Through Thick and Thin (To Ne...

By Memoriesaresweet

1.4K 92 42

Great Friends are always there for you when you need them. They stay by your side no matter what. Zizi, a bea... More

Through Thick and Thin (To New Beginnings)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Stay Tune!!
Second Book!!

Chapter 6

43 3 1
By Memoriesaresweet

Chapter 6

* * Zizi's POV * *

I grabbed my book from my locker and closed it. When all of the sudden I heard girls squealing. It was Harry, he only had one month in here and all the girls wanted to go out with him since he was the bad boy. He wore shades as he walked through the hallways. He had a reputation of being a player and having a one night stand with girls. Some girls just wished they were on his list.
"Hey Zizi" he leaned against my locker. "So-"
"Babe, you are coming to my game tonight, right?" Liam interrupted him. I nodded. "Okay then see you later" he kissed me on the cheek and left.
"So has I was saying, how you been?" Harry continued with a cheeky grin.
"Good, why are you wearing shades?" I asked curiously.
"Because I look hot" he smirked.
"No seriously" I laughed, this guy was unbelievable.
"None of your business" he said mad. Did I say something wrong?!
"Just asking, geez!" I said.
"Sorry" he said in a low voice. "Can I show you something?" Before I could answer, he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me inside a class. I stared at him as he took of his shades, he had a bruise on his eye. I got closer to him and touched it.
"Ouch! It still hurts" he winced in pain.
"How did you get it?"
"I had an accident"
I didn't believe him but I didn't dare to ask him more questions because this time he will really lose his temper. Then I remember I had some make up in my backpack because El left it in there. I searched through my backpack.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked confused.
"Trying to find some make up" I finally found it.
"Hell no! I am not wearing that" he stepped back.
"Fine" I said. "But what will you tell your teacher when he asks you take to take them off and sees that bruise. Because trust me they will question you."
I started putting away my stuff until he finally gave in. I got the powder and started placing it on his eye carefully. I tried not to make it noticeable, good thing the powder was the same color as his skin.
"There" I held the mirror in front of him. "What do you think?"
"It's actually good, you can't really tell I have a bruise" he smiled.
When the bell rang I grabbed my stuff, as I was about to leave. Harry stopped me.
"Thanks" he gave me a warm smile.
"Your welcome" I said, and left.

We were in lunch doing the same, when we saw Harry pass with his tray of food.
"Hey Harry! Come sit with us" Louis invited him over. Harry started walking toward us, the make up still looked good on him.
"Hey" he said in his usual husky voice.
"Hey!" Niall said energetic.
"Hi" me and Zayn said.
"So are you going to the game tonight?" Niall asked him, I don't know why he was feeling so energetic? Well he was always so energetic but this energy just felt different. Harry shook his head.
"Why not?" Zayn asked him.
"I have a great idea, you should come with us!" Louis bit his carrot.
"Yeah!!" Niall grinned.
"No, I don't think I want to come" Harry ate his chips.
"Come on, it will be fun!!" Louis insisted.
"Yeah!! It will" Niall said again, he wasn't even touching his food that was weird.
"Okay" Harry finally gave in.
"Yeah" Louis and Niall high five each other.
"Is Niall okay?" I asked Louis.
"Guess what?!" Louis raised his eyebrow. "Niall is going out with Macy, the hot dancer that's why he is so happy."
"I am in love mate" Niall chorused.
We all laughed because he looked like an adorable fool, I actually liked seeing him like that because Niall was so sweet and he deserve to be with someone who made him happy. I have know him since Louis brought him to the house, he was nine years old. He was always so nice to me. As I ate, I waited for Louis to tell us about him and Rose but he just kept eating his food. I couldn't stayed quiet so I had to bring up a conversation with him.
"So?" I said awkwardly. "Are you bringing anyone to the game Louis?"
"No" he kept eating like he had nothing interesting to share.
"Not even like a date so we can get to know her?"
Zayn looked at me, he knew where my question was heading toward. He kicked me under the table to let it go. He though I should wait for Louis to open up and tell me but I couldn't ignore it. I wanted to know, if that bitch put him under a spell or something?! But at the same time I though I was being mean to her.
"Nope" he kept eating.
"Don't lie, we saw you making out with Rose last time in the mall" I finally blurt it out. Niall dropped his jaw wide open that Zayn closed it back for him.
"No, what? You must of confused me" he stopped eating, he looked nervous.
"Nope we saw you mate" Zayn grinned." And I bet it was you because the guy had the same haircut like yours and the same red Toms."
"You see, no need to lie" I added.
"Fine" Louis sighted. "I was going to tell you guys"
"When?" Niall chuckled. "When were you going to tell us your dirty little secret."
"Shut up" Louis punched him. We all began to laugh.
"So when did this happen?"
"Well since you brought her to the house, after that I gave her my cellphone number and we went in a couple of dates."
"Damn, my boy is growing up" Niall pretend to cry.
"No, I am still your boy" Louis hugged him, they were so adorable.

That night, we got ready for the game, I was happy that I was going to see Liam play. For the first time I let my light brown hair down and I wore a nice shirt with my jeans. I walked downstairs, Zayn was looking for food in my refrigerator, I heard the doorbell ring and opened it, it was Rose.
"Hey" she entered.
"Hey" I smiled. I was trying my best not to be mean to her just because of Louis.
Louis came running downstairs and gave her a kiss. Zayn came out eating a banana, we were just waiting on Harry. I was feeling really impatient, I wanted to see Liam and wish him good luck. The bell finally rang, it was Harry, we finally left home and made our way to the school. Niall was meeting us over there with his new girlfriend, Macy. When we finally arrived, I texted Liam.

To: Liam
Wait me outside the locker room :) ~ Zizi

To: Zizi
Okay babe <3 ~ Liam

When we got there, I separated from the others and decided to go meet Liam. I saw him standing outside the lockers. I walked faster and hugged him. I gave him a long and passionate kiss.
"Wow" he breathed.
"That's for good luck" I smiled.
"I am glad you are here" he pressed his lips against mine once again.
"Payne!!" Someone yelled.
"I have to go babe, see you later"
"Good luck!!" I yelled as he ran back inside.
I went back outside to find the others, they were sitting all the way on top. I sat next to Zayn. We all cheered for Liam, he was the quarterback of course. He has been playing football with some outside teams, this was actually his first time playing in a school team. I was so proud of him.
He sprinted fast as the ball was being passed, he opened his hands to catch it but he missed. I knew he was nervous because he kept scratching the back of his neck. Liam you got this, don't worry next time. We needed a few points to catch but there was no worry we still had half time to go. Again the ball went flying up in the air, I crossed my fingers, Liam opened his hands. I squealed inside, he catch the ball and started sprinting. The crowd went wild as he scored. We all cheered for him that a guy from the opposite team tackled him down. He was upset that Liam had scored. The whole crowd stood up and complained. I saw as Liam stood back up and the guy kept pushing him back. Liam pushed him back. The two teams ran to split them. Liam looked angry but he just walked it out. I was so happy that he cooled down that was my Liam.
When it was half time, the cheerleaders did their thing. There she was the girl who always flirted with my boyfriend.
"We are going to go get some food, do you guys want anything?" Louis and Niall stood up with their couples.
"Yeah some chips" Zayn said.
"Something to drink" I said.
"The same as Zizi" Harry said.
I saw Liam heading toward the water. He was so sweaty and tired. I saw the hoe cheerleader walking toward him, she handed him some water and cleaned his sweat with a towel. My blood boil as she ran her hand up and down on his arm. I tried to control my temper.
"Don't worry" Zayn held my hand. "Liam is loyal, he knows he has a girlfriend."
"Your right" I breathed it out.

When the game was over I decided to go congrats Liam for the victory. I saw him coming out the lockers and I ran toward him.
"Congrats babe!" I jumped on top of him.
I kissed him roughly, he didn't have time to react so he just kissed me slowly.
"Thanks" he smiled as I pulled away.
"Congrats lad!!" Louis and the others cheered, they all hugged him.
We all decided to walk home together, I held Liam's hand as he talked to the boys about the game. Harry congratulated him but he wasn't really into it so he just walked next to me, not saying anything.

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