Nobody Like You // Book #2

By xMoonlightPerriex

943 14 2

Sequel to 'Having No Regrets.' - read the first before the second, because it probably won't make much sense... More

Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Liam's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Liam's POV
Luna's POV
Wishton's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Luna's POV
Luna's POV
Luna's POV
Brendon's POV
Luna's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Lundon's POV
Lillow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Luna's POV
Liam's/Ashton's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Lillow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's Pov
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Lillow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Lillow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Zunadon's POV

Luna's POV

10 0 0
By xMoonlightPerriex

I finally step off the plane. I'm finally back in New York after about a month away. I'm home for just over a week before I finally go to Mexico City, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Thailand, Phillipines, Japan, Singapore, China and then Australia before finishing my tour in New Zealand. All together, it would be about 2 and a half months away. Brendon had agreed he would meet me in Australia, but that was still about 2 months apart and I was actually going to be taking Rain with me. As much as I would miss Brendon, it's the sacrifices you have to make when you're an artist.

I finally get to where everyone waits and I instantly see Rain who runs right over to me and hugs me tightly.

"I missed you, mummy!" Rain tells me, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too, baby." I kiss her little head before letting her go and Brendon walks over and he instantly kisses me before wrapping me in a big hug.

"I've missed you so much. I know it hasn't been long, but I still missed you anyway." Brendon tells me and I can't help but smile at him.

"I missed you too."

We then grab my suitcase and leave and get into the car. I help Rain in before Brendon drives off.

"It's your birthday tomorrow." He tells me and I giggle.

"Oh yes, I know. Twenty four! I'm getting old!" I whine and Brendon laughs.

"I'm older." He points out.

"Yeah, old man." I can't help but giggle and I hear a giggle behind me.

"Rain!" Brendon whines and Rain giggles again.

"Old man." She repeats and I can't help but laugh as I take Brendon's hand and he rolls his eyes at me.


The next day, I wake up and roll over and Brendon's lying there, staring at me with an adoring smile on his face.

"What's the time?" I ask him and he looks over at the clock.

"Just after one. You slept in. After last night, I can't blame you." Brendon grins and I can't help but blush.

"It was great sex, what can I say?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and he chuckles softly and kisses me.

"Happy birthday, Luna." Brendon says, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and I can't help but smile happily.

"Thank you."

"Here, I got you this. Among other things." He hands me a little square box and I open it and it's a cute little moon necklace. "I thought it would be cute. And I was also thinking you should name your next album 'Luna' and wear like a goddess outfit, since for one, your name is a goddesses name, and you yourself, are a goddess."

"You've really thought about this haven't you?" I giggle, knowing he's right. It's nice to have a goddesses name. Plus, I do love my name. It's different.

"Indeed I have." He nods. "Nah, kidding, I just looked up luna moon on google and came up with the idea!"

"Well, it is pretty perfect."

"You'll have to give me credit of-course."

"But of course!"

Brendon smiles again before he kisses me. Then he kisses me again. And then again before he finally pulls away and quickly gets up and pulls on some pants and walks off and I sit up, pulling the covers with me while I wait for him to come back.

When he does, he has a few things wrapped and he comes and sits on the bed and places them in front of me.

"You can choose whichever to open first. It's really up to you." He tells me and I nod and start making my way through my presents.

He gets me a tattoo voucher, a new jewellery box, a new set of makeup brushes, a new candle set, a couple of new perfumes, a blue and pink dreamcatcher and a new set of lingerie.

"Oooh, I can't wait to wear this!" I wink, holding up the lingerie set.

"I thought you'd like it. I know I like it." Brendon winks back and I pull him to me and kiss him when I hear a little knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I call out, knowing damn well who it is.

"I'm hungy!" Rain's little voice says.

"We're coming in a sec, baby girl!" Brendon calls out.

"Alright, daddy!" We then listen and hear the little pitter patters go down stairs and I kiss Brendon again.

"I really would fuck you. Again. If that little one wasn't hungry. And if I wasn't hungry." I tell him.

"You're a tease."

"A tease who you married." I point out.

"Good point."

I quickly climb out of bed and put some underwear on and some leggings with a cute crop top before putting my hair into a bun and Brendon stands there, waiting for me after putting on a shirt and then he puts his hand out for me and I take it and he leads me out of the bedroom and downstairs.

"Happy birthday, mummy!" Rain says, running over and giving me a hug and I quickly let Brendon's hand go and he walks over to the other side of the kitchen while I pick up Rain and cuddle her.

"Thank you, sweetie." I kiss her cheek and she kisses mine in return.

"What would you like for lunch, babe?" Brendon asks, rummaging through the cupboards.

"Ummm what about some homemade pizza? If we have the ingredients." I reply and he nods and picks out a few of my favourite things.

Cheese, mushrooms, olives, pepperoni, and a couple other things and I place Rain on a barstool and sit up on the other one as Brendon gets to work. I can't help but stare at Brendon the entire time while Rain plays some game on my phone.

After, Brendon sits next to me and we chat while we wait for the pizza to cook. Finally, Brendon gets up to check on it when my phone goes off and Rain hands it to me.

"It's Willow." She tells me and I thank her and answer the phone.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LUNA!" She yells into the phone and I can't help but laugh.

"Thank you!" I reply.

"You're twenty-four! Wow! That's so old!" She says in wonder.

"Fuck off, you're almost twenty-four as well!" I fire back and she laughs on the other end of the phone.

"Well, yeah, that's true. But you're still older!" She accuses.

"True, but still." I giggle.

I then go on to tell her about the presents Brendon's gotten me and we're just spending a quiet day at home today and I ask her what she's doing for her birthday and she sighs and says she's probably not really doing anything since Liam won't be around, and I come up with an idea but don't tell her. After a few more minutes, we hang up as Brendon serves the pizza.

"Just a sec, I need to ring Rose. But first, do you want to come with me to LA for Willow's birthday to surprise her?" I ask while I find Rose's contact.

"Yeah, sure." Brendon smiles. "What about Rain?"

"We can either take her or she can stay with Zayn. She'll probably just stay with Zayn. What do you think, baby girl?" I look at Rain and she nods with her face full of pizza and I can't help but take a quick photo and laugh at the cutie with pizza over her face.

I then ring Rose.

"Happy birthday, Luna!" She says the minute she picks up the phone. "I was going to call you later!"

"Thank you! And I'm sure you were! I was just wondering if you wanted to come to LA with Brendon and I to surprise Willow for her birthday?" I ask.

"Fuck yes! I would love to come! What about Niall?"

"He can stay home. Brendon's only coming because, well, just because. You know Brendon and I."

"Oh, I do know you and Brendon, joined at the hip you two." She laughs and I can't help. We talk for a few more minutes before getting off the phone and I instantly take bite of the pizza and let out a little moan of pleasure.

"This pizza, is fucking heaven." I tell Brendon, quickly eating some more and he smiles, clearly pleased with himself.

"Thank you! What would you like for dinner?" He asks and I think for a few minutes.

"Maybe some form of takeout. Ummm maybe some In And Out?" I suggest and he shrugs.

"Whatever you want, my love, it is your birthday after all." He reminds me and I can't help but think how perfect he is.

After the pizza, Rain watches a movie in the lounge while Brendon and I go into the game room and play a few rounds of pool, all of which I win and I can't help but boast about how amazing I am. During a game of pool, Dua rings me and we talk for like, ten minutes and tells me she's coming over for dinner with Harry and she can pick up the food and I agree. What would my birthday be without my best friend?

After we finish playing pool, we decide to play a couple video games and by the time we finish that, we go upstairs and I start to take my clothes off to get changed and before I know it, Brendon pulls me to the bed and pulls me on his lap and he starts to kiss me.

Before I know it, all of our clothes are off.


"Shit! We need to get ready now! Dua just texted me saying she's on her way!" I say, jumping out of bed and put on my underwear and Brendon just laughs.

"You distracted me." He winks and I roll my eyes.

"You distracted me." I retort, finding a cute outfit.

"Ooooh, moon child!" He points out and I glare at him and roll my eyes before going and putting on my new moon necklace before quickly doing my makeup and when the doorbell goes, Brendon goes downstairs to answer it.

"BITCH!" I hear a yell come from downstairs before I hear running and before I know it, Dua's attacked me with a big hug and I scream out in laughter and I wrap an arm around her.

"Bitch!" I repeat and she laughs, hugging me tightly.

"Happy birthday, my lover! Did you see my posts on Twitter and Instagram?" She asks me, finally letting me go.

"Yes! I even commented on them!" I tell her and she thinks.

"Oh yeah!" She laughs and I can't help but laugh as well and quickly finish my makeup.

"Better go back downstairs! Dinner will get cold!" Dua rushes me and I roll my eyes and she takes my hand and pulls me out and downstairs.

We all sit on the couch and I cuddle into Brendon as we all eat our dinner while we chat.

I tell them everything Brendon got me. Throughout the day, he'd surprised me with a new board game, matching moon earrings which I also put on, a little snow globe and a cute little photo album with all of our wedding pictures in them which I had cried from happiness over.

After dinner, Dua gives me what she's bought me, and she gives me a cute bracelet that says Dua & Luna Forever and I can't help but laugh and show Brendon.

"She can have you." He jokes and I act hurt.

"Fine, we'll get married after I divorce Brendon." I tell Dua and she quickly nods her head in agreement and she laughs and I can't help but laugh along and Brendon kisses me.

"Kidding, she's mine." He warns Dua.

"Whoops, too late." Dua says with a giggle and Brendon rolls his eyes and kisses me again and I can't help but smile.

After some more talking, Brendon goes and gets me my birthday cake.

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. I had no idea what Brendon had gotten for my birthday cake, but he knows me so fucking well.

I can't help but hide my face as Rain, Dua, Harry and Brendon all sing happy birthday to me. Finally, when they're done I blow out the candles and have nothing to wish for. I have everything I could ever want, and need.

"What'd you wish for?" Harry asks and Dua looks at me eagerly.

"Nothing, I have everything I want." I reply seriously and they both can't help but smile at me and I can feel Brendon's eyes on me but I don't look up at him. He then hands me the knife and I cut into it and touch the bottom.

"You have to kiss the nearest boy!" Rain tells me and I can't help but giggle and look up at Brendon with a smile and he leans down and he gives me a quick peck. He then takes the knife off of me and cuts everyone a piece, the biggest for me of course.

After that, Rain stays up for a little bit more while we watch Beauty & The Beast, the non-animated version with Emma Watson. After that's over, Brendon goes and puts Rain to bed and I tell Dua and Harry about being married and gush over Brendon. Maybe a bit too much before Brendon comes down with Cards Against Humanity.

He sits beside me and I lean into him while we all play. We laugh so much that my tummy hurts and finally, Dua and Harry leave and I hug Dua for about 50 years before she finally leaves.

"I have one last present." Brendon tells me seductively, as he leads me up the stairs and I can't help but bite my lip.

"Oh really?" I ask as he leads me into the bedroom and shuts the door and he stands me right at the bed.

"I have to say, I don't think I've ever said this before, but I really like your nipple piercings. They're really... sexy." He tells me and I smile. I had finally gone and gotten my nipples done a year and a half ago. They fucking hurt like a bitch, but they were worth it. I thought to myself, if I could get a million tattoos and a tongue piercing, I could get my nipples pierced, and Brendon told me I could do whatever I wanted.

"Thank you." I giggle and he smiles at me before he gets undressed before he slowly undresses  me before he kisses me.

"I love you, Luna."

"I love you too, Brendon."

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