One Piece One Shots

By AnimeMeg

137K 1.6K 1K

(REQUESTS ARE OPEN) All of my One Piece one shots will be posted here. Inside there is a request page you can... More

Luffy x Reader (Smut)
Zoro x Reader (Smut)
Sanji x Reader (lemon)
Ace x Reader (Lemon)
Kid x Reader (lemon)
Trafalgar Law x Reader (lemon)
Sabo x Reader (lemon)
Usopp x Reader (smut)
Zoro x Reader (Fluff)
Trafalgar Law x Pregnant! Reader (Fluff)
Sabo X Pregnant!Reader (Angst/Fluff)

Zoro x Angel!Reader (lemon)

10.9K 117 56
By AnimeMeg


(Female reader insert)



Just a quick warning before you continue; this is, as titled above, a lemon, which means it contains sexual content. If you are uncomfortable about this please click off or skip that part. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it.


[Thriller Bark Arc - Fishman Island Arc]

Word Count: 4030


You were assigned a sole person to watch over, to help, as a guardian angel. Of course, at first, it was only a job, a job you would do right. Only problem was, was that it wasn't right. Wasn't right at all.

You fell in love.

It was against the rules, looked down upon and you were called a disgrace, a failure. No Angel was to fall in love with their human, you knew they would find out eventually and when they did you became banished. Sentenced to live on earth, to love a human was to turn your back on your people.

But what could you have done?

Watching helplessly, the scene unfolded before your own eyes.

"Adding such damage to your current condition will eliminate your chances for survival, it will be certain death." The large bubble that floated in front of zoro glowed red as Kuma spoke, "take a look."

Your eyes widen after swiping his paw-like palm through the bubble as a smaller one forms, floating towards your swordsman. Shit. This was his decision, he chose to take his captain's pain, you couldn't even help if you wanted to, with his will to fight for Luffy so strong you knew you couldn't sway his thoughts.

Zoro had no idea you existed and that's how it stays when you become assigned.

You froze as the bubble disappeared into his chest and a series of painful groans left him as his body shook from the amount of pain that coursed through him.

"Zoro..." you whispered, you stood by, wanting to reach out to him, as your eyes watered at the sight as he landed on the ground fingers balled up into a fist.

"Still up to it?" Kuma asked the swordsman. You wanted to scream at him, tell him to leave, tell zoro to be selfish, tell him no, tell him to live. But you Couldn't, all you did was stick close to the green-haired man that you fell in love with as he chose a different location farther away from the straw hats.

Your breath hitched in your throat as he relaxed before shoving both hands within the bubble, a flash of light happens and the next thing you know you're watching as Zoro's life force drains, he was dying, and you were about to lose the man you loved, he was about to miss out on so much, so you did it. You interfered.

Your life force surged forward and anyone close by could now see your form as you got closer to the dying man. As quickly as you could you saved him, sharing your life force with him.

You helped keep him alive, you smiled at the swordsman, him still not noticing your now dishevelled-looking form behind him. You panted out a silent breath before shooting off into the forest, a low scream left your lips as your fingers gripped your head and soon enough you were no longer with the straw hats but back in heaven where you stood before the elders.


The one word echoed in your ears although you were okay with it, you would do it a thousand times more if it meant it would save his life. You watched as the whole room seemed to tilt and then you felt like you were falling. No, you were falling, right out of heaven, to those below on the sea or an island you must have looked like a shooting star, as you plummeted to the ground.

A hard gasp of air flew from your lips as you felt your body slam into the ground below, your wings taking most of the damage. A painful groan left you as the hard earth tore up the flesh of your wings, and soon a crippling cry of pain followed.

The crippling feeling of crashing down from the heavens was almost unbearable, but if it was for zoro you would take this pain over him losing his life. As you lay out on the ground your mind went to the moss-headed swordsman, you wondered how he was feeling now, where they were heading next, and what adventure he would have. then you prayed that nothing else would happen to him.

Your wings were in searing pain, you could hardly move so you just stayed there unmoving...

You stayed there until you were healed enough so you could move and then slowly you began to make your way to find the nearest town. After you found civilization you began your journey; your wings were hidden by what little magic you still had.

You went from island to island, catching rides on other vessels that are until you saw the paper about the death of Luffy's brother Ace. When you heard the stories of what happened at Marineford was when you learned that only Luffy was there as the rest of the straw hats were nowhere near him, what had happened, did something happen to zoro? No. he was okay, he had to be.

You began travelling once again hoping to come across the crew, you wanted to join them, or at the least see them to make sure He was okay... you missed Zoro and not just him but following along with them on their adventures, laughing at the stories and the memories. Even though they couldn't see you, you were always there.

It had now been two years since you fell from heaven, two years since you've seen zoro.. you'd imagine he had grown even more handsome since then, and you would dream about what his looks looked like now. How he had changed you would like to see how all of them changed... it made you sad but there had been no news on any of the straw hats since before the last two years, it would plague your mind sometimes thinking about what could have happened, or where Zoro was...

Walking with your head lowered as you moved through the thick crowd of sabody, a flash of green caught your eye. But it couldn't be... what would the chances be if him being here, there has been no news of them since-

"Hey.. did you hear? The straw hat pirates are here, and they're recruiting." A hushed whisper left a stranger's lips but the words were enough to freeze you where you stood. They were here. He was here.

Quickly you started to snoop around trying to find any trace of the crew, and finally, you overheard the location of the straw hats meet-up, with all new recruits in tow. Making your way there as fast as you could, you made it just in time, but the sight before you halted you. Up on that platform was not the straw hats captain the the people who surrounded him were not the crew at least not the real crew.

Your eyes dropped as reality hit you hard, about to turn away, you stopped as the sound of a fight broke out and there he was... that green head of hair was recognized immediately by you.

You watched as he and Sanji attacked and destroyed a pacifista, and began to argue over who really took it down. Your eyes almost sparkled as you see Zoro, he was alright.

Following them, you were flooded with memories of them, all of them. Soon they take notice of you following them Luffy asked who you were, and once you explained how you wished to join them, without saying exactly what you were you showed your wings, Zoro wasn't paying any attention to you, however, Sanji was in full agreement with having a beauty such as yourself on the crew, Luffy only laughed as he decided that you would become part of the crew and that's how you became part of the straw hats.

It's been a few days since then, Zoro hasn't talked to you yet and you felt as if it was back to when he couldn't see you. the crew was on Fishman island, and everything with Hordy Jones just took place, and everyone was having a feast even though Luffy had said that he didn't want to be heroes. So as people ate and celebrated I stayed out on the balcony away from the crowd.

"You not going to join the party." A rough voice spoke out, it was the first time he has spoken to you since you've joined and you didn't want to jump for joy over it, no matter how much you loved the swordsman, you knew that this was like he was just meeting you, after all, he's only known you for a few days.

"Nah. I'd rather not, I like this quiet space though." You softly spoke to him, a huff left his lips as a response, and you could hear him walking closer to you, his good eye was staring you down.

"Why did you join this crew." His question was stern, you pulled your chin from its resting place upon your hand and looked almost taken back. "What I should ask is why did you come back now." Shock spread its way over your body as you numbly looked at the swordsman.

"I don't know what-

"Cut the shit. You know what I mean, you were there for most of this journey until thriller bark so why now, why come back now, why not two years ago." You listened as Zoro spoke, it seemed as though you were wrong, he could see you all that time, but you didn't think he understood what you are. "Are you a ghost?"

"What!? No. I'm not a -

"Then why could I see you when no one else could until a few days ago." His questions were firing off quickly, as he waited for an answer.

"I- well I was assigned to you.," looking away from the man before you, you continued, "I was sent to watch over you, I was your angel. But I was banished, you weren't supposed to see me at all no one was, when I became banished they cast me out of heaven and I fell, when I landed it took awhile at first before I could move and once I did I started my search for you and the crew, but then I heard about Ace and I waited and found you Sanji and Luffy, and that's where I am now." You look down at the ground.

"So you're an actual angel."


"Why were you banished?" Your cheeks tinted red at this, could you really tell him?

"I saved you."

"Saved me? You mean on thriller bark. Against kuma?" A little shocked you looked at him. "I saw you there, in front of me." Shit you thought, you didn't think that he had spotted you, a red tint stayed on your cheeks at his neck question, "if you knew that the outcome for you would be banishment, why do it?"

"I-i um i.... well I love you." Heat erupted all over your cheeks as your wings spread themselves out and you took off to the sunny before you could embarrass yourself anymore.

Quickly you headed right for the girl's quarters, locking yourself within the room, staying quiet you let your wings hide against your back as you sat down,  arms coving your head. However, a few moments later a loud pounding started at the door. Keeping quiet you ignore it, knowing exactly who it was.

"Y/n! You better open this door, because I don't want Franky to see the damage I would inflict on it." You almost laughed at the thought. "Y/n" your breath hitched at his voice. "Let me in."

Standing quietly you open the door, only for you to be pushed back as the door slams closed behind you, the green-haired man looked down at you.
"I didn't mean to push you to tell me like that, well I mean, I wanted the reason but I didn't think that was it..." A light blush was starting on his face as the tips of his ears turned red, "in fact I would always wonder who the beautiful girl was that I saw almost everywhere I went, now I know that you really were an angel..." Quickly he pulled you to him, lips falling onto yours in a harsh kiss. Hands gripped your hips as he backed you into the wall.

Lips moulded together as his hands explored over your curves, eyes shut you feel him press his hips into yours, as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, caressing yours with his as he became familiar with every crease and Crevice that he could find. Pulling from your quick breaths that left your lips as did his. A hand reached up running his thumb over your s/c cheek.

From how close you were to the Man you could feel how hard he had become and your hand placed on his chest started to run over the marred flesh, as it followed along the scar. you could feel every inch of muscle as your fingers ventured farther;  you watched with wide eyes as he pulled his arms from the fabric and let it fall to his sides showing off most of his upper torso.

Once again his lips were on yours as you continued to run the pads of your fingertips over the well-built muscles. You could hear him groan into the kiss as you fringed tips explored along the edge of his pants, not going past them but enough to tease.

A quick nip at you bottom lip caused you to gasp as you open your eyes to connect right into his stare. Pulling away slightly from your lips, a smirk formed on his face before he began to descend down you neck.

Harsh red marks were left in his wake as he tortuously dragged his lips all  across your neck, making his way down. Flushed cheeks, laboured breathing, and the sounds of pleasure was all that your from was; his lips marking  your skin, his hands sliding under you shirt to grip at the flesh that laid hidden, his chest pushed up against your own as you felt his intake of air and when he exhaled. You senses we're in over drive from this male, he was all you wanted, all you needed at this moment, and it seemed Zoro felt the same.

Not being able to go any lower from your neck a curse left his lips, then the harsh sound of tearing cloth. Your shirt was ripped from your body, leaving you exposed to the man before you.


The one word slipped past his lips as he then wasted not another second before you let out a moan as his lips attached them selves to one of your hardened peaks, the rough skin of his hand groped the other before switching spots.

The temperature of the room was rising higher, and starting to move your hands once again was causing the swordsman in front of you to bite into your flesh. Shirt already removed your hands went to work on the next article of clothing you wanted gone, hands dipped in, brushing up against the hardened shaft of the male before you. Moans and a sting of curses left his mouth as you wrapped your hand around him giving him a few pumps before releasing him.

A smirk that you held on you face from being able to pleasure Zoro was wiped off as you were tossed onto a bed. The gleam that was in his eye looked almost predator like as your breast giggled from the force of the impact; biting his lip he began to undo his pants, slowly tossing them to the side as he was now naked before you.

Your eyes locked onto the magnificent sight before you, even with the marred  skin of his chest, the hard muscle he had made up for it and made him look sexy. Trailing your eyes from his chest downwards they landed on the next piece of Zoro you found sexy. The hardened shaft stood high, a vein trailing up the side of him as a bit of Precum leaked from his tip, which rested just a little before his belly button. A treasure trail of hair leading down to the erected cock you also found attractive and as you took in the sight, a hand came down as he gave himself a couple pumps.

Making his way over to you he gripped your ankles, pulling you along to the edge of the bed.

"Now that I'm naked, I would feel much better if you were fully naked too."

Fuck. His voice was husky from all the pleasure and you could feel his hands sliding up from your ankles, along you legs before hooking into the hem of your bottoms pulling them off harshly along with your panties. A slight chuckle was let out from Zoro as he discarded the articles of clothing over his shoulder; you were now fully exposed to the man before you.

Zoro's one visible pupil turned to a a slit of lust as he took in the image of you under him. Your cheeks were flushed as you watched him rake his gaze over you, biting his lip occasionally. "Can you stop staring...". Your voice was soft as you turned your head away. A calloused hand trailed up you side to grip your chin turning your head to once again face the swordsman.

"I'm trying to figure out where I wanna start devouring you." His voice was laced with lust as his hand once again left your face to trail down and over you left breast, fingers giving the harden nipple a harsh pinch. A gasp left you as you watch the smirk come back on his face.

His hand trailed lower trailing over your stomach and soon a loud moan left you as his thumb circled around your clit. A pleased hum leaving his lips showed his approval before his head lowered to place kisses all along your neck, meanwhile one of his fingers started moving around your entrance.

Your juices were flowing from you as zoro continued to tease you, slipping a finger inside you while you let out a string of moans. You were in bliss the man you came to love was now touching you in places you've never been touched by another person before.
Another finger made its way into your tight hole as he began moving them in a scissoring motion, trying to prepare you for his wide girth.

Soon enough the fingers left you just as you felt yourself getting close to an orgasm, a smirk was still on his lips as he did so. "I want to feel you trembling around my cock when you cum." His work Provoked a moan from your lips as one of his hands on your hip, held you in place; the other was guiding him towards your hot, dripping core.

You felt his tip as he ran it up and down your slit, collecting the juices that had leaked out from you, using the lubricant for an easier penetration. "This might hurt." Were his last words before you felt him push the whole length of him inside you, a sharp gasp left your lips, once he was buried to the hilt he came forward his hands trailing up your sides as he whispers in your ear and laid light kisses below on your jawline. 

You could see the strain on zoro's face as he laid still for you, the pain was still present but not as bad, with one motion of your hips bucking up into his the message was sent, and god was he relieved to receive it.

Moan after moan left both of you as he sent a deep thrust into you, feeling your walls tight around him, it was almost suffocating, another thrust started and another, until a rhythm was set. The sound of skin slapping against skin along with the loud sounds of gasps and moans filled the room. Your hands from them selves in Zoro's green locks tugging harshly causing the man to let out a hiss as his assault of thrusts continued. Your face was flushed and a shine of sweat started to coat both your body's, your walls contracting around his cock along with a heavy moan of his name was the sign that he had found your spot, buried deep within you.

A whine left you as the swordsman quickly pulled out. " Zoro why wou-

Your sentence was cut off as the grip on you hips roughly flipped you onto you stomach, picking up your hips he once again realigned with your entrance and pushed in, going even deeper and brushing up against the spit her wanted to reach. A heaving moan left you as you felt his tip slighting pushing against the entrance to your womb. Of course that wasn't enough of a reaction for the man as just as your brought your self up on your elbows, your face as pushed into the mattress, arms going flat as zoro mercilessly trusted down into you, his cock now slamming into you and against your womb. Drool started to fall from your lips as moan after moan left your mouth open, you could feel the build up starting to cause an unbearable pressure as zoro continued. He could feel your walls trembling against him, and he too was getting close with the hard thrusts he was giving. A groan leaving his lips as your walls began to lock down on him.

"Fuck (y/n)...." his voice was hoarse from pleasure as he groaned out your name.  "Cum.. for me." The strain in his voice intensified as he quickened up his harsh thrust pushing you over the edge as he continued to slam against your womb, finally you came, your walls constricting around him as your justices coated his member as after a last hard thrust push him over as he filled you with everything he had.

Both of your chest rose am fell as you tried to catch you breathing, his chest lifted from your back as he eased his now limp member out of you, a smile coming over his features as your core dripped with his cum mixed with yours, trailing down your thighs as onto the sheets, his cock twitching slightly as the sight only aroused him once again, but at the obvious fatigue of your body he held himself back.

Wrapping his arms around your he moved you so your head now laid upon his scarred chest, you were quiet as your fingers trailed along its edges, you were completely content as you felt his fingers in your (h/c) hair, your eyes closed as you would like to do this often  with the man and so you asked.

"Zoro can we do this more often?" Your question caused a light chuckle from him as you waited for your answer.

"As long as you promise me two things." His voice was slightly playful as you turned your gaze up at him. "One; never leave my side again." Your blush covered your face as you nodded your head, "and two; don't tell nami that we used her bed." With a loud gasp you quickly shot up, but a slight trob of pain stoped you. You were too wrapped up in zoro's advancements to notice whose bed he threw you on, you assumed it was yours but looking at the other two empty beds you soon realized it was in fact nami's.

Zoro let out a laugh at your expression and pulled you back into him. The whole time you were mumbling about your incoming death.

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