

"In all honesty, yes."

"We can't let this opportunity get away."

"The chances we actually run into the target are slim. Let's hope that the other teams have better luck than us."

Someone grabbed Sarada and held her in a bear hug. Quickly going in the defensive Mitsuki jumped into the air and landed behind to individuals. He pulled a couple Senbons in-between his fingers and pressed it against their necks.

"Whoa, calm down, it's us!" Inojin and Shikadai raised their hands surrendering to Mitsuki. Realizing his mistake Mitsuki stowed away the Senbons and quickly apologized. They looked over the bench and saw Chocho still hugging Sarada.

"Chocho you can let me down now." Eventually, Chocho lets Sarada go.

"I see you guys are ready for the mission," Shikadai said. Sarada gave a nervous chuckled.

"Yeah, we're just a bit anxious."

"I'm just glad you two are okay. We heard that both of you had a bad time after the attack."

"It was, but we're back and ready to take the world head on!"

"That's the spirit Sarada!" Everyone looked to see who the voice was. It was Moegi and Konohamaru with backpacks on their backs. "Sorry, we're late. We were waiting in line to receive our mission details." Moegi explained. Konohamaru gave everybody a confident smile.

"Ready to get things started?" Everyone cheered in response. With everyone ready, the group left through the Main Gate and headed to the outside world.

A/N: Another chapter is done! We finally get things moving. Fun fact, I gave Team Konohamaru the number Team 3 and coincidence while doing research their original Team number was Team 3. Cool.

Now, people have been asking about pairings, especially MitsuSara. As of now, there are NO pairings, never planned on any. However, if people really want it, I'll consider MitsuSara. But as of now theirs no pairings.

I have a something for you guys. I've been pondering about Sarada's Mangekyo Sharingan ability's and I can't really decide, so I figured "Hey let the people decide". Make this story a bit interactive. Do you want her to have Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Kamui or something original? Feel free to tell me and don't be afraid of telling me, I'm not going to insult you or anything.

Another thing is this story is now on AO3. So if you like your stories there just search up the Title or my Username (it's the same) and it should come up.

With that, I'll be off. If you enjoyed the Story please Like and/or Favorite, Recommend this story to a friend and go ahead and comment. I love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Have a fantastic day and I hope to see you next time!

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