
By gorystories

31.9K 1.3K 405

The school's hottest boys are the two most dangerous psychopaths... Rebekah Fleetwood is a straight A studen... More

Show Him What A Good Time Is
Never Had Sex With A Virgin
Did A Number On My Back
You Will Be Ruined
It's Just A Piercing, Becks
Those Are Tears Of Eagerness
Go On, Tell Him Becks
That's Not Like My Rebekah
You're A Beautiful Girl, Rebekah
She Was Told Not To Do That
That's Non Of Our Business
She Tried It Again
I Don't Know Why I'm Like This
I Don't Want You To Go
Why Did You Do This To Me?
We Had The Best Of Fun
The Big, Mean Bully
You Care About The Slut, Dont You?
Smaller And Smaller
I Need A Distraction
It Ain't Gonna Get You Anywhere
I Have A Little Confession
Kade Couldn't Take It
I Need You
It Belongs To Me
You Can't Stay Here
The Position You're Suppose To Be In
Why Doesn't Anybody Love Me?
You're Acting Weird!
You Fucking Crazy Bitch
Just Take Me Away From Here

I Want You Seductive, Not Plain

1.3K 56 9
By gorystories

Chapter 6

After Rebekah paid $34 for piercings she didn't even want, she left the store and headed back to the mall. She half expected Kade to be on his way after that- did Vicky not wonder where he might be? It may look odd that they were both out of school at the same time..

Rebekah hadn't said a word to Kade as she stormed in front, her chest aching from the dulling pain in the centre of her breasts. She hissed out and brought her hand to her top half. Kade watched her with a side eye and grinned gruesomely to himself as she scurried in front.

" Take the bra off," Kade suggested. " It might stop the irritation and grab my attention. Who knows?"

Rebekah scowled at him, finally stopping her hurrying and turning to face him- her expression was completely defeated and her shoulders slumped forward.

" What do you want, Kade?" Rebekah whined, her arms stropping and eyes closing. Her intention wasn't to attack him, but to completely show she'd given up and he'd won. "You got what you wanted, can't you just leave me in peace to shop now?"

" Let me think," Kade looked as if he was thinking for a moment with his eyes diagonal and finger at his chin, but Rebekah knew it was just part of his mockery.

" No," he finally said flatly. " You see, Becks, we're going shopping together."

Rebekah raised her eyes in incredulity. This had caused her some sudden anger how he had the cheek too throw demands around. For someone who had never raised her voice to anyone in her life, she'd become easily mad over these past few days- these boys were turning her heated; in the infuriated way. The way he'd gripped her throat and dragged her hair with no problem at all the other day, you think she'd be frightened to death- she was. But, after everything  Kade had done today, she was ready to blow.

" Are you kidding?" Rebekah asked sharply to Kade's and her own surprise. "Don't you get it? I don't want to be anywhere near you." I don't want to be seen with you in case Victoria or anyone she knows magically appears at the mall rather than school.

Kade took a demanding step towards her. His nose nearly touched hers. "Well, too bad you don't have a choice, sweetie. I've seen those stupid, bare bra's you wear. And for what I've got lied in store for you, I want you seductive, not plain. " Kade complained which fuelled her anger, causing her to dig her nails in her palms again to calm herself down. By now, there was soft white scars coating that area. Despite the madness, there was always that same hint of fear lingering in her eyes and in her bottom lip that trembled.

Kade then took her arm and tugged her to some shops. Her face darted from every corner, everywhere she went- her paranoid thoughts still remaining in her mind. The feeling of regret lingering, adding another layer of hate for herself.

Kade took her in a few different stores, but Rebekah couldn't relax in his presence, nor knowing the fact she should be in school. He'd made her go in Ann Summers, which sold the most horrendous things that astounded Rebekah. Kade forced her to buy these large, black heels with fur on the front with a red, seductive nightgown. She quietly obliged, but she would not be wearing that. It was crazy, but Rebekah Fleetwood was insecure; she simply didn't have the confidence.

Kade made her buy red and black, laced bra and panties. It was technically see-through, and usually- in fact most definitely, this sort of underwear wouldn't of been appealing to Rebekah. But the dirty person Rebekah Fleetwood had become over these murderous, hellish days, caused her to be eager to glide the sexy panties across her bare skin- she was excited whether she wanted to admit it or not; she wouldn't dare tell Kade that. It wasn't for him- or anyone. It was for her. Maybe it would rise her self-esteem.

Rebekah checked the time to see it was 1:15pm. She shot her eyes up, panicking slightly before looking at Kade who still gawking at woman's underwear- searching for something he'd want Rebekah to wear, like he was her father. He acted just like him..

" I- I have to go," Rebekah said, no longer acting like that brave, cocky brat she were a few hours ago. Rebekah needed to remember that her reputation was within his large, tanned hands. She'd need to at least attempt to stay on his good side.

Rebekah shuddered when his evil eyes met hers. He kept them there for a while, only adding to Rebekah's uncomfortableness that caused her to scratch her neck, before he turned and continued looking through the clothes.

" I've already told you, Becks." Kade said. "We're not going until I say so."

" I'm going to get a parking ticket." It was true. Rebekah had only paid for three hours of parking and she'd been here since 9am. Her father definitely wouldn't be happy if he found out; he'd stop her from using the car all together.

Kade huffed before turning to her, his angered eyes piercing into hers like the gun in the tattoo shop had. It caused her to tremble back- his animosity- filled gaze was just too horrendous for her to keep in contact with.

Without saying anything, he began storming out the shop, expecting her to follow and she gulped before waddling closely behind, struggling to carry the bags.

Rebekah was walking with her head bowed down when she sprung out of her skin from Kades phone ringing. He huffed and gave a look of disgust at her pathetic behaviour before answering it.

" Hello?"

Rebekah listened closely, her hand still rested on her chest, feeling her erratic heartbeat.

" You're at my house? How did you get in?" Kade listened with furrowed eyebrows. Rebekah was silently praying this was someone important- Vicky even. He couldn't take her home and black mail her if she was there. Or could he?

" I'm at the mall," he finally said after like five seconds of listening. Rebekah wished she could hear what the person was saying. Kade's phone weren't loud enough so she stood there like a fool. She turned her shoulder, looking at the empty area around her. Rebekah thought about running away whilst he was occupied; he couldn't chase her because that would look weird to people surely. But her seed becoming a plant in her mind was destroyed by Kade's loud, annoyed voice.

" Jeez, I was just making sure she hadn't fucking left the country," Kade complained. "No need to be a bitch about it."

Who was he speaking to like that?

" Right. We're coming." Kade said before he ended the call and Rebekah got a glimpse of his phone to see it was Ethan. Why was he so mad that Kade had come the mall? Wouldn't he be happy that their crazy, stalking plan was successful?

Rebekah looked up at Kade with frightened eyes and he let out air in her face before he gripped her wrist and began pulling her to his car. When she passed her parking spot, she realised Kade wasn't going to let her get her own. Her heart beat quickened and her hands began getting clammy as she held them into a fist.

" I need to get my car." Rebekah said.

Kade ignored her and carried on walking with a sour look on his face.

Rebekah swallowed hard and she felt her hands rattling. She really couldn't leave her car there. Her father would do more than kill her.

" Please, Kade," Rebekah begged. " I need to get that car. I will be in a lot of trouble."

" Don't care," he mumbled, his grip on her arm getting tighter. Rebekah sighed and look around her too see if anyone was seeing his light abuse; they were not.

When she recognised he weren't going to let her get it, she began slightly shrugging her arm away from him, causing his giant fingers to clench her wrist harder and she now winced.

" Kayden -"  Rebekah gave one final tug before he swung round in her face.

" I said I don't fucking care!" Kade now exploded, his cheeks steamy and hot and sweat leaking down his forehead. Rebekah crumbled under his intense gaze and loud voice. It boomed across the parking lot.

Kade closed his eyes and breathed before speaking at her again.

" Get in the car," he demanded.

Rebekah shook her head. " But-"

" I said, get in." Kade raised his voice and pointed at the vehicle. Like a slave, Rebekah obliged and bowed her head as she entered. Kade flared his nostrils before taking a seat in himself, and taking them back to his house.

The drive was filled with deafening silence. Kade didn't speak a word, and all Rebekah could think about was her car. What if it got stolen or tode away?

They reached Kade's house and he took himself out, Rebekah slowly unfastening her seat belt and forcing herself too step out with him. He huffed randomly before putting his hand in his pockets in search for something. Rebekah patiently waited for him as he struggled, shoving his hands in faster. She watched as the irritation grew in his beautiful face. Gosh she hated that he looked that way; how his insane personality juxtaposed his sleek looks.

He noticed Rebekah staring at him and let out a ragged breath before turning to look at her with hate in his brown eyes.

" Go inside." Kade demanded.

Rebekah stood still for a moment. Not moving. It was like she didn't understand his request. She just still watched him fearfully; it was kind of ridiculous considering he weren't doing anything too harm her. It was just that evil look about him that made Rebekah shudder with horror.

" What are you waiting for? Fucking go." Kade repeated, much louder and it caused Rebekah to immediately jilt her head away from him and scurry off towards his gate.

Rebekah let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her body felt tense and she couldn't understand why. It was like a weight had been placed inside her, weighing her down, making her sink. She wanted to remove the lead from inside her.

Rebekah heard noise from the side of her and she weakly turned 3 o clock and noticed a bunch of girls up the street, laughing and smoking.

At first, she darted her head away in case it was anyone from her school. But then, from the corner of her eye, she noticed it was Kyra and her heart dropped. Panic worked its way through her hands, causing them too rattle. It was like it was fate for her to get caught out- it was constantly coming a her like a ton of bricks, making her feel on edge.

If Kyra saw her right now going into Kade Samuels house, Rebekah would lose the only true friend she had. Despite Kyra knowing Victoria Stratford was a bitch, she'd still be so utterly disappointed and disgusted in her inexperienced, innocent friend.

Kade was still at the car, accept he was now inside it searching for whatever he was checking for in his pocket. Rebekah needed a quick escape, and before she could think about it, the adrenaline had kicked in, and she was full force pelting into Kade's garden, barging through the door.

What if his parents were home?

Luckily, it was open. She continued sprinting through the corridor- it was like she couldn't stop. Like she had to keep on running away from what was a reality. No matter how far she ran, she'd always be in the same place.


She'd reached the end of the hallway when she went crashing into a hard chest. She screamed like a fool; she'd never been this gormless. These boys were ruining her. Switching on her stupidity. Making her feel brainless.

Rebekah flipped her head up, a daunted expression on her face when she noticed Ethan Riley, stood in front of her, holding a bowl of cereal in his hand. Her cheeks went a deep shade of crimson, and he viewed her body on the ground with knitted brows before looking up towards the door that was wide open. Rebekah turned around, realising, and terror hit her further. She was so worried that Kyra might just show up right there, at the gate.

Ethan brought his intense gaze back to her, those emerald eyes boring into Rebekah's mint green ones- complimenting them. He took a quick look around him, as if he were watching out.

Ethan coughed slightly before bringing his shifty arm out to help Rebekah off the ground. Rebekah's eyes widened in incredulity as his long fingers were near her. She was unsure whether he'd throw her back to the ground, and laugh in her face when she took his, but there was something in his expression that told her to take his hand because he was actually helping her up.

Warily, Rebekah threaded her fingers through his, but she did it at the wrong time as Kade stormed through the door too see Ethan lifting her up. He carried four, large pink bags in his hands, and had the meanest look on his face.

Ethan's eyes became somehow fearful as he stared behind Rebekah's body. Rebekah gave him an odd look before turning too see what he was looking at. The oxygen was nearly knocked out her lungs when she noticed Kade, giving them both a resentful look that sent shivers up her spine, worry coursing through her veins.

" You forgot your fucking bags." Kade puffed through his lips, not removing his eyes from Ethan's. He marched over, and at the same time, Ethan dropped Rebekah's hand in disgust like she was trash off the street. She began to fall back but Kade snatched Rebekah by the wrist. Ethan let him man-handle her as Kade dragged her to the living space.

" Would you let go off me?" Rebekah moaned. "I can walk myself."

Kade threw her arm and she stumbled backwards a little. He also dropped her shopping bags to the ground and glared at her.

" I can do what I want, when I want," Kade remarked and brought his eyes to Ethan who ate his cereal. " Did you tell the office?"

" Yeah," Ethan said. " I told them."

Kade then turned again to Rebekah who bowed at the ground. His sudden flame of anger was instantly hosed out when Kade grinned, and made his way towards Rebekah. Enjoyment was in his wide, brown eyes.

" Our Becks has a little surprise for you, Ethan." Kade clapped his hands together psychotically, and placed his arm around her shoulder, causing her too crumble.

" I do?" Rebekah questioned.

Kade scoffed at her stupidness and stared right into her dilated pupils. " Yes. Remember what we did today?"

The piercing. How could she forget?The pain had became bearable due to the amount of fear Kade Samuels presence brought that overpowered it, literally causing it to disappear like a stain of breath upon a mirror.

Rebekah began too shake her head no. She was backing up and the two boys eyed her.

" No. I'm not showing him." Rebekah stated, nearly tripping over her own feet from walking backwards. Ethan pulled a mad, confused face. He clearly didn't know about the piercing. Like Kade said, it was a surprise. For Ethan.

How thoughtful of Kade.

Kade grunted and raised a smirk. " Are you really going to say no to me?" He said. " I think you're forgetting who's in charge"

" You're fucked up," Rebekah cursed, the first time she'd ever used swearing as part of her vocabulary, apart from the time she'd got her virginity taken. A few days ago. It just proved her disbelief in the situation she was in.

" And you're a whiny bitch. Now, take your damn top off, and show Ethan your new accessory." Kade pushed demandingly, his voice was calm this time and he said it as if she were an obedient wife.

Rebekah sighed, knowing she was fighting a losing battle. If she didn't do it, God knows what they'd do. What Kade would do. She turned her eyes to Ethan who waited impatiently for her to get on with it, but also curiously too witness what Kade had done- made her do. She returned her light green eyes to Kade who sarcastically tapped his wrist like a watch were there, beckoning her to hurry up.

Huffing, she began to remove her jumper, then unfasten her buttons on her white shirt. She closed her eyes until she reached the collar and pulled the top from her body. She opened her eyes too see them watching her eagerly. She unclasped the back of that same plain bra and slid it down her hairless arms, revealing her brand new piercing for Ethan too see.

His eyelids stretched, and he blinked a few times to assure he was seeing it correctly. When he realised it was real, he began hastily walking towards her too take a closer look.

Rebekah shuffled nervously, her cheeks now completely filled with a ruby red colour from the embarrassment, as they watched her like she was a zoo animal. Ethan was nearly touching noses with her now and she'd never felt more uncomfortable in her entire life. She brought her eyes away from his intense gaze but he just continued staring at her.

All of a sudden, his face flushed with a sudden type of animosity. His face tensed and his body seemed rigid whilst his nostrils flared wildly in Rebekah's face. She pulled her face but Ethan didn't turn to face Kade, he just moved towards them.

" You better take them out," Ethan whispered, his hot breath filling her ear and for the millionth time in the past few days, the tears welled in her eyes; the way his voice cracked represented the insanity of his mind breaking down. He sounded angry- it was a threat.


Did Kade not hear him say that? Why would he want her to take them out?

Ethan brought his face back in front of hers. He was too tall, and had to look down on her short figure that stood in fright. Kade interrupted the evil, strange moment Ethan attempted to have.

" Put these on now," Kade threw a bag through the air. " And hurry up."

Rebekah picked the bag up from the ground with a shaky hand. She looked inside it to see the underwear and shoes she'd purchased earlier. Why did they want her to wear this now? Did they want more from her?

The video. The video.

" Should I do it here?" Rebekah asked quietly, pulling out the outfit. She knew it was pointless trying to fight them, they held her life. It was killing her- they were killing her.

" Don't be ridiculous." Ethan scoffed suddenly, and Rebekah jilted her head towards him. She'd technically been asking Kade, mainly because he acted more like the boss than Ethan did. So this surprised her. The madness still lingered in his vocals.

" Little Becky," Kade chuckled in a baby voice. "Isn't she cute, Ethan? It won't be effective if you just change here. Go change in the kitchen- you need to make an entrance, sweetheart." Both boys began sniggering loudly and Rebekah's heart began thudding. Before they could say anything else, she rushed out the room.

Rebekah was so scared. Scared they were going to make fun of her. She didn't think she had the best body in the world- they'd probably seen better. Victoria Stratford. Captain of the cheer squad. The curviest, most beautiful girl they'd probably ever slept with. Victoria actually lost her virginity to Ethan, and now she was dating Kade. It was all rather crazy. If only she knew who they really were... who Rebekah was.

Rebekah threw it on, not bothering to look in the mirror. She felt vile- grossed out by herself.

She gulped before knocking on the living room door. Rebekah felt so tense and her shoulders just wouldn't relax. It proved the fear.

" Come in, Rebekah," Ethan said.

Rebekah closed her eyes and mentally prayed that they wouldn't embarrass her. She couldn't believe she was doing this- it was fucked up and wrong. But worth it.

Slowly, she creaked the door open and peered her head through. Both boys were sat eagerly on the couch, their bodies lay back but you could see the hunger in their eyes. Rebekah didn't move. Didn't reveal herself. She just kept her head there, gazing at them with pure worry.

" Well isn't that a surprise. I'm knocked of my feet," Kade stated sarcastically. "Come inside, Becky. Don't be shy. You don't have to hide from us."

Rebekah breathed in through her nose, attempting to control her breathing. She'd have to do it. She'd have to face them. It was for the best.

She gently pushed the door so that it was completely open, the devilish boys getting full view of her body in the underwear and nightie. The high heels making her look taller than ever before. She'd never actually worn shoes that rose her off the ground- her father called them trashy.

Rebekah blushed again, turning her eyes from their demanding gazes when they didn't say anything. She felt so revolted with herself in this moment; dirty. Their eyes didn't move for even a split second, and it was making her nervous. What were they staring at?

" You just get better every time," Kade engulfed the sight far too much, wandering into a world of his own. That dark one in which he loved so much; the one that kept him breathing.

It was silent for a few moments whilst Rebekah stood there.Her arms wrapped around her body so they couldn't see, but they still could. The peaceful silence was interrupted when Kade jumped up.

" Now come over here and suck my dick." Kade commanded, smiling grimly at her.

Rebekah shot her eyes up at the realisation of his words and shook her head "What? No Kade.." Before she had time too take in what he'd asked for, she'd already shut down his demand. It was scientifically proven that your mouth is quicker than your brain.

" What did you expect?" Kade sniggered. " Did you just think you were going to put in on and be on your way?"

" If it's because you've never sucked cock before, Becks. Don't worry, you'll learn." Ethan added, standing up as well and Rebekah felt trapped as their bodies hovered around her. She couldn't do that. She'd had sex yes, but this was different. She wanted some sort of dignity- some way of keeping that innocence she'd held for so long. Been forced too hold on to. It was also what Ethan said. The fear of not knowing what to do- they could read her thoughts, and they knew she was insecure. They thrived off of it.

" Please," she begged. " I-i'll have sex with you, I just don't want to do that."

Kade took a deep breath in and fluttered his eyes, before taking a step towards her. She could see the rage building up inside him. The way his arms bulged and his neck strained. His body completely stiffened. The veins popping out of his brown forehead and she noticed him rocking slightly.

" Listen, I've been wanting your mouth around me for as long as I can remember. Now that I have you, I'm able to have that. You've said no twice to me now. If I have to ask you one more time, Becky, I won't be held reasonable for my actions." Kade explained, continuing with his dangerous footsteps towards her, nearly reaching her body. That was a threat.

" Come on," he whispered. " Don't make me force you."

Rebekah shook each time his foot hit the ground. She looked Ethan's way too see him giving her a frightful stare- perhaps it was a warning. Like Kade has just gave.

But, Rebekah Fleetwood had grown some balls and she tried to stand tall to tell him what she'd already said. They say that it you fake confidence, it can have a positive influence on your brain chemistry and change your life.

She hoped it would change her life- take her away from this..

" No." she repeated and Kade automatically gripped her throat and pinned her against the wall, causing Rebekah too yelp out in agony and fright. Kade was furious now. His face was sweaty and turning blue. His eyes pierced her skin harshly and he had that insane look about him. She'd never seen anyone look this way. Ever. His mouth was so close to hers.

" You're a secret little cocky one aren't you, Becks? A little cocky for my liking." Kade breathed. You could hear the normality engine in his mind breaking down with every word he pronounced. " If you think saying no will stop me, you're more stupid than I thought."

Kade moves his hands from her throat down her body. Rebekah tried to squirm free, but his grip on her was too tight. She felt so suffocated and the brick still scratched at her skin, causing her too wince. Rebekah felt the tears start poring from her eyes on their own and she just didn't believe this was reality. Still, after several days, she hoped she'd wake up from this nightmare that had became her life. She couldn't bare it. Rebekah was already breaking, she could feel it in her blood and in her bones.

This was it. He was going to rape her.

But suddenly, Rebekah was snapped out her thoughts from an unknown voice at the door.

"What's going on here?"

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