A Certain Magical Fate, Book...


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Mikoto, Arturia, and Okita are going to New York.. why? After the death of Mikoto's parents, she inherited a... Еще

New York
The Mage Academy
Okita and Vader
Dark of the Force.
The Lord of Villains and the King of Heroes.
A Thousand Cold Nights..
Maximum Effort. (Ha! This chapter quoted me..!)
An Archer.
The World That Didn't Belong
A Yesterday that Never Happened
Self Control
Date with an Immortal
Beast 0
Into The Misaka-verse
Grand Saber

Prologue: Loss in the Springtime of Sakura Petals..

1.6K 40 16

Years and years ago.. in another Dimension..

Okita Souji opened her eyes, lying upon the old bamboo mat.. her blankets shifting off of her as she awoke to the smell of fresh food being cooked.

Smiling.. the samurai sat up.. yawning. 

She pulled on an ordinary kimono, pink and light brown in color and walked into the living room of the small old Japanese home..  where her Foster Sister knelt at the low dining table.. breakfast already set..

"Did old Man Yamato's wife bring us breakfast again?" said Okita, as she straightened  up her bowl of rice, kneeling down. 

Mikoto Misaka smiled, her chestnut colored hair went well with her sky blue kimono. "Yeah.. he knows I can't cook well, and you tend to sleep in sometimes due to all your duties driving you to work so late.. so... I think they try to help us wherever they can because of that.. eheh. "

Together, the two foster sisters clasped their hands together and bowed her heads, saying "Itadakimasu.." 

As they dug in to the food Okita smiled at her sister. 

Mikoto Misaka had been found abandoned in the street at around 4 years of age.. it had been at that time the Souji family had taken pity on the little girl.. and raised her along side Okita, who was older by 2 years. 

But ever since their parents died at an early age, Okita had taken to raising Mikoto on her own.. not that she needed to do much, Mikoto was a highly independent person.. being the top of her class in Kendo, and well on her way to joining the police force which Okita was captain of.

"You hear about all that stuff happening in the Americas?" Mikoto asked as she continued to eat,. "Steam engines.. weird motor vehicles? I think it's kind of crazy.. to think things can move without horses. "

"I do think it's interesting, but I'd rather focus on the hear and now.. the duties to our country as skilled swordsmen must be taken into account." said Okita.  "You understand?"

"Right right.. you're telling me that every day ya know.. preaching to the choire. " said Mikoto cheerfully. 

Okita chuckled and ruffled Mikoto's hair with a hand. 

"Hey.. stop it!" Mikoto stammered with a laugh. "Honestly, I spent ages getting this hairdo right, don't ruin it!"

"You're such a bright young girl.. with such a bright future.. you know that right?" said Okita. 

Suddenly, there was a knocking sound.. 

"I'll get that.." Okita muttered, getting up and sliding the screen door open. 

A samurai was there, he got on one knee, bowing to Okita. "Ma'am.. I thought you should know, there's a disturbance in the town.. a few known bandits were recognized in the marketplace.. if we hurry now we can catch them unawares.. one of them is Kibito the Butcher.."

"Kibito the Butcher.." muttered Okita. "We've been trying to capture him for weeks..  right.. Mikoto, stay here and study your kendo.. when I get back we're going to spar a little, if you don't perform satisfactory skill.. 2 hours extra chores tonight.."

"AWWW come on!" Mikoto stammered. "I NEVER perform satisfactorily with you.."

Okita winked at Mikoto as she walked out and closed the screen door. "Better get practicing.. cause the laundry load tonight is PRETTY heavy.."

Mikoto pouted and stuck out her tongue at Okita as the door shut. 

Okita followed her fellow samurai down into the old Japanese floral garden next to the coy fish pond where another number of the police stood waiting.

"Alright, we do this by the book.. don't move in until I give the okay.. for all we know they could just be look alikes.. and if we move too brashly, people could get hurt.." said Okita. 

"How do we proceed ma'am?" asked one samurai. 

"We can't risk moving too quickly with bystanders.. and we can't risk evacuating the bystanders without alerting them..  they're obviously going to try meeting somewhere secluded.. follow for now.. and wait till we have reached their destination.." said Okita as she dashed at swift speeds down towards the town ahead.  "Say between the alleyways.. use genjutsu for cover if you have to.."

(no Naruto references please. XD). 

As the police dashed into the village.. Mikoto peeked out of the screen door, grinning as she made sure nobody was watching, and then tiptoed out into the garden, wearing a very fancy white kimono with black floral patterns. 

"The Spring Festival is here.. sorry Big Sis.." said Mikoto with a grin. "But I can't just miss the Sakura Festival... it's worth all the loads of laundry in the world.. "

Mikoto checked to make sure her sword was sheathed at her hip and she ran off towards the village. 

A little later, Mikoto found herself standing in front a host of stands and entertainment, with many other girls like her dressed up, and children running around in festival masks..

Mikoto pumped a fist in glee. "Awesome.. Now.. Let's see.. what to do first.. "

Mikoto walked among the stands.. and soon she found herself wearing a festival mask on the top of her head like a hat, with a few squid shishkabobs in her hand. 

"I wish Sis wasn't so busy.." Muttered Mikoto as she stared up at the fireworks that were starting to pop against the setting sun. 

(fast fact, while originally a chinese invention, Fireworks arrived in Japan during the sixteenth century, and by the edo period they had evolved in quite unique entertainment based ways, and the main firework factories were centered in what is now modern day Tokyo.)

Suddenly one of the stands burst into flames.. 

There was screaming and panic, as an injured stand owner was sent flying from his stand, kicked into the ground by a figure in the flames.

"Wh... WHAT!?" Mikoto stammered as more stands burst into flames.. and out of nowhere, bandits started coming out and smashing everything in sight.. kicking men and children aside alike..

"ALRIGHT!!" A muscular man walked out.. he wore a kimono that exposed his right arm and muscular chest and possessed a thick beard, tan skin and a pony tail.. his gruff face grinning as he drew out a large curvy bladed spear. "I am Kibito The Butcher!!  This festival is always such an eyesore to me.. every single year.. all of you having fun and using this space.. and yet not a SINGLE one of you paying any sort of protection to us!!! Well.. I consider that thievery.. all ya STUPID business owners!!"

Kibito spat on the ground..  "PATHETIC!!"'

Mikoto gritted her teeth and dashed forward in a flash of speed, drawing her sword in a flash.. 

In a record of 3 seconds flat.. 14 of the bandits were suddenly without heads.. their blood splattering out onto the ground.. 

Mikoto appeared in a flash in front of the stunned Kibito, slashing her blade down at him, right before he managed to block the attack with his spear in a burst of sparks.

"That black blade!" stammered Kibito staring at the shimmering black colored sword that Mikoto wielded. "I know that famous sword!!"

Both Kibito and Mikoto leaped away from each other, readying their weapons.

"I'm Mikoto Misaka.. sister and Apprentice of Okita Souji, Captain of the Police.." said Mikoto. "Why are you causing these people trouble?!"

"That cold black blade.. I know that sword.. the Juuchi Yosamu.. the legendary violent bloody blade forged by Masamune.. " said Kibito. "I heard that it had been discovered and passed to the apprentice of an officer of the police, but I didn't believe it till now.. that blade's sharpness was such that it was actually able to cut a little of my Raiden Spear's shaft.."

Kibito grinned as he held up his spear, pointing at the slight cut mark on the shaft of his spear. "Most impressive.."

"Odd.. usually I'm able to cut every weapon in half with this blade.." Mikoto muttered.  "that spear must be specially well made..  only a master could've made a shaft incapable of being cut by a blade made by the legendary violent bloodthirsty blades of Muramasa.."

"I am Kibito The Butcher.. and I am a Demigod!" Kibito roared. "Not many have heard of me.. But I was the executioner of Susanoo No Mikoto!! And this spear of mine is Raiden the Storm Bringer!!"

(fast fact again... Mikoto was named after Susanoo who was the god of storms, considering she's an electromaster, I bet you can guess why XD). 

Mikoto's eye twitched a little.  "Wow.. a self pretentious bandit hmm? with a god complex? That's a new one.."

"My name was wiped from history.. and I was made to live among mortals due to my supposed crimes against nature.. but I suppose that sort of logic is lost on a mortal like you!" said Kibito.

"My sister went looking for you.. but I suppose since she isn't here.. it's up to me to stop you.." Mikoto growled, readying the black blade. 

Kibito grinned as he twirled the spear Raiden in one hand. "Well then.. Mortal.. show me your skills.."


Okita ran through the desolated festival grounds.. burned stands smoking all around her in the night.. as the rain hammered down everywhere.. drenching her kimono so that it stuck to her body underneath.. 

Her face was that of frantic panic...  as she splashed to a halt next to a circle of the men whom she commanded... 

"M.. Ma'am!" stammered one of the commanders, looking at Okita with bewilderment.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" Okita screamed viciously, pushing her way through her men. "LET ME THROUGH!!!"

Mikoto was lying in the mud.. a bloody gash across her chest.. her sword gone.. breathing feebly as Okita knelt next to her.

"Mikoto.." Okita whispered, holding her foster Sister in her arms. "Why.. ? Why didn't you just do what I told you?"

"Festival.. couldn't.. miss it.." Mikoto rasped. ".. M.. Mama used to take us.. r.. remember?"

Okita let out a pained cry as tears splashed down her face to accompany the rain.  

"He.. was good.. really good... I'm sorry.. he took the Juuchi Yosamu.." whispered Mikoto. "That.. bastard.. I'm so sorry sis.. guess I wasn't good enough.."

"Don't say that.. don't ever say that.." whispered Okita.

Mikoto smiled. "You're too nice Sis.. try to think of yourself for once.. in your life..."

Mikoto's gaze dimmed.. as she died in Okita's arms..

"Mikoto.. MIKOTO!? MIKOTO!!!" Okita screamed like she never had before.. her voice echoing into the rainy night of despair... as the the Sakura petals of the trees all wilted in the drenching damp sorrow..

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