Elena's Fantasy Diaries

By mandzipop

170K 1.3K 408

Elena's fantasy diaries are mostly regarding her illicit dreams about Damon throughout the show, & appear in... More

Friday Night Insights
One Good Man
Miss Mystic Feels
Hot Blooded Brother
The Monster Returns
Bad Man Rising
Bed of Roses
The Seduction
The Last Dalliance
As I Lay Dreaming
The Big Day
The Kindling
Smells Like Teen Seduction
Smells Like Vampire Seduction
An Ordinary Couple
I'm Coming
Our Time
All My Insecurities
In The Heat of Darkness
Knowing Pains
The Memory
The Stripper
The Two
We All Fall Madly In Love Sometimes
My ex Lover's Brother
Ravish Me
I Remember That One Night
Passion and Adventure Without the Danger
Hello Lover

Damon Issues

6.2K 52 63
By mandzipop

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Warning for smut and bad language. Yeah, you know the drill already. ;)

Dear Diary

Why is my life so complicated? It's bad enough having Original vampires wanting my blood, but something inside of me is changing. I love Stefan and I will always love Stefan, but I can no longer deny I feel nothing for Damon. I don't know what the feelings are, or why I'm getting them, but I can't ignore them any longer.

I'd never had a truly violent thought towards another human being until the moment I saw Damon talking to Andie. But at that moment I had to hold myself together and not say or do anything stupid when we were in the restroom, fortunately uncle John interrupted us. I'm sure Damon must know something is different. All I want to do is touch him, and yesterday I did, he just looked at me totally confused. I keep wanting to kiss him and my eyes seem to be constantly drawn to his lips. To be honest, I want to do more than kiss him, I get urges around him that I don't even feel when I'm with Stefan. Thinking about him just consumes me.

The worst part is that I'm scared Damon will meet someone else and want her more than me. How selfish is that? After Rose, it is in the back of my mind and yesterday aunt Jenna introduced him to Andie Starr. Initially he said he wasn't interested, he told me he was staying clear of all women, but apparently Andie spent last night with him (I wish I were in her place). Aunt Jenna told me all about it when I got back from Caroline's sleepover. I think she's trying to make sure I stay away from Damon as Andie was apparently bragging about it being the best night of her life and how amazing Damon was and that he wanted to see her again. I just got in the shower and cried. I must have it bad.

I admit it, I'm completely jealous of Andie. I just hope I never have to see her with him and she's quickly out of his life. Wow, I sound like such a possessive bitch towards someone who isn't even my boyfriend, and probably never will be (although predicted it before I even met him).

I need to try and clear my head of Damon. My excuse for going to the Lake House is to get away from uncle John, but that's not entirely the truth, however I can't tell Stefan the real reason. I need to get away from Damon and concentrate on my relationship with my real boyfriend. Knowing Stefan, he'll make it sweet and romantic. He'll make love to me without us having to worry about being interrupted, hopefully he'll be more adventurous, which is exactly what I need to take my mind off Damon.

I guess this is no surprise, but the reason I'm writing in this diary is because last night I had another one of my dreams about Damon. I just hope I wasn't talking in my sleep, I wouldn't want Bonnie or Caroline to know about this.

This dream was somehow different to the others, I've almost gotten used to the dreams being erotic, but this one was triggered by the Andie incident. Obviously I didn't know he'd slept with her at the time. In my dream, I said and did what I really wanted to do yesterday in the restroom instead of being restricted by Damon having to save Caroline and uncle John interrupting us.

I hate Andie!


The previous night's dream...

After arriving at the Mystic Grill half an hour earlier with Damon to see John, Elena was now sat with one of her classmates discussing homework. Damon had typically decided to stay for a drink and judging by the mood he'd been in, she didn't like the idea of leaving him alone to have a second conversation with her biological father. Her phone beeped letting her know she'd received a text, checking she saw it was from Stefan.

Tyler knows about Damon and I. Going to see him now to talk to him. Be careful what you tell Damon. Don't want him to go after Tyler.

Elena put her phone back in her pocket and took a sip of her soda through her straw as she noticed her aunt Jenna walking over to Damon, which was odd as Jenna normally stayed away from Damon because Jenna thought he'd taken advantage of Elena and kissed her, when he'd kissed Katherine, but Jenna didn't know that. Then Elena noticed Jenna had her friend, the local new lady, Andie Starr in tow. At first Elena was confused as to why Andie would want to talk to Damon so she decided to listen into their conversation, just in case it was anything important.

"So." Jenna smiled. "My friend wants to meet you. Damon Salvatore, this is..." she started.

"I know you. The news lady." Damon acknowledged Andie with a look of indifference.

"Yeah, Andie Star. Nice to meet you." Andie introduced herself confidently as Elena realized Jenna was trying to set her friend up with Damon. Elena's throat tightened and a feeling akin to she imagined it would be if someone had grabbed hold of her heart and squeeze it tightly. "Can I buy you a drink, Damon?" Andie asked. Elena couldn't help but turn around to see Andie holding her hand out for Damon to shake.

Right at that moment, if Elena had had any form of weapon in her hands she felt sure she would have gone over to Jenna's friend and told her to leave Damon alone. He was grieving for his friend, Elena told with herself, she was being just protective over his feelings, she reasoned. It was what any good friend would do, right? Elena continued watching them, interested to know Damon's response.

Damon looked Andie up and down. "My glass is all full, Andie. Thank you." he replied coldly.

Elena blew a huge sigh of release at Damon's response. She couldn't allow her reaction's to be seen by anyone else, but the fact Damon had turned down the attractive TV star, gave her a huge sense of satisfaction. Elena already knew Damon had feelings for her, but Rose had confirmed what Elena already suspected, and that Damon was in love with her. What Elena hadn't counted on were her own feelings for Damon. She'd admitted to Rose she cared about Damon, he was her friend, so that was no surprise. Elena also was aware, she found Damon hugely attractive, even more so than Stefan in some respects, but she appreciated looks aren't everything and Damon was a ruthless killer, who could be unpredictable. Unlike Stefan, he wasn't exactly typical boyfriend material. Yet for some absurd reason, her dislike of Damon talking to Andie was more powerful than any reaction she'd ever had with Stefan being around other women, which took Elena aback. Then it hit her, she was jealous of Andie.

Damon got up and walked over towards her with his glass in his hand, leaving Andie confused and looking towards Jenna, probably embarrassed, allowing Elena to smile internally, however she had to recompose herself as she didn't want Damon to know she was jealous. Instead, Elena opted to sound as if she felt sorry for Andie when she felt no such thing.

"You totally blew her off." Elena chided Damon.

"I'm steering clear of all women at the moment." Damon told her in a low voice as he stood behind Elena.

"You didn't have to be rude." Elena frowned, turning to face him.

"Trust me, it's in the best interest of women everywhere." Damon replied as he looked up and down her body, making her feel as if he was practically undressing her with his eyes. Normally this would have unnerved her, but instead, she found herself mimicking his actions, for some reason she felt the need to see him naked.

Damon emptied his glass of whiskey as Elena's phone beeped signaling she had a text, which tore her out of her reverie. Looking down she noticed it was from Stefan.

I'm at Tyler's. I'll let you know how it goes.

Deciding she wanted to be alone with Damon to make sure he didn't take Andie home and give her the night of her life, Elena decided to use the text as a perfect excuse to get him alone. She was prepared to do anything within her powers to make sure he didn't sleep with Andie, and he really should know about Tyler, especially if his help was needed.

Elena looked back down at her phone and sighed dramatically, ensuring she had Damon's interest. "Damon, we need to talk." she told him looking up at him as he narrowed his eyes in confusion. Elena took hold of his elbow and pulled him over to the restroom, all the while her nerves jittery knowing she may have to open up a little more to Damon than she wanted to.

"Okay, so what's so important that we need to talk in private." Damon asked as Elena closed the door behind them and they stood next to the large full length mirror.

"Tyler knows about you and Stefan." Elena told him. "And he knows you killed Mason. Stefan has gone to talk to try and talk some sense into him." she explained.

"Why am I just finding out about this now?" Damon frowned.

"Stefan was worried that you..." Elena started nervously.

"That I'll what? That I'd kill him?" Damon asked. "Of course, it's what's need to happen." he said as if it were the the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, Damon, not Tyler." Elena told him shaking her head.

"Why? He's a werewolf, he needs to die. I'm willing to kill him, it's win-win." Damon offered as Elena instinctively held onto Damon's arms.

"Damon please, okay?" Elena begged. "Too many people are dead."

"You need to stop doing that." Damon told her, his eyes ablaze.

"Doing what?" Elena asked, removing her hands, wondering if she'd crossed over an invisible line, one with which made Damon uncomfortable.

"Assuming that I'll play the good guy because it's you who's asking." Damon said.

Elena let out a deep breath she didn't know she'd been holding, relieved and almost exhilarated he wasn't annoyed by her touching him. However she couldn't let him see her fears, instead she kept to the matter at hand. "Be the better man, Damon." Elena pleaded.

"Fine...Looks like I'll just have to play nice with the news lady then." Damon smiled coldly as he tried to turn to leave, however Elena caught his arm.

"What?" Elena asked, shocked.

"I need a distraction." Damon shrugged.

"You can't." Elena insisted.

"Why not?" Damon asked, his face full of confusion.

"I...I don't want you to." Elena said in a quiet voice.

"There you go again, expecting me to be the better man." Damon eyed her suspiciously. "Well this is me doing it exactly that. Tyler lives, Andie gets her world rocked for the night. Everybody wins. Isn't that what you wanted?" he asked.

"Well...I...I..." Elena tried to think of a valid reason to stop him, she knew all she was doing was delaying the inevitable, which could lead her to end up crying into her pillow tonight as if he'd cheated on her.

"Why are you looking at me like someone's just stole the last cookie from the cookie jar?" Damon narrowed his eyes at her.

Elena suddenly came up with a plan. "Women are not just sex objects!" she told him.

"I know that." Damon scoffed.

"Good!" Elena said, folding her arms.

"But I'm not a monk Elena." Damon said raising an eyebrow.

"Just five minutes ago you blew her off." Elena said indignantly. "You said you were steering clear of all women."

Damon frowned. "Five minutes ago I didn't know Tyler Lockwood knew about me being a vampire." he said.

"So it's either sex or violence with you, huh?" Elena asked.

"It's called heightened emotions. Vampire remember. I told you, they suck." Damon sighed. "This is a win win all round." he shrugged.

"Is it?" Elena said quietly.

"Oh come on...She came onto me. It's fully consensual. Nobody dies." Damon said, beginning to sound frustrated. "Only downside for Andie is she'll never have another man able to rock her world like me." he added smugly.

"You can be an arrogant ass!" Elena snapped.

"I don't get why we are having this conversation Elena." Damon closed his eyes. "You are not part of my love life, and unless you are planning on changing that, I can sleep with whoever I want." he said. "So please tell me why you are so set against me distracting myself from killing your friend by having sex with a clearly willing party or get out of my way." he threatened.

"I don't want you to sleep with Andie!" Elena cried.

"You have five seconds to give me one good reason not to." Damon demanded.

"I...I..." Elena stammered, her throat thickening with emotion, she knew she couldn't let him go. Knowing he would be having sex with another woman was too much heartbreak for her.

"Fine, I'll go and find Andie." Damon turned once more to leave and stepped towards the door.

"No! Please..." Elena begged, grabbing his arm once more as her eyes began to well up with tears.

"Why?" Damon snapped, spinning back round to face her, however his face softened when he saw her tears, before turning to shock when it dawned upon him why she was so desperately trying to prevent him sleeping with Andie. "...oh. That's...not what I expected." he said gently.

"I'm sorry, I know I really don't have any right to stop you." Elena choked, putting her hand to her mouth to try to stop herself from sobbing.

"Is this real?" Damon asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

Elena simply looked up at him sadly and nodded. "Yes." she whispered.

Elena stepped closer to Damon and cupped his face in her hand before nodding sadly. "Something's different." she said softly. "I don't know why, when or how it changed, and I'm not entirely sure what it is I feel for you. But the thought of you being with someone else feels like someone sticking is a knife stuck into my heart."she told him.

"That's how I feel whenever I see you with Stefan." Damon admitted. "Except mine's a wooden stake." he joked. "So what happens now? Is it still always going to be Stefan?" he asked.

"If it was, I wouldn't be having this conversation with you would I?" she replied as Damon closed the gap between them.

"Okay, so what do we do now?" Damon asked suspiciously.

"Lock the door." Elena whispered. "I don't want anyone interrupting us." she added as Damon frowned before turning and reaching behind him to lock the restroom door.

"Okay, look Elena...I know you're not happy about this, for whatever reason." Damon started. "And maybe what you say you feel is real... or maybe not."

"Why would I lie you you?" Elena asked, confused.

"Oh I don't know...Maybe protecting Jenna's friend's feelings?" Damon suggested raising his eyebrows in skepticism. "How do I know this is real?" he asked waving his arms in the air. "After your previous complete denial of the possibility that there was something between us, you made it clear I'd taken your reaction to me the wrong way, so as you can imagine, for me this has come completely out of the blue." Damon argued.

Elena sighed knowing he had a good point, she knew there was only one way to prove to him she was telling the truth. Closing the gap, Elena cupped Damon's confused looking face in her hands and pulled him towards her, which was met with no resistance. Elena's heart was beating so hard and fast with nerves, she thought it was going to leap out of her chest, but she had to show him how she felt, but once she did, she knew there would be no turning back. Trust had always been the essence of their friendship, and although Elena knew Damon trusted her on many levels, this was a completely different ballgame.

Elena stroked Damon's cheek with her thumb as she lifted her head and stood on her tiptoes before gently, brushing her lips against his as Damon just stood in front of her almost statuesque, arms by his side, not reacting to her kiss, which she found disappointing. Elena desperately wanted him to kiss her back and she'd hoped he'd take the lead once she made the first move, but to no avail. Elena hoped the issue was only because he needed more convincing, and mentally crossed her fingers, praying she wasn't too late and when he meant staying clear of women, he wasn't referring to her.

Elena decided to try again, hoping that despite her nervousness, her true feelings for Damon would become obvious when she kissed him again. Once more she brushed her lips against his, this time however, with a little more conviction, one hand slipped to the back of his neck, and her fingers ran through his hair as she pulled his forehead towards hers so they were touching.

"What are you doing Elena?" Damon whispered.

"I was hoping actions would speak louder than words." she admitted.

Damon pulled away slightly and narrowed one eye and tilted his head to one side. "I might need a little more convincing." he said softly which prompted a small smile on Elena's face when she realized she wasn't too late for him, he really did need physical proof.

Forcefulness was not something which came natural to Elena when it came to kissing. She was used to Stefan's gentleness and Matt being awkward when they were together. Damon was an different beast entirely, sex oozed out of every pore of his body and she wasn't sure if he even knew how to be soft and gentle. He also had a reputation of being a highly skilled lover, and Caroline had mentioned he was the best kisser she'd ever come across. Even considering her best friend's tumultuous history with Damon, Caroline's stance on his kissing and bedroom skills had never wavered. This knowledge made Elena a little nervous, what if she was a disappointment? She did know, however, she was going to have to be a little more forward with Damon than she was accustomed to, and probably more adventurous, even when it came to kissing. These thoughts flashed through her mind in a nanosecond, convincing her, and giving her the courage to do something Elena had never considered before. She needed to take control of the situation, and she needed to do it with force.

Elena pushed Damon up against the wall with ease, him possibly allowing her to be the aggressor as Elena presumed he was prepared for whatever was going to do to prove her feelings for him. Elena took a deep breath before grabbing hold of his face and began to kiss him. This time it wasn't soft and gentle, this was a statement of intent, she needed to prove how desperately she wanted him. She pressed her body against his, mimicking the time he pinned her up against the wall outside the tomb, except on this occasion she wasn't wasting her energy fighting against him with her fists, instead she was fighting for him with her body and lips.

Eventually Damon responded to her kiss, possibly delayed by the shock of Elena's bold kisses managing to catch him off guard. Initially his response was restrained, unsure, prompting Elena to take further action as she ground her hips against his, causing him to harden beneath his jeans, giving Elena a small sense of satisfaction and sending heat pooling to her stomach. Tentatively Damon wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in tighter.

Their kisses began to become increasingly confident, they opened their mouths and their tongues met for the first time as Elena wrapped her hands around Damon's neck and began to rake her fingers through his hair, pulling him in ever closer. Their nervousness soon disappeared and Elena became swept away in everything Damon. It was as if he were consuming her with his lips and hands alone. His clean yet musky scent filled the air around her, intoxicating and tantalizingly irresistible at the same time. His taste overwhelming her, a mixture of mint, bourbon and something that was entirely Damon. The kiss alone was enough to make her feel lightheaded with lust.

Their tongues explored each others mouths, fighting and dancing in the process, ironically almost replicating their daily interactions. As they continued, Elena was beginning to realize kissing alone wasn't going to satisfy her needs, and judging from the bulge in Damon's jeans, they were both on the same page. Damon confirmed her suspicions when he suddenly vamp-sped them across the room to another wall, meaning Elena's back was up against the fake brickwork opposite the full length bathroom mirror and Damon was taking charge, but Elena wasn't going to let him have it all his own way. She removed her hair tie from her ponytail and slipped it around her wrist, allowing her hair to fall freely, she wrapped one hand behind his neck and grabbed hold of his sweater, pulling him as close to her as possible. Her body seemed to have its own automatic reaction to him, something she'd never experienced before and which she apparently had no control over. Elena needed to grind her hips against his, she wanted to feel his erection rubbing up against her, but most of all she had to touch his skin.

Elena ran her hand down Damon's sweater and around his waist, before she moving her fingers under his sweater and coming into contact with his soft naked skin. Just the sensation of touching him gave her a dull ache between her legs, her body was letting her know she needed more. Kissing and touching him was no longer enough, she wanted him inside her. To make her point, Elena pulled away from the kiss and tugged at the hem of his black sweater and pulled it over his head in the hope her actions alone would make her intentions pretty clear.

"Here?" Damon asked, looking around the room in surprise as he reappeared..

Elena nodded. "Where doesn't matter." she told him with a smile. "What counts is who it's with, right?" she asked, a slight nervousness in her voice. Elena didn't want him to say no, she was too worked up for him to leave her high and dry.

"It's not exactly romantic." he frowned as Elena pulled his forehead towards hers.

"Maybe not." Elena smiled and shrugged. "But it's spontaneous and real. Which has it's own romantic charm." she added with a smile as Damon glanced down at her body and kissed her.

This time the kiss was on another level. It was full of fire and passion, their tongues dancing one moment, fighting for dominance another, their lips sucking and biting one another, leaving Elena breathless and in desperate need for more. Elena began to run her hands Damon's body, exploring his chest, taking in his nipples and the small tufts of hair surrounding them, running her fingers down his well defined abs until she found his hips and his treasure trail. She slowly traced her fingers along the lines of his hipbone until she met the material of his jeans. Before Elena got the chance to remove his belt and unbutton his jeans, Damon cupped her behind and pulled her leg up around his waist, angling his hips to allow his erection to rub directly against her pussy, causing her to moan with pleasure, sending her need for him to be inside her spiraling as the dull ache between her legs turned into a gentle throbbing.

Damon ran his hands up the side of Elena's body, removing her top in the process before unhooking her bra and pulling it away from her shoulders. His lips and tongue made their way down her neck, stopping off as Damon gently sucked on her jugular, a little reminder of what he was, before he continued his journey of exploration. He halted his progress making his way down her body when he reached her breasts, paying thorough attention to them, causing them to pebble by pinching, licking and sucking them, until Elena was writhing around with pleasure, her fingers raking through his hair as she desperately needed something to hold onto.

Elena threw her head back in pleasure, looking up in the process and noticed the full length mirror opposite them, reflecting everything Damon was doing to her, so she could watch from other another perspective. Seeing his naked back with the shock of raven hair paying close attention to her body, seemed to increase the fire inside her before she realized he'd done this on purpose. She suspected once he'd realized her full intentions, he'd decided to utilize whatever facilities the restroom had to offer to add an additional erotic element. Her theory was confirmed as she felt a chuckling into her bellybutton.

"You noticed." Damon said, looking up at her with a grin.

"I thought you said it wasn't romantic enough." Elena smiled.

"It's not." Damon kissed her stomach. "But I knew there was a chance you didn't want to stop, so I decided to make the best of our surroundings. If you can't make it romantic, at least try to make it erotic." he smirked, kissing her stomach once more as he reached the waistband of her jeans. "You sure about this?" Damon asked, looking up at her with an uncertainty in his eyes which Elena had never seen before.

"Yes!" Elena whispered, wondering why Damon seemed so nervous. His prolific skills in the bedroom was common knowledge from all parties who had been fortunate enough to experience them. His kissing had definitely more than lived up to its reputation, and so far, his foreplay had also more than exceeded expectations. A fleeting thought passed through her mind that maybe he wasn't shy or uncertain of his skills, but because of his feelings for her, this was a new experience for him and he was a little more apprehensive than usual.

Elena put her thoughts to one side as she watched Damon unbutton her jeans and pull them down, removing her socks and converse along with them, leaving her wearing just her lacy burgundy boy short panties to temporarily cover her modesty.

Damon looked up at her with adoration in his eyes. "God Elena you're beautiful." he said before he began to kiss the waistband of her panties, as he pulled the crotch to one side and gently caressed her folds with his fingers. "And wet with it." he growled, causing Elena to get even more turned on by his actions.

Damon kissed the outside of Elena's panties and the tops of her inner thighs causing her to tense up as neither Matt nor Stefan had ever put their mouths near that area of her body and she didn't know what to expect. Caroline had once raved about how amazing it was and how Damon was a master with his tongue, but that did nothing to allay Elena's concerns. What if she tasted horrible? How could she stand the embarrassment?

Her fear must have been more noticeable than she thought as Damon stopped what he was doing and looked up at her with a slightly confused look on his face. "You okay?" he asked. "What's wrong?" he frowned, his voice full of concern.

"I'm not so sure." Elena frowned. "It's just that...I've...I've never done this before." she admitted.

Damon smiled an understanding and reassuring smile. "Elena. This part of a woman's body is where life is created." Damon whispered. "It is beautiful and miraculous, and it would be disrespectful of me to not pay it the due care and attention it deserves for being so wondrous. I want to do this." he insisted with a soft voice she'd never heard him use before, no trace of his normal sarcasm or smirk in evidence, and also surprising Elena with his unusually verbose and tender opinion of a woman's body. She knew he was only trying to put her at ease, but his soft, gentle coaxing had worked, and Elena began to wonder if this was more the man from 1864 coming out, instead of the cynical, sarcastic vampire which was his usual facade.

"Okay." Elena nodded, she knew there was no place to hide with Damon, and if she was going to open up to him and be with him, he was going to want to get to know every inch of her body, just like she was desperate to get to know every bit of him.

"Relax." Damon said. "You'll love it, I promise." he told her as he looked up at her with so much earnest, she couldn't help but believe him.

Elena allowed her body to relax into the wall and his touch as Damon removed her panties and lifted one of her legs over his shoulder, causing her to wobble slightly.

"Um...Damon..." she frowned.

"Don't worry, you're safe with me." he assured her. "I'll catch you before you fall." he smiled as he wrapped one arm around Elena's hip to help steady her.

"Okay." Elena whispered as she looked down, watching him intently.

Damon stroked her folds with his fingers before parting them and blowing into the entrance of her pussy. His tongue followed suit, slowly tracing a line up to her nub and circling it before returning to her pussy and smacking his lips.

"Delicious." he grinned. "As good as blood straight from the vein, and infinitely better than blood bags." he said causing Elena to giggle. She knew he was only saying it to appease her, but she appreciated the sentiment.

Elena's giggles soon turned to moans of pleasure as Damon's tongue made it's way into her pussy and he began to tongue fuck her (as Caroline had once so eloquently described it) and massage her nub with his thumb at the same time. Heat began pooling in the pit of Elena's stomach as his tongue actions increased the throbbing in her pussy, building her up to what she thought was going to be an exploding point, when suddenly Damon changed what he was doing. H began sucking on her nub as he inserted two fingers inside her and gently began pump gently whilst his mouth paid close attention to her clit. Elena gripped hold of Damon's hair with both hands, she needed something to ground her and there was nothing else within reach. She then accidentally looked up and saw their reflection in the mirror. It was the most erotic sight she'd ever seen.

Damon had positioned his head in a way which meant she could see enough of his face in the mirror to know who had his head between her legs, a man who was stamping his authority by giving her the most pleasurable experience of her young life. His beautiful blue eyes were closed, his dark eyelashes fanning his pale skin, holding an expression of absolute bliss. Elena didn't know how, but Damon must have sensed she was looking at them in the mirror as he opened his eyes and stared at her through their reflection, with an expression screaming of lust and desire.

Elena knew she was about to fall over the edge. The heat building up in her pussy, combined with the intensity of the throbbing, which was now on the verge of turning into the white hot contractions, signaled the onset of an extremely powerful orgasm. Unbelievably, Damon must have recognized she was about to come as he inserted a third finger inside her and increased the pace of his thrusting. Finally the spasms in her pussy exploded, and sensations began to send Elena spiraling into orbit, the orgasm was ripping through her body unlike any other she'd experienced before. Instead of concentrating on her pussy, it was attacking her entire body, and the contractions in her boiling hot pussy seemed to go on forever.

"Oh my god...Damon...Aargh!" Elena cried out as quietly as she could as she arched her back away from the wall, pulling Damon's head in closer as if she needed more, of what she didn't know because she'd lost the ability to think or speak. Her body went rigid as Damon stopped what he was doing and held onto her more tightly as her legs began to turn to jello.

Damon gently lowered Elena's leg onto the floor as she began to come down from her high. He started to kiss her stomach, gradually making his way back up her body with his lips, while Elena managed to get her breathing back under control. Once he was on his feet, he slipped his boots off and removed his belt. However Elena wanted to be the one to remove his jeans and underwear, if he was wearing any.

Elena unzipped Damon's zipper, to be met by black boxer briefs, housing his very erect dick. She ran her hand over the cotton of the fabric causing him to quietly moan. Deciding the noise of his moan was her new favorite sound in the world, Elena quickly divested Damon of his jeans and boxer briefs, revealing his large cock, which was as attractive as the rest of him. Noticing the pre-cum seeping through the tip, Elena gently took hold of his cock in her fingers and wiped the fluid around it's swollen head, causing Damon's eyes to roll and him place his hands either side of her head to steady himself. His moans of pleasure gave Elena a small sense of satisfaction in the knowledge she could have this much power over Damon. Once he'd regained his composure, Damon kissed her passionately, allowing her to taste herself on his lips, which was surprisingly erotic, while he moved his cock between her legs, coating himself in her juices and creating enough friction against her nub for the throbbing to begin to build up once again.

Damon pulled away from the kiss with a devilish smile on his face. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Of course." Elena frowned, although she knew she was now at his mercy and would do practically anything he suggested.

"Come with me." he said, taking her hand and leading her over to the mirror. "I want you to bend down a little and place your hands on the mirror." Damon instructed to a confused Elena. She wasn't entirely sure what his idea was as she'd never done anything more adventurous than the missionary position, however it looked like Damon was about to change all of that.

Elena lay the palms of her hands flat against the mirror as instructed. "Like that?" she asked.

Damon nodded smiling as he pulled her hips back a little and nudged Elena's legs apart, before running his finger up and down her slit and inserting it into her pussy. "Perfect." he whispered seductively as he gently inserted his cock inside her. He pushed inside only a little way, allowing Elena to stretch and accommodate his girth before slowly pushing into her even further until he was fully buried inside, uniting them as one. "You ready?" he asked as Elena nodded in response.

Initially Damon set a slow pace, giving Elena the chance to become accustomed to him reaching parts of her which had never been explored before, however once Elena was used to the deep penetration, his tempo increased and Elena began to appreciate how wonderful this position was for her, far better than anything she'd ever experienced before. She began to move her hips in unison with his, ensuring his thrusts were enabling her to push his cock as deep inside her as possible to give maximum penetration.

"Fuck...you're tight Elena." Damon moaned as he bent over and began to pepper kisses along her spine while they both watched themselves in the mirror, panting and moaning. He began to massage one of Elena's breasts with one hand, gently pinching her nipple, causing it to pebble, while simultaneously circling her swollen nub with his fingers of his other hand, causing the heat that had been gradually building up in her stomach to begin to boil.

"Damon..." she moaned as the throbbing between her legs began to get hotter, letting her know of yet another impending orgasm.

"We look beautiful together." he whispered in her ear as Elena only managed to whimper with pleasure. "Come for me Elena." Damon commanded in a dangerously low voice as his mouth descended upon her neck, scraping her jugular with his blunt teeth and increasing the pace of his fingers on her nub, creating the right amount of friction she needed to obey his request.

"Oh yes...oh yes...oh my god...Damon...Damon...I...I..." she moaned as the white hot spasms ripped through her pussy and electric pulses rocked throughout the rest of her body. Elena arched her back, forcing her hips to push backwards towards Damon, who continued thrusting in and out while her pussy contracted around his dick, yet incredibly he didn't reach his climax.

Suddenly Damon pulled out of her and spun her around. He lifted her up and rested her back against the cold tiles of the wall next to the door, placing her legs over his forearms, allowing them to relax.

"Let me do all of the work now." Damon told her, which all Elena could do was nod in response. She hadn't fully recovered from her previous orgasm and she wasn't sure if she was physically capable of putting the effort into writing her own name, let alone be able to do anything physical.

The position Damon had elected meant Elena's legs were spread wide while Damon had his hands cupping the cheeks of her behind. She wrapped her arms around Damon's neck to steady herself as she realized this was going to require some balancing effort on her part to allow Damon to be able to manage the position successfully. Her actions allowed Damon to move his hand enough to position himself at her entrance and push his hips to hers, sliding inside her in one swift movement. Her pussy was already slick and had previously adjusted to his cock, meaning he didn't need to take it as easy entering her this time. Her body quickly adjusted and Damon began to thrust in and out with an increased tempo while maneuvering her hips in unison with his. Every time their bodies met, they pressed against Elena's already sensitive nub, causing her to once again feel the heat in her stomach building up.

Elena wasn't sure how much more her body was able to take. The non-stop pleasure Damon was able to give her was now becoming borderline painful, if she didn't find her release once more, she was going to be in agony, and she knew her body wouldn't cope with a fourth orgasm. Damon changed the angle of his hips and began to increase the pace of his thrusting while his thumb found her nub and her began to massage it, taking Elena's breath away. This time however, Elena knew something was different, the look on Damon's face had changed and she knew he was close to his release, so she decided to help him along the way.

"Fuck me harder Damon." she panted. "I want you to come inside of me." she whispered, however her own words seemed to have the desired effect on herself instead. "Oh my god Damon..." she moaned. "Yes...yes...yes..." she cried as the white hot spasms of her orgasm sent her pussy burning and pulsating around Damon's dick, prompting Elena to wrap her legs around Damon's waist and pull him into her with a strength she didn't know she possessed. She arched her back, pressing her breasts into Damon's chest before her body went rigid as wave upon wave of her orgasm rocked throughout her body, while the contractions in her pussy continued to milk Damon's cock.

Elena knew her actions had achieved their goal as she felt Damon shudder with his own release. Making sure she kept her eyes open, Elena watched as she wanted to see Damon brought to his knees with pleasure.

"Fuck...Elena...aargh." he cried as he scrunched his face up, pressing his hips tightly to Elena's as she felt his warm seed spill inside her. In that moment he looked stunning, he was completely hers and she was his, while their bodies were still merged together, clinging to one another as if the world would stop spinning if they let go.

Initially Damon's head collapsed into the crook of Elena's neck, however he gradually slid them down the wall until he was on his knees, his softened dick still buried deep inside her. Elena tried to unwrap her legs from around Damon's waist but he shook his head.

"Just a little longer?" Damon asked. "I never want to forget this moment." he said as he rested back on his haunches, still not letting go of her.

"Me neither." Elena said, looking at him as they began to kiss.

Eventually exhaustion took over and Elena released her legs from around Damon's waist as he slid out of her, enabling her to sit between his legs while they recovered on the restroom floor.

"So what now?" Elena asked, kissing Damon's chest as he stroked her hair.

"We do nothing." Damon replied with a touch of sadness.

"What do you mean we do nothing?" Elena asked, anger seeping into her voice.

"Right now we need all the help we can get." Damon explained. "That includes my brother. If he even suspects anything has happened between us, it could put us all at risk. Including you, Jenna and Jeremy." he reasoned.

"Oh." Elena replied with a small voice.

"Hey look at me." Damon said, taking Elena's chin and looking her straight in the eyes. "I love you, that's not going to change. But we have to wait until the time is right." he told her as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "And with everything going on at the moment, it's not right now." he smiled sadly her as Elena nodded in understanding.

"I know." she murmured, closing her eyes and nestling her head in Damon's chest.

Suddenly the noise of Elena's phone ringing disturbed her, as she went to fumble around blindly for her phone.

"Go away!" she heard Caroline complain, confusing her as she found herself falling out of a bed. When Elena opened her eyes and realized not only had she fallen out of Caroline's bed, instead of being wrapped up safely in Damon's arms in the restroom at the Grill, she was waking up from yet another erotic dream about Damon after the previous night's slumber party with Bonnie and Caroline. Disappointed, she crawled over to the dresser and picked up her phone, which was still ringing.

Elena checked her phone and saw Stefan's name as the caller ID. "Hello." she answered.

"Shhh." Bonnie murmured.

"Elena!" Caroline moaned as Elena scuttled into the hallway to continue her conversation.

"How was the slumber party?" Stefan asked.

"Good and much needed." Elena replied flirtatiously, the last thing she needed was for Stefan to suspect anything was wrong. "When can you and I have one?" she asked, as she began to wonder if her dreams could be put down to sexual frustration, as she and Stefan hadn't exactly been spending much time being intimate recently.

"Mmm. That can be arranged." Stefan offered.

"Okay. Now. Today." Elena suggested. "Take me far, far away." she said, maybe some quality sexy time with Stefan would stop these increasingly realistic and erotic dreams about Damon.

"Even with everything that's going on?" Stefan asked.

"Because of everything that's going on." Elena admitted, nodding to herself, although meaning something entirely different from what Stefan was referring to.

"And you're sure this has nothing to do with dodging your father who just got into town?" Stefan said suspiciously.

"Uh, this has everything to do with that." Elena partially lied, wishing getting away from John was not the main reason. She couldn't be around Damon anymore. She knew she needed to get away, because deep down, Elena had begun to realize that small parts of these dreams reflected a reality of her true feelings for him. *Even Rose had picked up on it before she died after Elena admitted she cared about Damon, Rose had told her "It's okay to love them both." Therefore it was imperative she kept away from him as much as she could, even though any prolonged time away was impossible. Seeing him so soon after the dream about her jealousy over the possibility of him being with someone else was too much. Yet admittedly, deep down she was just thankful he hadn't slept with Andie, as she wasn't sure how she'd react if she saw them together.

"Well, in that case, where would you like to go?" Stefan asked distracting her thoughts.

"How about my parents lake house?" she suggested.

*This conversation between Rose and Elena was aired in the trailer for 2x22, although not part of the episode, and as it was aired, I'm taking it as canon.

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