You Trap Me

By aireyshiraey

28.5K 1.1K 220

The story of friendship between Wayo and Mingkwan and love story between Mmingkwan and Kitkat.. It told us ho... More

Chapter 1 : Weirdo is My Friend
Chapter 2 : Dark Memories
Chapter 3 : Promises @ My Hometown
Chapter 4: End Up Party
Chapter 5 : Upside Down
Chapter 6 : Stranger A.K.A Mingkwan
Chapter 7 : Tsundere Kit
Chapter 8 : Ming's tears
Chapter 9 : Who Are You?
Chapter 10 : A Rich Kiddo?
Not an update : SCC 15 SUPERLIFE
Chapter 11 : Jealousy?
Chapter 13 : This Is A Warning!
Chapter 14 : Thank You Psychology Book!
Chapter 15 : Can I Sleep with You P?
Chapter 16 : Mingkwan Healing Time
Chapter 17 : A Song 4 U
Chapter 18 : Dark Confession
Chapter 19 : Reap What You Sow
Chapter 20 : It's not like.. It's LOVE
Chapter 21 : You Trap Me
Chapter 22 : It's not an invitation.. It's A COMMAND
Chapter 23 : You Are The PRESENT
Chapter 24 : Ming's Promises
Chapter 25 : Me & Brother In Law
Chapter 26 : Families From HELL
Chapter 27 : Obstacles
Chapter 28 : A Longing Happiness
Chapter 29 : You are OFFICIALLY MINE!!!
Chapter 30 : Superheroes
MingYo Special

Chapter 12 : Is it a Date? Yes x No?

743 31 2
By aireyshiraey

After Kit done dressed up, he went downstairs and finding Ming is staring blankly at the wall. "Oii Ming.. let's go.." said Kit waking Ming up from his slump "Ohh P'Kitkat.. you're done? Let's go.." said Ming and hold Kit's hand. Kit slapped Ming's hand make that young boy let go of his hand "You don't need to hold my hand.. I can just follow you.. and who told you.. you can call me P?" said Kit and leave out pouted Mingkwan at the back. They went for a dinner together not far away from the campus and once they arrived at the location, lots of girl swarming around Ming asking an autograph and a picture together "Hey you are the model right? You are much handsome on reality.." said one of them. Mingkwan is uncomfortable with it because he didn't come alone but with his crush this time "Yes I am.. but I'm sorry.. would you give us some space.. thank you.." said Mingkwan politely while holding Kit's hand. Kit didn't let go of Ming's hand since he kind of lost with this situation "Did you always be like this or what? A model? You?" asked Kit once they are seated. Ming scratch his unitchy head "Well... sometimes.. I am a freelancer model P.. I just did it to kill my time.. sorry P.. I didn't expect it would happen here.." said Ming softly. Kit furrowed his eyebrows and shrug his shoulder "Yeah.. whatever.." said Kit at the outside but inside 'Woahh.. a model huh? No wonder.. He do looks good in everything he wear..' thought Kit.

After Ming pay for their food, he drive to the park "What are we doing here? Let's go back to our dorm.." said Kit. Ming smile "Naa P... let's just have a walk here for awhile.. there's no one here.." said Ming and put his hand around Kit's shoulder makes Kit startled. Kit want to protest when he took a glance, he saw a glimpse of tears in Ming's eyes "Mingkwan.." called Kit softly. "Hmm? Yes P.. Why? " said Ming in smile but no matter how hard Ming try to cover up front of Kit, Kit knows Ming faked it. Worried face is on Kit's face "Are you okay Ming?" asked Kit trying to read Ming's expression meanwhile Ming laughed hard "Haha.. P.. You are funny tonight.. of course I am okay.. P'Kitkat.. you want to have some dessert??" asked Ming backing up Kit face and wiped his tears. Kit furrowed his eyebrows "It's already late Ming.. You don't have classes tomorrow??" asked Kit and Ming smile in worried "Aww.. What happen to my P.. P.. tomorrow is Saturday.. all of us don't have classes.." said Ming. Kit just scratched his neck and nodded to cover his embarrassment. "Where you want to bring me this time?" asked Kit in the car "Read.." answer Ming but Kit think it just a prank "Don't play with me Mingkwan.. where you want to take me??" asked Kit again. "I didn't play with you P.. you can asked that Google Uncle.. if you want to.. Read Café.." answered Ming. Kit furrowed his eyebrows "Nevermind.. I'll just sleep.." said Kit and turned his gaze outside of the window and Ming just nodded.

"P'Kit khrub.. wake up.. Kit Kat.." Kit heard a voice calling his name so near to him "5 minutes more please.." said Kit meanwhile the person who watched his Kit smiling 'You are so cute P.. I can't get enough of you..' thinked Ming. Later kit felt so fresh and he found Ming is nowhere so he switched off and get out from the car and found Mingkwan is sitting alone at the bench 'Damn.. he is handsome..' thought Kit and walked inside the restaurant then take a place beside Ming. Kit keep staring at Ming but Ming didn't realise it until the waiter come to serve their food "Aww P'Kit.. when did you came here? Have you get a good sleep?" asked Ming softly that makes Kit's heart fluttered and felt butterflies in his stomach. Kit nodded "Why you didn't wake me up? You should've wake me up.. sorry.." said Kit with a low voice makes Ming think in a smile 'He looks so soft right now.. I never know I would see this side of him this fast..'. Ming shakes his head and scoffed "I've tried P.. but you didn't wake up.. so I just let you sleep instead.." said Ming and and sip his Caramel Macchiato Coffee. Kit nodded "Wow.. but how did you find this place? It's kind of cool place.. you can relax and read the books here.." asked Kit "Owwhh.. P'kim always bring us here before we got into the university.. he said it is the purpose to study about Thai citizen since we are new that time.." answered Ming. Kit stand up from his seat and walk to the book shelf and he found an interesting book 'The Happiness Trap' , so he took it and bring it to their seat. 

Ming asked "you like to read this kind of book P?" and Kit nodded "Yeahh.. it's kind of fun to read people behaviour.. it's just amazing how people can have mental disorder.." said Kit in excitement. "Well.. this books does help Wayo when I'm struggle.." said Ming in smile while reminisce the bad memories he had and the fact that Wayo learned everything from that book just to make Ming smile again. Kit wave his hand front of Ming "Huh? Yes P?" asked Ming in daze. Kit furrowed his eyebrows "What are you smiling about?" asked Kit. "Ooh.. it just remind me to be thankful to Yo.. you know right P.. I have a PTSD after that incident.. Wayo bought this similar books and read everything in that books.. he said it is to prevent me from depression.. guess what? He succeed.. I'm okay than before.." explained Ming. "Why did he even do that? You guys just a friend tho??" asked Kit in jealousy "because I'm his black knight.. he said that he would do anything to keep his black knight near him.. just the way I need him as my guardian.." answered Ming. "Ming let me ask you one thing.. are you sure you like me? Not Yo?" asked Kit in stern voice and Ming smirked "Are you jealous P'Kit?" asked Ming. Kit felt his face is burning "What the hell? That because I'm afraid you will disturb Pha and Yo.. and who allowed you to call me P? Let's go now!! It's late already.." said Kit and left Mingkwan behind.

In the car, "eurmm Ming.. What did you do this Sunday?" asked Kit "this Sunday? P'Forth said he want to drag me to Leadership Seminar.. why P?" asked Ming. "Nothing... I just want to ask if you want to come with me to the bookstore.. I want to buy that book.. would like to go?" asked Kit sheepishly. "Is it a date P? You asked me for a date right P?" asked Mig but Kit shrugged his shoulder and keep his poker face "Yes or No?" asked Kit. Ming laughed out loud "Hahah P'Kit.. you are so cute.. sure P.. if that for my beloved person.. I'm glad to come along.. we'll go after I finished the seminar.. around 6pm.. is that okay with you P?" asked Ming and Kit nodded "Okay.. I will wait at my faculty canteen.." said Kit. They arrived at front of Kit's dorm but then when Kit want to open the door "Wait P.. let me ask you again.. Is it a date? Yes or No?" asked Ming and and Kit answer loudly "No! It just going out to find a book.." and he closed the door before run inside with a ripped tomato face. 

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