Roommates ✓

By birlemgal

523K 10.9K 5.3K

JMB❥"And they were roommates" "oh my gosh they were roommates" copyright© by birlemgal [2017-2018] More

bonus chapter


11.3K 258 54
By birlemgal

"Look! I made strawberry pop tarts" I squealed, placing a plate of pop tarts on the small coffee table in front of the couch where joey sat

"By 'make' do you mean 'put them in a toaster'?" Joey laughed as he brung a pop tart up to his lips

"I took them out of the package too!" I scoffed. "Give me some credit"

"Wow you're a great cook." Joey mumbled sarcastically which led me to laugh. before you ask, no. we're not dating. and yes, we did confess our feelings towards each other last night but it doesn't mean we have to start dating straight away. joey and I both agreed to take it slow. we've only known each other for a short amount of time and theres no need to jump into conclusions.

I dont know what we are now. friends? a tiny bit more than friends? almost in a relationship? I don't exactly know. but what I do know is that its going really well so far. its like we act like a couple when we're not in a serious relationship. its weird, I know. 

"can't I just claim you all too myself already?" he groaned, stuffing his face in my neck

"joey, we've been over this. we both agreed on taking things slow" I said, playing with his soft hair.

"tell me why  agreed on that again?" he mumbled against my neck which tickled

"we barley know each other" I answered. its weird how we barley know each other but have already kissed a few times. so much for taking things slow

he groaned again. he soon lifted his head which caused me to pout; his hair's so soft....I didn't want to let go. "tell me about yourself, Rosie. I wanna know everything about you" he grinned

I sat up. "if your wanna know everything then we might be here all day" I raised an eyebrow as I smirked

"now that I don't mind at all" he said, getting into a more cosy position


"im what?!" I shrieked. did I hear that properly?

"its true" he mumbled. "why is it so hard to believe?" he asked

"You haven't lost your virginity yet! joey, I've seen plenty of girls come home with you..." 

"but it doesn't mean I sleep with them" he tried not to laugh. "I like to keep girls waiting" he shrugged. I'm out of words

"so you get their hopes up then-

"lets not talk about this" joey stopped me. how did we get on that topic again? all I have to say is that at least i'm getting to know him more. even if I have to know that stuff about him.....yuck

"so.....can you cook?" I asked, changing the topic

"I can cook a house down" he snorted. so thats a no? "but I know you can't" he stated

"I cooked you pop tarts" I seethed, glaring at him. if he says that one more time thats the last time I'm ever going to put a pop tart in the toaster

"toasted, rosie. toasted"he shall never taste my pop tarts again. "can I have a kiss?" he asked

"no" I said almost straight away. "you offended my pop tart making skills" I pouted

"I can kiss that pout away" he suggested whilst smirking. not a day goes by without him smirking now that i'm counting 

"no" I said

I screamed and seconds later I find myself in a very awkward position yet again. screw this position! "give me a kiss. you know how much I crave it" he winked as he played with my hair while he was on top of me

"go for it, pretty boy" I grinned and he leaned in but I turned my head, feeling a peck on my cheek. I like when I win

"thats not fair" he whined

"you didn't say where" I shrugged. "I win-

his lips pressed against mine as he cut me off when I was about to cheer for myself. this is a way better prize. I felt his hands grip my waist and squeezed the sides as I placed my hands behind his back

"no, I win" his lips shifted across mine before he placed them back on again. a smile played on my lips which was against his. I could literally do this all day with no hesitation. as much as I have been craving this all day, I had to put it to a stop. I nibbled on his bottom lip then continued kissing him for five more seconds before I pulled away. I hated the feeling of his lips pulling apart from mine.

"why did you stop?" he asked with puppy eyes

"I have work and I really don't want to loose this job" I replied, giving him one last peck before pushing him off

"screw that" he pouted, crossing his arms. he's cute. "I don't want you to leave"

 I was already 5 minutes late for work so I had to ask Joey to drive me since I would be even more late if I walked. it didn't make any difference because he kept on refusing for me to leave. he finally gave up and drove me down to the cafe but got a hold of my arm

"joey, I have to go" I said

"and you can" he shrugged. does he not realise that I can't because his hand feels like its glued onto my arm?

"joey" I whined

"fine fine" he sighed heavily and gave me one last kiss before letting go of me. "have fun at work" he smiled 

"but not to much fun!" he yelled from outside. "I expect you to be home as soon as possible

"who does he think he is?" I mumbled

"im joey birlem" he yelled out. 

end of chapter

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