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"Hey rose. How's it going over there?" My mum's voice chirped through the phone

I cleared my throat and received a smirk from joey. "It's alright I guess..." I answer, smirking back at him and covering my phone. "Get off me" I whispered before putting my phone against my ear again as he furrowed his eyebrows

'Never' he mouthed then pouted and stuffed his face against my neck

"How's your sister?" Mum asked. "She didn't answer my calls" she sounded concerned. Is it bad that I forgot all about my sister, Marie?

"She's just a bit busy with work and....stuff" I said not knowing what to actually say. She's probably partying or some crap

"That's good to hear. Have you got a job yet, honey?" She asked

"Uh yes actually. At a café-quit it joey!"

"Joey? Who's joey?" Mum asked curiously

Crap crap crap crap freakin crap. My mum is really strict about boys. She doesn't like the thought of me dating, even though I'm probably old enough to now. She just doesn't want me to grow up she says. But why not just take me to neverland. Peter Pan is pretty good looking.

This is the moment we're I would usually bang my head with a hammer multiple times, but since I don't have a hammer, I'll just use my hand.

Face palming, I let out a breath, that I didn't even know I was holding, out "Hmm? Joey?" I played dumb. "Yeah, who's joey, mum?" I asked. Kill me

"Im not kidding, rose marlin....." She seethed. It's almost like I can hear her face glaring at me. Now im scared that she'll jump out of my phone.."Who's joey?" She asked again, but this time, more anger in her voice

I didn't want to tell the truth because I know that will let her down

"He's the.......butler?"

"You have a butler?" My mum asked in suprsie

"He wont stop putting pepperonis on my pizza that I asked him to make. Gee he has a lot " I nervously laughed

Joey looked down at his chest "But I have really small pepperonis-

Joey started to say but I slapped my hand over his mouth

"Small pepperonis?" My mum repeated again with more confusion in every word

"Yeah" I nodded, even those gut she cant see. "I just......asked for small pepperonis instead of the large ones he had put on my pizza. But I guess they don't have any more.." I should get an award for world's best liar. Can you hear my sarcasm?

I cant lie for my life. Like if I was kidnapped and the only way I could escape is by lying, I would be dead.

"Okay......" She sounded uncomfortable. "Anyways, im coming over for dinner in about 2 hours. You know, to see how you two are actually doing. " she informed

"What?!?" I shrieked and jumped causing joey to fall off. That's one way

"Is there a problem with that?" She asked

"What? No of course not" I scratched the back of my neck nervously. "Its just, Marie will not be home. She plans on going to the library in about an hour" I lied

"That's fine, all I expect is that there's no monkey business going on over there.."

"Ooh ooh ah ah " joey smirked as he impersonated a monkey

"Okay...." I agreed. "Bye mum" I've never pressed the end call button so quickly before

"What did she say?" Joey asked

"My parents are coming over for dinner tonight" I spat out. I had no choice but to tell him the truth. I needed someone to help me out after all and since i told my mum that joey is my 'butler' i would have to beg

"Do you have a suit and tie by any chance?" I asked nervously

"Yeah. Why?" He asked and I gave him a nervous smile

Call me extra because that's exactly what I am. Yeah, I know its only dinner wits my parents and roommate but it also involves a bag full of lies. Knowing my parents, they'll be firing a ton of questions on the table for joey. I could tell my mum didn't entirely believe me when I told her that we had a butler, that's why I made a script for joey.
Whatever he needs to say will be on that script. If he doesn't say what's on the script, I'll be dead meat. But isn't meat already dead?

"Welcome, Mr and Mrs marlin " joey flashed a charming smile to my parents. This is happening. This is actually freakin happening. Lets just hope my lying skills would magically improve. "My name is Joseph and im the butler of your daughter, rose" so glad he didn't say Rosie. Although, I am going to miss it

My dad didn't seemed convinced but my mum on the other hand seemed charmed by his manners and good looks. Im not going to lie, joey looks really attractive with a suit and tie on. Especially with that perfectly shaped body......shut up, rose

"How lovely to meet you, Joseph" my mum smiled

"Since you're the butler does that mean You've been living with my daughter ?" My dad growled quietly seeing the blood rush up his face

"No sir. I have my own house down the road" joey answered.

My dad nodded then we came around to the dinner table where my parents sat beside each other and I sat alone on the other end. Joey came around with the food that I microwaved earlier. I could tell he was not enjoying any of this one bit. He also looked a bit pale so I assumed he was nervous. Probably nervous that he'll mess up on the script or something

"Please. Join us, Joseph" mum said which made joey look up

"I couldn't" he shouldn't

"I insist" what is she doing?!

Joey looked down at me and I know he's seen my horrified look on my face. So he smirked. What is he doing?!

"It wouldn't hurt anyone if I joined I guess" joey slid down on the chair next to me and I could feel my my body starting to heat up. This is definitely not apart of the plan

"So how did you become a butler?" My dad asked joey. It seems like they want to snatch up with them more than they want to catch up with me. My parents are always interested in meeting new people like my new friends and all that

Joey reached for his pocket and pulled a piece of paper out, ripping it in half after

Welp. There goes my script.......wait.........my script!

"We actually knew each other before I wanted the job"

This is going to be a long night

End of chapter

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