His little devil. The third b...

By Queen_of_the_Lost18

10.2K 182 120

10 years have gone by since Pan and Luna have broke up. They only know each other as ememies and their past w... More

A new story begins.
Jerome's mom.
Why is she like this?
Sailing home.
Road trip.
Pan and Jerome.
How could this have happened?
A new girl.
Pan's Thinking Tree.
The Lost Princess.
Running with the wolves.
Hiding the princess.
The pipes.
The Lost Boy's future.
A sad day.
Finding out.
The new vampire.
The doll.
What's wrong princess?
The fall.
Back again.
The pond.
You'll always be a joker to me.
Old memories.
In the jungle alone.
Life or death.
The note.
Out with the old and in with the new.
At last.
A big night.
Who took it?
Adressing the new caption.
Three days.
The end of Neverland.

Pillow fight.

100 3 0
By Queen_of_the_Lost18

Peter's P.O.V.
Flurry falls down and Luna checks to see if she was ok.

"Get her to her tent. I'll be there as soon as I can." Luna says. Felix takes Flurry in his arms and brings her to her tent.

"Don't you see, this is what Luna told you her about vision. If you keep it up, you'll end up dead!" Robbie snaps. I try to run to him but I'm held back.

"You want to hurt someone, hurt me, not Robbie." Luna snaps from behind me, releasing me.

"Fine." I quickly pull out my dagger and swing at her as she missed it.

"Peter, what's gotten into you?"

"I'm trying to protect our family." I try to swing at her again.

"Well hurting them isn't helping them. There's a difference. But I shouldn't be surprised if you don't know it, after all. You are just a bloody demon." Luna was able to attack me to the ground.

Everyone looked at her with respect and fear. Respect because she was the only one close to beating me in a sword fight and now she finally beat me. And fear because if she could take me down, that proved that she was the strongest one in camp.

"Know your place Peter." Luna growls, turning on her heels and going into Flurry's tent with Robbie.

"Ok back to what you were doing." Felix says. The boys go back to their party as Felix helps me off the ground.

"Why'd you do that?"

"I don't know. I let my anger take control of me."

"Robbie's right. If you keep letting your anger take control of you, you're going to get yourself killed." I just look down and feel Felix's hand on my shoulder. I look up at him.

"You're not that Pan anymore. You're different."

"Yeah but I was that Pan once. And I think I'm turning into him again."

"Out of all the years that I've came here in my dreams, I never saw you that way with Luna. And yes you were that Pan when Cora got in the way, but when you found out that Luna was on the island, you changed. And even when she wasn't on the island, you never changed." Felix says and I could tell he meant it.

"The day that you become your old self, is the day that Luna turns into Nightmare Moon again. And we both know that won't happen. Now stop being a wimp, and go tell Luna and Flurry that you still care for them. I'll be right behind you." Felix was right. I needed to make this right.

"Thanks." I smile, walking over to Flurry's tent where she was on her bed laying on her stomach, crying into her arms as Luna and Robbie sat next to her. Luna and Robbie both looked at me. Luna looked at me with anger and I could see he fangs.

Luna looked at Felix and she and Robbie both got up. Robbie walked out of the tent and Luna walked over to me.

"If you do anything to upset her, I won't think twice about biting you." She threatened.

"I promise I won't do anything."

"Good. Felix, watch him." Luna walked out of the tent and I walk up to Flurry, sitting next to her.

"Princess." I say sweetly.

"Go away." She snapped.

"Flurry, please talk to me." I tuck a piece of hair behind her.

"Please." I smile. Flurry muttered something and brang her head out of her arms, looking at me.

"Why'd you do it?"

"Flurry, there's a part of me that you might not know about my past."

"What is it?"

"Before Luna came to the island, I was a villain. Someone who was selfish, greedy, and cared about no one. Tonight I showed that side of me. But I promise that I won't let that happen. Because I realized that when I'm like that, I hurt Luna, I hurt Robbie. I hurt you." I caress her cheek.

"You know, I can't believe that you needed Felix to get you to come in here." Flurry smiled.

"He did nothing to me in here."

"Yes I did." Felix says.

"Point is, I promise you won't see that side of me ever again." I smile.

"Yeah, sure you won't." Felix scoffed.

"Will you stop." Flurry whacked Felix with a pillow.

"Oh it's on." Felix grabbed a pillow and whacked Flurry as they start hitting each other. I just smiled at the two until Felix whacked me with a pillow. I glare at him and grab a pillow, smaking him as we all start getting into a deadly pillow fight.

But the pillows are suddenly raised in the air and I look behind me to find Luna smirking with her arm raised, telling me she had the pillows at her disposal.

"She's armed, take cover." Felix yells as he and Flurry hide behind the bed.

"Go on Peter, hide, or are you willing to take me on?" Luna smirked. I just chuckled and stand on the bed, jumping on her as she falls to the ground, the pillows falling around her.

"Now!" I yell, pinning Luna down. Felix and Flurry both come and grab a pillow and start hitting me. Luna laughs under me.

"I meant get Luna, not me." I laugh.

"They know I'm stronger than you. And family never goes up against each other." Luna smirked.

"If Felix wasn't you brother, he'd be dead right now." I say.

"Or I would get to you first." Felix chimed in.

"Yeah right." I scoff.

"Ok, Flurry, fighting lesson. When someone is on top of you and you have no wepons, what do you do?" Felix asked. Flurry tried to think and Luna grabbed my dagger from my belt and kneed me, making me fall off of her as she got on me, pinning me with my dagger to my throat.

"Take the other's wepon." Felix smiled.

"Hey Felix, make sure daddy doesn't kill me?" Flurry smirked.

"Gladly." Felix smirked back. Luna got off of me and she and Flurry transformed into their wolf forms. Luna layed down as Felix got on. I slowly back out of the tent as they follow. Andrew looked at us and Flurry layed down, letting him get on.

"First one to the king wins." Luna yells as she, Felix, Andrew and Flurry smirked at me. I quickly run out of the tent and into the jungle, the three teens behind me.

Felix's P.O.V.
We all chase Pan deeper into the island and Luna nor Flurry looked fatigued.

"We're never going to reach him." I say. We stopped and rested the wolves. Andrew smirked and Luna met his gaze, getting up and attacking him to the ground, growling.

"Just because I told you about them, doesn't mean you can tell him. I will decide who and where, and when he finds out. For now, he's a normal boy." Luna growls and I knew she was talking about me.

"Come on Luna, he deserves to know. And he isn't normal."

"I know that. If I tell him, he might do something crazy. When Henry first discovered them, he almost killed Peter. Now that they share the same heart he's even more deadly. Felix is family. And my brother not yours. So I'll decide if he gets to know."

"Know about what?" I ask. Luna and Andrew both look at me and Luna gets off of him, turning human.

"Nothing that concerns you."

"Yet." Andrew coughed. Luna snapped here head in his direction.

"Wait, are we talking about-." Luna cut the wolf off.

"Yes." She snaps.

"What are you hiding from me?" I snap.

"Felix, you have-."

"Felix as powers."

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