The Little Black Book for Gir...

由 StStephensCH

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Check it out: not just a book about sex, but a look at girl culture by youth themselves. No stuffy school tex... 更多

Chapter 1 - Relationship
By night U were my friend
What Is Love?
What Is a Healthy Relationship?
Reading the Signs: Unhealthy Relationships
Cheating: What is it?
Relationship Fundamentals
True Friends
When in Heaven
Out, Gay, and Seventeen
I am 18 years old and bisexual
What's all the fuss about?
Once a Girl, Now a Boy
My skin's turned to driftwood tonight
To Jane, If You Care What I Was Thinking
Ugly Duckling Syndrome
Relationships: The Good, the Bad, and the Bumping Uglies
The Road of Life
Relationship Abuse
Reality TV
Chapter 2 - Periods
The Menstrual Cycle
Better than My Own
Period Interview
When your monthly visitor isn't a monthly visitor
Arghhh ... TAMPONS?!?!?
Tampons: A How-To
Chapter 3 - Sex
Sex Sex Sex
The first time I had sex
Sex Interview
Confessions of a Virgin
Sex Details
My First Time Sexing A Girl
How to talk to your partner about sex!
Letz Talk About Sex
Sexual Pressure
Sexual Stereotyping
Fun Alternatives to Intercourse
Masturbation Interview
Spirituality and Sex
Top 10 Questions We Had about Sex...
Chapter 4 - Birth Control
Birth Control - It's all up to YOU!
Birth Control
Plan B
AAHH ... The Joy and Bliss of Latex Allergies
The Pill
My Choice
Chapter 5 - Pregnancy/Miscarriage
My Choice
Pregnancy Interview
Ready or not?
Pregnant and Alone
Miscarriage Interview
Chapter 6 - Abortion
When I was 14, I met this guy.
Abortion Interview
Chapter 7 - STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Questions We Had about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)...
How are STIs spread?
Lying on My Back
Other Infections
The Pap Smear Breakdown
Chapter 8 - AIDS
Questions We've Had about HIV/AIDS and Answers We Found
A Young Woman who is HIV Positive
The Down Low: What You Should Know
What Is Safe Sex?
Chapter 9 - Sexual Assault
That Night
Questions We Had about Sexual Assault
What is sexual harassment?
All my life
I didn't know what to do
I guess one day
8 Red Bull Beers
Devoured innocence
Little Black Book for Girlz Resource Guide
About St. Stephen's Community House and the Drug-Free Youth Arcade program

Ways Women Can Protect Themselves

2.6K 37 1
由 StStephensCH

Buddy Systems—When you are out at night, stay with a friend and make a deal to look out for each other. If you are drinking, look out for each other. In clubs, keep an eye on your friend and check in with each other.

If you are with a partner, be as clear as you can about what you want sexually and what you don't want—and let him know.

If a man makes sexist comments or jokes, or doesn't respect what you want or say, then you may not want to be around that person anymore. If you have no choice but to be around him (if he is a teacher of yours or something), try not to be alone with him, and let other people know that that man makes you uncomfortable.

Avoid isolated places—When you're walking alone day or night avoid alleys or areas where there are no other people. Always be aware of who is around you and what they are doing. If you can, always carry enough money for a cab or bus.

Beware of RohypnolTM and other date-rape drugs—These are drugs that some men are putting in women's drinks in clubs and bars. What has been happening is that a guy will try to pick up a young woman. He will slip the pill in her drink. Soon she will start to feel sleepy and ill. He will then offer to take her home and eventually she will pass out. Then he will sexually assault her. Watch your drink. Don't take drinks or drugs from a stranger. Date-rape drugs have no taste and are odorless, so you can't tell if any is in your drink. If you lose time or memory, are nauseous or vomiting, and feel like something happened "down there", consider getting medically checked out. You may have been sexually assaulted.

WENDO—WENDO is self-defense for women only. There are many types of self-defense and many are offered through community centers. 


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