{Tear Stains} BTS x Male read...

By _awkward_bangtan_

168K 4.1K 2.8K

Depression isn't something I can just get over. I swear I tried but they won't go away. Those voices. They ke... More

Bridges of Life
Dreams in the Night
Welcome back to Hell. Enjoy your stay.
In Which I Need A Nap
Luxo Jr. Doesn't Have To Identify As Male
The Voice Explained
Irrelevant, Non-important Author Here
Another Pointless Author Note Because Wattpad Hates Me
Lol. I dislocated my thumb.
Cuddles, Snuggles, and Soup
Turtle Food?
I'm Ok.
Why are tags a thing?
A Wii Full Of Memories
How's Your Day/Night?
Rip. Green Tea, You Will Be Missed
Day 1 - Attack Of The Jin
Day 2 - Sleepy Super Straight Suga
Be My Friend
Day 3 - A Day Full Of Hope
Day 4 - Taehyung's Tears
A Quick Intermission
The ADHD Brain At Its Best
I lost the green notebook damn it
All 'Bout Moi
Day 5 - Namjoon Went To Ikea
I'm going to sit down and finally do shit
Day 6 - Jimin's Quest
Hey Peoples
Merry Christmas Mom
Oh.... maghad

Annoying Ass Coworker

6.8K 161 313
By _awkward_bangtan_

This is English unless I say other wise. Charlee is based off of a friend of mine so if she's reading this then you owe me chocolate because we bet that you wouldn't read it.

-No One's Pov-

Y/n flung open the door of the convenience store breathing heavily. He was all sweaty and out of breath. A girl was standing at the cash register looking bored.

"Finally." She said in English. She spoke a bit of Korean but her translations were worse than Google Translate. 

Meet Charlee. A tall girl who specialized in over sized hoodies and forgetting where she put her glasses.

"Y/n, you need to stop being late. An old woman came in asking for, well, not cat food apparently." She said climbing over the counter.

"There is a door you know." He muttered mutinously. She rolled her eyes and pushed her blonde-brown side bangs out of her face.

"I do know there is a door. But now you have to Clorox the counter again." She said brushing off her pants. Although the dress code said that the females should wear a dress or a skirt she refused to wear anything of the sort. "I've worn a skort once." Charlee had once told him.

Despite their actions and words, Y/n was one of the few friends Charlee has and Charlee is Y/n's only friend. Well maybe that group of boys count as friends now too. On their first interaction Charlee was able to land Y/n a decent well paying night shift. And that was the beginning of their unlikely friendship.

"But have you seen my glasses though?" She asked poking his arm. Y/n exhaled out his nose in a sort of an amused huff.

"They're on your face pabo." He replied poking her back. She reached up and touched her face feeling the large frames allowing her to see.

"Oh. Oops." She then started pushing him towards the staff room. "Now go get changed! If someone comes in and you're not here you owe me 5 dollars!"

"Its won here." Y/n reminded her.

"Fine, 5 won." Y/n smirked evilly. Charlee looked up thinking, "Wait! No! 5,000 won." {5,000 won is roughly $5.}

"Ok, ok, ok." Y/n said walking into to change. He sighed relieved that she hadn't hit him. He walked out in his uniform tying the apron sloppily. 

"Can I change the music?" Charlee asked but proceeded to yank the AUX cord out of the computer and plug it into her phone before waiting for an answer. He glared at her and the wiped down the counter with a Clorox wipe. A familiar song filled the room.

"THEY CALL ME! BAPSAE!!!!"   Charlee, not sang but more of howled and danced while  restocking candy bars. 

"I don't even know why you like this music. You can't even speak Korean correctly let alone sing it." Y/n grouched.

"I don't even know why you insist that we listen to piano when you can barely play it." She shot back. Y/n shrugged, 

"Because its calm, relaxing, and I don't have to listen to a strangled coyote try to sing in cat."

Charlee only smiled, "Ooh, boy's got some savage!"

The rest of their shift continued like that, the two teens arguing over the AUX cord, who could stack the ramen the fastest, why kpop was so popular, and of course Kags and Errol the store cats. Then it was time to change the light.

The two of them looked at the broken light that they had been putting off for forever in dismay. 

"Rock, paper, scissors. Who ever loses has to hold the other." Y/n stated. 









"You're so heavy." Y/n groaned under the weight of his best friend on top of his shoulders.

"Maybe you're just not muscular enough." Charlee said teetering backwards, "WHOA WHOA WHOA!" She yelled as she started to fall off. Y/n's hand reached up to stabilize her. 

"Hurry up, I don't know how long I can I hold you up for." 

"Ok, two steps forward." She said holding the new light bulb out trying to reach the light socket. "Onward my faithful lazy steed!" Y/n rolled his eyes and took two steps forward.

"One small step forward." Charlee said in a strained voice. Y/n shuffled forward. "Ok... STOP! Gotcha. She quickly put in the new light bulb replacing the old one. "Done!"

Y/n stepped backwards to let her off and instead of stepping on the floor he stumbled across the one of the store cats. Kags. 

"WHAAAA!!!" The two of them of started to fall when a third pair of hands reached up to support them.  Charlee was let down slowly from Y/n shoulders. Y/n immediately stooped down, not to make sure that Charlee was ok but to check on Kags. 

"Are you ok Kags? I'm sorry for stepping on you." He mumbled into the black cat's silky fur. 

"Of course he checks the cat first." Charlee says. Y/n turns around surprised to see not only Charlee but a familiar figure. She snatched Kags out of Y/n's arms. "But I don't blame him." She cooed rubbing her cheek against his. 

"Y/n?" The person asked.

^ Kags and Errol aka the cats I'm trying to adopt (Really really really hope I get them)^

If you see ANY mistakes tell me. I don't even care if its grammar or anything. And if you regonize the anime at the top you are amazing,

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