Feline (Mr.Control Freak) COM...

By Mylilttle1

45.7K 2.7K 298

BOOK TWO OF MALYSHKA "I'm doomed, totally doomed. I'm now officially jobless." Sya ambil sja tu sampul dari c... More

PART 1 -Maleficent
PART 2 -Hello neighbor
PART 3 -Who's bed?
PART 4 -Duncan
PART 5 -Sweet dream
PART 6- Babun ass
Part 7 -It's Zach!
PART 9 -Got a job!
Part 10 -You licked me!
PART 11 -Night out! πŸ”ž
PART 12 -He saved me
PART 13 -My man πŸ’–
PART 15- Butod!
PART 16- Who is that woman?
PART 17- Cotton candy
PART 18- Drug dealer
PART 19- ? to ? conversations
PART 20 -Tristan
PART 21 - Cristy take over
PART 22- Vander? Military?
PART 23- Cristy|Jasper
PART 24 - Backstabber
PART 25 -Let's end this already
FINAL - Surprises and cravings

PART 14 -Bathbomb πŸ”ž

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By Mylilttle1

PART 14 Bathbomb

PAGE: Malyshka Stories Collections
WATTPAD: @mylilttle1

Lepas ja makan semua tu makanan yang heaven2, Zach bawa sya pusing2 kawasan tu rumah.. Di belakang dia ada garden2 and tempat macam study place. So cool..

Kami duduk di bench menghadap 1 small pond.

"This is where my mom usually lepak2 with her friends while I'll be studying there. Semua bunga2 yang warna purple and the roses, semua dia tanam sendiri. She loves gardening."

"Too bad, I dont"

"Yeahh, too bad, I don't too.."

I've never been this happy to be with someone until him. He makes me wanting to be someone special and being protected..

Maybe this is just the beginning of our story, but i hope we could fill more and more amazing moments in it together.

Did you realize, if you're really sincerely to that particular person, even a simple jokes could turn it into a huge stomach craping laughter.. With him, it is.


"Yess they are. Especially the roses and this pink begonia flower. Your mother is amazing."

Obviously lawa2 semua tu bunga, but saya sebut nama tu bunga yang sya tau ja.

"Especially the Esmerelda flower.. it kinda looks opposite with the other flower, because in the morning, other flower will look very2 beautiful, but this one, hmmm."

"Silakaa hahaha. I know i looks ugly when i wake up but jangan laaa smpai kasi banding sama flower bah. Haha"

"I love you Esmerelda. I hope you do too."

Am i ready for a new relationship? With this guy? Am i sure?
I didn't exactly answer his sweeet and meaningful statment. Instead, I'll try to give him the best hint.
So saya senyum and hugg him. I'll try my best Zach.

I'm a super cautious person when it come to relationship, but I have the gut that this one is not really gonna be the worst. But it's like i just put myself into more and more trobles.


This house is soo frikking big. Tadi masuk dapur pun sudah saya amazed, apa lagi kalau the whole house. Zach kasi home tour lagi. Excited betul saya nampak rumah orang kaya. SAKAAAIII

Don't blame me, ini pertama kali bah saya masuk rumah begini besar, pertama kali saya nampak chandelier dia yang begitu sparkling bdantung di ceiling.

I'm sure Zach having so much fun watching me being amazed by all of this. Sebab dari kami home tour smpai laa sekarang kami di dalam bilik dia, tidak putus2 tu damn hot smiles dia. Buli rip off sudah tu mulut dia terlampau senyum.

"Saya pun tidur disini kaa? Is this even your room?"

"Of course laa. Jadi dimana lagi kau mau tidur?"

"Begini besar rumah takkan no other guest room or mana2 bilik kosong yang boleh sya guna?"

Ish tidak tau bersyukur betul kau oh Meldaaaa.. Sudah kena bagi bilik yang comfortable and fancy, banyak lagi songeh.. Sya bermonolog sendiri..

"Em, unless kau mau tidur sama hantu yang ada di rumah ni, banyakk juga bah bilik lain.. Wink"

Silakaa oh ni lelaki, sengaja lagi dia mau kasi takut syaa.. Terbayang saya oh kalau rumah2 besar selalu ni kan banyak penghuni yang tidak diundang. Inda payah laaa kau ego sangat mau tidur tempat lain Meldaaa. Tidur seja laaa sama new boyfriend kau. Oh the word boyfriend literally fascinate me.

"Well, if you insist.." pura2 buat muka innocent maka2 penakut.


Time sya buka2 sudah semua accessories gelang, earing and make-up tu, tiba2 saya rasa ada tangan sentuh zip baju di belakang.

Ni orang aahh, bukan tadi dia cakap mau pegi mandi sudah kaa. Sya lega sudah tu yang dia cakap dia mau mandi deluan.

Pelan2 tu zipp kena tarik dari atas pegi bawah..
The adrenaline rush, cooling sansation, tingling electric itchy touch... Semua saya rasa dalam 1 masa.

He knows very well that his touch effect me that much.

Chup.. chupp.. chup..
Lips dia d leher sudah trailing every inch of my neck. Tangan dia stay d pinggan to keep us balance. Sebab sya rasa kaki sya tidak berfungsi sudah.
Licak macam jelly sudah ni kaki, I need his support..

Ugh i can't stopp. I want this and more of it.

"Yess baby?"

"we should stop thiss. Saya mau mandi.."

"Aren't we gonna have a little more fun? I really love your smell, especially this soft skin. I want to test em all."

"Noo. At least let me take my bath and clean myself first.."

"Should we take a bath together? I'm sure you'll like it more than the tub yg di rumah.. plus, you're going or not, you're still going. Saya sudah panat2 kasi sedia air tadi. Come!"

"Ishh, main tipu ohh.. not fair!"
"come3! Today suppose to be ours, so just enjoy the supper, can you baby girl?"

Dengan keadaan dress yang terbuka zipp, and make up yang baru half removed.. kami jalan laa pegi the 2nd heaven room.

Everything is ready, bath tub, baju2 towel2, shampoos and sabun all ready. Rich people ppfftt..

Zach singgah di meja dekat tu pintu and pasang lagu. Saya nampak dia pasang Shane Filan punya collection.

"This room designed specially for honeymoon room. Lepas move out dulu, they renovated it and i kind of own it now. Sebab jarang sudah the other family member stay here. Sejak dari UK sya akan stay sini every once a week.."

"That often? Kenapa kau mau tinggal dsni kalau 1 orang jaa?"

The fact yang they renovated this room into honeymoon room lepastu stay sini once a week. Did he bring other women here too?

Tiba2 sakit hati saya, macam yang saya ni pun salah satu perempuan yang dia bawa pegi sni untuk 'have fun' seja.

Shit shit shit shit!!

Pelan2 dia jalan pegi tempat saya..
Tangan dia sentuh muka syaa.

"Yupp, that often.. I visit here very2 often until I found that girl.. and you're the first woman I bring home so don't put that thoughts into some kind of complicated situation."

Lepas dia cakap begitu baru saya rasa lega SIKIT, still, dia pernah bermesra mesra denga perempuan lain juga dulu. I saw it myself. But, i guess I'm just gonna trust him this one.

Nanti dia, kalau ada c bibik disini, baru sya tanyaa. Biarla macam jaga tepi kain orang, Zach is my boyfriend now..

"That girl?"

"Yess, the girl that I found in the garden, crying alone and almost killed herself.."

"You've been searching for me??"

"Yes i did. Now can we continue what we're doing just now."

1 slip seja bah dia kasi jatuh dress sya pegi lantai.. smooth.
Tingal bra and panty sya lagi.

Mula sudah dia kiss2 leher sya balik.
Tangan dia pun active sudah di gunung saya.



"Zachary.. ahhhh~" aihh terlepas juga bah suara2 bitin.

I guess i can moan as much as i want kalau disini, since nobody gonna hear us. Jiran pun jauh2.

Zach macam perasan kali sya tidak berapa selesa, "I'm sorry. I just can't help it. You looks sooo amazing.. let's get you clean, I'll help."

Zach pasang hot water di tub, dia jalan pegi ambil bath bomb, then kasi masuk dalam air.

"It's colourful.. and smells good too. But is that thing safe kalau kita masuk sna?"

Bukan Melda bah kalau tidak sakaii.

"Yess, it's safe, don't worry. Jum masukk.."

Zach kasi masuk tangan dia d air, mau rasa temperature baru dia off tu paip.

Masa ni kami dalam tub, saya membelakang zach so dia tolong lap2 belakang sya guna sponge.

"That painting di bilik yang nenek naked was actually a grandma in one of the old folks home di UK. Every weekend kalau tiada mau buat, usually sya akan visit sana. Ngam2, few blocks dari tempat tinggal saya ja."

Terus terbatuk bah sya. Nah tulaa, lain kali fikir lain2 lagi pasal orang. 😂

"Are you okayy?" Zach tanya.

"Uh, yes2. Continue.." nasib tidak berlanjutan batuk saya..

"To me, she is the most unique grandma among all of the others. She was actually a 60 y/o single woman. Apparently, she likes to do make up, and she believed that make up is something that can boost her confidence towards the world even more."

Now I'm starting to like this grandma. Me myself believes that the world won't judge me as long as I didn't go against the mother nature and it's creator.

"She's awesome. Macam mana laa hidup dia single tu ahh." Sya cakap.

"That's not even her first problem yet.. Ms.Rossie actually ada breast cancer, that's why dia suruh I buat painting dia naked macam tu, with a breast of course.. So she can see the old self of her."

Speechless. Itu ja sya dapat jawab. Kesian tu Ms.Rossie. I can see yang ms.rossie ni seorang yang jiwa muda. She's 60 but she prefers to be called ms.rossie. Something else..

"Turn around.. kalau 1jam sya rub blakang kau, hangus la ni. Tbuka kulit."

Dua hati sya mau pusing. Walaupun ni bukit2 sudah dia cop hak milik, but still, I'm not used to it.

"Just turn around, I'm not going to eat you up.. yet.."

"Are you sure? Yet? You think i can't feel that ebony thing down this water?"
I can't hide that me myself was horn* at the moment..

"Well, that's not fair.." not fair sebab sya dapat rasa bulge dia?

"Really? while tangan kau pun sedang berkerja di perbukitan sya."

Boleh kaa dia cakap seja yang dia mau. This agrue thingy just gonna turn me off.

"Fine" dia berdiri dari tub, dia buang tu sponge d air.

"Stand up.. and take that all off and follow me."

"I'm not done yet."

"Be ready in 3minit."
Damn shit! This control freak!

Sya buka semua kain yg tinggal d badan and pegi shower. Lepas sudah cuci bersih semua, sya pakai bathrobe terus jalan keluar.

"Fast Esmerelda. Jangan buat saya tertunggu2."

Kadang2 saya pun heran dengan sikap dia ni, mula2 gaya mcam bodo, lepastu baik and romantik tapi lepastu control freak balik.

But for sure, this man can't hide that dominance act. That little smile on his lips shows how much he can't be dominant himself.

Sya play along seja sama game dia ni. Saya smirk, lepastu sya melutut. Zach beduduk d siring katil dengan bathrobe seja. While saya d bawah dia sudah melutut. We'll see siapa sebenarnya yg boleh jadi dominant.

"Yes daddy." Sya jawab dia sambil sya tengok mata dia dari bawah.

Sya buka bathrobe dia, ting! Negaraku!

Masuk seja mushroom d mulut sya, keluar terus tu bunyi yang saya assumed dia tahan2 dari tadi siang.

Erkkk. Gete.

"Shit. Ahhh.."

After 4 5 minits doing bj including deep throating, finally dia kasi berdiri sya. Bathrobe saya awal lagi sudah terbang.

Dia kasi jatuh sya d katil, open widely both of my legs... and then, pap3!

Bah dari sana kamu imejin sendiri la apa terjadi. Dudapdudap ni jantung time typing.

"Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out." Jenn Proske

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