Wings of an Angel ||niall hor...

By hxran1D

22.1K 1.1K 158

"you are so brave and quiet, I forgot you are suffering." -Ernest Hemingway More

Prologue to the Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

859 36 3
By hxran1D

Leonora's POV

"Have a good day buddy." I kissed Kenny's soft head. "I will be back at five okay? Then we will go out for dinner." I was in my blue dress and mustard wedges. 

Kenny was eating his breakfast, one pancake covered in syrup. "Mum." I looked up at my mother who watched us. 


"I told you Kenny can't a lot of sugar." I stood up and crossed my arms. 

"Nora, I was a mother too. You turned out just fine." She smiled. 

"Kenny is-" I paused as he looked at me with his big brown eyes, causing my heart to crack a little. Sick, is what I wanted to say. "He's different," I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Just don't do it again, please." I begged. 

My mum nodded, "I am sorry, sweetie. I won't do it again." 

I looked at the clock, 7:37. I needed to head to my job. I worked at a publishing company. I reviewed potential books then sent them to the editor. It was a pretty sick job, great benefits; dental and heath care, I got to pick my hours usually 8 to 4, and if needed I could bring Kenny with me. 

"Well, I should head to work. I love you baby." I kissed Kenny's forehead one more time. "Bye mum." I hugged my mom. "Bye sweetie." 

I pulled away, "If anything happens, and I mean anything. You have to call me. I can't-" Tears consumed my voice. My mum took my shoulders, "Baby girl, I swear I will call you, okay?"

I nodded as I wiped my eyes. "I love you mummy." I heard Kenny say. I smiled over at him, "I love you more." 

Once I pulled out of the driveway in my parent's white, 2013 Ford Explorer I was greeted by the rain. Of course it had to rain, but rain was apart of living in England. 

 I was use to the rain, but I wasn't at first. I lived in the states before I moved here but something happened and my family moved me here as soon as possible. 

I pulled up to the publishing company twenty minutes later. I opened my door and my yellow polka doted umbrella. I walked into the Spires Publishing Company

"Good morning Miss Williams, how are you this morning?" The receptionist, Joanna smiled at me. "I'm doing pretty good. How are you?" 

"Great. Would you like a coffee?" 

"Um yes, could you have it brought up to my office?" I asked. She nodded, "Course darling." 

I walked to the elevator, the pressed the button. 

When  lunch came around I thought about calling the house to see if Kenny was alright. Honestly I always did this. I get extremely nervous about leaving him even if its with my own family. 

I took a bite of my tuna Caesar salad. Someone knocked on the door. Margie, my boss poked her head in, "Hey girl!" She smiled. 

I waved, "What's up."

"I have a book I need you to review." She came in and sat a thick stack of papers on my desk. 

"This is a novel? Or the bible?" I asked. Margie smiled, "Have fun." I groaned as she closed the door. I sighed, the stack of papers was literally 1,000 pages high. 

"Well, looks like I won't be able to finish lunch if I want to get out oh here on time." I threw my barely eaten salad in the trash, I grabbed my sticky notes and pen. I grabbed a wet wipe and wiped my hands off, just to make sure I don't mess up the papers. 

I groaned again once I read the title, How to Charm the Charmer. 

Another one of these books?? I mean, what woman in her right mind would read this garbage? Okay, maybe its good garbage. But I mean I got my degree in English and literature so I could teach not, review potential books. 

But work is work. 

I starred at the title page, How to Charm the Charmer by Alice King. I flipped to the first page. 

You've read how to lose a guy in 10 days well how do you charm the charmer? We all that there is always that ONE boy that makes our hearts soar, Niall, I thought. I shook my head. Makes your palms sweat. Just makes everything seem to go to be true. 

I groaned, this was going to be the death of me. I starred at the paper again and got back to work. 

A few hours later I rubbed my eyes, I was finally done. All 873 pages read and I wrote a three page report. 

I yawned as I stood up. My phone buzzed. I grabbed my phone it was from Niall. 

*What's your address?* "Shoot, shoot, shoot!" I yelled. I had let time go by, it was 4:45. I grabbed the book and ran to Margie's office. I barged in, she was eating a donut, "Hey you're working late?"

I shook my head, "Time flew by. Here's the book." I sat the book in the basket. 

"What did you think?" I put my hand on her door handle. "It was okay," I said, "Bye Margie!" 

I called my mum on the way home. "Hey sweetie!" She said. 

"Mum, I need you to make sure Kenny is nicely dressed like no stains on his clothes, his hat-" 

"Honey, I know. You okay?" She asked, 

"Yeah be there in a sec bye!" I hung up. I texted Niall my mum's address. 

I pulled up to the house the same time as a black range rover. I jumped out of the car after parking, I looked over at the Range Rover to see Niall stepping out. 

"Hey." He smiled. 

"Hey." I said breathlessly. 

He was carrying a dozen roses, "Wow, you look great."

I blushed, "Sorry I was running late from work. I hope this is okay." 

"Of course." Niall smiled. 

I starred at him, and then I cleared my throat, "Would you like to come in, while I get Kenny?" 

He nodded, we walked into the house, "I thought you weren't going to get me flowers?" 

"Who said they were for you?" He asked with a smile. My mum came into the living room holding Kenny's hand. Kenny was wearing brown plaid cargo shorts, a red shirt with a white dog on a skateboard on it. He was wearing a the red snapback that had Niall's and Louis's signatures on it. He was wearing white nikes. 

I bent down, dropping my bag. He dropped my mum's hand and ran towards me, "MUMMY!!!" He ran towards me and hugged me. 

"Mum, this is Niall Horan. Niall Horan this is my mother." 

Niall shook her hand, "Niall." 

"Samantha." She smiled. 

"Oh these are for you." He handed the roses to her. Her eyes widened. "Told you they weren't for you." He winked. 

"Wow, thank you Niall these are lovely. Now, how is the team?" She asked. Niall chuckled, "We are ready for next week's game." 

"Good, I will be there." My mum smiled. 

"Well we should go, bye mum." I walked out the door, Kenny in hand. And Niall following. I got Kenny's car seat out of the explorer. "Here, let me." Niall took it from me. 

"It's okay. I-" Niall took it from me and walked back to the car. Leaving me on the sidewalk, Kenny was sitting on the grass. I walked over to Kenny and picked him up. 

"How was your day?" I asked. 

"Awesome! Grandma and I did a puzzle!" He squealed.

Niall came over to us, "You guys ready?" 

I looked over at Kenny, who nodded ecstatically. "Well." Niall smiled, "Lets do this!"

A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Thank you guys so much for the support!!! So, for all the people who have read 16% my friend Tierra or @lost_princess88 is taking it over for me! It will be on her account! Also I want to thank you guys for the overwhelming support for 'Model Behavior' it means the world to me! Also Mr. Extrovert was #886 of General Fiction! You guys are the best! I love you all!

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