
By gorystories

31.9K 1.3K 405

The school's hottest boys are the two most dangerous psychopaths... Rebekah Fleetwood is a straight A studen... More

Show Him What A Good Time Is
Never Had Sex With A Virgin
You Will Be Ruined
It's Just A Piercing, Becks
I Want You Seductive, Not Plain
Those Are Tears Of Eagerness
Go On, Tell Him Becks
That's Not Like My Rebekah
You're A Beautiful Girl, Rebekah
She Was Told Not To Do That
That's Non Of Our Business
She Tried It Again
I Don't Know Why I'm Like This
I Don't Want You To Go
Why Did You Do This To Me?
We Had The Best Of Fun
The Big, Mean Bully
You Care About The Slut, Dont You?
Smaller And Smaller
I Need A Distraction
It Ain't Gonna Get You Anywhere
I Have A Little Confession
Kade Couldn't Take It
I Need You
It Belongs To Me
You Can't Stay Here
The Position You're Suppose To Be In
Why Doesn't Anybody Love Me?
You're Acting Weird!
You Fucking Crazy Bitch
Just Take Me Away From Here

Did A Number On My Back

1.7K 60 13
By gorystories

Chapter 3

Rebekah was awoken to an irritating sound entering her ears. She peeled her eyes open, but they felt heavy and shut again; she blinked slowly a few times before she could actually use her vision. Her face felt numb and a large,  agonising pain was placed at the back of her neck and her vaginal area.

It took her a few minutes to realise that noise was her ring tone, and she sprang up from the bed, only to get a large wind of air, coat her body. Rebekah realised she was naked..

Her face was a bit perplexed for a few moments, but she couldn't think straight whilst she stood in her birthday suit, and the cell was still ringing, draining her mind out. Rebekah quickly tried to find her clothes on the ground, which was causing her more stress because they couldn't be spotted. She then raced back to the bed to use the bed sheets, only to notice they were dripping with blood.

And that's when it all came back to her.

Ethan Riley and Kade Samuels. The sex. The blood. Her private parts hurting with an infuriating ache.



Rebekah felt as colour immediately drained from her face, and she knew she was ready to collapse any second. What the hell was Rebekah Fleetwood thinking? This wasn't her. Her Nokia 5110 rang again, disturbing her thoughts, causing her to jump in fright, and she grabbed it of the ground- she had no time to think about what she'd just done.

" Hello?" Rebekah said, with a frustrated tone of voice when she answered. Her face was sweaty, and her naked body stood there doing nothing. She placed a hand to her head as it throbbed painfully: she could feel the beat pulsating against her skin.

" Rebekah? Rebekah, darling, where are you? It is late and you are usually in bed around this time." It was her father, and she pulled her cell back too check the time, her eyes stretching when she seen it was 10.13pm.

Rebekah sprang into reality and began panicking. Her heart rate and breathing increased. What could she say? She'd never been a good liar because she rarely did it. Rebekah shut her eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath before responding. She couldn't stop her hands from shaking against the phone for some reason.

" Sorry, father. I went to Kyra's for a while and ended up falling asleep. I did not realise the time. I will be home soon." Rebekah said, clamping her eyes tightly shut, and trying to get rid of her uncomfortableness due to the fact she was stood there- clothesless.

There was a pause for a moment, and Rebekah thought the line went dead.

" What have I told you about being in the presence of that girl, Rebekah?" Her father questioned sternly.

Oh no.

She wasn't thinking straight and said Kyra; foolish girl

" I-i'm sorry,"  Rebekah tried to stay calm, and end the conversation without him noticing. "I'll be home soon."

" Okay,well do hurry. You know I do not like you out at dreadful hours like this. And you do not have your car." Her father complained, and didn't give her a chance to reply before he ended the phone sounding rather angry.

Rebekah put her fingers to her head. She brought a rattling hand up, and opened the door, slowly walking down the stairs in search for something to wrap around herself. When she reached the living room door, she began hearing faint sniggering, only causing her heart to begin pounding against her ribcage; it was a reminder they were here, and it had happened.

Rebekah had lost her virginity to these bullies.

She didn't want to enter. She wanted to trap herself away from them forever, and never leave. Never face them. It was too much. She still couldn't comprehend what had happened here. It was mind blowing.

But her father was already concerned, and she needed to get home- fast. So she sucked it all in, brought a shaky hand up to the door, and pushed it open, peering her head out.

Ethan and Kade were sat holding a Sony floppy disk digital camera which was connected by a wire to the TV they were both staring at. They were sniggering at it. The TV was positioned right in front of them.

As soon as the door creaked, their heads snapped in her direction. Ethan jolted up, grabbing the remote and switching the tv off. Rebekah furrowed her eyebrows at him.

A smirk curled up onto Kade's lips, and he rose himself up from the grey sofa whilst Rebekah hid her body behind the door.

" Well, look who decided to wake up," Kade said, turning back to Ethan, and jerking his head, signalling him to stand up. Ethan obliged by rising to his feet, crossing his large arms over each other against his chest.

" W-where are my clothes?" Rebekah stuttered, ignoring him and Kade took another step towards her, causing her to skirt back a little more, her nails digging into the door frame.

" Rebekah, you silly goose, they're being dried. Did you seriously think we'd just allow you to walk home all wet and ruined?" Ethan asked in a baby voice, sticking out his bottom lip. He knew full well, she already was ruined. Maybe not wet anymore- but completely ruined.

" Yeah, Becks. Do you really think that bad of us?" Kade egged on. Becks, that nickname sent an unpleasant shudder through her body.

" Well I- I mean, my father wants me home so if- if you could just take them out, that would be great." Rebekah struggled to form a sentence, and she was only fuelling them to take the piss out of her more. But she couldn't help it. She was so embarrassed, and so mad at herself that Rebekah couldn't talk to them like a normal person after what she'd done. She couldn't anyway. This wasn't their fault- it was hers. Agreeing to go there like things wouldn't get ugly. Like she wouldn't regret it.

Like her father wouldn't find out.

Kade cackled, and took another dangerous step towards her, making her body curl up against the door, and her eyes became fuzzy. " You know, Rebekah. I don't know why you're hiding like that. We seen it all before."

" Every single inch of you." Ethan added. " It was great."

Rebekah felt the bile rise in her throat, causing her to reminisce the entire scene in her head. She was disgusting- a slut. Sleeping around, especially with Kade. He was seeing her friend, wasn't he?

Oh god..

" I'm just kidding. I'll go fetch your clothing now, Becks. I won't be long." Kade eyed Ethan and Rebekah before exiting the room, whistling to himself calmly, but oddly.   

Ethan's eyes followed Kade, waiting until he'd officially left, then brought his intense gaze to meet her fearful green eyes. He gave her a daunting smile that was filled with sarcasm and gratification. But there was something in his eyes that was foreign to Rebekah; she couldn't put her finger on what it was. It was like he was forcing his lips to tug upwards.

" You know, Rebekah," Ethan began, for some reason removing his shirt, and Rebekah felt her throat get dry, and her hands tremble. "You really did a number on my back."

When his shirt was completely off, he turned his back so it was facing her, and Rebekah flinched, her eyes widening in horror when she noticed four large slices on each shoulder that were so noticeable as the rest of his back was smooth and clear. Dry blood had layered on top of the wounds, and Rebekah felt the tears begin to burn her eyes, knowing she'd done that.

She didn't know what to say. There was no explanation. Would he tell people that she'd give him those scratches? He didn't even look hurt, he appeared satisfied. His eyes even looked serious. This was all too much for her. What if he got back with his ex girlfriend? Janine was her name. The two of them had recently parted due to Ethan cheating- so she'd heard. Rebekah didn't know her that well, but apparently she was one of those crazy exes, and she'd be furious.

She swallowed, causing an echoing gulp and tried to speak. " U-umm, well I-I mean I, sorry, Ethan I-"

" Don't apologise, Becks. I'm sure Ethan doesn't mind, do you, Ethan?" Kade interrupted, entering the room, carrying Rebekah's clothes. A sinister grin was gleaming off of his handsome face. Everything Kade did seemed to be sarcastic, like usual, but worse, and it was like the pair were switched off. They weren't acting like normal boys, and Rebekah noticed it, causing her too feel more fear of what they was going to do.

Ethan brought his face towards her and smirked fiercely. "Not at all."

Kade walked towards her, trying to open the door, but Rebekah kept her foot in front of it. Kade clocked her reaction, and brought his dark eyes to meet hers, making her quake with fear.

" You have five minutes." Kade said, before pushing the clothes into her hands and she allowed the door to slam in his face.

Rebekah raced up the stairs, her legs quaking and her arms having a fit. When she entered the bedroom, witnessing the murder scene of crimson covering the comforter, she struggled to place the clothes on. It was as if her body wouldn't adapt to them, and they'd suddenly became too large. Her hands were shaking, and her legs felt like they were about to fall off. There was still a large pain in her head, and in her bottom half but she ignored it. She felt like the tears in her eyes were about to fall any minute, and if they heard her sobbing, they'd only call her; she couldn't have that. It was hard not to fall against the floor and rock like a maniac. She slung her tears off of her face, and tried to muffle her cries.

Once she'd placed the clothes upon her body, she opened the door to exit the room, and trembled down the stairs, only to see the boys faces glaring at her.

She tiptoed into the living room, and suddenly fell forwards after tripping over a bag containing items. Rebekah gasped and felt two strong arms grasp her, causing her arms to get gooseflesh. Rebekah jerked her head to the side too see Ethan with his arms wrapped around her body.

" Careful." Ethan said.

There was still something lingering in his turquoise eyes that caught Rebekah's attention; calmer in a way,  compared to the rest of his dull, evil complexion. They were austere, latching to hers, and she couldn't understand why he kept viewing her with this unfamiliar look.

Rebekah quickly shoved herself away from his hold on her, and turned. Without talking to them, she began making her way towards the front door. But before she left, she had to know- there was a question she was itching like an addict to ask them. She feared the answer, but she needed reassurance.

" Umm, you guys?"

Both boys turned their heads in sync and Kade stood up. " What?"

Rebekah gulped back the worry, and her hands were trembling as she held her bag pack in her arms. Her knuckles turning white from her almighty grip, holding all the anger and despondency inside her; it was aimed at herself.

" You are not- I mean, you are not going to tell anyone.., are you?"

The two boys stared at her for a moment before turning to face each other, they gave each other wide, wicked smirks like they'd just doomed her for eternity- oh but they had.

" Good night, Rebekah." Was all Ethan said, before turning back, and continuing his conversation with Kade. Rebekah tried her hardest not to drop dead right there. No, she needed too escape here before she cried, and they'd see her. Boys like this fed of weakness, and she was trying so hard not too show a sign.

So Rebekah rushed out before another word was said, nearly breaking down in the streets as she rushed home. When she got inside, she didn't even look at her father- she couldn't bare to face him after what she'd done. She was a Christian, and she'd broke their law.

No sex until marriage.

Her father had said no marriage until graduating. Rebekah had another few years to go, and if he found out, Rebekah would be thrown on the streets for sure- no exaggeration.

Rebekah climbed into her bed feeling absolutely crippled, afraid and broken. What if they did tell people? What if Kade told Vicky? What if she got expelled? She was clearly overthinking. But, Rebekah was left with these ravishing thoughts until she'd drift off to a sleep that never came..


Rebekah awaited the entire next day to hear her name being whispered amongst the students in her school- but it didn't. That scared her even more, and Kade and Ethan knew what they were doing when they left her like this, gripping her seat, expecting it like she'd just been told she will die today.

Rebekah felt herself becoming insanely paranoid. Every time somebody slightly laughed or whispered, she felt they were talking about her; she couldn't concentrate on anything apart from knowing her filthy secret would get out somehow. She hadn't seen Ethan or Kade at all today, but she knew when she did, all hell would break loose.

" Rebekah, are you okay?" Rebekah felt a tap on her shoulder, and she sprung out of her seat in the cafeteria, yelping in fright.

Rebekah turned to see Kyra stood there. That flocculent face was so clean and those piercing green eyes that purred at her were breathtaking. Her hair was neatly tied back into a curly pony tail; she was glamorous. But, the penny loafers she wore on her feet wasn't enough to satisfy Rebekah's father- her beauty helped her hang around with this crowd, not her bank account. It also helped her crack one with the boys- they knew she'd do anything.

Despite her being known to go around a lot, Kyra was a wonderful, caring, although financially unstable, young girl.

A perplexed look covered Kyra's face and she shifted her eyes from side to side. She scrunched her nose up at Rebekah, her freckles dinting.

" Sorry, you scared me." Rebekah said in between breaths, clutching her sweatshirt in between her long fingers, waiting for her erratic heartbeat to calm down- she'd expected it to be them.

Behind Kyra, followed Vicky, Cheryl and Francesca, strutting in unison before taking their seats. Vicky turned her bright blue eyes too see Rebekah, and pulled her face dramatically when she viewed her. Rebekah couldn't even look at Vicky after what she'd done. Victoria Stratford was Raton Highs biggest bitch, but even she didn't deserve this. Nobody did.

" Gosh, Rebekah, your eyes! Did you get any sleep last night?" Vicky pointed out, and the Francesca and Cheryl began whispering to each other.

Vicky Stratford didn't have a clamp on her mouth. She was clearly being over the top considering Rebekah only had very light bags under her eyes that she had attempted to conceal, but failed. Rebekah still looked lovely with her fresh skin and loose blonde hair. But the girls knew where Vicky was coming from considering Rebekah always looked her best, no matter what she wore.

Rebekah took the dig harshly. She allowed it to eat up at her inside. Vicky should be allowed to call her what ever she likes.

Come on Vic, say something else.

" Thank you for that," Rebekah mumbled, ignoring Vicky's question. Rebekah had been tossing and turning all night, hoping nobody would find out about what she'd done. It was gnawing at her mind, and she couldn't find rest; eventually, she gave up and stalked the web to assure no status' had been posted about her.

Rebekah couldn't relax.

Vicky scoffed, and Rebekah watched as she turned her face. It immediately lit up Vicky's now tinted dark navy eyes; they glowed with happiness and a wide smile curling in her full, red lips. Rebekah turned to see what she was looking at, and her heart fell into her stomach when she witnessed that same group of boys heading in their direction- including Kade Samuels and Ethan Riley.

Rebekah could feel her breathing increasing and sweat began to form on her head. All the air had been sucked out of the room, and she gasped for breath, pulling her yellow sweater from her body; she wondered what they would do. She'd make an excuse. Say she had to hand some homework in. But, then that would only fuel Ethan and Kade to question her, and bait her out there and then.

When they reached the table, Rebekah bowed her head, trying not to meet their dark gazes. She somehow knew they were looking over, so she pushed her hair in front of her face to hide her. Her arms felt like they were on fire their glares were that hot. It scolded her harshly.

" Hey, girls," Jason winked, the usual. His everyday routine was coming over to the table, and seeing which girl he could fool around with in the Psych Ed changing rooms.

" Ladies," Ethan had to greet like a gentleman, scanning his eyes around the table, and Rebekah still refused to look up. She felt if she did, she was revealing herself to everyone. Rebekah couldn't begin to describe how nauseous she felt right now- more than ever. Her pulse pumped the blood in her ears. This is how her reputation would go down the drain.

Her father..

Kade was there too, but he instantly took his seat next to Vicky, snaking his arm about her waste, and she immediately gripped his face, crushing her lips against his. Rebekah tilted her head up slightly, and watched them eat each other's faces, only adding to her guilt and sickly feeling. She threw her sunken eyes back down to the floor.

" Hi, Ethan," Cheryl waved, taking her skinny hand and using it to puff at her short hair. Rebekah's eyes slithered to view her slightly, her head still remained down.

Vicky sniggered again, and Cheryl darted her eyes to her direction, noticing Vicky was already staring at her.

" Cheryl, didn't you fuck Ethan already?" Vicky snarled, and Cheryl blushed red, smiling to ease the embarrassment.

" So?" Cheryl said, acting unaffected by Vicky's comment. She was open about admitting to sex with him, unlike Rebekah who paled beneath their conversation.

Ethan chuckled, and gave Vicky a side- smirk before returning his eyes to the rest of the girls. "Well, I've fucked everyone on this table. What difference does it make?"

Rebekah swore her heart stopped beating there and then. This was it. Everyone was going to know what a dirty slut she was and her father would disown her. Maybe even worse..

Ethan Riley sure was The Devils Son.

She closed her eyes, and pressed her fingers against the palm of her hand, her razor nails digging deep into the middle of it. She had to stop the outburst- this was the only way.

" Not everyone," Francesca added, her brown eyes coated in utter stupidity.

"Not Rebekah- the groups frigid, " Brendan added. He always seemed to have a problem with Rebekah. His irritating, snide comments only added to her sickened feeling.

Fuck off, Brendan.

Oh how Rebekah wished he wouldn't of said that. The table erupted into harsh laughter, and Rebekah played with the fabric on her skirt to avoid their judgemental stares.

" Sure," Ethan grinned, causing Rebekah to look up, immediately greeted by those dark, green pools of evilness. The group burst out into howls again; the way they thought he was joking..

When the tables humoured screams calmed down, Rebekah heard her cell buzz in her pocket, and it sent a vibration of relief through her body. She could escape this awkwardness that only she felt blanketed in.

Rebekah quickly pushed her hand into her bag pack, and took out her Nokia out to see she had a message.


Rebekah knitted her brows in confusion, and clicked on the message, only causing the rosy in her lips and cheeks to fade.

Be at my house tonight. 3.30pm.

Rebekah threw her head up to see Kade's black eyes set on her at the end of the table, a cell phone in hand. He flashed her a mischievous grin.

No. This couldn't be from him. But how? How did he get her number? She rarely handed it out, Richard was the only one who needed it.

He was just here, texting her like everything was dandy. Kade was more stupid than she thought if he really reckoned she was going back there, so he could dig up more dirt to use to humiliate her.

Rebekah was still certain she'd been hypnotised, or a piece of common sense had been taken away because sexual intercourse had never interested her before. She remembered it, a heat wave flooding through her veins. Was it a regretful one, or a pleasurable one? A bit of both, if she was truly honest. She just couldn't remember that positive feelings she'd felt because she was engulfed in worry.

People on the table was giving her odd stares, and she knew it was probably because her face was drained of colour. She decided against texting him back, and placed her cell phone back in her bag pack, continuing to eat her jacket potato- well, she tried to. Her stomach was repulsed, and she feared vomiting.

Rebekah began to calm down until she heard her phone go off again. Her heart thudded, and she let the knife and fork drop to the plate, causing an intense sound. She closed her eyes, breathing in through her nose. With shaky hands, Rebekah brought her fingers to touch her phone. Scared to look, she braced herself and checked the message.

I wouldn't ignore me if I were you. If you had any brain, you'd come. Don't make me tell you again.

This seemed like a threat. What was the worst Kade and Ethan could do? Tell everyone. Saying that, who'd believe them? They'd never listened before, but Kade and Ethan hadn't said anything, and she didn't want to test them.

She needed to talk with the boys, but she could do it in school without things looking dodgy, and Vicky lurking around.

Rebekah would go tonight. But for one thing. She was making sure they knew that it was one time, and nothing like this would ever happen again.

Or so she thought..

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