Warframe Lemons

By ShadowArchangel615

80.1K 269 359

This is a port of my original story "Warframe Lemons" on AO3, chapter's will usually come out there first. More

Blade In The Dark
Songs of The Past
Deeper Into The Dark
A Debt In Blood
Three Years Later...
The Heretic, Vex
Cthulu and Kthanid
Freak's Dream
I'm Sorry
Important Info

Saryn's Beloved Master

24.9K 96 148
By ShadowArchangel615

A/N: This is a port from the original one I wrote on AO3. I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, leave your thoughts in the comments below, I'd love to hear what you guys think of it!

(Mars, Ares)

Saryn sat inside the Liset with her Operator, Terry. She sat against the Armory while he was playing with his Kavat, Indiana. He smiled softly at the black and white Kavat, he had managed to create her from several different kinds of Kavat DNA, which was just annoying to have to do. She smiled beneath her helmet at the sight of it and sudddenly felt her body heat up from dirty thoughts of him. Her breasts began to glow where her nipples would be and a small slit formed where her womanhood would be. She shook them away and the sudden changes to her body disappeared and she looked back at Terry. He pushed his short brown hair aside as his Crimson eyes shined in the light with His smooth pale skin.

Suddenly he got up and went to the cockpit and noticed they were entering the drop zone.

"Saryn, we're nearing the drop!" He said.

She nodded and grabbed her weapons. Her arsenal consisted of Twin Lex Primes, a Cernos Prime, and a Nikana Prime.They stopped over the area she would drop and the underside spun around and dropped her onto the ground. The hot winds blew hard against her but she pressed on towards a large hole in the ground that led into the Grineer base.

"What am I looking for?" She asked as she snuck behind a Grineer.

"The Base's core, blow it apart, and it's mission accomplished." Terry said as Saryn thrusted her weapon through the Grineer's heart.

"Understood." she said as she pulled her blade from the clone's heart.

She continued on into a large open area with towers and massive canons firing off at Tenno ships trying to invade.

'Those won't bother us soon enough.' She thought.

She continued on into the open area until she came across a large platoon of Grineer marines. She hid behind a large piece of debris and watched them pass by. After a few minutes, they left over a dune and disappeared from sight. She took this chance to dash across the field and reached another doorway a minute later. inside was a sort of cave. She walked over to a large overhang and looked down into a river. A voice was heard and she looked across the river to see a sniper. She ran towards a panel but an arrow pierced her side and pinned her to a wall. Saryn jumped over the side and walked on to the next area.

Past the doorway was a small cave leading to an elevator. She walked onto the elevator and up to a panel, interacting with it before she began to wait for the ride to end. Suddenly she felt something in her body and watched as Terry suddenly walked out of her. She gasped as she felt him exit her before regaining her focus.

"So, how's your day?" He asked.

"Quite well." She replied.

"That's good, by the way, I just saw a Grineer convoy, if you ask me, they're probably protecting something that would weaken them greatly." He said.

"So you just came by to tell me to go and deal with whatever it is the Grineer convoy brought?" She asked.

"That's about it." He said.

"You could've easily done that through communications." She said.

"It's broken." Terry said.

"Is it? Or did you come down for something else?" Saryn asked.

"Well, I did want to try something, but I've decided against it." He said.

"Oh? And what would that be?" She asked.

"Maybe another time I'll tell you." He said before he walked back into her.

She sighed and looked at the hilt of her Nikana. She placed her bow on her backside and drew her sword before looking into the blade, then sheathed it. Back on the Liset, however, Terry walked out of the room housing the Somatic Link and ito his private quarters. He walked up to his fish tank and watched the Travlok swim around before going to his other one, trying to find the various types of fish he and Saryn managed to catch in the Plains of Eidolon. He then went to sit down on the couch and played the This Is What You Are tone before trying to remember what happened that day.


Terry and Saryn were on the Plains of Eidolon. It was sunset and they were by the ocean fishing. Saryn hunted with excellent skill, harpooning them at the slightest sound while Terry had given up on it after failing to do so earlier. Limbo came by with a bag of various minerals and metals alongwith Lucy, another operator. Lucy had black hair with red highlights, blue and red eyes, and pale white skin. Her transference suit was a white and black Zairiman suit. She smiled at Terry before she went and sat by him. They began to talk about how bad they were at doing such minor tasks. Soon, the sun set and they made their way back to Cetus.

On the way there, they noticed a bright light over a hill. They all decided to check it out and ran over there to see what was going on. They stood atop the hill and witnessed the Eidolon Teralyst arose from the ground in a pillar of light as two Tusk Dargyns flew by and opened fire on it. The Eidolon let off an earth shattering screech and used the massive gun on it's arm to unleash a hell of canon fire on them. The Dargyn pilots tried to evade, however they couldn't do so and jumped out of their ships. The first one landed on his backside on a rock, snapping his spine in half and making him cough up blood that splatered against his visor, killing him brutally. The other wasn't as lucky. On his landing, he shattered his visor and fractured his tibia, the bones piercing through his skin and forcing him into a pained cry. He tried to crawl away after the Eidolon noticed him, however, the giant Sentient slowly lumbered towards him and stepped on his backside. The grineer began to bleed from every opening on his face until he popped into a bloody mess.

Lucy turned to the side and began to vomit after witnessing the events before her while Terry simply stared in shock and the Warframes being somewhat intimidated by the monster of a machine's strength. They decided that something like this needed to be destroyed. They knew about the Eidolon lures and that they needed two of the to capture it. They decided that Limbo would watch the Eidolon while Terry, Lucy, and Saryn looked for Eidolon Lures.

(Flashback Interruption)

"Operator? are you alright? Operator?!" Ordis said, concerned.

Terry fell to the floor after he lost his concentration after he found out he was floating. He got up and looked around before sighing.

"I'm fine Ordis." He said.

"Oh, thank goodness, you had Ordis worried there." Ordis said.

"Right, well, don't worry about me Ordis, but, could you not look inside here at all?" Terry said.

"Yes Operator, but, Ordis wonders why you would need that?" Ordis said.

"I just need a few minutes to myself." He said.

"Very well, I will do so at once." Ordis said.

After that, Terry sat down on the couch again before undoing his pants and pulling out his large member. He began to stroke it slowly while thoughts of Saryn ran through his mind. He let off soft moans as he soon began to change his pace every now and then. The thoughts of him and Saryn were all that filled his head as his moans became louder and louder. Soon enough though, the thoughts changed between various Warframes and Lucy. He imagined bending Saryn over a table and fucking her ass, then it turned into him having Mag in bed having passionate sex throughout the night and then Lucy riding him in the plains. These thoughts continued on until he finally released. He panted slightly as he sat there, however he soon realized the mess he made and began to clean up after putting his member away.

"Alright Ordis, you can look in here again." He said after he finished cleaning up.

He left his private quarters and upstairs into the upper level. He couldn't help but feel a want for the Warframes and Lucy. He wasn't sure how to feel and began to wonder if masturbading was a good idea. He decided to contemplate on the meaning of life later and went back to the Somatic Link to check on Saryn. He Walked down the staircase and saw his doppelganger hanging from the cords in the ceiling and walked passed him.

"Hey kiddo." It said as he passed by.

He ignored him and continued on to the Somatic Link. He entered the room and walked up to the machine before sitting down in it. He closed his eyes and was greeted with Saryn cutting down Grineer butchers in the control tower. One charged at her with his cleaver raised but she swiftly dismembered his arm with her Nikana and then slashed at his hip before he fell to the ground limp. She turned to see a platoon of Grineer marines but then they parted to make way for a tall grineer with a large mechanical right arm and a normal sized one. The rest of his body was covered in normal grineer armor.

"Foolish Tenno Lapdog, your master has signed your own death warrant." He said.

Saryn glared at him silently, refusing to speak to him.

"I am General Locke, otherwise known as one of the greatest Generals in the Grineer Empire!" The Grineer said.

"Sounds like someone's full of themself..." Saryn said under her breath.

"What was that?!" Locke said.

"Oh nothing, just that you have a really big ego." She said.

"That's a lot coming from a heathen." Lock replied.

"Is it alright to say that no one's really heard of you?" Saryn said.

"Enough! Ready your sword, I will teach you your place." Locke said before jumping before her.

Saryn looked up at his towering figure before he brought his fist down on her, however she jumped back and managed to make a light wound on his waist. She began to toy with him some more by dodging his attacks an causing light wounds. Locke's anger grew as she did and began to swing his massive fist more ferociously. The Grineer around them watched as they dueled, thinking the general would be able to handle this. Saryn dodged his attacks and eventually started getting cocky. Locke noticed this and managed to get her to flinch before he grabbed her by her torso.

He lifted her up and said, "Go now, call your master like the dog you are!"

He began to put pressure on her body and slowly crush her. All of a sudden, a bright white light appeared and forced Locke to drop Saryn and cover his eyes. Suddenly, standing above Saryn was Terry. Saryn stood up behind him and dashed towards the the soldiers.

"Is this the lapdog's master? You are but a child." Locke said.

"Looks aren't everything." Terry said.

"I will waste no time in crushing you boy." Locke said before he raised his massive fist.

He swung down onto him and crushed him. He laughed and raised his fist to find nothing there. He looked around and noticed the dismembered pieces of his Grineer brothers and sisters. He turned back and there he was. Locke took a few steps back before he took another swing at him. Terry disappeared and reappeared in front of him. He placed his hand against the Grineer's chest and fired a blast of Void energy, killing him instantly. He watched his body fall back and sighed in relief that this could finally end.

"Come on." Saryn said, "This place's comin' down and I don't wanna be here when it does."

He nodded as he walked into her and reappeared inside the Liset. Ordis began to fly towards the Extraction point and waited for Saryn, who was currently being chased by the wildlife. She jumped into the locks and was brought into the ship moments later. After that, she walked over to the Armory to have her weapons removed so she could relax. Terry exited the Somatic link and went over to his Private quarters, not to masturbade again, but to actually meditate. He walked up to the Window and crossed his legs as he floated in the air. Soon enough, he felt his conscious leave reality and found himself in the void.

He took a step and the ground rippled as if he were walking on water. He continued on and looked at the empty space that surrounded him. He wasn't exactly amazed however. He knew of the dangers of the void, of what would happen if his true body was exposed to this place. He knew he'd end up like Rell, possessed by a void demon and corrupted.

He continued on and heard a strange sound in the direction he was heading. He stopped a moment before deciding to move on and follow the sound. It continued to echo throughout the void, but somehow he knew where it came from. From time to time he noticed something move in the corner of his eye, slightly unnerving him, but not stopping him from moving on. He soon found a large cube surrounded by a black fog. He noticed a wooden door and approached hit before gripping the knob and turning it. The door flung open and he stepped inside.

The door suddenly slammed shut and the floor seddenly have way. He fell into a pitch black abyss and felt himself falling faster and faster until he just stopped. He looked around and saw a white light shining down on a book on a pedestal. He walked up to it cautiously, not sure if he should. After reaching it, he picked it up and was balsted out of his meditation into the radio.

He sat up and saw his void demon self with his hands pressed up against the window. The thing then turned around and smiled at him.

"Finally." It said.

"Finally?" Terry asked.

"I wanted to congratulate you on finding the lost Tenno text of the forgotten arts." It said.

"Lost text? You mean the dusty old book I found in the void?" He asked.

"Yep, now see, this stuff isn't really powered by your focus or whatever it is you do, instead, it's powered by your lust."

"My lust?"

"yeah, ya know, like how much you wanna fuck someone."

"That's... interesting." Terry said as he stood up.

"Oh I can tell you're going to have so much fun with it." It said.

"Woah woah woah, What do you mean by fun?" Terry asked as he stepped up to the Void Demon.

"You're clueless aren't you? this book's teachings were used to torture the enemy through rape, however, they were also used to have some pretty crazy sex." The void demon said before pointing towards the book, which was laid against the window.

"Okay, first off, I'm burning this, second, if you think that you can trick me into becoming some kind of sex addict, then think again." Terry said.

"We'll see what happens, we'll see." The void demon said before disappearing.

Terry walked up to the book and picked it up. He suddenly began contemplating on wether or not he should destroy it, should he just jet it into space? Should he just burn it? Or should he keep it?

"I guess I can understand why this'd be lost... but why would there even be a copy left?" He asked himself.

The book's cover had a white circle with a hand inside it, however that was all there was. He placed his hand on the handprint and it began to use his void energy to unlock itself. The lock fell to the ground and a symbol of a Goat Head glowed white on the cover. He opened the book to be greeted with cursive handwriting and various pictures as well. He scanned over the words and decided that he would instead keep the book.

He put the book on a shelf and said, "Ordis, I'm done meditating."

Ordis unlocked the door and said, "Operator, where did you get that book?"

"Ordis, you will erase every memory of this book that you have and never look inside here, yet you will permanently retain that order." Terry said.

"Yes Operator, erasing memories now." Ordis said.

Terry exited the room and went upstairs to find Saryn scratching Indiana behind her ear. He walked up to her and simply watched. The thoughts of her returned and with it, his intense lust. He managed to hold it back however.

"Saryn?" He said.

"Terry?" She said, looking up at him.

"Can I ask how you view me?" He said.

"Not sure." She said as she blushed underneath her helmet.

She suddenly felt her body change as she began to have dirty thoughts once more. She tried to hide it from him and managed to do so well.

"Is everything alright?" He asked while looking over her shoulder.

"Y-yeah! Definitely!" She said.

He looked down at her rear and noticed it had slightly changed. He blushed as he realized what was happening. He had learned that there was an organ implanted into them that allowed them to go through Sexual Intercourse, why they had this? No clue. He felt an erection form in his pants and tried to hide it.

"H-hey, do you need help with anything?" He asked.

She thought about for a moment and said, "kind of..."

He sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She felt him do so and leaned back into him.

"Hey, let's head back to my Quarters." He said.

She nodded and walked beside him to the lower level and into his Private Quarters. She walked down over to the couch and sat on her side. Terry walked in front of her and began to remove his Transference Suit until he stood before her nude. He tried to hide his erect member until Saryn sat up and pulled him close into a... kiss? He really just pressed his lips against her helmet where her lips would be, and somehow he felt her kiss back. It was just too confusing to answer. Saryn lowered her hand down to his member and began to stroke him slowly. He let off a moan while he watched her do so and reached around her backside to grab one of her breasts while he suckled off her other one, and again, it was just to confusing to understand why it was working. Saryn hel his head close to her as she let off a soft moan while stroking him faster. He then reached his hand down to her womanhood and began rubbing her there. Saryn's moans became louder after she felt his hand down there and only became louder as she felt him insert a finger inside her. He noticed her doing so and inserted another finger into her and smiled as he watched her turn into a moaning mess. After a few more more minutes they both let off a loud moan as they came, making a mess all over the couch. Saryn panted and laid on her stomach before propping her head up on her elbows while Terry sat on the floor. He then looked back at her and became erect once more as he got on top of her and gripped her ass. She let off a moan as she looked back and watched him lick her asshole. He then moved up her before he gripped his member and slowly pressed his member into her rear. Soon enough he began thrusting into her at a slow pace. She moaned out and gripped the couch while he gripped her hips and bent forward while he fucked her.

(Small Interruption: Shadowangel615 looked at his screen before him and realized how horrible that sentence was. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head in disappointment before continuing the story)

She soon felt him pick up the pace, increasing the amount of sound she made. He then began to whisper dirty things into her ear which began to make her wet down there. After a couple more minutes he finally released once more into her before taking it out and and resting on her backside.

"That was... amazing..." She said as she let go of the couch.

"We're not done yet." He said and got beside her.

She flipped onto her side with her back facing him as he placed his tip against her entrance. He then slowly started entering her. Soon Saryn had his full length inside her before he began to thrust into her at a slow pace. She let off a few moans before she reached around and grabbed his cheek. Soon enough, he began to thrust into her at a faster pace while he pressed his lips against her helmet once more. He pulled his head back and reached his hands around to massage her breasts roughly, making Saryn into a massive moaning mess. Before long, he was nearing his climax. With a few hard thrusts, he released into her. He took his member out and his semen leaked from her clit while he got up to get back into his Transference Suit. After that, he looked at Saryn while she slept and smiled before he left her to rest in peace.

As he did, he couldn't help but feel his lust return. He then though about the other Warframes and Lucy and made his decision. He reentered his Private Quarters and over to the book. He picked it up and heard a voice behind him.

"So, what'll it be?"

He looked back and saw his Void self.

"I should destroy this book, it's what The Lotus would want... but..." he said as his voice trailed off.


"Can you teach me how to master this?" He said.

"Kid, after you fucked the hell out of that Warframe, I'd be honored to teach you how to master these techniques." The Void Demon said.

"Right..." Terry said.

The Void Demon then disappeared and Terry looked at the book in his hands. He sat before in front of the window and began to read, drowning himself in a sea of knowledge.

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