A Certain Magical Fate, Book...

By MisakaLovesYou

14K 515 673

Mikoto, Arturia, and Okita are going to New York.. why? After the death of Mikoto's parents, she inherited a... More

Prologue: Loss in the Springtime of Sakura Petals..
The Mage Academy
Okita and Vader
Dark of the Force.
The Lord of Villains and the King of Heroes.
A Thousand Cold Nights..
Maximum Effort. (Ha! This chapter quoted me..!)
An Archer.
The World That Didn't Belong
A Yesterday that Never Happened
Self Control
Date with an Immortal
Beast 0
Into The Misaka-verse
Grand Saber

New York

1K 37 78
By MisakaLovesYou

"It's Fake News I'm telling you.. all of it is Fake News..!! Things have never been better! The wall is being built.. it's gonna be HUGE.."

Okita frowned as she watched the American News channel on the small television screen built into the back of the seat in front of her. "How in hell did this Macdonald Crump guy get elected?"

"he yelled a lot and people liked it for some reason.. I don't know.. human beings are stupid.." Arturia muttered  from the seat next to Okita, reading a Shakugan no Shanna novel. "Mikoto are you awake? We're only about 30 minutes away from landing.."

Mikoto Misaka, who was in the window seat of the plane, stared out at the flickering lights below.. showing New York City in all it's finest glory... the city that never slept.. quite the opposite of Academy City which had an 8:00 pm Curfew. 

"Have you been to New York before?" asked Arturia gently as she reached over and adjusted Mikoto's scarf. 

"Nope.." said Mikoto. "Shirou or Kiritsugu ever take you?"

"Hmmm.. never enough to be familiar with it.." said Arturia. 

Okita looked down at her clothes.. a long sleeved black shirt with a samurai sword design that had the words "cut it out!" and a pair of black leggings under a nicely designed short skirt.  Modern clothing sure was odd.. 

"People are more blunt and straight forward in America though.. so I guess I appreciate that.." Mikoto murmured. "In Japan females have to be way too submissive and quiet.. guess that's why people see me as not too feminine.. I'm so loud and talkative.."

"Which we all adore." said Okita with a smile. 

"I can't thank you both enough for coming with me.." Mikoto said. 

"It's only natural.. you are our master.. and.. well.. Arturia is your mother.." said Okita. "We'll do all we can to help."

"Mordred wanted to come too.. but she, Touma and Index are going to meet Touma's parents this week.." said Mikoto. "I couldn't possibly bother her with this.."

"I think she WANTED to be bothered by this." said Saber. "Either way.. I guess this is better..  Just the three of us.."

"Excuse me.. but.. umm.. are.. you Mikoto Misaka?"

Saber blinked, looking for the source of the interruption. Standing next to the seats, in the aisle of the plane was a red headed girl, with a pony tail on the side of her head.. her hair slightly messy.  She wore what looked like a female Chaldea Uniform..

"A Chaldea Agent?" said Mikoto, looking over as well. 

(One on the left is her..)

"Ri.. Right!" stammered  the girl, straightening up quickly. "Uh.. uh.. I am Ritsuka Fujimaru! Chaldea's current highest ranking field agent.. Master of Shielder Class Servant Mash Kyrielight!  I have been assigned as your protection for the duration of your time in New York! Pleased to be working with you!"

Ritsuka did a hasty bow that obviously rife with a nervousness.  

(as your main character in Grand Order is the stoic with no emotions.. this is how I imagine my main character in the game is like XD). 

"Wait, you're Mash's master?" said Okita with interest. "I thought you were a.."

"Guy? Well.. I kind of make people refer to me as a he when I'm not around so people don't know what to expect.." said Ritsuka, twiddling her thumbs, blushing. "I.. don't like people knowing all that too much about me.. I don't like attention in the slightest.."

"Senpai..." Mash herself, dressed in her normal human clothing, adjusting her glasses, walked into the aisle. "Have you introduced yourself yet?"

"Y.. yes! They know who I am.." stammered Ritsuka.

"Senpai.. stop being so nervous." said Mash. "You'll be fine.."

"O.. o.. okay.." stammered Ritsuka. "Just another mission.. just another mission.. right.."

"Wait a minute.. why do we even HAVE an escort?" said Mikoto. "The business we're on here is completely unrelated to the Grail War.."

"Well.. Mikoto.. it's got everything to do with the territory you are in.." said Mash calmly. "This can be defined as enemy territory.. The New York Faction's Masters have high influences in this city as well as the country.. they even have the Country's President in their pocket... as a suitable puppet to play out their political agendas.."

"that explains.. a LOT.." muttered Okita.

(Donald Trump is puppet of New York Grail Wars faction confirmed, Darth Vader true President!!!)

(We're going to make the most tremendous Death Star you've ever seen, believe me, and it's going to be HUUUUUGE! It'll be such a tremendous Death Star, and we'll make the Rebels pay for it!)

"In any case! I've been assigned to protect you from any tricks that the New York Faction might pull while we're here!" stammered Ritsuka. "Me and Mash are at your service!" said Ritsuka. "We even got a car from the Chaldea Division in America, we will take care of your lodgings and everything!"

"I wasn't aware protection details involved something like that.." said Saber.

"Well.. we're.. also aware of Ms. Misaka's Financial situation.. and Olga said any help we could provide would be welcome.. " said Ritsuka with a small smile. 

Mikoto blushed, it felt embarrassing to have to take charity like that.. but, it was true, She wasn't even sure how she would get the money to fly back to Academy City if they didn't succeed in their purpose here..  

When the plane landed 30 minutes later.. Ritsuka and Mash guided the trio to the baggage claim.. 

The New York City Airport was massive and far more busy than Academy City's airport which rarely had people flying in and out due to them possessing their own specialty Super Sonic airlines, which currently were too expensive for Mikoto to use with her financial status. 

Though Mikoto heard that Atlanta Airport was far more busy than any airport in America, this was busy enough to her.. with so many people jostling her to get to their luggage. 

"GOT IT!" said Okita stammered as she pulled out a few suitcases from the conveyor belt.  

"WAIT!!" Ritsuka stammered jumping in and round house kicking the suitcase out of Okita's hand.

"WHA!?" Okita stammered, blinking with shock.

"MUST.. SNIFF.. FOR BOMBS!!" Ritsuka yelled, doing a sentaish justice pose. "MASH!! COMMENCE SNIFFING FOR BOMBS!!!"

"Senpai... I'm not a dog." said Mash.

"Oh.. right.. sorry!" squeaked Ritsuka. "In that case.... PAT DOWN!!"

Ritsuka began patting down Okita, who blinked in confusion.

"Er.. aren't you supposed to be checking the bag?" Okita muttered. "Why would I be carrying a bomb?"

"The enemy could've stuck a sticky bomb to you!" said Ritsuka determinedly. 

"This isn't Call of Duty Senpai." said Mash. 

"But what if it WAS Mash!?" said Ritsuka, her blazing with metaphorical flames. "You never know!! "

"Forgive Senpai.. she's very enthusiastic about her job." said Mash.

"ENTHUSIASTIC DOESN'T BEGIN TO DESCRIBE IT!!" stammered Ritsuka, a blazing fire now surrounding her. "I am going to keep you so safe during this trip, that not even Navy Seals could possibly do any better.. now... LET'S GET THIS BUBBLE WRAP ON YOU THREE!!"

Ritsuka pulled out a giant roll of bubble wrap and tape.

"Senpai.. you've gone the very definition of overboard.." said Mash, a sweatdrop going down her head. 

At that moment.. a suitcase tumbled out from the conveyor belt onto the floor... and Mikoto recognized it.

"Huh? That's my special Gekota funtime spring bag!" Mikoto stammered, looking at the suitcase. "It's even got my special signature I put on the tag.. but.. I don't remember bringing it.."

"STAND BACK!! This truly seems like New York faction Mischief!" stammered Ritsuka, grabbing the bag. "It could be a bomb... Mash!! Evacuate the area!!"

"Yes Senpai!" said Mash suddenly exploding into her Servant form.. 

Mash slammed her shield against the ground.. and the shaking shockwave that resulted grabbed everyone in the airport's attention.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!! I am Agent Fujimaru of the Chaldea International Defense agency!!" said Ritsuka, holding up a badge. 

"Isn't that their cover name? an international defense agency?" Mikoto muttered to Saber. 

"I think so.." said Saber. "I hear they've got connections to every world wide federal agency.. handy.."

"NOW! There is a possible BOMB in this bag.. I need everyone to evacuate.. calmly.. and orderly.." said Ritsuka. 

Mash nodded at Ritsuka. "Very well handled Senpai.


There was a ginormous stampede as everyone ran screaming for the exits..

"So.. I think I've improved my handling of diffusing situations right Mash?" said Ritsuka cheerfully. 

"Oh Senpai.." Mash sighed, slapping a hand to her forehead. 

Moments later.. an entire team of Chaldea Agents wearing bomb squad outfits, accompanied by American tactical police units surrounded the large suitcase..  Helicopters could be heard flying outside.

A Chaldean Agent eased forward and carefully put a hand to the zipper of the suitcase. "Alright.. X-Rays are turning up nothing right now.. apparently this bag had some sort of lead surface.. specialty made to make sure that the contents only appeared to be toothpaste and other toiletries.. clever..  whoever did this.. had a real knack for computers.. let's see what we're dealing with.."

The Agent eased the zipper open.. and...

"YAAAAAWWWNNN!!" Mordred Pendragon burst out of the bag, stretching out her arms and stretching as she popped her neck and began rubbing her tired eyes. "Mmmm.. that was a long trip! Heyo Mikoto.. i know you said not to come along.. but I decided maybe I'd surprise you and... and.."

Mordred stared at all the police and bomb squads around her. "What sort of fresh hell is this?"

"IT'S A TALKING BOMB!! SHOOT HER!!" screamed Ritsuka. 

"That's Mordred Senpai.. she stowed away in Misaka-san's luggage. "said Mash. 

"Oh.." said Ritsuka. "Okay... IT'S A TALKING MORDRED!! SHOOT HER!!!!"

"This is Chaldea's best agent?" Mikoto muttered, the corner of her mouth and her eye twitching.

"They did say they were short staffed on summoners." Okita stammered. "Er.. yeah?"


"You were lucky they didn't put you on the no Fly List.." Okita muttered as she sat in the back seat of the Chaldea Specialty Car with Mordred and snoozing tired Mikoto. 

Mordred grinned awkwardly as she put an arm around Mikoto's shoulder, letting her use her legs as a pillow.  "Eh.. I.. didn't expect people to call a bomb squad or something.."

"Honestly.." said Okita with a grimacing sigh. "The LAST thing Sister- I mean Master.. wants.. "

"There you go again." said Mordred as she began stroking Mikoto's hair. 

"There I go what again?" said Okita. 

"You almost call her sister.. than you rephrase Master.. how much does Mikoto remind you of your Foster Sister?" Mordred asked, raising an eyebrow. "I mean.. to continuously make that same mistake.."

"It's.. it's.. none of your business okay?" said Okita, blushing slightly and looking away. 

"Fine." said Mordred. "So.. when are we gonna start pounding this chic? Mikoto's cousin.. we're gonna beat the crap out of her right?"

"We'll do nothing of the sort.. we're here to negotiate.. not make a scene.." said Saber quickly from where she sat in the shotgun seat.. Mash driving. "Though.. on that note.. shouldn't Ritsuka ride inside the car?"

On the roof of the car.. Ritsuka was clinging using one hand to hold a set of binoculars. "Scanning for threats.. vsmmmmmmmmm vmmmmmmmmmm vmmmmmmmm!! No threats detected.. this super awesome cyborg will continue scanning.. vvmmmmmmm vmmmmmm.."

"She likes to pretend she's the Terminator." said Mash with a small smile.

"Is.. she an idiot?" Mordred muttered.

"Nah.. I think it's cute.. Senpai is very enthusiastic about her work.. a little too enthusiastic.." said Mash. "Which is odd.. considering every time Director Olga makes announcements or calls meetings, Senpai just promptly falls asleep."

"We're almost there.. the Apartment Complexes are just around that corner.." Saber said as she tapped the GPS on her phone.

"Yes.. got it.." said Mash. "And I take it you won't mind if we let you stay at Chaldea New York Headquarters?"

"Not at all.. " said Saber. "Thanks Mash."

"Thank Director Olga, she was most insistent." said Mash. "But yes.. it's a pleasure to help friends.."

"Jeez.. Jet Lag really takes a toll on dear Mikoto here.." said Mordred as she put Mikoto on her back piggyback style and climbed out of the car. "Ever since the new Grail Wars rules.. I still can't gather how we have limitless fighting energy.. but we still get tired enough to sleep in a bed.."

Okita looked up at the front entrance to the massive apartment building. There was a Doorman, and a sign over the glass rotating door that read "Veilsmen Views.."

"It's a fancy Apartment company of some sort." said Ritsuka. "Only loaded people ever stay here.. looks like this Stacy Green person really is taking advantage of Mikoto's inheritance."

"Mikoto says that she and Stacy don't have very good relations with each other.." said Okita. "It makes me wonder why Stacy even invited us to negotiate.."

"Maybe she had a change of heart.. people can't stay angry at each other forever right?" said Ritsuka.

"Well.. that's the thing.. Stacy apparently tried to push Mikoto into a trash compactor when they were 5.." said Mordred. "Then she tried to stab Mikoto to death when they were 12.. and when they were 13.. she tried to pay off a hitman to kill her with all the money in her piggybank.. which amounted to a total savings account of around 300 dollars.. luckily, not enough money to pull off a hit.. "

"The hit man wouldn't have succeeded anyways.." said Okita. "As I understand it Misaka was already a powerful esper by then.."

Ritsuka and Mash stared with shock.

"Y.. you're talking about this so casually!" Mash stammered. 

"Mikoto told us a while ago.. it's not shocking news after you know about it a while." said Mordred with a shrug. "Thing is, Stacy's father was a poor failing American business man.. while her aunt.. Mikoto's mom.. got to marry Tabigake Misaka who was from the Rich Misaka family line..  Stacy always was angry that she got the short end of the stick and was born into a poor middle class family.. she sees Mikoto's family circumstances as undeserved dumb luck."

"So for their entire lives.. Stacy has been trying to kill Mikoto.. but they were just young children most of the time.. hopefully, Stacy's matured a bit.. and now that she has Mikoto's money.. maybe she'll be more willing to provide kindness." said Saber. "I'll admit.. it's a desperate situation.. my Fencing Teacher job isn't enough to keep up with Mikoto's school fees..  and the part time job she's working has the most horrid bosses.."

"Yeah.. I met one of em.. " Mordred muttered furiously. "If Mikoto didn't stop me.. he'd be in the morgue by now.. perverted swine.."

"How.. DID Stacy get Mikoto's money?" asked Ritsuka. 

"She bribed the lawyer involved with a portion of Mikoto's money to switch the name on the will." said Saber. "Simple as that.. and as the money already transferred completely to Stacy's account before we found out.. we were unable to afford to hire a lawyer to try and get the money back.."

"She's been cleaned out.. broke.. " said Mordred. "Even the rights to all the scholarships provided by Academy City were forwarded to Stacy's account.. the lawyer she bribed was as good as they come that way... see why I wanna pound the shit out of her now?"

"I kinda wanna pound the shit out of her too.." muttered Ritsuka. 

"We can barely pay to feed ourselves right now.. and Kuroko's parents won't let her lend out money to Mikoto.. they're penny pinchers to a T.." said Saber. "We've got only about 2 weeks before Mikoto needs to pay her Tokiwadai Tuition fees.. we're out of options."

"Whatever we do though.. please let's not BEG.. I'm not begging ANYTHING from that piece of crap whatever she looks like." said Mordred. "Instead.. if we don't get what we want.. let's TOTALLY introduce her to my best friends Right Fist and Left Fist.. "

"self control Mordred.. like we talked about." said Saber.  "Conduct yourself like a knight not a Loan Shark.." 

"See that's where you have it wrong.. Loan sharks cut off fingers.. I just break those fingers and bite them off." said Mordred. 

At that moment, the door of the apartment building opened, and a butler stepped through. "Oh.. you must be Ms. Arturia and Misaka.. and.. you all.. are..?"

"They're with us.." said Saber. "Misaka is the one my erm.. sister.. is carrying.."

"Sup." said Mordred. "Sorry, jetlag.. so where's your punching bag-I mean employer?"

"She's waiting upstairs." said the butler with a bow. "If you would follow me.. and I think it might be best that you wake Ms. Misaka.. it's imperative she participate in the overall negotiations.."

As Mordred gently began nudging Mikoto awake, everyone walked in to the ginormous fancy lobby.. boarding an elevator that was big enough to be a small swimming pool. 

"Apartment B12.." said the butler as they exited the elevator a few moments later, guiding them to a fancy oaken door.. 

The moment the door opened.. Okita wondered how somebody could possibly develop the money to put a mansion sized living room as one of hundreds of suites inside one skyscraper. 

The Penthouse suite was filled with the fanciest furniture.. a massive flatscreen that took up one entire wall was hooked up to an XBox one, A PS4, and their newer versions, the One S and the PS4 Pro, the game systems stacked on top of each other nearby... next to a shelf which contained hundreds of games. 

There were frozen yogurt dispensers and a fancy handmade Expresso machine standing side by side in the kitchen nearby..  and a giant python slithered around in a glass tank by the windowsill.. along with a Bird cage containing an albino Peacock. 

"Well.. she didn't go to town on her money or anything.." Mordred muttered sarcastically to Okita as Mikoto stepped forward, rubbing her eyes drowsily, observing everything.

On an armchair in front of the main coffee table which had an assortment of crumpets, sweets, and tea trays, was a girl who.. by all accounts looked facially similar to Mikoto. However, her hair was blonde and done in two long twin tails.. her her eyes were a light blue color, and she wore the girliest clothing imaginable.. with bejeweled bracelets.. a shirt that was pulled down to expose one of her shoulders..  as sweater tied around her waist, high heels.. lipstick.. as if she had gone overboard just to outwardly express her femininity.. even her nails were pink.. 

Mikoto seemed like the absolute opposite in appearance, wearing only a simple T-shirt with a crown design saying "Mama is King" a pair of regular denim shorts, and sneakers.  In fact, anybody who knew Mikoto would say she was opposite in attitude too.. being the type of person who preferred not to overly advertise herself as a girl too much ever. 

"Cousin Mikoto!" said Stacy, smirking, speaking in a perfectly normal American accent. "How's things in the Yellow Person's country?"

"You know.. you're half Japanese yourself right?" said Mikoto. 

"Yeah.. but I don't think too much about that.. America's the place to be.. land of the free and all that." said Stacy. "how are you? Been well?"

Mikoto remained silent.

"Right.. more like.. been broke.." said Stacy. "How does it feel ? I hope you know what it used to be like to be me.."

"But you've never been broke." said Mordred with a scowl. "You've been Normal.. "

"And whose this totally unfashionable weirdo?" said Stacy, looking at Mordred. "Puleez.. Tube Top and Red Jacket? Worst pair.. ever..  "

"I've got a sword too.. wanna see it?" said Mordred.

"Mo-chan.. please.." Mikoto said. 

Mordred went silent, folding her arms as she continued to glare at Stacy. 

"You said that you were willing to negotiate giving Mikoto a portion of the total inheritance." said Saber. "If we could please get on that subject.. I think it would be most agreeable.. as you seem to be aware of our financial situation."

"You're that Arturia girl I heard about right? When I heard Mikoto had a foster mom.. I didn't imagine she'd look only around like.. high school age.." said Stacy, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm far older than I look." said Saber. 

"Well.. as much as I appreciate a mom who looks after her kids.. I'm afraid to say.. you've got no say in this conversation.. this negotiation is purely between me and Cousin Mikoto.. " said Stacy, smiling as if she were enjoying this.  "And only cousin Mikoto can do anything to make me change my mind regarding the money.. understand? So why don't you just stay quiet like a good little lackey ok?" 

Okita looked at Saber, whose expression was that of barely controlled anger. Stacy had just thrown Saber aside as if she were nothing more than trash in this negotiation.. 

And at that point Okita knew.. this wasn't a negotiation.. this was a gloat.. Stacy had invited Mikoto here purely to gloat over her.. to hold the money that she would never deign to give over her head.. 

Okita stood up. "Well I guess we'll be going now.."

"Hmm?" Stacy raised an eyebrow. "Why? Negotiations haven't even started."

"You didn't bring Mikoto here to make any sort of negotiations.. I know that much.. I'm sorry, but we won't be a source of amusement for you today, you've already got a tv the size of Canada to do that.." said Okita coldly, her eyes icy.  "Thank you.. for wasting our time.."

"But I do have an offer." said Stacy, smiling. "1 million.. of Auntie Misuzu and Uncle Tabigake's money..  all on this check.. right here.."

Stacy held up a check which indeed showed that amount..

Okita, stared, stunned. She knew how to read faces.. situations.. she knew that Stacy was not generous.. and didn't intend to be generous..  there was a catch somewhere.

"I just need to sign it.. and I can hand it to you today.. right now.. of course, there are a few conditions involved.." said Stacy.  "You see.. ever since I got my money.. I've been spending extravagantly, and I began to fear that perhaps I might overspend and before I knew it.. have the money disappear.. taxes are such a poison here in the states..  so.. I invested.. and built.. and I have created my own.. VERY lucrative business.. "

"Lucrative Business?" Mikoto muttered. "I haven't heard of you owning any private businesses.."

"It's not the type of business that earns money by being highly publicized.." said Stacy.  "But you see.. I'm still hiring.. and it's tough finding the Good Looking type of people that I need for this particular job..  Work for me.. for 7 years.. agree to do it.. sign my contract.. and I'll give you this money right now.. and you can go finish your education and maybe get a real job.. after my 7 year contract is finished of course.."

Stacy snapped her fingers, and a butler brought over an official looking contract of employment and set it down on the table in front of Mikoto. 

Mikoto read the document. Her face went pale.. "An.. Escort.. according to this, I'd be consenting to relations with.. with.. "

Mordred snatched the paper out of Mikoto's hands and frantically read through it. "A PROSTITUTE!? YOU WANNA TURN HER INTO A PROSTITUTE!?"

"Honestly.. haven't you seen those famous pretty girls who are only rich because they're famous.. and only famous because they're rich?" said Stacy, rolling her eyes. "The only thing they're actually good at is shaking their hips and looking sexy.. well now that you need money.. you can do all that... only this time.. you really WILL earn the money that you get.."

"Don't you DARE compare her to something like that!" Mordred roared. "She worked hard to get to a Level Five ya piece of filthy little-." 

"Mo-chan.. please be quiet.." Mikoto said shakily.

Mordred went silent.. holding the paper apprehensively. 

Okita could feel her insides bubbling with rage. So THIS was what Stacy brought Mikoto here for. The final stroke of Vengeance on Mikoto for her supposed 'luck'.. to turn her into a slave for money.. 

Mikoto silently held the contract for a minute.. then looked at Saber. "Do.. you have a pen?"

"Mikoto.. no." said Saber firmly. 

"Do we really have a choice?" Mikoto said. "Academy City doesn't provide food stamps Saber.. and there's a chance with all the new expenses Tokiwadai is getting that you'll get laid off..  "

"Mikoto.. I know I'm not part of this situation.." said Mash suddenly. "But if you take this deal, I will throw you off the highest floor of this building.."

"Obviously, you need some time to think about it.." said Stacy, smirking even wider. "What kind of family would I be if I didn't give you that time..? Come back in 3 days with your decision.. or.. I'm afraid you won't see a cent.."

Mordred who seemed like she was ready to murder Stacy and her butlers.. gently took Mikoto  by the arm.. along with Saber.. the two of them leading her out of the room as Mash and Ritsuka followed..  however.. Okita stayed standing... staring at Stacy momentarily.

"What?" Said Stacy.

"Oh.. nothing.." said Okita, smiling as her eyes turned colder than the coldest ice..  "I was just debating.. the best technique to remove your head from your neck.."

The way Okita said those words were so emotionless.. so void of regret.. so cold.. that Stacy flinched.. her face suddenly pouring cold sweat..

"E.. eh!?"

"I bid you a good day." said Okita without another word.. leaving the room.

Stacy gritted her teeth, breathing hard. "What the HELL is she!?"

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