Lost And Found ☑️ Zarry

By zyanyrrah

46.3K 3K 1.7K

Zayn Malik have a life in the city. He has a beautiful girlfriend, a loving family, and amazing friends. When... More

Author's Note


3.5K 246 191
By zyanyrrah

After a long talk and touring around, the two walked back on Harry's family's nipa hut.

It was late evening when they got finished touring around, so when they got back, dinner is waiting for them.

"Oh, hey, baby." A woman greeted Harry when they got home.

"Hi, mum. This is Zayn." Harry introduced them to each other and Zayn politely greeted them.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me." He said, smiling truthfully.

"Oh, don't thank me. If anyone of us saw you there in that situation, they will do it, too." Anne smiled back.

"And, um, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, Sir. I'm not really rude. I'm just shocked and--"

"It's okay, son. I understand your situation. If I were you, I would react the same way." Robin cut him off, gently patting his shoulders.

Zayn smiled and thankful enough that Harry's family is such a blessing in disguise.

"Okay, enough for now. Let's sit and eat." Anne said, sitting on a wooden chair. Followed by Robin and Harry.

Zayn stared at the table, full of cooked fish and fruits. There also have coconut shells which are served to be the drinks. He wants to laugh at himself.

There's no beef, no steak, no pizza, no chicken, and other meaty food for dinner. What does he expect? He's on an Island.

"Uhm, you don't like it? I'm sorry it's all that we eat here." Harry shyly explained.

"No, no. I just.. it's pretty cool, really. I just realized how I haven't eaten much of fruits back in London, and now I will." He said, smiling at himself.

The whole family smiled at him and they ate peacefully. Zayn never imagined a life like this.

After the dinner, Harry walked Zayn to his own house. Since they have only two-bedroom in theirs.

"How many people you are in here? How big is your population?" Zayn asked curiously, kicking a small rock on the sandy ground.

"I don't exactly know. Maybe more than a hundred." Harry answered, brows meeting in the middle.

"Here we are." Harry smiled, showing Zayn his new house.

"Wow." Zayn gasped in simplicity yet beautiful nipa hut.

"Be thankful that we have a vacant house here or else you'll be sleeping in the grass under a coconut tree." Harry joked as they entered inside. Having a good look.

"How do you have a vacant house here?" Zayn asked curiously, looking in.

"The lady lived here got married and moved in with her husband. Her parents died long ago so, yeah. It's free now to use." Harry said, pulling out a bedsheet and a pillow on a wooden cabinet.

"People get married here?" Zayn frowns.

"Yes. Elders are the ones who are blessing there marriage. But before their marriage, they have to go and test their love under that mango tree in the middle." Harry pointed at the small central park in the middle of the island. There is the only mango tree they have planted.

"Test their love? Under a mango tree?" Zayn asked, laughing. But then he stopped when Harry didn't laugh with him.

"Elders believe that is able to know if the couple or two people are in true love, they have to kiss under that tree. If it's true love, the fruits will result in sweet mango for a month. But if it isn't, it will remain sour." Harry told Zayn the story. Zayn couldn't believe that there are people still believing in legends.

"A myth?" Zayn mumbled, staring on the tree.

"No. It tested really well. It happens on many on us here. Especially on my parents." Harry answered, smiling as he remembered his parents' love story.

"Your parents? I thought you're here when you were 5?" Zayn asked in confusion.

"Yes, I do. Robin isn't my biological father. He's my stepfather. My real dad divorced my mom when I was four. Then, Robin and mom met here. In Isle Hali." Harry explained, fixing Zayn's new bed.

"When their marriage happened, I knew why my dad and mom divorced. Because it isn't true love. Robin is mum's, true love." Harry added, smiling lovingly at himself.

"Wow. That's... amazing. But, I don't really believe in legends. I mean, people can kiss there and decide if they want to get married. Even me, I could kiss you there and say if I want the marriage or not--" Zayn stopped as he realized what he just said. He looked at Harry who's eyes are widening.

"Yo-you would kiss me there?" Harry stuttered.

"Uh, n-no, no. What I meant is, the marriage is you know, controlled, and based on love. Not just from a myth. Yeah, that is." Zayn answered awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, yeah. I get it." Harry chuckled nervously. "So, uhm, good night. And uhm, see you tomorrow." He said, walking out of the house blushing hard.

Zayn breathed in relief and smacked his own head on how and why did he say that.

"The place is nice. The people are nice. What more can I ask?" Zayn chuckled at himself, laying down on his not-so-comfortable bed.

A/N: What do you think about the myth? 😂

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