
By MinnieMayMonte

581 57 2

Things never go as planned. One night and her heart was his forever. Secrets and lies tear them apart, but tr... More



8 1 0
By MinnieMayMonte

"I would always rather be happy than dignified."

-Charlotte Brontë

Six months until the wedding:

I picked up the pan and sauteed the green beans.

"It smells great in here," Josh walked in and immediately dipped his finger into the bowl.

"Hey! Wait for the brownies to be baked."

"I'm way too impatient. It smells really good," I rolled my eyes and poured the batter into the pan.

"Brownies will be ready soon. What time will your parents be here?"

"They should be here in ten minutes."

"I'm excited to meet your brothers."

"They're great. Cody is bringing his fiancé, Jake and Miles is bringing his girlfriend, Victoria."

"I hope I made enough food," worry creased my brows and Josh rubbed my back slowly.

"Don't worry about the food, love. Everything is perfect," I smiled and kissed him quickly. A knock on the door made my hands sweat and Josh gave me a comforting smile, before opening the door.

"Hi!" I heard Juila's voice first and I smiled.

"Hi mom," Josh hugged her and then hugged his dad.

"Do you have the game recorded?" Josh nodded quickly and handed his dad the remote.

"Please don't sit on the couch and watch the game the whole time. We are here to visit Josh and Addy and talk about the wedding plans."

"I won't Juls. I just want to see the score."

"Hey everyone! Sorry, we're late," Cody announced and I walked over quickly.

"CJ. This is my fiance, Addy."

"It's so nice to meet you," I said happily.

"Same. JD talks about you nonstop when he is home visiting."


"Mom and Dad wanted all of us to have initial nicknames. Cody is CJ, I'm JD, and Miles is MK."

"That's cute. I know your middle name is David. What is yours, Cody?"

"Joseph. Miles is Kevin."

"It's a good idea for your future children, Addy. Makes each kid feel special and you can tell them apart when they're little," I giggled and smiled at Josh.

"We've decided to wait a few years after the wedding to start a family."

"I'm not getting any younger."

"This is my fiance, Jake."

"It's nice to meet you."

"You too."

"Thanks for changing the subject," Josh whispered to Cody.

"Anytime. I know how she is about her future grandchildren."

"Where's Miles?" I asked.

"They're stuck in traffic. He said to start without them and They'll join us when they get here." Josh read from his phone and I nodded quickly.

"Dinner is ready," I started bringing out everything and Josh followed. He pulled out my chair and kissed my cheek quickly.

"How is Max doing?" Julia asked and I smiled.

"She is doing great. Her baby is due in November, so once Josh and I get back from our honeymoon, I'll be working overtime until she delivers."

"I have faith that this one will make it," Josh said while squeezing my hand.

"Me too. She is being monitored 24/7 and will be assisted in this birth."

"I would love to meet her. You always talk about her and all the animals."

"I'll get tickets. I would love to give you a tour of the zoo," Julia smiled and Oliver looked over at the TV. Josh and his Dad shouted and Julia shook her head quickly. Cody moved next to Oliver and Josh followed them to the couch.

"I have no idea what's going on," Jake stated and I looked at the score.

"They're losing," the front door opened and Miles entered followed by Victoria.

"I'm so sorry we're late. Traffic sucked getting here," Josh stood up and hugged him quickly.

"This is my fiance, Addy."

"It's so nice to finally meet you. I'm Miles and this is my girlfriend, Tori."

"It's nice to meet you," I hugged them both.

"You have the game on, Great!" Miles filled his plate and sat down next to Cody. Tori grabbed a plate and sat across from me.

"Miles was telling me that you work at the L.A. Zoo."

"Yes. I am a vet technician and a keeper. What do you do?"

"I'm a divorce lawyer."

"That's a rough business."

"Tell me about it, but I like my firm and the people I work with."

"That's great."

"Addy. Can I see all the wedding stuff?"

"Yes! Let me go and get my binders," I walked down the hall and returned quickly with all of my wedding stuff. We all gathered in the living room and I sat down on the floor in front of Josh.

"I already love the colors!' Julia said with excitement.

"Jake, what are your colors?"

"Blush pink and royal blue."

"Do you think I should keep the blush pink in mine? I've been thinking about removing it and just staying with the teal and gray."

"I would. I think the teal and gray are perfect together. The pink is a wild card."

"I told you so," I heard Josh say and I shoved him playfully.

"I needed to hear it from someone else, okay."

"Cody, will you have time to make our cake?"

"I should, but after our wedding next month."

"Of course," Josh agreed and Julia pulled out the wedding dress magazine.

"The ones you have marked are really beautiful, Addy."

"Thanks. The shop is only thirty minutes from here if you want to join."

"I would love that. Who else will be there?"

"My bridal party, my Aunt Emily, and my brother Randy."

"I know this is going to be hard. If I can do anything to be supportive, I'm there," I welled up with tears and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you so much," I whispered and Julia gave me a tight squeeze.

"I already consider you my daughter."

"You and Tori are invited as well."

"Thanks," Jake said and Tori clapped her hands with excitement.

"Can I see your ideas for the cake?" I passed Cody the binder and he started looking at everything.

"Is it too crazy?"

"Not at all. What flavors?"

"Dutch chocolate and raspberries and cream."

"Great. I'll have some recipes made and once we get back from our honeymoon, I'll do a tasting."

"Awesome. Speaking of dessert, brownies, anyone?"

"Definitely," Josh answered first and I laughed at him. I served everyone a piece with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

"This is good," Julia stated and everyone agreed. I smiled and said thank you.

"Give me your number. I'll send you the designs for the cake and also some of my favorite baked goods recipes from the bakery."

"That would be awesome. I want to know how you get your raspberry filling so perfect," Cody laughed and gave me his phone.

"It's all about practice," I typed in my number and handed it back to him.

"We should get going. Our drive will be considerably longer if we wait any longer," Jake stated and we all stood up.

"Us too. Thank you for having us over. We will see you at the wedding," Miles hugged me and I turned to Tori and she smiled.

"Send me the cake designs when you get them."

"Definitely!" I hugged her and said goodbye.

"Thank you for making the cake," Josh hugged Cody and I hugged Jake.

"Let me know if we need to come out earlier to help set up."

"I will. Can you get Thursday off?"

"Yes. I know Josh is working, but he will be there on Friday."

"Perfect," I hugged Cody.

"Thank you for making the cake."

"I'm honored that you asked me. See you both at the wedding," they said goodbye and Juila pulled on her coat. Oliver shook Josh's hand, before hugging him.

"Love you both. Let us know if you need anything," Julia pulled me into a hug and I smiled.

"Love you too. We will," she pulled away and hugged Josh.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind a tray of chocolate chip cookies," Julia laughed and I joined her quickly.

"I love you JD," Josh walked them out to their car and I watched them through the window. I smiled at how perfect the scene was, but then I frowned. My mind wondered how it would've been if my parents were still alive. Would they've gotten along with Josh's parents? Would they have liked Josh? The door closing pulled me out of my daze and I looked up at Josh.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Well, no. I'm thinking about my parents. They're missing so much. I want them to be part of my life."

"I know babe. I can't imagine how all this must feel."

"I think they would've been happy for us. My dad would've loved you."


"Yes. He loved football. Well, all sports."

"That's cool. Makes sense now."

"What does?"

"You know a lot about football. It's from him, right?"

"Yeah, it is. We used to watch the game every Sunday," more tears slid down my cheeks and Josh pulled me into a hug.

"I'm here."

"I miss them," I sobbed and Josh rubbed my back slowly.

"I know."

"Your family has filled part of this large hole in my heart."

"I'm glad. They love you so much, Addy. I know it's not the same, but they are going to embrace you as their daughter and sister."

"How did I get so lucky?"

"I'm always asking myself that question," I laughed into his chest and hugged him tighter.

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