Because of you (Demi Lovato f...

By tonart

385K 8.3K 1.4K

A fanfic about a woman, Justine Stevens, and Demi Lovato. More

Because of you
About Justine
At the airport
Up in the sky
Elephants and confessions
Open ups and the first goodbye
Back to routine
For a sad little girl
Does she want your help?
The big bang
Happy reunion?
Little butterflies?
Another goodbye
Should I stay or should I go?
Please don't leave me
Back at home
Start of something new
Hot air
Old feelings
Time to tell you
Keen disappointment
Bring it to light
Upside down
Show time
Why it is what it is
Thanksgiving (1)
A careful start
The perfect date?!
Because of you

Thanksgiving (2)

6.4K 274 98
By tonart


This was the best dinner ever! Oh my god! How I would love to place myself in this food! Turkey, salad, sauces, bread, vegetables, pies! I am dying! I already opened my trouser button, but I just can't stop eating!

And I am trying my best not to laugh too much because Demi and Justine are acting so cheesy! They are smiling at each other and I know that they are having a little foot dance under the table! But at the same time they are acting so shy and not confident at all! I have to change that and I already have a great idea! I just need Marissa's help! This is going to be great!

She is sitting next to me anyways, so I just lean over and whisper: "You want to be my partner in crime?"
Marissa laughs and answers "Finally! I think I want the same as you do! Let's push them a bit!"
I high five her and we earn questioning looks from everyone. Justine turns red again. Oh my, she knows me so well because she already shakes her cute head. No chance missy! This time there is no chance that you will run away!


Lucas is seriously freaking hilarious! Such a funny and crazy guy! I already love him! We were talking a lot during the dinner and we get along well.

And then he had this awesome idea of watching a horror movie together! He told me that Justine really hates them and always needs a cuddle buddy. We all know which buddy we want to give her! Just thinking of that makes me smile!

 While I am preparing everything for the movie, I asked Maddie to help me too! She begged Demi and Justine to take her to bed! And it is working! They are just in her room, so everyone gets ready in the living room.


After the wonderful dinner, where Demi and I were just looking into each other's eyes, Demi's parents went out to meet some friends. A lot of our friends left too. Just Mitch, Lucas, Marissa, Matt, Dallas and Rob stayed. Dianna and Eddie asked us to take care of Maddie. Maddie was really happy about that but soon after the dinner, were we played some games, she wanted to go to bed. With her big sparkling eyes and the cutest face ever she begged Demi and me to take her to bed. Seriously, who can say no to this girl?

After she changed into her pajamas she sat herself on her bed and handed me her brush. She seemed to enjoy me brushing her long silky hair, because she didn't say a word. Minutes later I felt Demi sitting next to me on the bed, resting her head on my shoulder. Shivers were running down my spine and I felt a goose bump everywhere. We sat there in silence until Demi started to hum a melody I don't know. She took the brush away and Maddie laid herself down so that I could tuck her in. She got lots of hugs from me and Demi before we wished her a good night and went back to the living room. Demi took my hand in yours while we walked down the stairs. We didn't say a word, just enjoyed the moment.


Before we walked into the living room I let go Justine's hand. I know it was not the right place, especially because we didn't talk with each other about our status. It felt so weird to not feel her that close, our hands just fit perfectly together.
When we entered the living room I was smiling. Marissa had organized everything for a movie evening. Woohoo! How I love that! I saw that there was only one couch left to sit down and get comfortable. I felt so happy, because Justine had to sit next to me and I even got happier when I realized that we would watch a horror movie. And I could still remember the last time I saw one with Justine!

Justine isn't that happy about the movie choice. I can see her getting nervous. She is looking around in the living room and she is wrinkling her brow trying to find an excuse to walk away. That is so cute! Marissa smirks at me, letting me know that I should go for it. So I just grab her hand and pull her next to me on the couch. 
D: "Are you ok?"
J: "Ehm, no! I am not in the mood to watch a horror movie! You know that I hate them!"
D: "I know! But look, we are all here! Nothing will happen! If you want to, I can hold you like the last time! Trust me Justine!"

This last sentence was more than for the movie. I look into her eyes and smile at her. It seems to help her, since she takes my hand and lays us down. She wraps her arms around my body and rests her hand on my tummy. I grab them and intertwine my fingers with her. I can feel her so close, this is so incredible, I feel a single tear running down my cheek again. Like the time when she touch my hand in the restroom.

It was a single tear of hope. Now it is a single tear of happiness.  


Horrible! Seriously, I know exactly that Mister Lucas such a friend was planning all of that! I hate horror movies so much! Why?

But after lying down behind Demi and snuggling against her, smelling her shampoo and feeling her so close, I knew my answer! Thank you so much Mister Lucas such a friend! I try my best not to watch the movie though! Only hearing the sound of the music makes my heart skip a beat! Terrifying! I just try to hide my face in Demi's neck and admiring her stunning scent. I feel her playing with my fingers while I stroke her stomach with my thumb. But as time passes by and the dialogues getting more scarier and the music gives me anxiety even Demi can't relax me anymore. I get up and walk into the kitchen.

Leaning against the sink I am drinking a glass of cold water to calm down a bit! That is so embarrassing. It is a stupid movie! Why do I always freak out like that? Deeply in my thoughts I don't even notice that Demi stands next to me until she starts stroking my back. I look at her and she smiles at me.

D: "Don't feel embarrassed! It is ok! Everyone knows that you don't like those movies!" Demi knows exactly what I am feeling. But I don't want to talk about that right now.
J: "Demi, come with me! I think it is about time to talk. I think the kids are busy with the movie." I smirk at her to overact my excitement. We walk outside in the backyard where we sit down on a bench. Demi gives me a blanket and I cover both of us with it. She rests her head on my shoulder and it seems like minutes until I finally start to talk.

J: "Demi I need to apologize to you! Don't say anything please! Just listen!" She wants to interrupt me but this time it is my turn to tell her everything! I grab both of her hands and start talking.
"I need to apologize because I was so blind to see what you were feeling! I tried to persuade myself over and over again that I don't feel anything for you except the love for a soulmate and friend! And I didn't even notice that my brain was doing that. It is just because a lot happened in my last relationship I never told you."
D: "Tell me now!"

 And with that I told her everything! 


I didn't know! She never told me anything about the way Anna and her broke up! I knew that it wasn't the best break up, which one is? But that it was like that? Poor girl! I totally understand that some relationships are not meant to be. But at least you still have to show your respect for each other. And Anna's behavior was so disrespectful! I could feel my eyes tear up by listening to her words. She is able to share this part of her story and everything seems to be so much clearer now. I can understand why she acted that way.

I always thought that she is like a rock. A person that never loses the ground. Like one of those mighty trees with huge and deep roots so that no storm can rip it down! But I guess even the strongest ones have their moments where they just need someone to let everything go. So I pull her close and hug her, she sits on my lab and I hold her close to me. I start playing with her hair while she lets all of her tears flow. With every second that passes she seems to relax more, her tears finally stop.

 J: "Demi, I hope you understand now! I never wanted to hurt you! It was just that I wanted to protect myself! I don't want to get hurt like that again! I thought that she was the one I want to spend the rest of my life with! And then she just left! She went out of the door and never came back!"

D: "I am sorry that Anna left you! But Justine, you need to let go your past! It is over now! You are the one that taught me to live in the presence. And here and now I am telling you, that I love you! I am so in love with you! I know that it is a risk to take! But it is always like that! You have to take this risk to be happy again! And I promise you that I will always try my best to give you what you deserve. But you have to let me in Justine! You have to take this risk of loving me. And I promise you that I am worth it! I know it will work because we already know so much about each other and there is so much trust and understanding. Ever since we met I have known that we are special. That the way we talk and laugh around each other is different than with anybody else. That I will never meet anyone I can trust as much as I trust you. And I think most people search their whole lives to find what we have already found!"


Listening to her saying those words to me made my butterflies turn into a giant zoo. Every inch of me wanted this stunning and perfect woman. I know that every word she said was coming straight from her heart and soul. And I know that this is a risk for her too. For her career and for her worries about her own past and her previous relationships. But I feel that she takes that really serious and she is willing to try it and fight for it.

J: "Thank you so much Demi! The last few weeks those feelings for you got more and more real. And now being here with you, listening to you and your thoughts just show me, that you are right! It's just that I look at you and I see the kind of person I want to share my life with. And I know I probably sound crazy but I've never been able to look at someone the way I look at you! Demi, I love you too!"

I slowly turn myself around, sitting on her lab with one leg on each side of her. She touches my back, while I touch her neck with my hands, letting my thumbs run down her jaw-line. She closes her eyes and all I can do is smile to her beautiful face.

"I love you Demi!" I whisper into her ear and I feel her shiver. Our noses touch each other and she slowly opens her eyes. A shy smile escapes and I carefully lean in. Only inches apart she answers me "I love you too!"

And then, for the very first time, our lips connect, sending both of us to heaven. It is a little kiss but we both lay all of our emotions for each other into it. Those emotions that make us both feel so wonderful and special and finally bring us closer than we always expected. It feels perfect. She is perfect. I smile at her and lean in again, feeling her soft lips on mine and knowing that this is the start of a wonderful and special future with my best friend, my soulmate, my love, my Demi!

Can you believe that? They finally kissed each other! I am so proud! Woohoo!!!!!! 
It was a long way for them to get that far. But sometimes it is worth waiting for the perfect one! 

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