Forever Yours

By TheDarkWinterRose

77.3K 780 411

Yona has been made queen after getting the kingdom back from Sa-woon who had disappeared soon after. When Yon... More

Chapter 1: Discussing of Nobles
Chapter 2: leaving Hiryuu Castle
Chapter 3: Hak's Dream?
Chapter 4: Meeting Lord Zang Yong
Chapter 5: Banquet Part 1
Ch 5.5 (bonus chapter)
ch.6 Banquet Part 2
Ch.7 Banquet Part 3
Ch.8 Banquet Part 4
‼️💕13K reads💕‼️
Ch.10 Let the game Begin
Ch.11 His Warmth (18+)
Ch.12 "Who are you?"
Ch.13 Begone
A/N UPDATED 6/25/18
Ch.14 Dugeons
Ch.15 Wedding
Ch.16 Truth
A/N: Q&A + Thxs (20K reads)
Ch.17 Forver Yours

Ch.9 Fox

1.5K 23 7
By TheDarkWinterRose

Two grown men are standing in a mini arena, one dressed in blue, his eyes matches the sky, his hair is dark as night. The other has emerald colored eyes and hair, his clothes in navy blue and bright yellow, his hair flowing in the wind,

They look at each other with a grin, showing how much they couldn't contain their excitement of fighting each other, their bodies now getting into fighting positions.

"Oooooo~" Zeno says in an exited tone, as the fighting began

"I'm worried that they might go over board" Yoon says touching his forehead with his right hand and his left on his hip

"Hehe, Don't worry so much Yoon...if you keep doing that it would cause wrinkling on that handsome face of yours."Yona says to him while giggling at Yoon's worried expression "Yah! Don't jinx me Yona" Yoon says while flicking her forehead, not noticing the stares from the people near them

"Your majesty, people are there something wrong with us" Kija asks Yona scooting close to her whispering into her ear

"Hmmm?" Yona turns her head toward the crowd but everyone moved their head back to the arena where the fight was taking place, so Yona didn't really notice anyone staring at them

"Are you sure that they were staring at us?" Yona asks turning her head back to Kija's direction. Shin-ah tugs on Yona sleeve to gain her attention which worked "Yona, the white dragon was telling the truth, they were indeed staring" He tells her in a low voice only for them to hear, since Shin-ah is always the quite type

Yona puts her hand on top of his which was still holding onto her sleeve and smiles at him "Don't worry Shin-ah, I believe the both of you ok?" Shin-ah nods as a response to her question, after seeing him nod.

She turns her head towards the arena and simply says "And ignore them, they're simply just curious about our relationship, if they come close to you....Just simply try avoiding them." She then looks back them once more "They may use you to get to me but remember to also be polite and courteous towards them, they are still from noble families which demand some type respect." She pauses for a moment to see if they're still following along.

Yoon then speaks up " She's right, even though they may bow down and call her their "queen", they still could still be planning something behind our backs, just be more aware of yourself around them and your surroundings" Yoon says to the three dragon warriors who all nod their heads fully understanding what they're both saying

"Your majesty" A random noble women comes up to them "Would you mind if I join you and your-" She pauses and looks at the men and then looks back at her"Friends?" she finishes her sentence with a smile but it didn't reach her eyes. *her smile makes her look like a clown* Yoon thought scoffing at the women.

"What about your husband?" Kija asks her

"Husband?" The women says with a surprised look and Kija clarifies what he meant by husband 

"Yes your husband, the man that you came with and sat with and even chatted with until coming over here to talk to her majesty" He states with a plain face, which is clearly hiding the fact that he already doesn't like the women for her heavy makeup

"Oh! Him  She says her mouth forming an "O" while one of her hands is covering her mouth. Then she giggled "I didn't know coming with my older brother, would be considered coming with my husband?" Hearing her laugh, Kija and Yoon couldn't help but cringe

"So he's your older brother? I find it odd that you two showed so much skin ship in public for a pair of siblings" Yoon states clearly showing his dislike for the women based on his tone of voice

"Yoon" Yona says with a stern voice, even though she wanted to laugh, she was still the queen and in they were also in public, so she had to show some decency towards the women.

"Anyway, Your didn't get to answer my question"

"I don't see the harm of her joining us right young miss?" Zeno asks Yona as he wraps his arms around her, basically hugging her causing the women to raise an eyebrow at the pair

"They aren't together if thats what you are wondering" Yoon simply states while sitting down next to Kija which was the right side of Yona. Zeno and Shin-ah were on her left side, leaving no room for anybody to sit by her.

"O-oh I see" The women simply said while feeling a little embarrassed for making such an assumption, but then suddenly smirked thinking about a past remark that was said towards her. So she turned her gaze towards Yona and Zeno, she raises her index finger to her lips, still maintaining her smirk before she begins to speak

"Your majesty, I thought it was indecent to maintain too much skin-ship with the opposite gender?"

"W-what?" Yona asks, surprised with the sudden question she had just asked. Yoon is also surprised and was about to say something to refute back at her

"Your majesty, this isn't good!" She says a while moving her hand to her cheek cupping it while her expression becomes a worried one. Her voice becoming a little louder, making more people around them to turn their gaze towards them. Curious about what was happening since it involved their queen.

"Your majesty, if this man isn't your husband, let alone your lover what would the people begin to think?" Her voice becomes louder 

"Its bad enough, that you have all these men surround you daily but please think about your reputation your majesty" She says with a smile on her face but her tone of voice sounds as if she truly cared for Yona but her eyes says other wise.

"And who are you to criticize her majesty in such a way?" Kija stated out of no where "I would have thought a noble such as yourself would have been raised in the proper manner when addressing someone from the royal family" he continued saying in a calm tone, trying to be polite but in truth, he wanted the woman to just leave already

"W-what?" The woman was dumbfounded by the white haired man who was speaking to her

"Didn't you hear me? I asked if your parents ever raised you properly in when addressing others especially when it comes to royals" Kija stated once more, the woman was just standing there not knowing what to say

"A-and may I ask who you are?"

"Who I am, matters not to someone of your status" He replied

*Of course, he's right...he's just a simple servant for her majesty...he really isn't anyone worth remembering* She thought to herself, making her expression show of confidence 

"Hmpf, of course I mean why should someone of my social structure remember a peasant like you" The woman said to Kija, her tone obviously showing that she believed that she was a higher being all together

"WHAT!" Kija shouted while zipping his head at her in disbelief, but she simply ignored him afterwards causing Kija to become angry, so Shin-ah had to hold him back and Zeno patting his head trying to calm down a bit saying "there there"

"Anyway, your majesty it would be best to find someone worth of your-" She paused and looked at Yona up and down "Stature" 

"Oh and how would you know if anyone is worthy of her majesty?" Yoon chimed in, raising one his eyebrows

"Of course,I would know because her majesty would naturally rely to us, the noble class to help determine a cable suitor" She replied with a smug look

"Are you suggesting that you and the rest of the noble class knows what her majesty interest are? Do you come also suggest that you know better than her majesty what is needed for a reliable suitor when ruling the kingdom?" 

"I-I--" She couldn't properly answer the question cause Yoon interrupted her once more

"Since you aren't answering, I suppose that you indeed think yourself as a higher standing than the queen herself, which who is standing before you"

"That obliviously what she's thinking for her to insult her majesty in such a way when it comes dealing with the state of the kingdom" Kija stated now fully calm 

", let the young lady answer before you all jump to conclusions" Zeno said in a cheery tone, earning a head nod from Shin-ah agreeing with him 

"T-thank you kind sir" They lady said towards Zeno with a smile

*Well, at least this one seems sane enough, maybe he can help me earn a stable relationship with her majesty* She thought to herself 

"May I ask your name kind sir?" She asked with a kind smile 


"Well, sir Zeno...don't you also believe that her majesty should rely on us nobles when choosing a proper husband that could rule the kingdom with her?" She asks Zeno with the sweetest smile 

"UH~ Well I'm all right on whatever the young miss decides, as long as she's happy...I don't possibly care about what the others think" He replied, not looking at her dumbfounded expression

"B-but what the state of the kingdom?" 

"What should that do with me?" Kija couldn't help but chuckle a little bit when hearing his fellow brothers answer while acting naive


"What is the real reason that you're here?"  Yoon asks her, his patience running low with the woman

"What do you mean?" She looks at him with her eyebrows furrowed 

"This banquet was created to let her majesty release from her worries for the night and yet here you are disturbing the peace" Yoon snapped at the woman 

"That was never my intention!" The woman quickly replied now getting mad at the young man for not showing her any respect since she was a noblewoman and he a mere servant 

"Then what is your intention?" Yona asks her, finally speaking after to hearing their conversation

"Your majesty, I simply wanted to have simple chat with you....I'm worried that you're dealing with state affairs is too much for some one at your age" She replies with a kind tone and smile 

"Are you looking down on her majesty because she's someone of young age? Is that also why you also stated earlier that you know better when choosing a suitor to be her husband?" asked Kija

"Why of course, I mean such a matter should be dealt with adults and she shouldn't think of such things, especially when dealing with state affairs.....Its also bad enough that she's continuously surround by men" She said with a a loud voice and a smirk appearing once more; gaining everyones attention. This also includes Hak and Jea-ah's attention from fighting. They walk towards them curious about what was happening "What would the people think of her majesty, fooling around with so many men by her side?" She stated once more with her loud voice 

"What are you exactly stating" Shin-ah asks but the woman simply ignores him as well believing that he was also a mere lowly servant as well besides kija

"What does that woman thinks she's doing?" A whisper from one of the other guest catching the woman attention

*What am I doing something wrong? These are just mere servants are they are not, why should I respectful towards them just cause they're with her majesty?* She couldn't help but let out a light laugh at the thought 

"Wouldn't you majesty agree with me on such things? After since I'm older, I would have the most experience when dealing with such affairs" She stated boldly 

"Did she just say that she's better than Yona?" Jea-ha asks with a light chuckle while walking past the woman with Hak following quickly behind him

"Apparently so~" Hak stated turning his body, so he can take a proper look at the woman "So whats going on here?" 

The woman stared at the two new men appearing before her *Oh my, they are quite handsome, I hope that they aren't mere servants like the other three, though the white haired man is handsome.....he sin't worth of some one of my social rank* She thought to herself while staring at them

Yona noticed her staring at them and couldn't help but think to herself *Great, another woman falling for their charms, what shall I do with them?*

Yona snapped out of her thoughts "Hak, shouldn't you and Jea-ha be fighting?"

Hak turns his head towards Yona and Scratches his neck "Well we were then we heard some commotion going on over here, we remembered that you were here where the commotion was happening so we wanted to come and check up on you" 

*Hak? As in General Hak of the wind tribe? What a lucky day for me!* 

"E-excuse me General Hak?"  The woman says in a shy tone, causing Hak to turn his head once more to face the woman who addressed him 

"Yes, what is it?" Hak said in an unimpressed tone 

"I was wondering if you would like to spend the evening with me?" She looked at the ground, pretending to be embarrassed 

*What is with this woman, she's obviously faking, earlier she was all smug and now she's acting like she's never spoken to the opposite gender in all her life!* Yoon thought to himself, feeling disgusted with the woman in front of him 

"Yeah, no thanks I'm not interested in foxes" Hak said while picking his ear with his pinky, and a poker face causing the woman to look up from the ground and to him

"A-a what?" The woman looked perplexed why she was suddenly called a fox

"Hmm? Didn't you hear me? I called you a fox" Jea-ha and Kija, along with Yoon laughed at how he was handling the woman who was obviously trying to seduce him or more like throw herself at him

"F-fox? But why? I don't understand" She still maintained that innocent look

"Well Its simple really" Hak begins to say while taking small towards the woman till he was in front of her, picking up her chin in his right hand so he could get a better view of her face. When her gaze was look up at him, Hak moved closer to her face, slightly tilting it  so his lips were near her ear "I don't like women who act naive and innocent so they can get what they want, being sly like a fox trying to deceive its prey before dinner time"

The woman became frustrated at his statement, knowing that he saw through her act. Her face became red making it look like from the distance that Hak had said something indecent to her causing her to blush. 

Yona tugged on Jea-ha sleeve, since he was standing on her right. Jea-ha noticed and leaned down his side a bit so he can hear what Yona wants to say to him.

"Jea-ha what is Hak saying to her?" Jea-ha looked at the curious young girl and smiled "Well~ Maybe its something incident that Hak doesn't want others to hear" He answered in a teasing tone

"Indecent? Like what?"Yona asked tilting her head to her right a bit 

"We-" Before Jea-ha could answer, he got hit in the head by Hak who had just kicked him

"Your majesty, pay no mind to this pervert, he's simply saying nonsense" Hak said with a smile towards Yona even though he was still Jea-ha in the face 


"May I ask what is happening here?" Zong Yong appeared out of nowhere asking

"This woman is causing problems to her majesty is what is happening" Kija quickly said, he truly had enough of this woman and wanted her out of his sight as soon as possible

"This woman?" Zong Yong turned his gaze towards the lady Kija pointed out "Oh, this is where you went"

"You know this woman?" Yona asked

"Yes, your majesty" Zong Yong answered with a slight bow "She is my younger sister"

"I wasn't aware that you had any sibling" Yoon said eyeing them suspiciously 

"We aren't related by blood, sir Yoon"

*Sir Yoon? So he isn't a servant?* The woman thought to herself

"Big brother, who are these people?" She asked tugging on Zong Yong sleeve 

"Well of course this is her majesty, general Hak, her majesty advisor; sir Yoon and the four legendary dragon warriors " He answered point everyone of them out

"W-WHAT?!"  She yelled out when he pointed towards the four dragon warriors and immediately  bow down to her knees facing them

"I-i-i'm sorry for being offensive towards-"

"Enough, there isn't any need to apologize...its obvious that you hadn't enough proper education in having proper eduquate" Kija blurted out totally forgetting to be polite as Yona and Yoon had warned him and the others earlier. 

"Kija" Yona said with a calm voice but a little disappointment in her expression

"I'm sorry your majesty but you saw and hear how she disrespected you earlier!" Kija couldn't help but pout 

"Oh, she disrespected you earlier Yona dear~ I'm curious on what she said now" Jea-ha stated with an eyebrow raised, Hak was also curious about what she said to Yona that could be disrespectful

"Enough, I'm now tired of this conversation and wish to return to enjoying the banquet, leave this matter be until tomorrow" Upon hearing Yona's word, the matter was dropped and everyone returned to their sears, expect Hak and Jea-ha who went back to the arena. The lady left with Zong Yong so she couldn't cause anymore trouble. She agreed to stay so the matter could be dealt with again tomorrow which was asked by Zong Yong and Yona granted his request.

"I hoesntly don't like those two" Yoon blurted out while  watching the fight in the arena

"Yoon, even if we do suspect them, we must act know that" Yona stated while watching and eating her food at the same time

"I know but still-"



"As you wish Yona" 

"Thank you Yoon"


Hey everyone~

So you know whats funny, I was going to update at 2:21pm today but you know what happened, there was two of the same chapter(this one) and I deleted the one that I thought I didn't need but only to find out that I deleted the one where I actually finished! 

But luckily half of the chapter was automatically saved but I had to re-write the other half, completely forgetting what I wrote but luckily I had the same general idea of what I had originally wrote since I just finished writing so it wasn't so bad but still sucked a lot

Anyway I hope that all of you enjoyed this chapter and I'll start writing the next one after my hands stop but no like seriously it's starting to cramp a little 

Also sorry that there wasn't like an action scene like I said there would be, I honestly don't know how to write on but I'll try...TRY to write one next chapter!

Til next time my lovely readers~




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