Bad Boy's Queen

By BloodyHemsworth

2M 44.5K 21.3K

His eyes darken, his pupils dilating almost entirely. His warm hand cups the back of my thigh and pulls me cl... More

1; Midnight Macca's Run With The Bad Boy
2; Catching The Bad Boy
3; Skipping With The Bad Boy
4; Should Have Never Trusted The Bad Boy
5; Bad Boy's Going Soft
6; Bad Boy's Own Mistake
7; Taking Care of The Bad Boy
8; Thinking Of The Bad Boy
9; The Search For The Bad Boy
10; All Because Of The Bad Boy
11; Getting The Bad Boy Out Of My Head
12; The Bad Boy's Very Pleasurable Touch
13; Sharing a Bed With the Bad Boy
14; The Bad Boy's Back
15; The Moody Bad Boy
16; The Girl Clinging to the Bad Boy
17; The Bad Boy's Promise
18; Bad Boy's Last Kiss
19; Forgetting The Bad Boy
20; Bad Boy's Call
21; The Bad Boy's Secrets
22; Bad Boy's Fight
23; Bad Boy's Party Trick
24; In The Bad Boy's Car
25; Involved With The Bad Boy
26; The Bad Boy's Turn
27; Bad Boy's Loss
28; The Bad Boy's Ways
30; Saving The Bad Boy
31; Hating The Bad Boy
32; Bad Boy Whatcha Gonna Do
33; Bad Boy's Type of Love
34; Loving The Bad Boy
35; Bad Boy on Top of Me
36; Leaving The Bad Boy
37; Bad Boy's Kind of Slumber Party
38; Bad Boy's Queen
Book Playlist

29; Bad Boy's Perspective

36.4K 799 282
By BloodyHemsworth

Stars fading but I linger on dear

Still craving your kiss 

~ dream a little dream of me


Hunter's Point of View

I know this is the breaking point of my patience. I know if I explode, I'll do something I will regret. I need to speak with Eleanor with my head screwed on straight or she's going to see right through me and be one step ahead of me.

My foot feels heavy on the gas pedal. I can't think of anything except Leah's words and her fucking lips pressed against mine in that hospital elevator. Everything about her drives me crazy. Her stupid smile, her dark eyes, the smell of her perfume, her lips, everything about her is slowly turning me insane. If I fail at getting answers out of Eleanor I am going to blame her for being a distraction.

My fingers are curled tight around my stirring wheel. I can hear Eric's neck snapping beneath my hands and it feels damn good. I can feel my fist smashing against the bridge of his nose, breaking it like it's pencil. I have to stay on track, though. One slow step at a time, starting with Eleanor.

I park my car on the side of the road and grab my sports bag from my trunk. Being seen in my uniform would be dangerous so I find a public toilet nearby and change out of my uniform and into my boxing clothes. I'm going to get answers from Eleanor whether she wants to or not. Judging from the fact that she's probably a gold digger for my old man, I think she'd put up quite a fight.

All these times I spent chit-chatting with her I could've used to squeeze answers out of her. She was watching me this whole time and I never suspected a thing. If Leah didn't say anything, I don't think I would've ever known Eleanor is more than what meets the eyes.

I clamp my jaw as hard as I can. Pain is always good for distraction. The last thing I want to do is confront Eleanor with pent-up anger. My main goal is to let her know that I still trust her just long enough so I can hopefully get her somewhere a little more private. I take a deep breath. I can't afford to fuck this up.

As soon as I am inside the gym I walk to one of the benches before setting down my bag. Surprisingly, there aren't that many people here today. I try my best to secretly look around for Eleanor, but I don't see her anywhere. I decide to throw in some punches and wait until she comes. She might just be taking a break. I've been here on a Monday afternoon so I know this is her shift. I doubt she would quit after exposing herself to Leah. She doesn't want me knowing she's working for Eric. Quitting the job would only raise my suspicion after both she and Leah vanished right after my round at the tournament. 

"Hunter!" Her voice calls out. I turn, holding the punching bag in place as I do.

I pretend to smile, but inside I have the urge to kick her bare stomach. "Eleanor." She pulls me in for a hug.

"I am sorry you lost yesterday." She frowns, but I can see right through her. "There's always next month, you know?"

"I don't think I'm competing next month."

"Aw, why not?"

I shrug. "Just going to take a little break from everything. You know what? I need to take a cigarette break. Care to join me?" She's watching me carefully now. I know she's starting to get suspicious. I need to be careful when talking to this one. She's clever. "You don't have to come. I won't be long." I start to walk away.

She runs up to me, catching up as I walk up the stairs towards the main floor. "No, I'll come. I could use a cigarette or two." I hold back a smirk. The things you do to try and gain people's trust.

I go out the back door and pull a cigarette out of my pocket. "You carry cigarettes with you while boxing?"

I make sure to close the door behind me. "I carry cigarettes everywhere I go. You never know when you might need it."

I hand her a cigarette. She grabs it with her teeth and waits for me to light mine so I can light hers. We both stand in silence, slowly finishing our cigarettes. I could definitely use a cigarette before having to deal with Eleanor.

I am only halfway done with my cigarette when I toss it to the ground and step on it. I don't give her a chance to ask me whether I am done before I am grabbing her cigarette and throwing it away. I wrap my hand around her neck, pushing her against the brick wall.

She gasps but and then laughs afterwards. Her laugh slowly turns into a wheeze as I tighten my grip around her neck. Her face morphs into panic as she claws at my arm. "What do you know about Eric?"

I loosen my grip on her throat. She inhales a quick breath before letting out a sardonic laugh. "Did that slut snitch on me? I knew she couldn't keep her mouth shut."

"That's not what I asked. Answer my question."

Her eyes are wide, daring me to end her life right now. "Sweet boy, you're not getting anything out of me."

I push her head against the wall harder. She flinches in pain. "I can do this all day, Eleanor. Eric's not here to save you so you might as well start talking."

"You're stupid if you think you're his main target. You and Leah don't mean shit to him." She coughs once. "Who do you think got your cheating whore of a mother in the hospital? You're just a side quest for Eric to kill so he can get to your mother."

Leah's Point of View

I am sitting on my bed, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt nervously. It's 5 p.m. How long does Hunter need to get Eleanor to spill something? No matter how much I would love to see her hurt, I am hoping Hunter isn't beating her up right now. I would love to see her locked up behind bars, though.  

I pick up my phone and dial Matthew. "Matt, I need your help. Can you give me a lift?"

"Where to?"

"I'll tell you on the way. Please, I know I owe you one."

"Alright. I'll be there in ten."

I get dressed and go downstairs, telling my mum and dad I'm going to Matt's place to study. I make sure to show them my book-filled bag before walking out the door to make it seem a little more believable.

I open the door, flinging my bag into the backseat of Matt's car before sitting down on the passenger seat. He seems to be amused at my rushed actions.

"Are you running away?" He asks.

I point to the right to tell him to go that way. "No. There's something important that I gotta do."

"But you're not going to tell me what it is?"

"I don't really think that's a good idea."

"Alright, fine, but can you at least tell me where we're going?"

"'Matt, please. I'm too stressed out for an interrogation right now."  I immediately curse at myself for being such a bitch to someone who willingly gave up his time and effort to drop me off somewhere. "I'm sorry. I'm just not exactly in a Christmas mood right now."

"It's fine. I feel that way sometimes. Should we stay in this lane?"

"Yeah. Just keep going straight."

The car ride is silent after that except for my occasional gestures to keep him going in the right direction. I appreciate the fact that he's not trying to break the silence.

When we arrive at the gym I stare at the alleyway for a few seconds. Maybe I am not making the right choice right now, but I need to see that Hunter is fine.

"Stay here," I say as I exit the car. Matt snickers, getting out too.

"I've watched enough horror movies to know that's exactly how people get themselves hurt," he says as he locks his car. I smile at him appreciatively. "What are we doing here anyway?" 

"Well, I just have to sort some stuff out. Thanks for driving me here." 

"It's fine. I wasn't doing anything anyway. You actually saved me from going on a date with Hannah Fray." 

"Why'd you say yes if you didn't wanna go?" 

He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "She was the one who helped me get my grades up and saying no just seemed rude at the time."

"She agreed on volunteering to tutor you. You don't owe her any date, Matt." 

Like always, the alleyway stinks of rotten garbage that smells like it has been left out for months. I catch Matthew sniffing the air in disgust and almost crack out a laugh. 

The green door opens. "Who's he?" the guard asks. 

"A friend. Let us in. We won't be here long." 

He grudgingly lets us in after directing a few questions at Matthew. Thankfully, Matthew manages to answer them all with flying colours. When we are eventually inside Matthew throws me a weird look. I only reply with a small smile, handing the guard money. 

As we go down the stairs, I can't help but think of how thankful I am Matthew decided to come with me. The only female I know in this place is Eleanor, and she has proven to be my least favourite person. Well, after Eric and Claude, I guess. 

Both Eleanor and Hunter are nowhere to be seen. Some men are looking at me as I walk around with Matt by my side. Some of them even stop what they're doing to look at me. I don't blame them. I am the only female in here. I don't mind them and continue to search for Hunter. "And you wanted to come in here by yourself," Matt mutters to me. 

I spot something in the corner of my eyes. I am sure it's Hunter's sports bag. I know because the fabric of his uniform is peeking out of the opening. Matthew notices too. We both move forward to look at the bag closer. 

"It's Hunter's," I explain to Matthew before he can ask. 

"You brought me all the way down here to look for Hunter?" He chuckles. 

"I think he might be in danger," I say quietly. His face turns serious. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Oh god, Matt." I turn, looking at the bartender behind the bar. Everything clicks in my head. Eleanor must have taken Hunter to Eric. Or maybe Hunter went willingly, thinking he could fix all this by himself.

Before I know it I am half-running towards the bar. "Have you seen Eleanor?" I ask the bartender. He only glances at me once before shaking his head and walking away to serve another customer. 

Matt finally catches up. "What's going on?" 

"Hey," I call the bartender again. He shoots me an annoyed look before coming back over. "I noticed you have CCTVs." I point at the cameras on the ceiling. "Where can we watch the recordings?" 

He scoffs. "Boss's office probably, but he's not going to let you watch any of them."

"Where is his office?" 

"Second floor, but I don't think he's here. Besides, James isn't going to let you up there." 


"He guards the door."

Shit. I usher Matthew to follow me as we ascend the stairs. I want to at least have evidence that he went with Eleanor. 

James is sitting down beside the door watching the television and smoking a cigarette. He pops an almond in his mouth before laughing at something on the TV. How are we going to get through him? 

"Distract him while I am upstairs," I whisper. 

Matt's eyes widen. "Are you crazy? What if someone murders you up there?" 

"Hunter's fucking missing. We have to do something." 

"You seriously owe me for this."

"Alright. Go." 

Matthew comes out of our hiding and smiles at James. He only grunts, expecting Matthew to walk out the door. James glare as Matthew asks for a cigarette. 

I take a deep breath. I just need to find the right time to bolt right up the stairs to go into the boss's office. My heart is pounding in my chest, trying to get out. I try to breathe as silently as possible as I tiptoe across the room, making sure James doesn't spot me. 

When I am finally at the top of the stairs I bite my fist, listening to whether he is suspicious at all. The both of them are still talking about how much beer they can consume at one time. I am too tense to roll my eyes so I continue making my way down the hallway.  

I am face-to-face with a mahogany door. My hands are slightly shaking out from uneasiness. I try Emily's method of counting. 

One, two, three.

I turn the door handle, raising my eyebrows when I see that the door is unlocked. I push the door open halfway to see whether anyone is inside. The room is empty. A desk and chair stand right in the centre of the room, right in the middle. I hesitantly make my way in, scoping the place out for anything that might be important. 

That's when I notice the live feed from the CCTV on the two computers in the corner. I make sure to close the door before walking forward and looking at the computer screen. They have CCTV out in the alleyway, one in the first floor where I can currently see Matthew and James are conversing right now, one in the basement just at the bar, and one at the gym area overlooking the whole gym. That's a total of 4 CCTV.

I click on the screen of the CCTV showing the alleyway and watch as it expands into a full screen. I press the left arrow button on the keyboard, rewinding it until at least two pm. Some customers occasionally come, but none of them looks suspicious or familiar. 

I fast forward a little more and quickly pause when I see Hunter walking down the alleyway with Eleanor by his side. I unpause the clip, but nothing else happens that would give me an idea of where they went. Well, shit. I am seriously stuck now. 

I decide to walk around the office, trying to find anything that might be important. So now I know that he went somewhere with Eleanor, assumably to confront Eric, but I have no clue where he is. 

Just as I am about to give up and exit the room, a 'ding' sound resonates throughout the room. I walk towards the source of the sound, opening the file cabinet. An iPhone is lit up. Text notification. I pick it up and read it. 

E. Reese: Eleanor brought the boy here. She'll be back there with your money tomorrow morning. Marshall Creek Road. Red house. You've done good, Joey. Pleasure doing business with you. 


I legit have 48 exams to do in 2 weeks so I might not update as quick in the next two weeks cause I honestly need to study idk shit. So wish me luck. Hope you guys aren't having a shit month like me kay xx 

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