
By gorystories

31.9K 1.3K 405

The school's hottest boys are the two most dangerous psychopaths... Rebekah Fleetwood is a straight A studen... More

Show Him What A Good Time Is
Never Had Sex With A Virgin
Did A Number On My Back
You Will Be Ruined
I Want You Seductive, Not Plain
Those Are Tears Of Eagerness
Go On, Tell Him Becks
That's Not Like My Rebekah
You're A Beautiful Girl, Rebekah
She Was Told Not To Do That
That's Non Of Our Business
She Tried It Again
I Don't Know Why I'm Like This
I Don't Want You To Go
Why Did You Do This To Me?
We Had The Best Of Fun
The Big, Mean Bully
You Care About The Slut, Dont You?
Smaller And Smaller
I Need A Distraction
It Ain't Gonna Get You Anywhere
I Have A Little Confession
Kade Couldn't Take It
I Need You
It Belongs To Me
You Can't Stay Here
The Position You're Suppose To Be In
Why Doesn't Anybody Love Me?
You're Acting Weird!
You Fucking Crazy Bitch
Just Take Me Away From Here

It's Just A Piercing, Becks

1.4K 56 11
By gorystories

Chapter 5

Rebekah awoke the next morning to a sharp pain suffocating the side she lay on, digging into her hip. She immediately hissed out, sucking in air through clenched teeth and she wondered what on earth had happened.

Rebekah pulled her nightie up, only to have her eyes drop when she recognised a large, blue bruise sprawled across her hip, turning black and purple around the edges. She let out a strange sound, remembering how rough Kade had been yesterday when penetrating her; of course his large hands and uncontrollable movement had caused this.

Rebekah attempted to remove herself from the bed to get changed, but the ache traveled from her side to her stomach and she winced out- it was almost unbearable when she moved.

How was she suppose to go to school when she couldn't even breath without inflicting agony upon herself? Every gasp of air she took only put pressure on her waist. How had one boy caused this? This was not normal, nor okay.

Rebekah swallowed the tears but it felt like a dry pill. She would have to face them today. Their cocky faces mocking her, reminding her of the power they held. That she belonged to them and she'd have to do as they please in order to keep herself and them, happy

They'd want sex.

She was deep in thought when she heard someone enter her room. Startled, she jilted her head towards to see her father, suited and booted with his dark blonde hair covering the plan of his head, glaring at her with shocked green eyes.

"Rebekah, darling, why are you still in bed? You are going to be late to class," her father questioned, clearly surprised by his daughters behaviour.

Rebekah panicked and had too suck up the pain; she was in a lot of it, but if he discovered she was bruised, not only would he have a heart attack, but he'd also know a object hadn't caused this- it was a person.

"Sorry, father. I was just about to get out." Rebekah said, climbing slowly out the bed and placing her slippers on. Her side screamed out in agony and she bit her bottom lip to stop her wailing out.

Her fathers eyes flashed with irritation and he began walking towards her. "Rebekah, are you alright? You look unwell."

Rebekah fought the urge to roll her eyes. She hoped he was talking about her facial expressions and not the actual look of her appearance. That was another problem on top of the pile of them that had scattered themselves around her, making her feel caught.

" Yes, I am fine," Rebekah lied, slowly dying physically and emotionally. Richard didn't seem satisfied, nor did he look concerned. There was silence as he furrowed his brows at her for a moment. Rebekah shifted uncomfortably before she spoke; she felt under pressure under her fathers intimidating gaze.

" You better get to work before you are late."

Richard looked at his watch and his eyes stretched out- he hadn't recognised the time. "You are right. I will see you tonight, sweetheart. Hurry yourself up."

Richard didn't give Rebekah a chance to reply as he took off out and Rebekah was left- alone and half-broken hearted. Kade and Ethan. They were her every thought; gnawing at her mind. Consuming her feelings. That video.. if it got out, Rebekah had no idea what she'd do. But, she'd obeyed them last night and let them do as they pleased so surely they were pleased enough, weren't they?

Thinking about it gave her a mind grain. She placed her head in her hands and before she knew it, she was weeping. Rebekah just felt like she was constantly waiting for something to happen- that something was that video. It had been a day, and she was already breaking; panicking. Paranoid. She may have obliged last night-revoltingly, but what happened next time when they expected more from her? Kade had made it clear he had a temper and wouldn't be afraid to post it. Ethan hadn't reacted like Kade, but Rebekah knew he was bound to be just like him.

It was so strange, Rebekah had known these boys for a few years now. To be so blinded from the harsh truth; the fact Kade Samuels and Ethan Riley could be so monstrous- so cruel, she just hadn't seen it coming. She'd always steered clear from them, but that was because of personal reasons. Her father always told her not to trust boys because they didn't care what girls had to offer deep down. Rebekah had listened, until now and her fathers words called louder than ever at this moment in time.

Richard was absolutely right, because now Ethan and Kade had a grasp on her. They wanted to emotionally affect her and they were making Rebekah suffer for some unknown reason. The only conclusion Rebekah was able to come up with, was simply for their own amusement.

But the way Kade looked at her last night, his dark eyes attempting to draw blood succeeded in frightening her. She couldn't get over Ethan's which appeared disdained and broken- Rebekah knew there was something wrong with these boys. She didn't know how, but she knew. She knew she had too avoid them like the Plague, but how could she when they held her life in their strong, powerful hands?

She couldn't go school, she just couldn't. All this re-tracking made her feel nauseous and Rebekah couldn't bare it. But if she didn't go, maybe the video would go viral and she isn't there too see it. Then she'd return and make an even bigger entrance. But she couldn't dwell on it. School was important, right?

It was rather overwhelming. Rebekah had never in her entire life thought about skipping school, so the fact that 75% of her brain was willing to along with it, was rather odd- it just showed how truly scared she was off showing her face in front of them.

That's right. She'd go to the mall. Rebekah deserved a break and a trip out. Being alone will help her clear her thoughts and try to forget about the disaster she called her life. It was rather crazy really how a few days ago, she was the happiest girl around. Well respected and full of joy. Boys wanted her. Girls even looked up to her; she was that gratified virgin with good grades and a pretty face. Rare.

Now, she felt from two experiences that she'd became a sperm bank to these revolting creatures she called boys. Rebekah could call them all she liked, but she knew she'd enjoyed it. They frightened her yes, but what frightened her more was being discovered rather than the actual sexual desires that she'd fulfilled. It was rather disgusting if she was truthful to herself.

What Rebekah didn't realise is that it was sex, and it was normal to enjoy it. Her father had completely brainwashed her.

Not when it is being forced up on her though.

Rebekah shuffled herself to the corner of her bed, still slightly grunting from the agony in her hip and pulled at her draws. She took out a white, buttoned up shirt and a grey skirt, and it took her at least five whole minutes to place the shirt on. The pain in her side was too much for her to handle, but it was an excuse not to go to school. If Kade or Ethan tried to chase her up on it, she'd explain the situation. They'd be in school and therefore wouldn't find her at the mall. It was a perfect way to comprehend what was actually happening right now.

Rebekah was ready to leave. Ready to forget about the thought that had kept her up the entire night- the video.


" Is it just these you want, ma'm?" A well dressed, suited man behind the counter in the store asked.

Rebekah snapped out of daydream, bringing her attention back to the blonde mans, who's name card read Tristan. She'd been busy looking out for her father who may have somehow travelled over to the mall to catch lunch- she knew she was being paranoid, but she'd never done this type of thing before.

" Uhh, sorry. Yes please, that would be great." Rebekah gave a struggled smile. She scratched the back of her neck as she spoke, her green cat eyes avoiding his sharp gaze that she'd caught to often, staring at her. It was like he knew- knew she wasn't this person she was making out to be.

" That'll be $49.94, please." Tristan said and Rebekah immediately attacked her purse, her shaky hands still rattling, worrying that her father knew her whereabouts. Her pale fingers handed him the money before she rushed out the shop, letting out a breath of relief that she'd managed not to act too strange- so she thought.

Rebekah was extremely socially awkward with people she didn't know, but she always tried we best too act normal. But, with the stress of illegally skipping school and two insane boys possibly handing out her sex tape as if it was soup whilst she was away from school, Rebekah was more than a nervous wreck.

She thought it would be better getting to the mall- relaxing and not consistently overwhelmed by the feeling of being found out by people who she wanted too respect her. But Rebekah had been completely wrong. She had  broke her Christian law. She'd betrayed a friend ( despite her being an utter bitch). The guilt was eating her alive and she just couldn't take it.

Rebekah looked down at her bags and realised this was a mistake. She should be in school, not hiding from those douche bags. She was weak and she knew it. Rebekah could blame it on her hip all she liked, but she knew the truth was far more hurtful than the bruise could ever be.

She flexed her watch up to her glowing face. The time was 11:15am and Rebekah knew she could still make it to her final two classes. Important ones too: Maths and Germany.

Rebekah shuffled her bags up her arms when she noticed she was still located outside the store. She swung her body to turn and suddenly went crashing into someone with a forceful pounce.

Before she knew it, her body had reached the ground and her back painfully connected with the floor, the agony instantly sprawling downwards and she winced out a little. Her stupid mind caused her to believe it was her father who she'd bumped into and she jerked her head upwards to get the shock of her life.

It wasn't her father.

It wasn't a stranger who she was looking at.

It was Kade.

All alone.

Oh, fuck no..

" Hello, Becks," Kade said grimly. A malicious smile worked its way into his plumped, red lips.

Rebekah couldn't speak. Couldn't move. Couldn't even breathe. How had he found her? For goodness sake. Seconds ago she was planning to go to school and face her fears, but now Kade was here, in the flesh; Rebekah felt beyond terrified and wimpy.

Kade rose his large, tanned arm out towards her to help her off the ground and she scurried back, receiving a glare that asked if she was seriously going to test him. Rebekah picked herself up, her legs trembling and arms rattling as she took her bags from the floor. His dark eyes didn't leave her body for even a glimpse of a second. He eyed her perfectly sized breasts in her white shirt and pink Ralph Loren sweater. Rebekah just wanted to become invisible- she'd never liked people staring at her. Especially him.

" W-what are you doing here?" Rebekah finally got the courage to say and Kade took a step towards her, his expression haunting.

" No," he said. " The question is, what're you doing here?"

" How did you find me?" Rebekah instantly fired back, raising her voice a little higher, but her tone just showed her fear.

Kade began sniggering under his breath. He shook his head as he did so and Rebekah's emerald eyes just glistened, awaiting the response that was just filled with cruel, pointless laughter.

" You're a spoilt brat," Kade spat. " It doesn't take a genius to find out where you could be hiding."

Kade erupted into a cackle at literally nothing and all the natural colour faded from Rebekah's skin colour.

Oh God..

This was worse than she could possibly imagine.

Rebekah was brought back to realise Kade was alone- no Ethan too help with the torturing.

" Where's Ethan?" Rebekah asked.

Kade's eyes suddenly flashed with a mixture of anger and incredulity. They then became darker. " School, where you should be. So why aren't you, Ms. Smarty?"

" My hip hurts, " Rebekah instantly defended. "Because of you."

Kade looked down at her side, knowing full well it was covered by a knee length grey skirt which made her look as if she was attending Sunday school. He then returned his black eyes to her face, but didn't say anything.

"I have to go," Rebekah said.

" You're not going anywhere," Kade muttered. "Come with me."

Rebekah looked at him and scoffed to her surprise. " No. I'm going back to school."

Kade huffed and immediately grabbed her wrist, reminding her of the torturing pain and purple bruise lay neatly near her top thigh. "Now, Rebekah." Kade murmured through clenched teeth and Rebekah attempted to yank her arm away.

" Don't touch me!" Rebekah yelled, and people began looking their way. Kade knew he had to shut her up, and when people weren't around, he'd make her pay for this. He flashed the audience she'd created a fake smile before turning his attention back to her.

Kade took another warning step towards her and his shaded eyes narrowed into slits. Rebekah watched him with fear as he brought his mouth to her ear. " I think you are forgetting who's in charge here, Becks." Kade reminded her. "Come with me, now. Before I make you."

The threat sent chills through Rebekah's spine and she remembered who she was- weak and helpless. Defenceless. Kade was right. They had her life, and she needed to oblige by their order if she wanted to make it out of this.

So she finally stopped tugging away and let out a breath before gulping and following Kade down the mall..


The silence had been anything but comfortable on the way to the where ever the heck Kade was taking Rebekah. She kept eyeing people, attempting to mentally communicate- tell them she was technically being escorted somewhere against her will. But, Kade kept looking at her and noticed she was shifty.

They finally stopped outside a huge building. It was wide but rather mouldy and there didn't even seem like there was a door. Rebekah furrowed her brows in confusion and looked at Kade who beckoned her to follow.

They walked through some small, closed in corridors that made Rebekah feel sick from chrostaphobia. She held back the barf and continued to follow like a lost puppy. They reached a barely lit room. A yellow light hung from the ceiling and there was a lady sat drawing on the desk.

When she heard footsteps approaching, she swung her body around, giving Rebekah full view of her.

" Can I help you?" The woman asked. She had dark red hair that went half way down her back and tattoos that covered her entire arms, shoulders, neck and chest. Rebekah was amazed that this girl was so brave to have all that work done. She only looked young too. Round about 19 or 20.

" Hey, Stephanie. She wants a piercing."

Oh no.


A piercing. Was this boy crazy? No she couldn't, she just couldn't. Her father would dig her an early grave for sure if he noticed any source of metal or ink on her face. He couldn't do this. Rebekah was about to scream out, opening her mouth to speak, but Stephanie spoke again.

" Of course," Stephanie smiled. " Where does she want it?" Rebekah hated how they were talking about her like she wasn't there. Like she didn't have a mouth. Well, she didn't if Kade was forcing her to get a piercing.

That's so odd. Why on earth would Kade want her to get-

" Her nipples." Kade said, Rebekah's face instantly paling right there and then, her legs threatening to snap and leave her bloody on the ground. Her eyes shocked and glistening with worry and ache. This wasn't right! This wasn't fucking right! Kade Samuels was a fucking horrible jerk . He knew how much something like this would hurt her. From the day he'd met her, he'd always knew she despised piercings and tattoos.

Imagine how they will look when you're 80.

Was a memorable quote what her father use to say. Rebekah had used that same quote on Francis Michaels in front of Kade when Francis had told her, her legs would be perfect for his new tattoo kit his parents had stupidly bought him for his 14th birthday.

Oh, Kade. What a horrible, disrespectful boy he was.

" Yep, no problem. If you'd just take a seat and I'll fetch the tools." Stephanie told them, giving Rebekah an strange look as if to say you don't look like the type of girl for a piercing, before exiting the room.

Rebekah stood colourless, drained and mentally exhausted in the middle of the room. She was glaring at the needles on the side and her eyes were wide with fear. She'd always hated them, and now one was going to be used against one of the sensitive things on her body. It created an overwhelming agony in the pit of her stomach and goosebumps rose on her flesh.

" W-why are you doing this?" Rebekah's voice broke- she was on the verge of tears but she did not make eye contact with Kade too show she wasn't crying- but he already knew.

She didn't realise he was a psychopath; he wanted to see her in physical pain.

He didn't look at her either. He was deeply relaxed in the orange recliner in the corner of the room, completely unaffected.

" Kade-"

" Stop talking." Kade ordered, his eyes clamped shut as he rudely interrupted her.

Rebekah was about to speak when Stephanie entered the room, holding a box in her hands. She told Rebekah to take her sweater and shirt off, then take a seat on the chair.

Rebekah torn the skin around her fingers, noticing Stephanie view her when she realised she weren't moving. She shifted her gaze between Kade and Rebekah. Stephanie sensed Rebekah's uncomfortableness. Only it was not what she thought..

" Do you want to proceed with your boyfriend in the room or out?" Stephanie asked, pointing at Kade. Boyfriend. He'd never be.

Rebekah brought her head up, her eyes instantly fixing on Kade's intense gaze that fired into her skin like hot coal. Those black eyes were laced with burning hatred, basically telling her she will pay if she dares says out. Rebekah was being given the option- she wanted him gone, out her life for good, but she couldn't even get him out the room whilst he forced her to get her breasts pierced; he was utterly revolting.

" I-in." Rebekah stuttered, coughing straight after to hide her uneasiness, but the terrified feeling of Kade's actions still tore her apart limb by limb inside, despite her act in front of others who had no idea what she was going through.

Stephanie awaited Rebekah to bring her shaky hands up and began removing her shirt, the material felt bedraggled and raw against her naked flesh due to the fact these clothes would only be placed back on after her piercing. Rebekah could feel Kade's eyes drooling at her as she stood there in just her pink, plain bra. She then realised she'd needed to take that off too which made her cheeks become hot and crimson instantly as she unclasped the back and stood there, her top half completely naked.

Stephanie gestured for her to sit down and Rebekah stumbled, nearly tripping like a fool. She placed herself down, sinking into the seat and Stephanie began taking the tools out the box.

Stephanie kept looking up and noticed the despondent glisten in Rebekah's eyes. She'd seen clients get scared before, but this was nothing like she'd ever witnessed- Rebekah Fleetwood staring into space, her legs jerking back and forth, causing the chair to rattle.

" Are you okay, ma'm?" Stephanie asked, her caring, ocean- blue eyes on her blank face.

Rebekah didn't say anything and flinched slightly when she felt a large hand grasp her shoulder. The feeling was agonising and way too heavy, pushing her down- it was Kade. Rebekah looked up at him and he gave her a fake, reassuring smile, acting like that caring boyfriend Stephanie had assumed he was. He putting on a front whilst in Stephanie's presence. She had no idea who he truly was. The guy who'd made her cry for his own pleasure just last night.

" Y-yeah," Rebekah's words trembled. " I'm just a bit nervous."

Stephanie gave her a slight smile." Yeah, you look it. Don't worry, it will be over with before you know it."

Rebekah gulped as Stephanie brought the black piercing gun towards her shaped, right breast. The tears began to burn in her eyes and she witnessed Kade's hand, rising out to her.

" You can hold my hand if you want, sweetheart." He feigned worry and gave her a glamorous although wicked grin.

Rebekah mouthed no when he flared his nostrils and his face became slightly red in anger from her rejection to the point where she fearfully took his hand in hers.

Stephanie pierced the first nipple and Rebekah hissed through clenched teeth at the torturing, stinging pain. She naturally gripped Kade's hand which caused his to suffocate hers with an almighty grasp.

Stephanie then moved to the other side as Kade's black eyes wouldn't move from her goose-fleshed breasts and expanded nipples. The grip Kade had on her hand was clearly to spite her and he was grinning menacingly as he watched her in pain and said nothing. Stephanie shot the other, causing Rebekah again to suck in the pain, making her white front teeth, cold. It was a mixture of the feeling of Kade's giant hand on hers and the explicit piercing. Rebekah swore her hand would break if Kade didn't let go and a tear streamed down her face.

Rebekah sighed in relief when Stephanie began getting up and placing the gun back in the box which caused Kade to release her. Rebekah instantly brought her hand to her chest and it had an aluminous red and white mark sprawled across its crookedness. It shook uncontrollably and she held it so Stephanie wouldn't see.

" Wa la," Stephanie beamed as she flashed a mirror in front of Rebekah's eyes for her to see, both breasts nipples pierced with two rather large pieces of metal. Rebekah just wanted her to take it away. So badly..

" Place your clothes back on, and I'll be over here when you're ready to pay." Stephanie said, walking away, leaving Rebekah with Kade.

Rebekah turned, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand and took her clothes of the shelf. Kade noticed her whimpering.

" It's just a piercing, Becks." Kade reminded her and Rebekah ignored him, unzipping the side of her skirt so that she could tuck the shirt in when she'd placed it on.

Kade's eyes knitted in confusion as he began approaching her, but Rebekah kept her head down as she threw the white shirt over her body, not wanting him to see the sadness in her eyes that kept him sane- alive even.

He reached her and she shuffled away. Kade rolled his eyes and grabbed her- it took everything in Rebekah not to scream because of his sudden infliction. Kade turned her around and viewed her hip.

Black and green was waved across a large, blue bruise on the side of the bone next to her stomach. There was also two huge dints from Kade's nails planted in her delicate skin. Luckily, it hadn't been noticeable when Stephanie had done the piercing, it only was now that she unzipped her skirt too tuck her shirt in.

" because of you."

Kade brought his darkened eyes to meet her fearful green sockets. Her face was red in embarrassment as she stood there in just her shirt which was unbuttoned. Kade knew he had caused this; this is what she meant earlier. Rebekah thought maybe he'd feel bad, but she knew that was her stupidity speaking when he rose a sinister smirk.

" I love labelling you." The way Kade talked about it, it was clear he was proud of what he'd done to her.

Rebekah was on the edge of fainting and she ignored him, quickly placing the rest of her clothing on her body before she went to pay Stephanie..

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