His little devil. The third b...

By Queen_of_the_Lost18

10.2K 182 120

10 years have gone by since Pan and Luna have broke up. They only know each other as ememies and their past w... More

A new story begins.
Jerome's mom.
Why is she like this?
Sailing home.
Road trip.
Pan and Jerome.
How could this have happened?
A new girl.
Pan's Thinking Tree.
The Lost Princess.
Running with the wolves.
Hiding the princess.
The pipes.
The Lost Boy's future.
A sad day.
Finding out.
The new vampire.
The doll.
What's wrong princess?
The fall.
Back again.
The pond.
You'll always be a joker to me.
Old memories.
In the jungle alone.
Life or death.
The note.
Out with the old and in with the new.
At last.
A big night.
Pillow fight.
Who took it?
Adressing the new caption.
The end of Neverland.

Three days.

120 3 0
By Queen_of_the_Lost18

Peter's P.O.V.

"Devin." I say. The boy looks at me in shame. Normally boys aren't supposed to show fear toward the enemy but right now I wasn't feeling like punishing Devin, only Johnny for calling my daughter a whore and for taking Devin hostage.

"Sorry Pan."

"We'll talk back at camp." I say.

"If he's still alive. That is if you make the right decision. Now hand the necklace over." Johnny says. I look at the necklace in my hand and remember all the memories of Luna and I. Sighing, I curl my hand around the necklace and look up at Johnny.

"First release Devin." I snap. Johnny chuckled.

"Release the boy." Luke lets go of Devin as he walks over to us.

"Now give me my necklace." Johnny snaps. 

"What do you need it for?" I ask.

"That isn't your business."

"If it involves my necklace yes." Johnny just glares at me and raised his hand, making us appear back at camp where Luna storms into the tent as Felix, Devin and I all watch.

"I'll go see what's wrong with here." Felix goes after Luna.

"So how did you even end up with Johnny?" I ask, turning to Devion as we sit by the fire.

"I was in the back of the group to make sure no boy got left behind. I guess he found me there. I'm sorry, I should have been more cautious."

"It's fine. I expected that out of you." I chuckled.


"I've known you for many years and I've seen you try to prove yourself to me, and I don't need you to."

"I don't?"

"You've already proven yourself today."

"I have?"

"Yes. By staying on that ship, and not fighting back, you allowed us to make the trade for your life." I explained.

"I always thought that you don't care if a boy gets left behind or not." Devin scoffs.

"Maybe in the past. But not now." I chuckled.

"Pan." Felix calls, coming up to us. I stand up as Devin does as well and we look at Felix.

"It's Luna." I immediately run to the tent to find her sleeping, her hand by her head.

"Luna." I sit next to her.

"Three days." She stirred in her sleep.

"What?" I ask.

"Luna." Luna didn't respond when I called her name so I look at Felix to see if he had the answer.

"She keeps saying three days." He says.

"She's probably just tired." I say, pulling the covers on her so she'll stay warm. I stare at her for a long while before Felix interrupted me.

"Do you think it could mean something?" Felix asked.

"It could. But I don't know yet." I sigh.

"You boys can leave. I'll watch over Luna. Felix, can you find out if what she meant means anything?" I ask.

"Of course."

"I'll come with. I might be the only one who can decode her messaged if she hid any." Devin says. He and Felix walk out of the tent as I sit next to Luna.

"Three days. What could that mean?" I ask out loud.

"Maybe she's counting how long until the whole realm falls." I jerk my head to the side.

"Father." I nod.

"Did she say anything else?"

"No. But you think she might be trying to tell us how much time we have?" I ask.

"Yes. That's the reason she's like this. She's weak without most of her power, which came from her necklace. If you don't get her to wake up in three days time, the island will parish. But Luna will be to weak and die with the island. Since she mostly grew up here with you, this has become her home."

"So you're saying that if I can't get her to wake in three days, she'll die." I look at Luna, thinking that I might not hear her funny laugh. Her silk like voice. Her soft touch. Her gentle lips on mine.

"I know that this is hard to take in, but you're running out of time. Every minute that Luna is asleep, is another minute that Johnny could be finding out the spell to activate the two necklaces. And only you and Luna can stop him."

"Not Robbie, not Felix, not Devin, not Milah or your brothers or I, only you two."

"I understand." I look back at him as he disappeared. I look back at Luna, who slept.

"Don't worry love. I won't let you die." I caressed her cheek.

"Not while I'm alive." I place a kiss on her lips before standing up and walking out of the tent, lifting off the ground and flying to the tree house where Felix and Devin were in the library.

"She has three days." I slam my hands on the table. The boys look up at me.

"What?" Felix looked at me.

"Rumple came to me after you left."

"What did he say?" Felix asked.

"That Luna has three days. That's when the island falls. But since most of her power came from her necklace, she won't have enough power to cross realms. And that takes a lot of magic." I say. Felix and Devin exchange worried glances.

"You two should probably get to Storybrook. I'll stay here with Luna."

"No. I'm not leaving my sister behind. She's done to much for Lilly. And you've done to much for me." Felix says, telling me he was staying. We both look at Devin for an answer.

"Ever since Pan brought me here, I finally found a family. I found how lost I really was. I had heard stories of Pan and how cruel he was. But when I heard the music and found myself here, I found that Neverland was my home. And the boys were my brothers. And I have Pan to thank for that."

"So with all respect Pan, I think I'll stay here. It would be my honor to die among the Lost King and queen."

"You won't die. But know this, if anything happens, I'm sending both of you to Storybrook. The king saves his people before himself."

"Understood Pan." Devin and Felix say. Devin goes back to his book but Felix gets me out of the room. 

"What?" I snap. Felix closed the door and drags me into another room.

"Felix, what do you want?" I scoff.

"Your mother would be proud if she heard you say that." He says, only seriousness in his tone.

"The last time she saw me was,-"

"When you were back in the village but she also saw you both when the Dark One brang her to you and at your wedding. You need to stop thinking that people keep thinking of you as a villain."

"I've been known as a villain most of my life."

"Pan, you have everything that a villain doesn't have. You have a queen, a family of your own. Your happy ending.  Your family. An army at your feet. What more do you need?"

"For Luna to be safe. I can't and will not live my life knowing that Luna could be at risk." I look at the ground.

"I understand. I was like that when my dad died." I look at him.

"My dad died when I was young. He died protecting my mother because of her powers. That's when she decided to keep her powers hidden from Lilly and I. She was only 2 at the time."

"How do you know all of this? I thought you first found out because of Lilly."

"I payed a visit to Malcolm soon after Luna told me about my powers."

"And he told you."

"For the right price, yes."

"What was the price?" I ask.

"To not kill Robbie."

"Of course Malcolm would do that." I chuckled. It stayed quiet and I worry for Luna, hoping she's ok. I cast a protection spell on the tent but still worried for her.

"Pan, when Flurry was dying, you gave her some of your powers."

"Your point?"

"Maybe I could.....give-."

"No. Felix your powers are different from Luna and I's. I don't know why, or how, but you can't give some of your powers to Luna."


"I know she's your sister and would do anything to save her. I would do the same for Gideon, Bae our Fiona, but if you do so, you need to pay the price. Believe me when I say that you won't want to pay the price."

"I fear I must tell you that the only place you'll be reunited, is death."

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