you and me

By alonesoul_2019

14.9K 1.5K 1.6K

this is a story abt a girl who suffered alot bcoz of her parents nd she lost her first love nd lost faith in... More

longing for love
begning of new journey
first meeting: h for hero ...srsly!!
be my gf...💟
can we be frndss...
#give love a second chance..❤💗
i will help her😌
# who r u ?? 😞
m with u !!
#wedding preparation....starts
havoc before engagement...
~official trailer~
# I need u...
# Angry bihaan...
~Mission smile~
# New problems....😧
# is that bihaan ? 😞
# suspicion...😞
# sangeet eve....
● its a no ●
I wish u knew
shadows of past
Reality unfolds
The game is on
The unexpected
A new guest
A new guest
Love in the air
Looking back
part 2
I love you

Time to move on

361 36 83
By alonesoul_2019

Thapki : come oon tell na hhow's kabir ?

Bihaan wasn't expecting this he was surely wasn't expecting this question she asked such a complicated thing out of blue . He could feel himself growing jittery but still tried to be normal though his brain was numb.

Bihaan : what do you mean ? i...i..i kab..kabir (gulping down disquietude ) he's dead.

vasu remained torpid following thapki's mindnumbing question ,
for a while then after dispelling her agita she broke the silence hanging in the air ,
Her stunned face was voucher of what she's going through . Thapki's question clobbered her.  She could sense her heart rate increasing unevenly , the current situation almost thwacked her small head. She was stupefied.

vasu : & bi..haan wha..what do you b..oth mea..n ? so..n my he ?

She asked with hope glimmering in her teary eyes breaking bihaan apart ,

Bihaan panicked realising that this is all going wrong completely wrong vasu's condition is still sensitive ,

Bihaan : ma noth...nothing she's just..
Thapki stepped in his shoes to reduce his worries & fret enclasping  him ,

Thapki : joking aaround (completing bihaan's statement )

And before completion of her words she was bestowed by a tight slap and her cheeks turned crimson red , they were combusted by the heat proudced due to the slap , it's intensity was much more than what vasu evaluated. Thapki could feel stinging pain not actually on her cheeks but in her  fragile heart.
same pain but of much more ardency.

Bihaan : maaa !!

vasu stopped him by putting forward her palm.

vasu : thapki , i considered you as my daughter and my son he's no more and he's not a hot topic to joke about , but uk it's not your mistake , (glaring bihaan ) it's the company you are in right now . your husband loathed my son and that's why he liquidated my son , and don't you worry i wont punish him because i am still a mother unfortunately . your husband annihilated my family and i wont forgive him ever . I just hate him his  malicious presence his exsistence .
vasu was red in tooth and claw. She was steamed up and her ire started dispersing on her face ,

Bihaan tried to keep his brain & heart
unruffled. His tears turned out to be a traitor. His face was now twisted in strong pain bonking his heart.

Thapki rubbernecked him for a long time and then hearing vasu 's venom which she was spitting unremittingly stirred a conflation of innumerable emotions blending with each other and this was the moment when the cobflagrant fire ignited by the sense of belongingness , the fact that bihaan belongs to her he is her 'suhaag' and no one in this world no one his mother even has a right to affront him at least in front of her right now and she wondered why is he quelled ?
and why he's  always wordless or is mute zoned when it comes to his respect is he such a poltroon ?
anyway if he can't then being her wife its her duty to stand up for his rescue.

Bihaan was feeling cumbersome to handel the situation , it was turning out more mortifying . It was a usual thing actually vasu digracing him but today what made him rustic was actually his wife's presence , obviously, if you were at his place you would have felt the same ,being insulted in front of love of your life, wouldn't you ?
Bihaan observed thapki's facial expressions and she was upset and guilty at the same time for putting him in trouble , but wait she might have done it purposefully because she wants her revenge also . Putting him in trouble would reduce her pain wouldn't it ? ofc it will but then why was she hagridden ? it was getting tougher for him to understand her but one thing he knew for sure that something's brewing in her brain right now and this fact terrified him.

Thapki was gawking at vasu angrily and with moistened eyes.

Thapki : stoppppp please...stopppppp (roaring) please ma please...i beg of you stop insulting my husband . Ma its not right to everytime acuse him for the things which he did not do . I played with your feelings it was my impudence which wounded your mellow heart ma (turning genteel a bit). Ma you know my granny used to say for a wife the harshest punishment in this world is to see her husband getting disrespected and you are actually making me go through that.  Ma bihaan loves you alot he loves you alot trust me in fact he's the one who faught for your safety with me even . He married me ma just for you so that no harm is done to you his love utterly absolute towards you ma that infact does not needs any sort of attestation.

Thapki walked closer to her and held her shoulders softly and continued , cupping her face

Thapki : ma , this was my childish act which caused so much distress to you whic resulted in your tormented state and ma he did not kill his brother i know that and one day i'll proove it ma because he loves you all more than anything in this world .  If u'll ask him na now to leave me for you he'll do that this is bihaan's love and you are lucky enough to have a son like him respect him ma , love him like its end tomorrow . He's your bihaan , our bihaan.

Bihaan looked at thapki with tears running down his cheeks like as if a shower is turned on . He could feel his heart boasting that its his thapki. For the very first time he felt loved someone stood up for him.

vasu : you stop it (covering her ears) stop it i can't hear his flattering is that clear your husband is a slaughterar and you can't change that fact is that clear and you being his wife is the same you too killed my son i hate you thapki i hate you bihaan i don't wanna see your faces is that clear ?

i hate you thapki you betrayed me.

Thapki : ma don't do this don't lose a diamond while burning in this hatred.
Rest your wish ma.

vasundhra hurried out from place restricting her motherly love to come up and wave at bihaan.
vasu hided herself behind a pole and let her tears flow freely she darned herself for cursing her own son but her feelings of hatred wasn't false she actually means it and she sneaked to give an ear to their conversation that, is her plan of humiliating bihaan in front of thapki purposefully worked or not ?
vasu : i am sorry thapki , if i wont have insulted him in front of you because i knew that a wife can not bear it and you will take bihaan away from this house forever because that's what a women will do in such sort of situations. I hope thapki you do what i expect you too and ik you will do that.
That's why i made an issue out there.

Thapki  : we'll not go aanywhere i'll prove it to ma that u killed nnoone i'll prove it ma...

Thapki stood there still with vasu's words reverberating and her thread of thoughts was cleaved when a pair of muscled arms surrounded her effete body , & recognising the cologne she inhaled it in. But did not reciprocate.

Bihaan : thapki thank you , thank you so much this means alot to me and i truly respect you for this. Thapki today you proved that my decision of marrying you was not wrong at all.
Thapki forgive me thapki i did so much to you and ik its not easy to forgive me for what i had done to your unadulterated soul and pure love towards me.

Thapki dragged her out of his embrace,

Thapki : excuse me pandey ji , what ddo you mean bby love ? wwho said that i love you stop aasuming things.

Bihaan holding her shoulders gently ,

Bihaan : thapki ik u are angry for me and you should be i deserve that i ruined your life and in its return i deserve your rudeness ,hatred , curses , slaps and punishments..thapki u can kill me if you want so and take as much time as you want in forgiving me but please do forgive me thapki infact i'll do what you 'll say but just one thing never leave me.
Thapki : bihaan i wish you could ever uunderstand my situation..i wish bihaan u said tthis all when you married me..i wish you were hhonest..i wish i ccould stay with you forever bihaan and i wwish i could love you.

Thapki's words were no less than a dagger for bihaan and her eyes conveying her sufferings were enough for bihaan to die in that moment n no. of times. His voice choked and words died at throat itself. His eyes accompanied thapki's.
They shared quite hellacious eyelock bihhan for the first time felt invidious regarding thapki , he at any cost at any cost cant lose her. He wondered is it really too late ?

They were detracted when a gleeful laughter knocked in their ear drums ,
thapki was familiar with the voice and she quickly wiped her tears and composed herself as she knew the owner of that melodious voice wouldn't like seeing her in this state.

Both bihaan & thapki turned to welcome the unexpected guest but wait its guests shradha , dhruv  sheena ,raj & kosi they all together but there's something dfrnt in the air today and especially about dhruv & shradha.
They looked quite cheerful and the way they were looking at each other forced bihaan & thapki to give each other a wtf is this all about look ,

And what's wrong with shradha why is her all 32 out and dhruv too he looks different and wierd though he is wierd anyway.

Bihaan : ummm..hey everyone please come inside....

Thapki suddenly encircled bihaan's forearm marking her authority and bihaan looked at her flabergasted ,

Thapki : marie di marie..di..

marie : yes mam...

Thapki : please you all make uurself cmfrtbl and mmarie di these are our guest for the day serve them whole heartedly and with courtesy.

marie : as u say mam..

Thapki : we both will see you all in a moment excuse us please ,

Thapki dragged bihaan to room and leashed the door behind her and sighed in releif.

Bihaan grabbed the opportunity and came close to her his hand was surrounding thapki's waist and their nose tips touched.  Thapki who was exhaling out stress with a tinge of anxiousness was surpised at the sudden change in his mood.

Bihaan : sooo miss what's the plan ?

Thapki : what ?

Bihaan : don't act as if you don't   know anything i mean like you start and i'll follow...

Thapki : wwhat start ?

Bihaan : aree thapki  its just that i m a fresher in the school of romance so you start and i'll follow you...(getting shy )

Thapki : are u ccrazy ? like seriously i told you na i ddnt love you i dont (screaming) i don't llove you and i'll never ever love yyou is that cclear ? i ddnt love you...i dn...

suddenly her lips were sealed by his ,
thapki's eyes widened at the shock she just recieved his lips against her was an utter blis. His tongue checked up on every corner of her mouth , their tongues met and danced in synchrony , bihaan 's hand extended down and cupped her buttocks squeezing them , while thapki moaned in his mouth.

Thapki squirmed at his move but his love for her pouring in her lips melted her and bedazzled her. she was spellbinded. she did not made any effort to free her rather she gave herself completely to her master.
Her fingers involuntarily ran in his hair forcing him to deepen the kiss.
Bihaan broke the kiss and his lips traversed down her neck and he slided down her shoulder sleeve which induced thapki's consciousness to wake and make her realise what's happening ,
it was bihaan's unfortune that before his lips could reach her naked shoulder thapki pushed him away covering herself up with her dupatta.

Bihaan : what why you pushed me ?

Thapki moved ahead taking small steps and finally reaching close to him that their breaths amalgamated and bihaan looked at her blankless ,

Bihaan : thapki....

Thapki covered his plumpy pair with her long & slim phalanges ,

Thapki : shhhh !!!

Thapki caressed his subtled cheeks and then her hands slided down touching and teasing him and finally she held his collars and pulled him closer but the thing which troubled bihaan was her changed expressions which were turned to fury now ,

Thapki : ddnt u dare touch me again bihaan

Her face changed again as if it was a season ,

Thapki (politely with heavy voice ) : bihaan , ddnt sophisticate things ffurther they are already deadal.
Bihaan i...i..i...hah !! i can't do this am sorry...

Bihaan :  thapki but...

Thapki rushed inside the toilet & before bihaan could say a word she locked the door and her cheeks heated up for which tears were credited. Her silent sobs were in bihaan's hearing range.

Bihaan gently touched the door feeling her tears , subsequently his eyes to gave in and started pouring out their heart ,

Bihaan (to himself ) : Thapki i promise, i wont let you down ever and u will only return to me and ask me to hold you tight and make love to you , i love u so much & ik one day u'll also confess and if you don't then i'll make you confess.

Thapki came out all freshed up only to find bihaan playing his favrt game in his stupid mobile his persecutory knavaries nettled her.
she glommed his mobile peeving him.

Bihaan : what ? give it back i was playing....

Thapki : u act or u r seriously ?
she questioned raising her brows ,

Bihaan : huh ?

Thapki : uhhh ! are u seriously preposterous or u behave nonsensically deliberately ?

Bihaan : ab hamne aisa kya kia madam ji ? (what did i do now madam )

Thapki : there are some guests waiting down tthere and u are buisy  here pplaying these lunatic games ggrow up...change quickly and we need to go its been 20 mins that we are in rroom.

Bihaan : but why did you bring me to room ?
Thapki : i'll tell you but change first.

Bihaan : allright..

Bihaan came out wearing a leather brown jacket along with navy blue tshirt and denim pairing with it on the other hand thapki was ready too in a orange suit with her hair left open and they both for a while gazed at each other appreciating eithers looks but bihaan dint find thapki's look to be complete and he wondered what's that missing ?

Thapki cleared her throat & looked away breaking the eyelock.

Bihaan : you look beautiful . vaise to u always do so...

Thapki : i brought you up here because i think there's something fomenting in ddhruv's evil head & i wanted to alert you moreover , our clothes were a bit sshabby i mmean we are newly married sorry actually happily married according to them so we must llook presentable right ? as in we love to get ready for eeach other sort of things.

Thapki 's reason invited a laughter and she looked at him annoyingly.

Bihaan : seriously ? ( laughing ) sorry sorry very sorry...ohk sorry but u so cute...

Thapki : what ever

Thapki scrupled a bit before initiate speaking and bihaan realising the same decided to make her feel comfortable.

Bihaan : thapki , u were accusing me for being  bizzare but have a look at ur innerself first i mean you are such a coward , u could have told me the same down there in my ear , and changing clothes seriously and for those people but anyway we shared our second kiss. I feel you wanted to have a smooch. nahi?

Thapki flushed vigrously and her face developed a pinkish glow which she tried to conceal .

Thapki : shut up !! vooo i..i...i uhh..i seri..seriously bbr...ou..brought you to cha..cha..change clot..clothes i...i wasn't in..intending towar..ds any..any..antyhing else.

Bihaan (to himself) : i thought fighting with me will reduce her nervousness but its actually  doubled up now .

Thapki :we are getting late they are wwaiting since 30 mins now they are going to ggive us a scolding.
lets go.

Bihaan : yeah fine .

Bihaan unleashed the door and walked out while thapki followed him wondering how to ask and finally deciding it she took a deep sigh and stopped bihaan.

Thapki : bihaan...

Bihaan : ha...

Thapki : i was won..wondering like ddnt take me just for the ssake of society...i mean can..can i can i hold ur arm and walk beside you i mmean to sshowcase others that we are happy indeed i mmean uk what i mmean..

Bihaan walked towards her and pecked her lips with alacrity and thapki's pupil adjusted eyeballs  to become wider.

bihaan whispered in her ears with his lips touching her earlobe which caused thapki's knees to weaken .

Bihaan : u are a ooverthinker my heart , soul , brain , hand , fingers , arm , eyes ,ears , nose ,stomach ,legs , everyrhing every damned single part of my body belongs to you chuk chuk gadi , especially my lips .

He smirked and thapki gaped at mention of that & at the same time she felt an urge to hug him but wait she can not trust him still.

Thapki : umm lets go...they are waiting.

Bihaan and thapki descended down stairs hand in hand and their steps working in synchrony.

Piu & sahir too joined in unwillingly
sahir was the first one to walk in and piu came a bit later .

sahir 's body was adorned by a greenish check shirt paired with a black t-shirt on the other hand piu had put on a short blue and white cool dress highliting her fig along with white shoes and she looked ravishing.

piu who was unaware of the fact that sahir too would be there was nearly bowled over finding him there and sahir too had the same reaction , piu with a heavy heart ignored his presence hurting sahir to the core.

Bihaan and thapki came down greeting them all and vasu too joined them.

vasu : piu mera bacha....

she hasted towards her to embrace her and actually did piu dint reacted negatively as she did not wanted to create a fuss over there.

vasu pulled her along with her and made her sit next to her.

Thapki and bihaan positioned themselves on a sofa parallel to dhruv shradha & kosi's while sahir kept standing.

Kosi : vasundhra behan kaisi ho ?
i got to know that you were in coma.
(vasundhra sisrer how are you )

Vasu did not reply and simply looked away.

Thapki : she's ffine kosi m... (stopping in between ) umm kosi aaunty..

Kosi : tumse puche hum har bat me tang na adaya kro.. (did i ask you dnt poke your nose in between every thing )

Dhruv : ma..stop it..dnt talk to her like that.. am sorry bihaan & thapki from my mother's side in fact am sorry for everything i did to you both...and that's the pur...

Bihaan : stop enacting..bcz kutte ki dum kbhi sidhi nhi hoti..
(dog's tail can never get straight )

Thapki  : aagreed...

shradha : thapki plz , behave urself we're guest in here and you both shud have some hostility..

Thapki : shradha why are u getting angry i mean..iits not yyour matter...

piu : i agree shradha what's the issue with you ?

kosi patted shradha's back and then stroked her forehead .

kosi : bhagwan ka shukr hai mujhe mere dhruv k lie ek shi bahu mil hi gai..( with god's grace finally i found the apt life partner for dhruv )

Thapki stood up completely knocked down with kosi's last statement and so was bihaan & sahir,piu . Raj &sheena were already aware of the purpose of their visit on dhruv's insistence they all  were here to accompany hum as he was ashamed of the things he did to thapki and decided to ask for her forgiveness before starting afresh.

Thapki : shra..shradha what 's the matter ?

shradha looked at thapki with her eyes shimmering with happiness and a small smile on her face.

shradha drew thapki in a small hug and finally pricked up the curosity cloud  growing in her stomach.

shradha : dhruv has decided to move on and for that purpose he has chosen me to marry him for the same. Am so happy thapki that finally m getting settled.

Thapki was hit by a stone she felt what she heard right now freezed her. Her bestfrnd marrying her ex fiance seriously ?

Thapki : whattttt ?

Before , thapki could say anything bihaan chimed in the ongoing conversation and stood beside thapki who had a a puzzled face.

Bihaan : congragulations !! and dhruv am glad u decided to move on right thapki... ?

Thapki glared bihaan with questioning eyes...bihaan assured her and she smiled at shradha agreeing.

Bihaan : in fact i guess u all stay here until there marriage isn't it a nice idea sahir ?

Thapki looked at bihaan shocked...

sahir : yeah..

Bihaan : dhruv & shradha u both ohk with it ?

dhruv : umm maybe i mean we dont wanna trouble you

shradha : me ok and dhruv we shud agree... raj & sheena u tell..

Raj : we both are definitely ready after all i can stay with my frnd thapki after a long tims. But ,u shud ask piu...

piu : thnx raj at least u gave me some importance anyways u all do what u want to but i wont be staying here for sure...

sahir : thapki then tell her to stay in out house...

Thapki : sahirrrr....

piu : in fact that's a nice idea....thapki bhabhi i'll stay there...

sahir looked at her surprised he did not meant that he was just taunting her and she actually agreed he felt embarassed and guilty at the same time for hurting her so deeply after all he was responsible for her this condition.

Thapki : piu bache , tum aab meri bhi bhn ho or ye tumhara hi gghr h tum yhi rrhogi..
(piu baby u r also my sister now and u'll stay here bcz this is ur house as well )

vasu : ha beta thapki bahu is right and she's your bhabhi spend some time with her..

piu : bhabhi please i wont be able to...

And with that piu walked out...

Bihaan : piu...piu..

sahir : let her go bihaan she wont come..

piu who was at the door heard his piercing words and tears plated her eyes and she looked back at sahir with her teary eyes and sahir realised that she's misunderstanding him again.

Dhruv : ohk , then thapki thanku for forgiving me and kindly show us our rooms..just zonked a bit.

Thapki turned her face away from him and vasu spoke on her behalf ,

vasu : umm u gyzz come with me i'll show you come please this way...

now only sahir , bihaan & thapki were left there.

sahir : i think dhruv is planning something we shud stop shradha thapki...

Thapki : that's wwhats bothering me ,i can't let her life to be ddecimated again bbecause of me once that hhad happened....aalready and i cant let past to replicate iitself .

sahir : thapki we have to do something asap..

Thapki was worried now and her face grew tensed again ,

Bihaan : thapki don't worry i am here with you and wont let anythi...

Thapki : u please shut up and go from here iits becz of you oonly that he'll be staying hhere and you only stopped me form saying anything against them...i hhate you..

sahir : i guess i shud excuse u both ,

Bihaan : yes please ,

Thapki : no please , u also stay here anything is not hidden ffrom you ssahir uk the status of oour relation..

Bihaan : do u tell him our persnol things ? i mean which shud remain in between a spouse ?

Thapki : yes i ddo , he's my bestfriend.

Bihaan : this is not done . This is not done thapki this is simply not done.

Thapki : seriously ? anyway its useless to talk to you..

Bihaan suddenly gripped her shoulders firmly this time inducing a stinging pain ,

Bihaan : stop testing my patience thapki. since morning u r provoking me  or is it your plan to aggravate me so that i go from here and u and ur so called best friend have some privacy..

sahir : bihaan u r crossing your limits thapki & i are just freinds that's it being a husband u shud respect her. Stop suspecting her.

Bihaan : husband huh , i wish she considered me one in fact i feel some times that you are much more important to her than me..

Thapki : u are abominable...

sahir : this is disgusting man...

Bihaan rushed out from the place he ascended stairs leaving a broken thapki behind.

Thapki : he always does that sahir aalways ddoubting me..our realtion wont survive i feel so there's no trust sahir..

Bihaan who could heed them turned around and looked at thapki with teary eyes her each word broke his heart into innumerable fractions...

sahir encircled her sidewards consoling her & bihaan left the place fuming & weeping.

Bihaan came back to the hall in order to call thapki to attend a call from her house , and he was irked finding thapki  & sahir still together,

Thapki : sahir u llook tensed , is everything ook ? i m observing since ur arrival u seem tto be down...

sahir : thapki actually it's just that my head is paining alot idk what happened m not well..

Thapki : oh come i'll give u a massage..

sahir : no no bihaan may feel bad...

Thapki : let him tthen..i can't leave my frnds for him...

Bihaan 's anger pushed him back towards his room , he disconnected the call and walked back to his room..

Dhruv : bihaan wait...

Bihaan : god , so a ugly creature is back to irritate me..

Dhruv : good that u din't changed man bcz i wont change as well my boy.

Bihaan : lol !! i knew that tell  me something new...

Dhruv came towards bihaan and forced him in a hug bihaan tried to push him and then he whispered something in his ears ,

Dhruv : game is on...bro..

He broke the hug and winked at bihaan and this time his eyes relflected something teriifying.

Hola , so here's a new part gyzzz for u all to enjoy .  Lovely people do hit the star below if u like this and cmnt if loved.

Its down there the star do click it man come on encourage me so i cud update soon.

love u all...

we'll meet soon....


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