Something about 1%

By urjitasheth

3K 73 12

"There is no possibility for me to fall in love with a ruthless business man like you Mr. Jacob Miller there... More

Author's note
1. The one where everyone is clueless
2. The deal is sealed
3. Strictly business relationship
4. Past catching up
5. Just the way you are
7. Stay by my side
8. The night of confessions
9. Life of my dreams
10. Two steps back
11. My perfectly not so perfect fit
12. Broken trust and broken heart
13. The world of money and selfishness
14. Follow me until the end?
15. Love worth fighting for
16. 'Bad guys need angels the most'
17. Its time to say goodbye!

6. A treasured memory

125 6 0
By urjitasheth

Mia's pov:
The restaurant starts emptying since it's getting late but I don't feel like waking him up. He looks so peaceful sleeping like this on my shoulder. Hearing how tough things were for him yesterday, I feel like hugging him tightly and telling him that everything is okay. I am really thankful to god for keeping him safe. I just stare and smile.

An hour later his phone rings and I groan a little because it wakes him up. He doesn't respond to the phone but looks at me, "How long was I asleep?"
"Not much only an hour." I tell him.
"You should have woken me up."
"How much sleep are you getting these days?"
"I slept only two hours since last two days." He tells me scratching his head awkwardly.
"Counting tonight?" I ask him and he nods.

We finally leave the restaurant and he drives me back home. When we reach back I get down from his car and he gets down as well.
"Give me your phone.." I tell him.
He gives me his phone and I put the phone on silent mode. "If you want me to forgive you for making me wait then do not use your phone tonight or work at all. Sleep for seven hours straight and wake up fresh tomorrow." I scold him like I scold my students and he smiles. I forgave him the minute he told me his reasons but this blackmailing was important.
"That's not possible."
"You want me to stay mad at you and not talk to you?" He shakes his head in denial.
"Okay ma'am, I will sleep tonight for your sake and for my sake." I smile at him and ask him to leave first.
He is about to leave when he steps back and come towards me and hugs me. "I am sorry for making you wait so long."
I hug him back tightly, "I am sorry for what you had to go through in last few days. Everything is okay Jacob." He hugs me even tight and its like he is showing me the real him in my arms. He's not a tough businessman right now but a sweet little child in my arms.

We finally let each other go, "Sleep tonight or I won't forgive you." He nods and leaves. After he's gone I too step inside my building and go towards my apartment finally feeling relieved that we are okay.

Jacob's pov:
I have always been Self independent and always try to show how strong I am, I never needed someone to console me or to make me feel better when I am upset. But she brought out the real me, her words were so soothing that I wanted to stay right there in her arms for a longer time.
Even though I am the first one who is falling for her and I know we cannot continue this after five or should I say four months. Seeing how dangerous things have started occurring around me and if grandfather really does ask me to take over the business in a year, there are chances our rivals and enemies will create more such issues. I can put myself into danger but not her.

I reach home and take a shower to freshen up. I come out and change and I am about to go to my study when the promise I made to her replays in my mind. So instead of going to the study, I go to my bed and for the first time in months I try to sleep this early.
I lie down and remember how I slept on her shoulders so quickly. It felt like the best place to sleep on, my mind was so peaceful and stressfree around her that I fell asleep so quickly. Seeing her makes all my stress go away. I take a pillow and think of it as her and drift off.

Next morning after sleeping for seven hours straight how she said, I am so energized and so fresh. I really needed this since a long time. For the first time it wasn't a bad dream.... about that incident but a good dream with Mia in it.

I reach office on time and smile at my staff. "Good morning everyone. Good to see everyone so fresh and good. Let's forget about everything that happened yesterday and work hard okay?" They all stare at me as if I am speaking in some alien language but nod anyways.
We start working for our two main projects and I thank Mia in my mind for giving me this energy to work hard. After the meeting I go back to my office and check some meeting schedules when I realize its fifth of May next week. I sigh and call my mother and ask her to meet me tonight.

Mia's pov:
I am back at school teaching my students with a fresh and good mood. Funny how Jacob controls my mood now. All my students are painting today in their drawing period and they are doing it really well. I get something out for them and give all of them a 'well done' stamp and a star. They all get excited and happy to see that.
The school comes to an end and all my students leave.

Mr. Workaholic hasn't texted me since morning, so I text him instead.
"I hope you followed my instructions and slept well last night. I hope you're better now :)"
He immediately replies, "You should call yourself lucky because you are one of those few people I listen to :) I am feeling a lot better thankyou :*" the kiss emoji doesn't irritate me anymore, it makes me smile a lot instead.
"Honored to know that :*"
"Someone seems to like the kisses now." I smile at his failed attempt of teasing.
"Not at all :*"
"Don't do this to my heart. Stop sending those." I smile even more when someone calls out my name. Its one of my colleagues.

"Are you okay Ms. Mia? Is it your boyfriend?"
"What? Ohhh.... no just a friend." She nods and gives me a suspicious look. No wonder I must look like a crazy person to her.

Jacob's pov:
Mia's texts and concern for me makes me happy and keeps me going and making me work even harder. After a hard working day we finish all the preparations for our big presentation.
"Everyone take the weekend off. A lot has happened and I want you all to take a break." I tell them and they all clap in excitement and thank me.

I decide to take a round in the hotel just to check if everything is working okay. I remember the threat and makes me a little scared for the hotel and everyone related to it. The security is pretty tight right now so nobody will be able to do that but how someone did it and even thought of something like this is making me worry. I roam around a little and I am about to go home when I see Amy entering inside the hotel.
Amy macadams was my fiancé until last year until.... she was planning to betray me all along.

A year back,
"Jay, I love the wedding ring." She kisses me on the cheek. We are sitting in my apartment right now and discussing about our honeymoon (her idea). Amy and I are about to get married in a week. Amy is beautiful and smart and belongs to a rich family which matters to my family the most. I have known her since high school and I always saw the nicer person in her and not the mean girl everyone in high school thought she is.
She is also a victor's secret model and one of the top celebrity but none of these matters to me because we have been together since high school and I know the real her, who is someone nice.

Austin calls me and I excuse myself from Amy and pick his call.
"Jacob, listen to me carefully. I think Amy and her family have some hidden motives for this marriage."
"I am not sure.... but some of our contacts informed me."
"How do we prove that but?"
"I am sending you a document. You're with Amy right now? Ask her to sign that. If she does then there are no hidden motives but if she doesn't then I think we have a problem."

An hour later Austin sends me a prenup document. I take it to Amy,
"What's this Jacob?"
"I want you to sign a prenup." She gets shocked hearing my words.
"What? We never discussed this and why should I sign this?"
"You said you are marrying me because you love me so why is there a problem to sign this?" She stands up and walks off to the dining area to drink water. I follow her,
"Sign this and finish this off." I tell her challengingly.
"I can't." She tells me stubbornly.
"And aren't you marrying me for your business."
"Yes to grow my business and not to destroy it."
"By marrying me, you will grow..."
"Sign the prenup or forget about it."
"I won't sign." She tells me.
"Fine, I can see your clear intensions then." I remove my engagement ring and hand it to her.
"We are done."

She comes to me and smiles at me, what hidden motives does she have this time.
"Jay, you look well today. I am so glad you are okay. Can we talk please?" Let's just finish it once and for all Jacob.
"Fine!" We go to the hotel coffee shop and sit there.
"I want to start over with you."
I laugh sarcastically, "You have no feelings for me, start over my foot."
"You're right I am not interested in love and you aren't either but I am interested in making our business stronger. I did love you back when we were young but from where we belong all those things aren't for us... its all business so..I will sign the prenup you want me to but let's start over."
"I have plenty of better fishes in the sea than you. I don't need to pick someone like you."
"Your grandfather might disagree." You have no idea. I don't answer her and leave the hotel to meet my mother.

I hope she got the clear idea that I am not really interested anymore. I lost my trust in her when I found out their real motive to completely acquire our business and break us apart. I don't know what kind of a new game is she playing now.

I am on my way to meet my mother when I realize I should get her something. I make a stop, buy it for her. I reach at her house and ring the doorbell. I have lived here really less since I was always at my grandmother's. But I would always come here to meet my cousin and uncle.

She opens the door and gets happy to see me. "My son has come here himself to meet me out of his busy schedule, so happy my son." She kisses me on the cheek and lets me in. The house is not same as I remember as a child. My aunt... I mean my mother changed everything after my uncle and older brother's death.
She takes my hand in hers, "Glad to see you healthy and okay. The bomb threat really scared me. Is everything under control now?"
"Yes mother, everything is fine now don't worry." She smiles in reassurance.
"Actually.... I was here to give you this." I hand her the toy I bought for her. My cousin used to make a lot of these as a child. I always saw these on her office shelf as his memory and thought to give her this.
"I saw these on your office shelf and thought to gift you this. I know this time of the year for you is really difficult." She opens the gift and sees a transformers toy similar to what my cousin used to make.
She gets teary eyed, "you remember he did this? He was obsessed with making these toys and playing with them until he was fifteen." She tells me remembering about him.
"Justin has taught me a lot mother and I can never forget him." She sobs and hugs me.

Mia's pov:
Its the Jacob plus Mia weekend again. He has called me to a park near his office. I reach there on time and he arrives fifteen minutes later,
"Sorry, I am late." He tells me with his Charming smile.
"Someone's being too nice today." I tell him and he sits next to me.
For the first time he looks like his age because he's wearing a black full sleeve tshirt and jeans. "Now I feel like I am dating someone of my age. You don't have work today?" I tell him jokingly.
"I do but just thought to make time for this pretty lady." He points at me and I blush.
"What are we doing today?" He asks me.
"Who's turn is it to choose?" Both of us look at each other in confusion.
"Maybe its mine so let's go for my event." I pout at him.
"What's the most important thing for you in this world?" I ask him curiously.
"Money." He tells me right away without thinking.
"Why do you have to worry about the money so much? You're a heir to a rich family."
"That's my grandfather's money, I want to do something on my own and make my own money. That's why I am handling the hotel business on my own." He tells me and I get impressed by his dedication towards his work and a need to do something on his own.

He suddenly gets up and runs to the kid who came on his rollerbladers from the other direction and both of them fall on the ground and he saves him. Turns out he was going to collide with a man who was cycling carelessly and would have hurt the kid. I rush behind him.
"Are you okay?" Jacob asks the kid, the kid nods.
"You, you're old enough to know how to drive one of these so be careful and just look around while cycling." He scolds the one on the bicycle, he says sorry and leaves in a hurry.
I smile at him, "what, why are you looking at me like that?" I take him back to where we were sitting and take out the stamp for my purse.
I give him the 'well done' stamp, "You did so well Jacob Miller." I pat him on the shoulder and he laughs at me but looks at the stamp in happiness how my students do.

"Have you tried rollerblading before?" I ask him.
"No... where are you going with this?"
"I haven't done it either.... let's do it. There is a skate park right here so let's go." I tell him. He denies at first but I blackmail him with my 'you made me wait for hours' card and he agrees (I am so evil.)
We both take the skates on rent and wear them.
"If we are to a hospital after this, it's all your fault." He threatens me.
"You might be in a hospital after this since you're so old there are chances you'll break a bone easily." I smirk at him.
"Haha Mia." He tells me sarcastically.

We start roller skating and he lied to me because he's pretty good at this and is definitely not his first time. He roller skates around me freely. He asks me to hold both of his hands and he starts helping me skate and after sometime I learn how to balance as well and start skating like a pro. Oh my god it feels so good to skate here like this.
"Good excuse to hold your hand." He tells me and we skate around. Suddenly he loses his balance leaving my hand and he falls. I laugh at how he fell and he looks away in embarrassment.
"Help me get up." He tells me and I stop my laughing session and give him my hand but he drags me down on the ground and I fall on him.
"Now this feels better." He whispers.

Kyle's pov: (probably heard his name in the earlier chapters)
My mom comes to meet me at the mall and we head for lunch together.
"Did you find out about Jacob's girlfriend?"
"Yes mom, she isn't from an affluent background. She's a teacher at a school."
"I don't know what does father in law want? He usually doesn't tolerate love affairs. But Jacob is his favorite. Jacob's father cheated on Jacob's mother and your grandfather broke all the relations with him and took the company from him. He didn't talk to him or support him until he was on death bed few years back."
"Jacob's father left him when he was only five and his mother remarried someone in Canada." I suddenly feel really bad for Jacob. We were never really close so I never knew things about him. I have always been away from the family drama but since I am in the business now my parents keep me informed.
"When her son Justin died, Jennifer took legal custody of Jacob and now calls herself his mother." My mom says in annoyance.
"If she wouldn't have adopted him he would have left for Canada? And this whole business would have been ours?"
"We can't say that for sure. My point of telling you all this is Jacob has sympathy points from your grandfather and would easily get the whole business on the basis of that. Think about what will you do to get into his good books? Find out more about this girl. There is definitely something more to this. " I text the person I have hired to keep an eye on Mia Anderson and to find more things about her.

Jacob's pov:
After skating around and spending some romantic time, we stop roller skating and walk around a little hand in hand. For a change her phone rings instead of mine, she leaves my hand to pick up.
"Hey mom....yes I am fine."
"Its only been two months mom and its not what you think it is."
"Another blind date? Not now mom please." She whispers that but I can hear it clearly.
"I'll talk to you later." She ends the call and holds my hand again.
"I don't mind meeting your parents." I blurt out, the thought of her seeing someone else hurts a little.
"Do you want to marry me then?" She asks me in a serious tone and I stare at her shock.
She starts laughing out loud, "Look at your face! Don't say such weird things because there's no way that both of us can get married." She laughs a bit more and starts walking. Why do I have a feeling that she wasn't joking.
I drop her back home and we talk casually forgetting about that whole thing from earlier. But for some reason it doesn't leave my mind.
"Thanks for the ride, see you soon." She tells me and leaves.

I drive back to the hotel to collect some files from my office to work on. I stop at a signal and repeatedly think about that conversation. I have always gotten things my way but this is something which is beyond me. I have come to like her so much but the possibility for us to continue this after our contract seems really less. I look at my hand where she gave me the stamp and smile. She sure makes my heart flutter by doing such cute things. The vehicles behind me start honking and I see the signal turned into green. I reach to the hotel and I am about to go to the office when I run into Kyle. I don't greet him and continue going but he comes in my way again and stops me.

"Are you happy living someone else's life?" He asks me arrogantly and is trying to get me angry.
But I just smile at him, "Since the moment I was born I have been living a life which is my own and not somebody else's but I can't say the same for you. Living a life where your parents tell you what to do and what not. You don't seem to have your identity. If you want to compete with me, break free from your parents and then stand in front of me." With that I leave and take the lift.

But his words hurt.... have I been living Justin's life? If mother wouldn't have adopted me.... I wouldn't have all this?

Mia's pov:
I am on a mission to clean my house today. My school got over and I had no other work to do so I am on a cleaning spree. I clean out my study table and find the contract papers. Contract between Jacob Miller and Mia Anderson. This piece of paper will always stop me from crossing my limits and to not expect something more from this relationship. His reaction to my joke yesterday was pretty clear to me that where does this relationship stand for him. My eyes land on Jacob's information and it says his birthday is on next Thursday.

My phone rings and its a call from Kevin.
"Ma'am, I got a part in a new series which would air on Netflix in six months. Its a pivotal role and... I am so excited and nervous."
"Oh my god Kevin, I am so happy for you." I get tears in my eyes out of happiness.
"The Ngo is going to be so happy. I'll go there this week and give them the news myself okay?"
"No ma'am the shoot is in Seattle so I'll come there myself and tell them."
"That is amazing Kev."
"Ma'am this new agency given to me by Mr. Austin is amazing." I think I should properly thank him and Jacob.
"Anyways ma'am I need to go. See you soon. Byee."

I finish cleaning the house and meet Annie to take advice for something I want to do.
"Its his birthday next week?" Annie asks me and I nod.
"I want to gift him something so give me some advice since you're more experienced in this area."
"Watch, car, money.... seeing his personality, these are the things he must be expecting to receive."
"He already has these things. Can you think of something else?" She shakes her head and says no.
"You're of no use." I roll my eyes at her and leave to go to a mall.

Since Annie's advice was to get him a watch, I go and check a branded watch which is too expensive and probably something he already has. I roam around a little and check out some things for him when a little girl comes to me crying. She's probably only four or five year old
"Momm.... momm..."
"I am not your mom little girl. Shh stop crying okay we will find her, come." She continues crying.
"Take her to the child care." A young man in a suit tells me. I nod and take her there with him and the mother finds her child safely.
"What à relief! Thanks for the help." I tell that young man in a suit. He's probably of my age or younger and is definitely good looking. He is tall, lean and possesses brunette hair but nobody can compete Jacob anymore. God I am obsessed with Jacob... stop thinking about him.

I smile at him and leave when he stops me, "Hi, my name is Kyle and I am.... the manager of this mall."
I don't immediately reply to him because I find it weird for him to introduce himself. I politely smile again and leave when he stops me again,
"Can I get your name and number?" He asks me again.
"I am sorry, I have a boyfriend." With that I rush from there. What was that all about? Weird!

I finally buy two gifts I think are appropriate and wait for his birthday to arrive. One day before his birthday I call him up,
"Keep yourself free tomorrow evening for dinner. Come to my place AND DONT THINK OF THIS AS SOMETHING ELSE." I yell at him before he can even say anything.
He laughs on the other side, "Okay, I'll be there." I get excited for his birthday. But its weird that he didn't even tell me about it.

Next day I decorate my little home with ferry lights in the living-room and stick a banner of "happy birthday" above my bed. I order a fruit cake and some pizza for the evening.
At sharp seven the doorbell finally rings and I let him come in.
"Why is it so dark in here?" He asks me and I turn the ferry lights on and make him sit on my bed. I go to the kitchen, turn the candle on the cake and take it outside,
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to de.... Jacob, happy birthday to you." I sit on the ground with the cake and look at him to see his shocked face but instead I see sadness in his eyes.
"I saw in the contract that today is your birthday." I tell him keeping the cake aside. I stand up and sit besides him on the bed.
"That's right, its my birthday." He sounds like he didn't know about it.
"Why do you sound so upset? Your family didn't wish you? If they didn't you should yell at them and also thank them for raising you so well." I tell him to lighten the mood.
"Its also my older brother's death anniversary. That's why nobody wants to remember this day." I get shocked to hear this.
"You had an older brother?" I ask him.
"Legally yes because his mother, my second uncle's wife adopted me but he was actually my older cousin."

He holds my hand and continues, "On my eleventh birthday he wanted to show me how he can drive now and will take me out for drives regularly. He came out late at night to pick me up and we sneaked out for a drive to celebrate. We stopped at an ice cream shop and he crossed the street to get me one. While coming back he didn't see the car coming and got hit by the car and died." I gasp and get shocked.

Its the first time I see him teary eyed and instantly feel guilty for doing all this for him. "I am sorry for making you remember the bad memories." He covers his emotions and replies, "Don't look at me with pity." I don't let my tears come out.
"Why would I feel pity towards you, you are so lucky that you have two amazing mothers." He nods and smiles. I squeeze his hand in reassurance and keep my head on his shoulder to console him silently.
"Recently someone told me that I am living someone else's life." He whispers sadly.
"What nonsense? Your stupidly stubborn personality is unique and only you can make a life for yourself." I immediately reply to him.
"Was that an insult or a compliment?" He asks me and the environment immediately lightens up.

He gets up and gets the cake from the table and keeps it on the bed. "I don't want to waste such a yummy cake and next time please get a chocolate one, I prefer that more." I roll my eyes at him.
He's about to blow the candle when I stop him, "Make a wish!"
"What am I? Five?"
"I'll make a wish for you instead." I tell him annoyingly and he smiles.
He cuts the cake and I sing for him once again and this time he smiles shyly. Both of us feed each other some, "hmmm delicious." He tells me.

I take some frosting and apply it on his face and he stares at me weirdly. I take my phone and click few pictures of him and laugh. He takes some frosting as well and apply it on my face. I scream in annoyance, "Tit for tat." He tells me and clicks a selfie with me.

I go to my cupboard and get the gifts out for him,
"I know you don't like all this but just accept it please. Its not something big." I tell him awkwardly.
"Its the first time in years that someone is gifting me something on my birthday." He smiles and makes me sit besides him. He opens the first gift and its a tie and the second gift is the plastic model toy we made that day. He happily accepts both.

"You have changed my birthday memory into a treasured one now. I will treasure this memory for the rest of my life." He scratches his head and tells me shyly. I smile at his sweet confession.
"But there is another gift that I would really want you to give."
"What is that?" I ask him
"Kiss" he whispers.

I am about to kiss him on the cheek but he kisses me on the lips instead. This time I don't oppose and kiss him back with the same passion as he is to me.


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